
155 Reviews
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Is this a joke?
15 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is an awful movie. The acting and dialog is pitiful and it is probably among the worst movies you will ever see. The movie is low budget with a lot of fight scenes that are comical. I mean really, do the people who are attacking simply let you punch them and then crack a bottle over their head? In this movie they do. Sure, there are a few nice jiujitsu flips, and it is nicely choreographed, but there are more than needed. And of course the bricklayer's handy dandy trowel is always nearby to stab an assailant. While the location of Thessaloniki is a nice touch and the few scenes where they show the city are probably the highlights of this movie, it still cannot make up for being an awful flick.
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Slow, too drawn out, and a waste of time
11 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Zone of Interest is not a story but what one might call a reality movie. It is slow, drawn out beyond belief, and really a waste of time. It shows the disregard for human life not only from the man running the camp, Rudolf Hoss, but his wife, children and relatives. He is a man who is cold, calculating, and has no interest in anything other than doing what he believes is his task of extermination.

The sound effects of screaming and gun fire in the background show you how people ignore the pain of others while building their own little "Zone of Interest." There are some chilling moments where there is actually some dialog in the movie when they are discussing building the crematoriums. There is zero emotion and all they care about is accomplishing their horrific task quickly and efficiently.

The end of the movie is odd. It switches from 1944 to 2024 without a segue and shows the camp now as a tourist attraction. And to make it worse, there was no details at the end so you have no idea what actually happened to Rudolf Hoss. Let me save you the trouble, he was hiding, they found him, he was tried, convicted, and hanged.
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Damsel (2024)
Silly juvenile fantasy
10 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
If you were expecting a game of thrones type movie, this is not it. Sadly the movie is predictable and appears written for adolescent girls who are in 7th or 8th grade. Nothing the actors do could save this movie from being as bad as it is, I only hope they got paid before this movie was made so they fell a little better about how bad it is when they see it. You know that Elodie, played ny Millie Bobby Brown, will win out in the end and the dragon becomes her friend and of course helps to exact revenge. Some scenes are a little too bloody like when the dragon squishes people. Not really worth your time.
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3 Body Problem (2024– )
A juvenile approach to SciFi, a Dud!
31 March 2024
This is one series that is just not very good. All the scientists are self-centered drug addicts and drunks who always go around partying. If you believe any of this drivel, I have a bridge in Brooklyn you will be interested in buying. Really, this is such a silly slow show I am not sure why people like it, unless they are so starved for a quality show this is the best of the worst. I will let others decide. If you are a adolescent with a low IQ this may be believable to you. But if you have any brains at all you will soon realize this is all about suspense and nonsense where reality does not exist.
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The Gentlemen (2024)
Are you kidding?
31 March 2024
This series is a joke. Not sure why Netflix even paid to produce it. The dialog is juvenile with all the talk about cocks and the stupid way things are done and the story is just plain bizzare. This is what one would call escape from reality and really a bad escape. Typical in Guy Ritchie movies, it is over the top, ridiculous, and of course there are no consequences for any killing or other actions. I am not sure who makes worse movies Guy Ritchie or Quenton Tarantino, as they are both just awful productions. But hey, people like garbage these days under the guise of what so-called "art." I was expecting a Rembrandt but here it is a lousy bizarre Picasso.
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Irish Wish (2024)
Silly and Sappy
31 March 2024
This is such a silly romantic comedy. If you are 20 something and looking for a silly romantic nonsensical comedy, then this is it. You can see the plot from a mile away and will guess the ending 10 minutes into the movie. I am not sure what was worse, the acting or the story itself, but I will let others be the judge as they were both mediocre at best. The scenery of Ireland is beautiful and that is probably the highlight of the movie. Other than that, this is a movie that is something to have on in the background and occasionally look at the screen if you need company around the house when all is quiet.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Very Good, not great, but worth watching
3 March 2024
This movie is actually very good, but I would have to say not great. Although compared to the garbage coming out from Hollywood, it is the best I have seen in years and definitely the best of 2023. Oppenheimer is lionized in this biopic and Cillian Murphy did a great job acting the part. There are the obligatory and unnecessary sex scenes with Oppenheimer and Jean Tatlock played by Florence Pugh. Emily Bunt was excellent as Oppenheimer's understanding wife and probably the best actor in the movie aside Murphy. The movie did show what many knew, and that was that Oppenheimer was so full of himself, he never thought about the reality of spies. Even a genius like can lack common sense and this is why the Soviets gained from the research done on the A-Bomb and H-Bomb. Oppenheimer was too naive to realize those he through well of, Klaus Fuchs, were Soviet Spies. Overall, the movie is a bit on the longer side but worth watching.1.
