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Nice touching, simple story
25 December 2006
Well the movie doesn't claim to be the, "incredible super dramatic and awe inspiring story of the birth of Christ", it's just called "The Nativity Story". Thats basically what it is, the story of the birth of Christ. I found it to be informative, while also providing some insight and perspective that isn't mentioned in the Bible. What was it like for Mary to carry the burden of a child born out of wedlock in those times? Thats something the Bible never really touched on, but we see it in this film. This is a great family film for any religious person to see, whether Muslim, Jew or Christian. Theology is a wonderful subject to explore. I definitely recommend this to anyone interested in the subject of Jesus Christ, if your not then you probable would find this movie boring.
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An enjoyable alternative
9 December 2005
I have to admit I did not start watching TNA until they debuted on Spike TV a few months ago, but I have been impressed. As a lifelong WWE fan and wrestiling fan, I have enjoyed different aspects of all different promotions throughout the years. WWE has excelled in the "larger than life" entertainment aspect of wrestling. WCW when it was successful featured what WWE was doing, just with different characters. ECW was of course the outlet for furstrated fans who were sick of what the big 2 were doing. Then you have TNA, which is building a grassroots organizations based on one thing, IN RING PERFORMANCE.

The bottom line with this business is that in the end, it all comes back to how you can perform in the ring. TNA is wisely signing younger, smaller wrestlers and featuring a different type of in ring style than what WWE is doing. At the same time, they are not trying to compete with WWE, which is extremely smart. TNA is akin to what ECW was in the 90s, not in terms of style, but in terms of its approach to its place in the world. What I mean by that is that even though TNA has people like Jeff Jarrett, Raven, Rhino among other WWE or WCW guys, they realize that they cannot be going head to head with WWE.

I certainly enjoy watching TNA though for the action and its unique in ring content.
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Looking back this episode is much better
28 November 2005
This episode of the Star wars saga was criticized by some when it came out for having wooden dialogue and too much digital landscaping to be any good. I wasn't overly impressed with it myself, but having seen all 6 films now, AOTC is actually a very important and well done section of the overall series.

Lucas has said time and again that this movies are meant to be seen as one long film, not to be taken as 6 individual movies. This particular installment features so much that affects every other episode. The discovery of the clones, the immaturity and arrogance of Annakin, the beginning of the clone wars. All of these events happen in this one movie, which is actually a lot more than what happens in some of the other films. I don't consider this to be the best of all 6 by any means, but it is certainly not nearly as bad as some people make it out to be.
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Rare and forgotten Lee Marvin Picture
24 September 2005
I only discovered Hell in the Pacific after searching for Lee Marvin films as I have become enamored with his work as of late. I thought this was going to be a war movie from start to finish, which I'm not always a big fan of. I am glad to say I was surprised and very pleased with this film.

This is a rare work of film that uses two actors, limited dialog(half of it in Japanese), and only one location. There have been many attempts at making movies about people stranded on islands, but this one pulls it off in a way no other has.

Thsi is a film about not only survival, but overcoming prejudice towards ones sworn enemy in a time of war. It is about moving past the fears of what you do not know, and using what you do know and the basic need to survive to pull through and band together.

I was more enthralled by this movie with almost no dialog, than I have been with movies that have won screenplay Oscars. To me, this is an example that if you have the right actors, the right story, and the right setting, dialog is not always necessary.
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Fantastic Four (I) (2005)
5/10 say the least
10 July 2005
I have to say I had high expectations of this movie coming into it, probably because I hadn't read any reviews of it yet. After leaving the theater, I had that empty feeling, much like the one you get after you eat Chinese food. I was full for a minute, but 20 minutes later I was hungry again. This movie left me hungry, and not for a sequel, I was hungry for more content and more substance to the actual film. It was basically a movie about really cool superpowers and what the 4 of them do with it. There was almost no attempt to make us love the characters or understand how they really really dealt with these new amazing powers. The movie was way to short and basically had the feel of something in the making for over ten years that had dozens of scripts changes and in the end was finally put into theaters just to get it out there.
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Tough to do a remake
6 June 2005
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This has certainly become a trend in Hollywood lately, remaking classic films with plot revisions and new actors. Occasionally it works, but for the most part, remakes need to be avoided at all costs, this is my opinion with "The Longest Yard".

