
7 Reviews
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Very typical
16 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
While the concept could have worked it suffers from things all modern movies seem to. Our Mary Sue doctor is the only one given back story and positive personality traits, which makes it clear he is in no danger. Having one flushed out character who is smarter, has better morals, is braver, and covered in plot armour kills suspense. Why can't they give the protagonist the traditional heroes journey where he has flaws but grows and develops? Everyone else being one dimensional characters means you don't care when they are picked off. The only thing every other character brings to the table is blood and stupidity with a different accent. All the animals have their throats clawed out and are covered in claw marks including the dog? Meh was probably the dog, let's keep going. Multiple crew members see a literal monster? Meh let's just keep going to England instead of the literal dozen closer countries. Everyone who is turning into monsters burst into flames in sunlight? Meh no way we could use that to our advantage, let's fight the thing at night.

Pretty much every trope of modern writing is present. Why is dracula weak at the beginning when he has the girl to feed? Don't know. How did she not turn earlier before the blood transfusion? Don't know. How did she get out of the box when she was so weak? Don't know. Then there is the usual shot at religion, let's show multiple times that religious articles don't affect him like they do in the source material. And make the Christian character a coward who leaves his friends.

Writing issues aside the actors do what they can with what they were given. The sets and atmosphere are well done. And well some reviewers disagree, I actually liked the design of Dracula. Overall if you want something to put on in the background you could do worse but just make sure you have your brain shut off.
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The Sandman: Lost Hearts (2022)
Season 1, Episode 10
Mary Sue
5 November 2022
This episode perfectly sums up the problems with recent writing trends. Rose is such a Mary Sue that you know she will never be in any real danger. It kills suspense in what is supposedly a tense scene when you assume the protagonist will come out unscathed. You know she will be okay and do the right thing so the only thing you have to wonder about is if there will be a lecture on something before she gets her way. Besides this the visuals are impressive and there are no noticeable plot holes. But overall it does feel lacking for a story ark conclusion. Rose having at least one personal flaw or change in attitude would have made her story more interesting.
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Interceptor (2022)
Brain Off
11 June 2022
Feels like it was written 30 years ago for Steven Seagal and then updated with modern woke politics. It's not bad as background noise but it's still pretty bad.
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Horizon Line (2020)
30 March 2022
As a professional pilot I actually cried laughing. Not criticizing the acting or special effects but they really could have used the input of even an amateur pilot.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Low hanging fruit
24 January 2022
Despite some chuckles and solid acting it's overall a disappointment. Satire is best when it's clever, not blunt. Midwits who approve of the primary targets of the jokes will probably find it worth a watch.
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Devils horizon
2 December 2021
Me: "I want Event Horizon" Mom: "We have Event Horizon at home"

This was Event Horizon at home. Copying some ideas with a lower budget and adding sand.
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Beyond disappointing
22 April 2020
Nothing more than a cry for help for the disturbed writer. Still frames and characters depressed monologues don't make a story deep. Combined imagery from Christianity and 2001 a space odyssey can't save this movie.
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