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Napoleon (2023)
Not bad but awful dialog
3 March 2024
The story is not bad, and I could get past Joachim Phoenix as Napoleon, but whoever wrote the dialog can't be more than 15 years old. Really, it is a dialog that is so juvenile I could not believe it. Ridley Scott is a great director, one reason I hoped this film would be better than the ratings, but I was wrong. Napoleon is portrayed as a sex hound and tolerates his wife who likes to sleep around. There are many inaccuracies in this film, something that was unnecessary. First, Napoleon was 6 years younger than Josephine, not 1 year. The incident at Austerlitz was drama and there was not the massive drownings as depicted. Napoleon did not shoot a cannon at the pyramids. And I can go on. This basically a Hollywood version of reality and mediocre at best.
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Very well done, ignore the bad reviews
27 February 2024
Have to say if you like WW2 movies this may be your cup of tea. Yes, it is designed primarily for US audiences, but it is based on a book about a real group of pilots. Maybe people do not like real stories anymore or prefer junk like most of the garbage that comes out of Hollywood these days. Most people do not realize that the crew were usually teenagers and maybe up to 23 years old. This is why the characters act a bit juvenile, but this is more reality that fiction. For those looking for a decent series that will keep you interested, this is well done. For those looking for special effects and lousy dialog, look elsewhere like the dumb Fast and Furious movies as they may be more for lower IQ individuals.
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Constellation (2024)
Slow and boring
27 February 2024
This is among the slowest and dumbest of Sci Fi series. You can use the fast forward key and miss nothing it is that slow. No idea why anyone would like this series. There are so many extra minutes of Noomi moving or people doing nothing it is a waste of time. And the suspense is designed in a way that it is more annoying that useful. The overall story is ludicrous and is a rip off of Cloverfield. Apple may call this original, but it is not. After nearly 4 episodes I gave up. Even using FF it was so bad I could not stand it and I have to say the acting sucks too. May not be the actors' fault entirely as the dialog is just pure garbage. A waste of time.
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The Golden Hour (2022– )
Mediocre yarn for non-thinkers
21 February 2024
This is a show with more suspense than story. The acting is decent but do not think when you watch this. If so, you will not believe what is being proposed in this series. I mean, why would terrorists leave France to attach the Netherlands when they are already in France and it is a much bigger target? Answer, the show was made for Dutch TV so they had to make it more locally appealing. The heroes and villains are all from Afghanistan which makes for an interesting show, but the police are portrayed as incompetent ad indecisive idiots. And of course, you have a looney intelligence officer who can do whatever he wants and he never gets called on it. Odd. Like I said, do not think when you watch this. The end is a letdown, but does leaves the door open to a season 2, which I only hope is better than the mediocre season 1.
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The Forest (2017)
A good thriler
21 February 2024
This is one of the better series I have seen. It actually holds you interest and the acting is very good aside some overacting on the part of Suzanne Clement, it is very well done. This story has enough twists to keep you guessing and hold your interest all the way through. One of the few stories that does not make police look like total incompetents, with the exception of Virginie, the character played by Suzanne Clement. She has to be the worst police officer in history and is all emotions and no thinking. Have to say the best part is the ending is really great! Wow, imagine a good ending to a good story. I have not seen that in a long time.