The original film is considered one of the greatest sports movies of all time. Paul Crewe takes a rag-tag bunch of convicts up against a well oiled machine of a football team, and on shear determination and the fact that this is their only chance at glory in their prison lives, beats the guards. Classic of course, timeless story, so why not remake it with a more comedic twist and more action packed football scenes including pro-wrestlers and ex-pro football players? The filmmakers got the football scenes right, but not much else.

The great thing about the first movie, was that you really felt for the prisoners who were seemingly up against insurmountable odds, not only on the football field, but in life. I never really felt that was established in this movie, which moves way too fast to establish anything.

Quite a few scenes were changed, sped up, or completely removed from that were in the original version that took away fro the story in this movie. In this one, Crewe becomes too well liked too quickly, while in the first one, he goes through a long period of earning himself in prison. It never really established Crewe's downfall from pro-football and how much of an impact his point shaving scheme had on his life and those around him.

I give this movie a 6 only because the action was up to par and the football scenes were better than the original, which they should have been considering they had a bigger budget and bigger effects.

the worst part of this movie is Sandler and Chris Rock. You would think that these two comedic all-stars would be able to write much funnier lines for themselves, but they don't. I have actually been very disappointed by all Chris Rock films, he's a great stand up, but horrible actor.

If you want to see a great football movie, rent the original "Longest Yard".
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The Hours (2002)
Much better than I thought
23 May 2005
I'm an action, comedy, sci-fi movie type of person, so when I watch a female based drama such as the Hours. I expect to be confused and disappointed. Needless to say this was certainly not the case with this particular movie. Very rarely have I seen such a film that tells multiple stories, in different time periods and geographic locations, like this movie did.

There are connections with all three of the major characters, played by Meryly Streep, Nicole Kidman, and Julianne Moore, who all could have been nominated for Best Actress as they all played equal roles in this film. The ending of the movie brings about a revelation that makes you say, oh, now I get it, at least I did. I strongly recommend this film for anyone looking for a gripping human drama that is relatable to any generation.
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Love Actually (2003)
Did I miss something?
23 May 2005
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I wasn't quite sure what to expect going into watching this film, I just rented it to see what it was all about. I did expect a total love story with a bunch of different characters, which is what the movie pretty much is. I expected more of a connection between all the different stories that for me didn't quite play out the way I expected. I'll admit I'm not a huge fan of British comedies, a lot of the humor just doesn't make sense to me, which might have been my major problem with this film.

There were certain elements that really bothered me about this movie though. At the beginning, we see the characters being introduced. One scene has Colin Firth saying goodbye to his girlfriend, saying I love you about 27 times while doing so, while on his way to his French cottage to work on his novel for several weeks. For some reason he falls in love with his Portuguese housekeeper who he never says a word to because, alas they don't speak the same language! We never again here from the girlfriend the rest of the movie as he runs off at the end to marry the housekeeper, because he has finally learned to speak Portuguese. That didn't make much sense to me, but I guess running away from someone you say that you love is funny to some people, not to me. I guess the point of that story was that true love exceeds culture and language.

Another story that bothered me was the one involving the best friend of a newlywed groom who is secretly in Love with the bride. The bride, Keira Knightley, finds this out when she comes over to view the wedding video, shot by the best friend in a stalker-like fashion where every single frame is a close-up of the bride. She apparently find this to be cute, and doesn't run off in a terrified state of "oh my god this guy is obsessed with me"!! They don't run off together but still remain friends, for some reason.

I think I need to watch this film again with someone who understands it because I felt like a lot of the humor was over my head. I guess since I'm not in love, and rather cynical about it, I didn't quite get a lot of this movie.
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Best sequel ever!
23 May 2005
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"Star Wars" broke all the rules for cinema and provided the entire world with a new way of making and watching movies. It also left everyone wondering, how are they going to top that? With "The Empire Strikes Back", George Lucas delivered one, and arguably the most successful sequel of all time. "Star Wars" was, with the exception of "Jaws", the first real blockbuster film, and Empire was without question the first blockbuster sequel.

