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The Batman (2022)
9 January 2023
To be honest, as soon as the news came back in 2017 that Matt Reeves was confirmed to direct the film, my interest went through the roof. Sure, it would have been nice to see Batfleck get his solo film (particularly because I liked most of his directed films), but he lost interest so that's that. I came into Reeves' Planet of the Apes trilogy (he only directed the 2nd and 3rd film, mind you) a little late, but I was blown away by the trilogy as a whole. It had the perfect setup, perfect plot and pretty good ending. It followed the 3 structure rule quite well. On top of that, the production was top notch, especially the VFX. I can easily point out last year's film that heavily uses CGI but pales in comparison to Caesar's VFX.

This is probably one of the few films where I totally utterly feel more connected with a CGI character rather than a human character. That is definitely no easy feat to match. Added with Andy Serkis' performance, an actor who's well and truly has grasped the motion capture side of film, makes the film all the more gripping. TL;DR I liked Reeves' POTA films, so I was excited for this film and trust him to do a good job. Added with the fact that Reeves cited Chinatown, Taxi Driver, Seven, The French Connection, Nirvana and Kurt Cobain (Matt Reeves based his Bruce Wayne around Kurt Cobain since Kurt actually have lived in a decaying mansion) and some famous Batman comics like Year One, Year Two, Ego and others, my hype easily went through the roof. So enough about all that jazz, now let's talk properly about the film.

I'll be the first to admit that I have been craving a noir Batman film for a very long time. And so, props had to be given to Reeves for making one of my wishes come true. This film has all the makings of a noir film, right from making Bruce Wayne narrates most of the film, to the puzzles and riddles scattered through out all the murders, up until the end where there's a revelation about the characters. So if you love noir films like me, then you definitely need to go see the film.

Something that quite surprising to me is the fact Batman was heavily featured in the film. Most of the scenes in the film involved Batman or Bruce Wayne of some kind (80% of the time, he's there every time : sorry cannot resist making that joke). There's probably no scene that doesn't involve him. So, it kinda fits in just nicely with the title. Come to think of it, that's how a noir film usually is. So in a way it's not that surprising at all. The film also shows Batman working with Jim Gordon almost all the time. It's no wonder that the mood, the cinematography and the overall story feels just like Seven, with the blend of a young and old detective.

The film also features something that other live action Batman haven't done, at least extensively: Batman as a detective. Considering the main villain is The Riddler, naturally there's a ton of riddles for Batman to solve involving his murders. A bit like Jigsaw meets the Zodiac Killer. This Bruce Wayne is also the reclusive celebrity type, actually one of the reasons Reeves chose Pattinson over everyone else. He's not the type that will be in front of a newspaper or a tabloid magazine.

Probably the thing that I like the most about the film is Bruce Wayne's character arc itself. It showed a naïve Batman and definitely still hasn't matured and be wise in doing his job. But slowly and surely, he's learning to be better besides having to accept hard to swallow truths. Even though the film is almost 3 hours long, it certainly doesn't feel that way and watching through it was a breeze with the plot paced just nicely and consistently without neck-breaking speed. Therefore, if you have some reservation about the film, do not worry since it's not Eternals (even though Eternals wasn't that slow to me too). The film also has a few homages, from The Dark Knight right to Adam West's Batman (wink, wink).

And although many were expecting the film to be lacking in action, it's actually not true. The film features all kinds of action, right down from closed quarter combats to high speed car chases. Add to that with Michael Giacchino's visibly haunting score that's loud and there (not like Hollywood's recent obsession with low volume temp music types of scores). I'm quite certain the album soundtrack will be as popular as the film.

Probably the best actor in the film was Zoë Kravitz (Catwoman) since she played her role coolly, not too over the top like Halle Berry or Michelle Pfeiffer and not too muted like Anne Hathaway. Colin Farrell is quite funny even though he's serious most of the time (one of his scenes had me cracking up!), while Paul Dano works his magic well as that mysterious psycho with a very punchable face, as usual. This Bruce Wayne definitely feels like Robert Pattinson playing himself, while also being moody and broody and not at all looking like he's channeling the other former actors.

