
3 Reviews
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The Covenant (2006)
Ur kidding me, right?
11 November 2006
I call this movie time-pass. It started off with potential promise, but a terrible plot, appalling dialog and skill-less acting quickly took care of that.

There was one scene where the dialog was so bad that I still remember it: Chick: You're not going to leave me here, are you? Guy: (Deep, husky voice) I have. to Chick: I'm scared. Guy: (Deep, husky voice) Don't be. (Make Out)

But I want to stress that I did not get bored. The guy in front of me shuddered everyone time the movie delivered a "shock". That was amusing. And my popcorn did complement my drink well.
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Shockingly Good
1 July 2006
This is probably one of the most mind boggling films I have ever seen. It definitely deserved the Berlin International Film Festival award.

We often hear about the 500 or so detainees in Guantanamo and we may grant these men some basic pity. And then we change the channel. But this film makes you think about the imprisonment these men face in Guantanamo. And I mean REALLY think. Parts of this movie were as gut-wrenching as they were engrossing. Sitting in my seat in the cinema, I couldn't stop thinking about how I'm finding it psychologically gripping just to watch this movie, and how painful it must feel to actually be at the receiving end of this Guantanamo Hospitality. The viewer feels a strange combination of compassion, pity, distaste and frustration all within the 95 minutes of this film/documentary.

What I like about The Road to Guantanamo, is that there is little or no gore, yet one feels disgusted at the level that humanity has sunk to. And one feels respect for the solid perseverance and patience of the Tipton Three and the scores of other innocent men held at Guantanamo.

I recommend The Road to Guantanamo to you. Because it is a brilliant and thought provoking take on human rights, justice and Guantanamo.
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Thoroughly enjoyable, fast paced, witty, true to the book
23 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of those few book-movies that does justice to the book its been based on. The plot follows the book faithfully, without giving undue emphasis on th minor details, but keeping the original book plot chaste, and keeping the plot fast paced.

The movie had its fair share of shockers (Silas pops out of no where, Truck crashes into the Neveus' car, which was done brilliantly) and almost lived up to the book's wit. The book plot was tweaked just a tiny bit to give the viewers a fast paced, action packed, intellectual thriller. But the fast pace may come at the expense of those who haven't read the book, who will find the plot difficult to understand, since it is so fast that it lacks organization to a certain extent. The acting was good too, with Hanks and Tautou filling in their roles pretty well. Although I feel that their faces and looks don't quite match up to those of Langdon and Neveu.

I felt that it was insensible to have a DCPJ inspector confront Langdon during a book signing in front of an audience. I was also disappointed that they did not show Sophie's brother (as her brother).

Overall: Great movie. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
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