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The Tourist (2022–2024)
Awful and silly
21 February 2024
This is a joke of a series. It is so stupid and far-fetched you have to really be desperate to enjoy this awful show. If there was ever a series that could be used in teaching how not to make a movie or series, this is it. Absolutely ridiculous. You can speed watch this using your fast forward key and miss almost nothing. Not sure who actually paid for this to be made but I am sure they did not get a return on that investment. The acting is OK, characters in this are like comic book characters, it is that juvenile. And to make matters worse, the ending is a complete joke and you will wonder why you even bothered watching this awful series.
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For All Mankind (2019– )
A silly soap opera
2 February 2024
With all the hype I tried to watch this, but it was really a let done. The acting is good, but the show is nothing but problems surrounding the astronauts and their families. And like many shows, they always make the cops out to be the bad guys. Case in point, when discussing the 1968 Chicago riots, one astronaut states the police beat up "kids" with hate in their eyes. What nonsense. The people that wrote this do not know what really happened. 10,000 protesters were trying to disrupt the Democratic Convention in Chicago calling them the National Death Party in a Vietnam War protest. They basically incited a riot and were later charged for this. The story continues with more family problems as if it were a soap opera. If you like soaps this is for you. The revisionist history of making the US look bad is also something that annoyed me, so this one is not for me.
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Good show, worth watching
2 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was one of the better ones I have seen. The suspense was great and the way it drew you in by making you think one person was the killer, but it really was someone else was very well-done. Then once you know this you cannot stop watching because you want to see them apprehended. Cush Jumbo does the best American accent I have heard from a British actor. Jeffrey Dean Morgan was excellent as the lead. Sure, there are a few spots that are a stretch but not like most of the terrible shows I have seen of late. This is a good story well worth watching with an ending that is quite a surprise.
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Griselda (2024)
Vulgar, a story of low life people
29 January 2024
The series is dark, dreary, slow, and uses more profanity than one can imagine, and really overdone to gain attention. If you remember Al Pacino in Scarface this is very similar but with a female lead. People who like stories about sociopaths will like this one. People who do not want to see a bunch of heartless degenerates who care about nothing except money should consider watching something else. While based on a true story it is a bit of an over-the-top soap opera. And as with most Hollywood movies, the police and federal agents are all dumb and uncaring except for one female detective who leads the poor stupid men to finally arrest Griselda.
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Criminal Record (2024– )
Not the best show....
29 January 2024
The acting is really good, and the storyline draws you in, however, that being said, this show portrays the bad side of people. In particular, police officers who are portrayed as bad people and corrupt. Not really fair to many good police officers who do their job. But, this is a constant theme in many of the newer series and movies. And of course, this series is all one way with people who are of color are all victims. The show is well made but the slant in the story line really takes away from an otherwise good show. It is almost as if they chose actors that fit exactly how they wanted to slant the story.
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Long and Lousy
25 January 2024
This was so hyped up I thought it would be really good. But instead, it is a slow, dreary, and boring story. Sorry, even with an all-star cast this movie is overrated. It has its moments, but for me it was far too drawn-out and mediocre at best. The movie could have been done in half the time. You know who the bad guy is about 20 minutes into the movie, so why waste all the time to get to where the movie needed to get to. Maybe the book was good, but this movie might be called artsy by some, but most will just call it garbage and a waste of 3-1/2 hours. Regardless, I am sure it will get Academy Awards because it shows bad white men, which is something holiday liberals love to see in movies.
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Berlin (2023– )
Stupid through and through, do not waster your time
24 January 2024
This is one show that is a waste of time. Not worth your time. There are many unnecessary love stories, many silly parts, and so many holes in it you really need a low order of intelligence to think this is a decent show. Yes, I am sure there are some who will give it high ratings, but many are probably bots trying to raise the overall rating to gain some interest in it. If you have no laundry to watch spinning in your washing machine this may interest you. But overall watching shirts and sock rotate in a washer may be far more interesting than this poorly assembly series. Not worth your time.
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Stay Close (2021)
Good but dumb
24 January 2024
This show is another based on a Harlan Coben book. While he is a good mystery writer and is always suspenseful, this was a series that was not very good. So many dumb parts, dancing killers, dumb police officers who do stupid things, people not avoiding something they obviously should, and so on.