Now, for the film's flaws. Probably the film's biggest weakness is the lack of interaction between Batman and Riddler. I feel like a film that has a cat and mouse chase would've worked better when the main protagonist and antagonist have a few exchanges of words (Catch Me If You Can springs to mind). Secondly, I feel like the film is a bit of a set up for the next few sequels, even though it's only one scene. It does feel a bit out of place. Maybe it could've worked better as an end credit scene. Lastly, I feel like the choices regarding the plot with some of the characters feels like a missed opportunity. It might have been the right way and would probably make it feel fresher if they went with that route. Especially in times like today. But they seem to choose the safest path.

In conclusion, this latest Batman film is probably not on the level of say The Dark Knight, in fact I would put Batman Begins higher than this film (I actually love that film, not like the popular consensus, I gave that film a 4.5 rating). Having said that, the film acts well as a set up to the next sequel having planted the seeds. The film managed to send the message which says that the very concept of Batman is not just tied to a man, it's an idea and a symbol of truth, justice and vigilance.

P/S: 1 scene in the film actually confirms a fan theory that's there somewhere on the Internet.

#nbfilmreviews #thebatman #battinson #robbatbattinbat.
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City of God (2002)
9 January 2023
City of God or much more known as Cidade de Deus in Portuguese, have often featured on most people's best films of all time list. So as per usual me being myself, I was curious to see why the film is so popular.

The film is an adaptation of the book with the same title, inspired by the true events around author Paulo Lins. Basically, it tells the story of a child growing up in the slums of Rio de Janeiro.

Interestingly, the film is lined up with child actors who mostly have no acting experience beforehand. If I had to sum up this movie briefly for people who haven't seen it, it's like Guy Ritchie's earlier films, only with a younger average age between the actors.

Why did I say that? Well, the film is littered with tons of colourful characters, and the storyline is presented in a more cheerful and upbeat tone, when in reality it probably should be the other way around: more grim and sombre. Meanwhile the gangster theme used is a lot closer to Scorsese's and Francis Ford Coppola's gangster films.

The film is edited in a very interesting way. The juxtaposition of the main character Rocket (Alexandre Rodrigues) who is in the middle of all these gangs makes the storyline organically connected and interwoven.

The pacing of this film also moves quite fast, so you won't feel that the film is too long (even if the duration of the film is over 2 hours). So, I think it can be watched by anyone. In addition, the arrangement of the film score is also good.

Writing very mature arcs in young characters is perhaps the most forefront specialty that the film represents, when compared with other films on the market. These characters have to grow up faster than they should, because too late in doing so will only benefit others around them except themselves.

Overall, the film for me is almost as perfect as it can be without any obvious flaws. It's a coming of age film that teaches us a lot about life and trust, that should be watched by a young audience, even though it is not appropriate and the context may probably be misunderstood by them if it is only examined literally but not thoroughly.
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9 January 2023

I have to admit that I wasn't necessarily fond of the first Black Panther film. Sure, it has a lot of potential which was set up quite nicely in the film. But I feel like the conclusion and the entire third act to be quite weak, especially the CGI (which we now know isn't the VFX studio's fault). But like I said I did enjoy the worldbuilding and the overall tone. Just that I feel it suffers from the usual fate like all the other MCU films did; great set up but a lame execution.

Fast forward to this film, I was intrigued when I saw the trailer because it seems like a good set up. But I do wonder how they were going to tackle the issue of the main protagonist. On the whole set up, it is rather quite good for the most part. I enjoyed the part where Talokan and the whole sea people were introduced. I even liked the horror elements they implemented. You should be afraid of something that is unknown. I also liked the decision to change Atlantis into Talokan, and have it basically have ancient Aztec myths behind it. Very fresh and very smart to differentiate him from Aquaman. But I feel like that's about it in terms of good things that I enjoy in the film.

I feel like the inclusion of Riri Williams is probably the most pointless addition to the plot. She's there basically just to promote her upcoming Disney+ series, and nothing else. Yes, she's an integral part of the plot, but by the end I feel like they could have just used Shuri for that. It's also the same problem I find in other Disney+ series (like how the ending of Falcon & Winter Soldier doesn't further the plot of the start, which makes it feel just like filler episodes).