This film took all the storyline elements of the first film and took it to an entire new level. It took the special effects in the first movie and advanced them even further, with the help of a much bigger film budget this time.

We all know what happens, Luke trains to be a Jedi, finds out his father is Darth Vader, and nearly falls to his death while trying to escape the Dark Lord. Leia and Han fall in love, and Han is put into carbonite at the hands of Vader and Boba Fett, with a little reluctant help from his buddy Lando Calrissean. The character of Lando was in interesting and often overlooked element of this film. When we first meet him we think he is Han's friend and Billy Dee Williams does a great job of concealing his intentions before handing him over to the Empire. Of course Lando was in a bad spot, if Darth Vader told you to do something, would you say no? Most people contend that this is the best "Star Wars" film, its debatable. The original is always going to be the first one that comes to people's minds when thinking of the whole series. However, if Empire is number 2, its a close number 2. The deepness of the story in Episode V goes beyond what was introduced in Episode IV, which is the reason many claim it is the better of the two films, and the best of all 6 films.

Nevertheless, Empire ranks right up there with some of the greatest blockbuster films ever, and its hard to argue it is the greatest sequel ever made.
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What more can be said?
23 May 2005
What more can be said about the original Star Wars film, or as we now know it, Episode IV: A New Hope. This movie changed all the rules, and then some. The beauty about this movie is that it has spanned generations of fans and will continue to be passed down to generations of fans as those who love these films share them with their children.

My earliest memories of Star Wars are just owning a bunch of toys, and having a few coloring books. I was too young to remember experiencing the films when they were first released, the original came out 2 months before I was born, but that has not affected my fond memories of these films. I really didn't begin to love these movies until I was in high school, sometime in the early 90s. To me that just demonstrates the power and effectiveness of these movies all together. By the time I saw Episode IV, the special effects were old hat, but the stories resonated with me so much, as with anyone else who loves these films, that they will always be my absolute favorites.

So much can be said about the Ep IV itself, the fantasy adventure, the groundbreaking effects, the fun and brilliant performances including Alec Guiness who was nominated for Best-Supporting Actor despite his attempts to dist5ance himself from the movies. I recommend anyone who loves Star wars to go out and rent some of his films such as Lawrence of Arabia, Bridge on the River Kwai and Ladykillers, all classics.

To myself, this original film represents innocence, not only in the characters but in its legacy. The innocence of Luke Skywalker as he leaves his farm boy life to pursue his destiny. The innocence of the children and millions of fans who love this movie to their death. That to me is what Star Wars is all about.
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The Saga is indeed complete
19 May 2005
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When George Lucas announced over 10 years ago that he was going to make prequels to his original trilogy, this was the movie everyone was expecting. Everything that happens in this one chapter, ties together all the other 5 movies, completely. Starting with Episode I when Anakin Skywalker was a young child on Tatooine, a lot of what happens in that movie explains why he turns to the dark side. Anakins inability to let go of his past, and constantly worry about his mother, is a major factor that Sidious uses to turn him to the Dark Side of the Force.

The way that Skywalker deals with the struggle between good and evil in this film, and faces the decision that would destroy the Jedi and the Republic, is remarkable. There are moments when it looks like he wants to stay a Jedi, and turn Sidious over to his Masters, but in the end he succumbs to temptation, all to save the woman he loves, or so he thinks. Palpatine uses his attachment to Padme to his advantage in order to turn him.

We now know why Vader is unaware of his children until the time of Episode V.