As with all Coben's books and series based on those books, it is very suspenseful, but it did not really hold a lot of my interest. I needed to fast forward at parts because there was just too much unnecessary footage of people walking, looking at things, etc. The dumbest part are the dancing and singing killers who apparently are good fighters, but we do not know why. Really a stretch and what one would call silly nonsense, but it's the movies so it does not have to make sense. I will say the ending blew me away. Skip episodes 6 & 7 or use Fast Forward and go right to the last episode. Will save you a lot of time.
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Fool Me Once (2024)
Very suspenseful but ...
24 January 2024
This show is another based on a Harlan Coben book. He is a good writer and always suspenseful, but there are always gaping holes in the shows and not sure why. First, this was one of the better ones I have seen in some time. It is worth your time to watch as with all his books you never really see the end coming. Very suspenseful and the story makes you want to binge watch it because there are so many subplots and people with secrets that you just want to see. The acting was very good, and I have to say I was blown away by the ending. Excellent. My only comment is that either the original author or the person who writes the screen play needs to check with some more knowledgeable individuals on certain facts. One I recall is where they claim a bullet casing indicates a Glock 17 was used. Complete BS on that one. But accuracy is not always in the cards for these shows.
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The OA (2016–2019)
Absolute Garbage
24 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the most ridiculous shows I have ever seen. A girl returns after 7 years and can now see (she was blind) and has powers that people cannot understand. Oh my god, what trash. The first 10 minutes they are already showing a young teenage couple having sex and she gives him a blow job! When shows have this in the beginning you know they are going to be trash and sure enough this was the case with the OA. The show seems design for the 18-25 year old crowd, and apologies for generalizing but even those in that group that have an IQ above 80 will find this show complete garbage. Slow, dreary, poor acting and not worth your time.
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Reacher (2022– )
Season 2 is a joke
31 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Season one was not bad, but season two is a joke. This is among the dumbest series I have yet to see. There are so many holes in this. It looks like Swiss cheese. Of course, reacher and his crew get back together and they're going to defeat anyone that gets in their way. That's an obvious plot. Which is fine, but there are some parts that just make no sense. First they go restaurant that they pick at random. Somehow the criminals know they're going to be at this random restaurant, so they get in a fight and you know reacher and his gang will win. The best part is that they have a truck with $65 million worth of government missiles. One driver no security and the guy stops on the road and gets killed of course. Makes no sense. If you have a $65 milliongovernment owned military rocket truck. Why would you have one driver with no security. It is the dumbest series I have yet to see on prime. And these are only two of several other dumb items that are throughout the series. I think the writers were 12 years old. Watch season 1 skip season 2. Apparently there is a third season. I hope the same dumb writers from season two don't write this season three.
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Flora and Son (2023)
A true Chick Flick
26 December 2023
This is a true chick flick, designed for the lonely 20 somethings and single moms. Aside Eve Hewson being is easy to look at, you have a movie that makes Irish people look like idiots who only think about drinking, have sex whenever they can, and have little ambition. The story is silly, the dialogue at times is disgusting but probably done for effect. I feel sorry for Apple as they must have wasted a lot of money on this one. Use the Fast Forward key to watch this as there is maybe 40 minutes of it that are worth seeing. If you really want to see a good movie, this is not it. Look to other movies, even older ones make more sense than this ridiculous story.
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One Piece (2023– )
Juvenile, silly, and overacting
26 December 2023
I have not seen a movie as bad as this in some time. I looked at all the reviews and they are all similar as if a robot wrote them. Once I saw this hideous series, I realized it was bot writing. Not that many people could like this juvenile and ridiculous series. The actors are as bad as the series. Talk about overacting! Whew! I guess if I were 12 years old this might be something interesting to me, or perhaps if I had an IQ of 80 or below, I would probably find it fascinating, but it is truly a piece of trash that is not worth your time. If you are into fantasy type movies there are so many better ones why bother with this one. Avoid!!!
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