Also there tons of decisions that are pretty stupid from characters that are supposed to be very experienced (or basically immortal). And as always with MCU films, I find the third act to be rather dull and underwhelming. It set up quite nicely, only to disappoint me a bit in the end. The fights are pretty tame and lame too, compared to say the bridge scene. But hey, at least the CGI is better than the first film. The emotional scenes also failed to tug at my heartstrings, if compared to No Way Home for instance. It doesn't deserve

Overall, I actually prefer this film rather than the first film. And I actually like this film's overall tone rather than other MCU films which can be almost insufferable with their one-liners and jokes at every other minute. But in the end, it still suffers the same fate as other MCU films. And that's just sad.
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9 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I have to be honest, I have actually watched this film before. But probably because at the time I was in a different mood, I didn't like it all that much. I was only looking at the film on the surface level and taking it at face value. But since I have just recently experienced a very bad break up and I was feeling down (really down), I decided to rewatch the film again to probably see why it was so highly regarded. And it's safe to say that I made the right decision.

The main plot of the film is basically just about 2 people who had recently broken up and therefore decided to erase their memories about each other. However, the protagonist Joel Barish (Jim Carrey) started to have doubts and regretted his decision halfway through the process. I just realized that the film's analogy is basically that: whenever you're away for too long from someone and they're no longer in your life, that's basically the start of the process of you erasing your memories of that person whether you like it or not. You will begin to forget your small talks, you'll forget their mother's name, you will probably even forget their faces. It's usually only your feelings that stay with you. Hell, that might be gone too depending on the situation. And there's nothing you can do about it to stop it. You're left on your own devices, a slow and painful wait while you experience your own 5 stages of grief phase. And that's just sad and depressing.

The film is going to make you remember your own best memory, and force you to think that if something were to happen, your best memory is going to fade away. That thought in itself is quite scary and haunting. Although I watched the film intensely, my mind did actually manage to wander off into that deep black abyss of nothingness, and made me feel numb and also hollow.

The ending of the film is actually quite cheery and hopeful, something that I didn't expect for a film that's so bleak and gloomy. Damn you Kaufman for making me hope. Some of the shots in the film are quite mind boggling in terms of how they do the shots. While in some shots the use of CGI and green screens are quite noticeable, which do make the film seem a little dated.

In conclusion, this is one of those films where you have to experience something similar to the plot before you can appreciate the film. Or you need to be in the right (or in this case, sad and unhealthy) state of mind for you to 'enjoy' it.

P/S: This film managed to actually make my mind up and just start doing something regarding my current situation. And it's a decision that seems to be the right thing to do and I'm glad I did it.
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Bullet Train (2022)
9 January 2023
This film caught my attention as soon as I watched the trailer. A strong cast consists of Brad Pitt, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Hiroyuki Sanada, Michael Shannon, and Sandra Bullock. Action scenes that look exciting. A Guy Ritchie, Quentin Tarantino vibe going on, with hints of John Wick inspired action sequences. And when I Googled about the film, I found out that apparently it's an adaptation of a manga called Maria Beetle. So when it came out on Netflix, I went ahead and watched it.

I guess the best quality the film has seems to be the colour palette which looks quite fresh and eye-pleasing. The combination of bright, vibrant and neon colours used adds flavour to each scene. The 'mise en scene' of this movie is also set up nicely, following the same theme used in the manga. The action scenes are also well done, and most of them have interesting choreography. There is a bit of suspension of disbelief used here, but it's forgivable for a film like this.

The protagonist Ladybug, played by Brad Pitt, is also very cool and funny. His nonchalantly lazy demeanor mixed with Brad Pitt's comedic timing strengthens the storyline of this film. Besides him the character Lemon (Bryan Tyree Henry) has a very interesting and unique quirk that makes him stand out.

But that's about it as far as the film goes. Although it has a very interesting premise, the plot of this film is not executed well. It's like the plot is only there to complete the story, not to tell a story. It feels like the author creates all the characters first before thinking about the plot. It's generic and boring, making it easily predictable. And most of these types of plots can already be seen in other, better films.

