
5 Reviews
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17 February 2009
The mini-series was better. This looks like the "Classics Comics" version. The characters are more like cardboard puppets, some are even missing entirely. This creates big gaps in the plot..especially in trying to figure out who is who and how they relate to one another. Makes it rather confusing. Emma T is, of course, in excellent form, but has very little to do, just pops in and out of scenes being dictatorial. Cordelia, who is very important to both the book (remember the book?) and the mini-series, in functioning rather like the "chorus" in classical drama, is another one who is just sort of "there" with nothing to say or do in the plot. Very disappointing.
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Six Feet Under (2001–2005)
confused references to religion
11 November 2008
This show wonderful but I truly wonder what church the family is supposed to be attending. It seems vaguely High Episcopal since the priest is referred to as "Father" and somebody refers to the "Lambeth" statement. However, they raise Dave to deacon with no theological training or discernment process, which is integral to the ordination of a deacon in the Anglican church. It is one step away from the priesthood and the requirements involving education and recommendation are quite stringent. Plus, we would never have a choir dressed up like the one in the series. Just one more instance of the Hollywood establishment's lack of familiarity with, or even disdain for,religious practices and churches. Otherwise it's a great show.
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the original "reunion" movie, first(?)Sayles, a really classic film!
30 July 2008
Among subsequent films that seem to "owe" their plots to "Secaucus 7" is the British film "Peter's Friends." All these films, like "Big Chill" add their own twist to the story, but the characters and basic plot seem all too similar to "Secaucus 7" to be coincidence. The movie itself says SO much about my generation, particularly in those 10 or 15 years after college, when we are getting our lives started, or, like J.T., still looking for a starting-point. I always feel that I KNOW these guys! Sayles, generally, is one of those directors who has stuck to his guns and still tells a wonderful story with characters that are truthful. Thank heaven there are little havens like his movies in this world of "sequels" ad nauseum, and more special effects than plot. (I was DRAGGED, kicking and screaming, to see this movie and have never stopped thanking the friend who frog-marched me into the movie theatre to catch this movie. I have since become a hard-core Sayles fan and have every movie of his I can get on DVD.)
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The Tudors (2007–2010)
too much fact-tampering
27 April 2007
Well, it's gorgeous, well-acted but far too much tampering with the facts of history. Henry had TWO sisters, not one, and it was his sister, Mary, who was married off to a king in his dotage - and it was to the king of France, not Portugal. Margaret was married to the Scottish King, from whence comes the Stuart claim to the English throne. Don't watch this for your history exam! Just enjoy the costumes, set, fiery acting and music. The portrait of Henry, though, is wonderful. Lest we forget; he was quite handsome and charismatic in his younger days. As he continued getting his way both in politics and the bedroom, he grew more and more self-absorbed and ruthless. One good historical item is pointing out that, whatever was going on in separating from the Roman church, most of the English reformers had little use for Luther and wished to distance themselves from the continental reformation. Odd that today the Anglican Communion and the Lutheran church work hand-in-hand in aid efforts and acknowledge more readily our common bonds. Just FYI, the word "protestant" actually means one who protests the abuse of the Sacrements, which was rampant in those days.
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Lost (2004–2010)
Gets better as time goes on
4 July 2006
Into the second season, I really got hooked, especially since I can download the episodes from "Itunes" and really look for bloops etc. Whatever happened to the "black cloud?" Can special effects get their contracts terminated? Has anybody noticed that almost everybody on the island is responsible for a death back before they took the flight? I am getting kind of tired of the whole hatch/button pushing thing. Haven't they failed to push the thing at least once? I can't figure out the motivations of "the others." Since the original gang we know and love and set up a functioning society and have even gotten little homes and some comforts, why is this group still hanging out on the beach and eating limited rations? It seems a bit contrived, but, then, since the black cloud got fired, they must have needed a villain.
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