All in all, this is right up there with Empire and A new Hope as the best of the series. Every question I had about the formation of the Empire, the fall of the Jedi, and the fate of Skywalker, is now answered. The circle is indeed now complete, and the saga will now live on forever!
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Saw (2004)
A lot to be desired
11 April 2005
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I don't want to give away too much in this movie, but all i can say is that the amount of buildup an suspense created by this movie leading up to the end, was not worth the ending. This film started out with a good premise, 2 guys trapped in a room with no clue of how they got there or what the point of them being there is. The more this film unravels, despite the shock factor, it is just too far fetched to be believed. There were too many questions left unanswered, what was the deal with the wife and the child? How does the killer actually hunt down his prey and how why does he do it? There wasn't enough motive there it was all based on shock an gore factor, which leaves a lot to be desired.
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Sin City (2005)
Rodriguez does it again
4 April 2005
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Throughout his Career Robert Rodriguez has done things his way. Making movies he wanted to make and extending the boundaries of filmaking in the 21st century. It started with El Mariachi and continues now with the cinematic achievement Sin City. This movie is unlike any other movie that has ever been released by any major studio. This is not your run of the mill comic book movie where the actors seem out of place and the scenery is overdone. Sin City is a comic book movie, and it is what comic book movies should be. Everything about it, from the amazing cinematography to the cleverly acted roles by Mickey Rourke, Clive Owen and Roasrio Dawson, fit perfectly into every single aspect of this film. Whats great about it, is that every story has an ending, there are no loose ends left on any of the films 3 story lines. Despite that, there can be a sequel because there are so many Frank Miller stories to pull from. If there is a sequel then I am looking forward to it.
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Secret Window (2004)
Surprisingly Good
23 March 2005
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I have to admit when I first saw the preview for this film, I thought it looked stupid. I like Johnny Depp, but to me the whole premise just didn't seem to be there for a good film.