I feel like the film probably also follows the manga too much, where all the characters have a backstory, even though said characters only appear in 1 brief scene. Making the film feel empty and the characters exist not to move the plot forward, but just to fill a quota. Glaringly different when compared to the characters from the films of Quentin Tarantino and Guy Ritchie, where each character has an important role. I also feel that some of the jokes can be executed better, as it didn't seem to stick its landing. The dialogue between characters isn't as strong as it should be.

In conclusion, Bullet Train is a film that's a bit like instant noodles. It is only to be watched once, there for background noises. And to be peek at a few times while you were doing other more important things. A collection of cool characters without any real substance or importance. A textbook example of a Netflix film.
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Glass Onion (2022)
3 January 2023
I remember watching the first film, Knives Out in the theatres. I actually wasn't planning on watching the film, but after my friend kept on asking I caved in and went. But boy, what a treat. I've come to expect getting disappointed by good trailers, especially one that feels a bit too Hollywooderized. But the film pleasantly surprised me in each and every way possible. And I've left the cinemas feeling pretty good about the film and what a good whodunit film it was.

Therefore, as soon as the news reached me that Rian Johnson will make Benoit Blanc make weird analogies again, I instantly was pumped and hyped. And seeing the ensemble cast (Edward Norton especially), makes me feel like there's a chance that I might experience the joy of the first film again. Sadly, it is not exactly the case here.

Now, I am not saying that the film is bad in any way. In fact, it actually makes perfect sense, especially with the title. It's so obvious and transparent that it's kinda funny now that I think about it. But I genuinely feel this film was a little too hyped for its own good. That the first film's success was the one contributing factor in forcing Rian Johnson to try and one-upped the previous film. It didn't, in my opinion. To me the film suffers exactly like Guy Ritchie's Sherlock Holmes films. As in the sequel was shot using the "bigger, bolder" approach, which doesn't always translate well.

This film definitely feels like it upped its game, certainly from the setup, the stakes and the payoff. At least the CGI certainly makes it feel that way. But after checking all the facts (both of the films have the same budget), it made perfect sense. Considering this film has a smaller ensemble cast than the previous film, that's probably why they can utilize the budget on other things.

One of the good things about the film however is the plot pacing. The film starts off right off the bat without wasting too much time. I think the way they introduced the plot device and the characters are very good. It's quite fast for a film that went well over 2 hours. You will definitely not feel the duration of the film, as the film breezes past you. The film will capture your attention very easily hence you won't feel the urge to check on your phone all that much.

Overall, it is still a very enjoyable film. Good acting from a good cast, and the film is quite a blast to watch. It's just a bit of a shame that the film didn't really manage to recapture the essence of the first film. Which probably is impossible since I do consider that film a lightning in a bottle. I do recommend watching this film with another person or a group for maximum enjoyment. However, if there's another sequel coming, I'm hoping Rian Johnson will be able to write a better, more interesting murder mystery.
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3 January 2023
This film intrigued me as soon as the trailer for it came out in December 2021. I was curious how they were going to handle their own multiverse concept. And the fact that the film was actually produced by MCU's Russo Brothers made me even more curious. And now having watched the film, I can understand why this film was produced by them.

For an A24 produced film, this film actually feels more like a blockbuster film rather than an indie film. The plot was fast-paced, the action choreography shames even most of the other recent summer blockbuster films, and the vfx were well done. Hard to actually believe that the budget spent was only in the region of $14 million. But I guess it makes sense when you look at the small number of cast, which was integrated nicely into the story. And also why it's currently A24's highest grossing film ever.

They didn't even waste any time in moving the plotline. For a film this long, it's actually refreshing (in a way) that a film uses all its allocated time without lingering too much on anything. The film's plot is also quite easy to follow, even though the concept is supposed to be complicated. I was not confused once while I watched the film.

I love all the homages they managed to place in the film. From the action choreography scenes (which was surely inspired by Jackie Chan's films and old kung-fu films, probably even Michelle Yeoh's own Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon) to romantic scenes that is obviously a nod to Wong Kar Wai's films like In the Mood for Love, for instance. It is definitely a love letter to the Hong Kong film industry.

I guess if there's a weakness in the film, is that for a film with a multiverse concept, it's actually quite simple and shallow. I mean, I'm not saying it is shallow. But it isn't as complicated as, say, Predestination. The message is powerful, sure. But it's the usual feel good message you see in almost every film. It kind of makes the film feel a bit lame.