Once I actually watched the thing, over a year after its release, I was surprised that is was enjoyable as it was. I like Stephen King movies, for the most part. His books always have a fun spin at the end and I liked the way this film turned around near the end. They did set up the ending almost from the beginning with Mort Rainey being a lunatic but that just made it more fun in the end when you could say, I knew it!! Not Depp's best movie ever, but once again a solid acting performance in which he did carry the movie the whole way.
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Urban Cowboy (1980)
Story of a Mechanical Bull
5 March 2005
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"Story of a Mechanical Bull", that's what they should have called this movie because that's basically what it was all about. Some other suggestions would be "Redneck Love" or "My Life at Gilley's". Gilley's is the name of the bar that Travolta and Winger hang out at every night, and I do mean every night. I don't understand how these people are able to go to work in the morning if they are staying up late drinking and riding mechanical bulls. I have to admit I rented this movie because I've been on a bit of a Debra Winger fix lately, and she was actually pretty good in this movie. I thought all the acting was decent but the storyline just wasn't all it should be. I know this movie came out 25 years ago, so it was basically just a Travolta vehicle to cash in on his massive stardom back then, and it did that fine, but it's just another example of Hollywood pushing out movies that aren't of that high quality, but full of starpower. I did enjoy it overall, just not enough to watch it again.
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Get Shorty (1995)
Not as great as I remember
23 February 2005
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Now don't get me wrong, I thought this movie was very good, but having now seen it again after not having seen it since it's release 10 years ago, it wasn't quite what I remember. I think what bothered me was that the film was too short. I felt like there could have been more done at the end of the film instead of the way it ended. There were good performances all around, not to mention a great script, but the end just didn't do it for me. For instance, near the end of the film, when Barboni comes to LA and finally meets up with Chili Palmer, the way it worked out with Chili just giving him the key to the locker. I'll admit, it was a great way to Barboni to get what was coming to him, but there could have been more worked in there before that whole scene transpired. For me, the ending just seemed to come to fast, but maybe cos I like the rest of the film so much. Nevertheless, I'm looking forward to the sequel.
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Michael Moore does it again
26 June 2004
I have been a fan of Moore's for years now and every time he makes a new film I am floored. Just blown away with what he reveals to the audience. If you go into this movie expecting the lightheartedness of his past features then you are mistaken. Although there are the occasional comic relief bits, this film is just gripping and emotional and heartbreaking. It is completely different from all his others since he doesn't put himself out in front of the camera too often like in "The Big One" or "Roger and Me". Take your friends and tell everyone you know about this movie because it is a must see for every American. Not everyone will agree with what he says and what he reveals, but they should not argue it's points without watching the film first.
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Big Fish (2003)
More than just a Tim Burton movie
10 January 2004
Most Tim Burton films are wild fantasies glorified by the elaborate characters and settings. While this film had all that it also contained something much more, a human element. Films like Edward Scissorhands and Sleepy Hollow had this element, but it was always on a much darker level. Big Fish makes the viewer look at themselves and their family. How does that person relate to his or her father? That's the truly lasting element of this film is the way it can strike a cord in the heart of the viewer. Compare that with Burton's other films and it's just a little bit more.
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11 October 2003
This was a letdown. I wasn't expecting Pulp Fiction, but I was expecting more than what I got out of this movie. The movie just dragged on and on. It seems like it was all buildup to vol 2. My question is why bother with two movies. Seems likie he could just put everything into one film. Total letdown.
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Not Billy Madison, but better in many ways
28 September 2003
I didn't know what to expect from this film being a fan of all Sandler films. It was funny on a different level than films like "Billy Madison" and "Happy Gilmor". It's great that he goes for a more mature sense of humour in this film than most of his other ones. After Mr. Deeds, I thought Adam had hit a wall as far as making good movies, but I enjoyed this one. And hey, Jack was great.
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Hulk (2003)
Not even a shot of Gamma rays could save this film!
21 June 2003
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When I first saw this film in the theaters on opening day 2 years ago I was impressed. I thought that Ang Lee did a good job for really capturing the fury of the Hulk with his directorial style. After having watched this film a few more times, I realized there were a lot of holes in the film that aggravated me. The beginning of the movie was absolutely horrendous. There was probably a good hour of nothing other than Banner working in the lab and talking to his girlfriend Jennifer Connelly. I had no problems with the casting in this one, Bana, Connelly and Sam Elliott were all solid, but there were too many variances on the comic book version of Hulk's origin that didn't make sense. What was the deal with Banners father, played by Nick Nolte? I don't ever remember his father being mentioned once in the comics, let alone becoming some sort of electrically charged monster. You can tell this was a studio driven movie as the story is a choppy and it leaves a lot to be desired. It has its moments, but in the end, they really butchered the legacy of the Hulk, one of the greatest comic book superheroes of all time.
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WrestleMania X (1994 TV Special)
31 March 2003
The memories I have from watching this show are beyond words. This was the first Wrestlemania I got to see live on PPV and it is still the best. Bret vs Owen, HBK vs Razor Ramon, Bret against Yoko, and Randy Savages last Wrestlemania match against Crush. I'll remember this show when I'm on my deathbed, thats how special it was for me.
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Second String (2002 TV Movie)
19 December 2002
Wow, this movie was horrible. As a Bills fan I was really looking forward to it, but this was bad. They should have left it on the shelf it was on for 4 years. I can't believe a guy like Jon Voight would sign on for something like this.
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That '70s Show (1998–2006)
Great Show
24 November 2002
I have to say that this show is quickly becoming my favorite program on network tv. The cast just all totally works together, the jokes always deliver. I can't enough about how much I have come to love this show. One of the best parts is of course Kurtwood Smith. The Red Foreman character is one of the best in all of sitcom history. I know a lot of people who can say he reminds him of their own father. Best show on network TV by far.
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5 June 2002
I could not believe how bad this movie was. This film is an insult to wrestling fans everywhere. Anyone who knows wrestling knows it is a show, that it is not a "real sport". However, the people who made this movie apparently don't think that, or at least think that wrestling fans don't feel that way. Are we supposed to buy Oliver Platt as a legitimate wrestler? The guy is old, out of shape, oh but wait nothing in this movie makes sense anyway, so why bother. They have wrestlers fighting in their homes and even attacking trainers. This maybe be stuff that is ok in the context of a wrestling show, but they play it off as if all these guys go around fighting and stuff constantly. With the way the business has changed over the past few years, to the point that everyone knows it's all a show, this movie made no sense. I was completely insulted. But hey, this is just a reason why WCW, the makers of this film, went out of business.
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