But that doesn't take away the fact that this film is a good film. In fact, this is a great film. It's a joy to watch from start to finish. And it will make you experience a ton of emotions throughout the film, albeit a little brief. This film has a pretty high mass appeal. It is the most accessible for anyone who hasn't seen an A24 film. A jumping pad, if you will *wink wink (if you excuse my pun).
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La La Land (2016)
30 May 2020
I usually mostly hate musicals. Somehow, somewhere, this film changed it. I only gave it a chance since I loved Damien Chazzelle's other film, First Man. And probably because I do love me some old classical films.

I get the hype now. This film epitomizes old classical Hollywood. And that includes musicals of course. Not just that, but that whole falling in love and out of it and relationship. Damn it. Makes you feel like you want to fall in love for the first time again. And the whole "chase your dreams" thing. So good that it makes me dreams again and rethink my life.

And as guy who always, always think himself as one who's living in the wrong decade, I have to say that Iove it. And kinda fall in love with the film itself. Damn it! Now I'm gonna need to watch old classical musicals too, aren't I?

Thank you for nothing Damien Chazzelle. Now I need to add a few more films into my watchlist all because of you. And also thanks for sparking a new interest in me, I guess.

5 out of 5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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Frankenhooker (1990)
14 January 2020

This movie is surprisingly intentionally campy and fun. It's the sort of what you expected of a B-movie quality, and for me it delivers on that front. If you're mightily bored and wanna watch something out of the ordinary, play this movie. It's one of the few movies that I can honestly say a blast to watch from start to finish.

The special effects for this movie alone is something that is worth to behold. The unconventional way they pull off the explosions in the movie is very absurd and silly, yet I admire for trying something different.

Note that this movie isn't the avant-garde of comedy horror. The plot is simple, has some really bad acting in it, doesn't have great cinematography, but the comedy is very tongue-in-cheek and very entertaining. The ending especially is very good in my opinion.

So my advice is, if you're very bored out of your mind and would love to watch something that's not heavy, isn't slapstick comedy and has that sort of beautiful trainwreck quality of a movie, watch this.

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Baby Driver (2017)
14 January 2020

If you like music, action, crime, heist, car chases, and classic love story then this movie is for you. The movie has it all. It's the perfect mashup of all that component. That first 6 minutes of Jon Spencer Blues Explosion soundtrack mesh with the action alone is worth the price of admission.

As soon as I heard that this is an Edgar Wright's directed movie, I was immediately drawn to it. I admit, I had my doubts though. I wasn't a fan of the newly-replaced Robert Pattinson's throne of teenage heartthrob, Ansel Elgort. But he does his job good enough as Baby, a young man with a hum in the drums as Doc (Kevin Spacey) put it. He portrays the character well in my opinion. Nothing out of the ordinary though.

Maybe some wouldn't notice, but the movie is like a musical in some kind of way. Well, almost. It's very well choreographed to the sountrack. 2 scenes that stood out for me was the opening 6 minutes scene, and the Tequila song in the warehouse scene. All that effort should always be commended.

Now, for the technical point, First, the cinematography. It's the usual of what you would se in an Edgar Wright's movie. A few scenes even consists of some long shots. Secondly, the car chases scene sequence. That's definitely the highlight of the movie. If you've watched Edgar Wright's previous movies, you can already imagine all the action in it. Mind you, they're all real. Well, at least most of it. Edgar Wright has confirmed that the movie only uses 10% CGI for the stunts, which means most of the stunts are done on set. Which in today's standard is a highly unusual choice but you can see why. It makes the scenes more authentic and an absolute guarantee will make the movie timeless in a few decades.

The only negatives from the movie for me is the antagonist and the climax. To me, the choice for the main antagonist isn't strong enough for me. They presented a good choice for them, but the final reveal is just not to my liking. Also, the climax action scene aren't as strong as other Edgar Wright's movie. It feels a bit anti-climactic in a way. I feel like the movie could do a little better for the conclusion.

But, all in all a pretty good movie. It's what you would expect in an Edgar Wright movie, action, comedy, good choreography, awesome cinematography and scene transitions, a simple settings, good storytelling and a bit of a romantic subplot. If you love The John Spencer Blues Explosion, Simon & Garfunkel, The Foundations, The Beach Boys, Queen, Beck, REM, Barry White or Danger Mouse, then this is movie for you. I dare you to not be entertained by this movie. Cause it's very hard not to be.

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14 January 2020

Let me get this straight out of the way. THIS IS NOT A ROMANTIC COMEDY MOVIE. There's nothing really that interesting happening in the movie. That said, the dialogues and conversations are top notch. I can't imagine anyone else playing Jesse and Celine other than Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy. The greatest compliment I can give to this movie is; watching this movie will feel like you witnessing that perfect first date you had once again.

The movie perfectly captures the essence and warmth of a new love. The movie is worth for the conversations alone. Both characters feel like a real person. Each has their own view on any topic, both has some quality and a few things you might not agree with. They don't need each other as badly as say, Romeo and Juliet. They'll even might be happy without each other until the end of their lives. But the subtle way they talk makes you certain that they definitely enjoy each other's company, and might even entertain the idea of living together.

Jesse is the penultimate average Joe. He doesn't have the quality of any action star. He's slender build. However, he's quite a spontaneous guy. So to me he's the guy you can relate to. Not perfect, but have this deep thought on things and have the quantity to do something wonderfully right if given the chance. Meanwhile, Celine is just the original European girl you'd imagined. Sure a little clichéd, but just enough vivid background to make you be interested in her. She's a feminist, have strong views on something, and have the pleasant outspoken personality nailed down.

Some would argue that this movie is merely a character study. And to that extent, it's kinda true. However there's more to it than just that. The movie itself is beautiful. Richard Linklater and cinematographer Lee Daniel's shot-for-shot is gorgeous. Watching it feels like a live painting. They perfectly encapsulates the beauty of Vienna. It feels like the perfect getaway for anyone. Some might even consider traveling there in the near future because of this movie.

The only downside of this movie is for anyone hoping this is a romantic comedy movie. It's not. It doesn't have unrealistic settings, unrealistic plot, unrealistic confrontation, and unrealistic ending. It feels real. The dialogues, the characters, the settings, and the sense of optimism you feel after watching the movie. A highly reccommendable movie for young couples. Or a lonely guy. Or anyone. One of the perfect romantic movies of all time.

END OF REVIEW. P/S: This movie is the first one of a trilogy
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13 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers

Finally a Spider-Man film that includes my favorite Spidey villain, Mysterio! But for the film itself, it's pretty meh in my opinion.

The plot twist doesn't really count as one, especially if you've even a few Spider-Man comics. The plot is pretty standard and tame, as is with most of MCU solo films (barring Captain America films).

I like what they did with Mysterio. Mysterio is a guy with many tricks up his sleeve, so incorporating modern technology is a welcome change. All of his illusion scenes are easily my favorite scenes in the film.

What I don't like and love to hate is everything has to somehow connect to Tony Stark! We get it, he's the MCU biggest character. Even after Endgame he stills need to be in the story. A little creative and new ideas to incorporate guys, please la.

I've never been a fan of making Peter Parker a Stark errand boy. Never will be. It's like making Batman an apprentice of The Atom. Spider-Man's bigger than Ironman will ever be. Fact. Hopefully for his next film, they can finally shed this stupid mentor thing and he can finally be what Peter Parker is supposed to be. Better than Tony Stark that is. 😉

Other than that, a pretty okay film. Thought about giving this film an extra half a star for making me (a Mysterio fanboy) finally see his favorite Spidey villain on screen. But the overall story and the standard template of the MCU films make this an okay-ish film at best.

If you're the biggest MCU fan you've ever known, then you'll probably say this film is awesome. But if you're not, I'd say you're not missing that much. Unless you're a fellow Mysterio fan. Then go watch it. But don't expect too much of it.
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Us (II) (2019)
13 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers

According to the masses, Jordan Peele's directorial debut Get Out is Jordan his masterpiece. Meanwhile, Us is the more average film. I've watched both films, and I'm in the minority actually for liking Us more than Get Out. Here's why:

Get Out is more predictable in terms of the storyline, albeit with its heavy themes. Us is still in the same vein, heavy metaphors and kinda predictable, but it's more light in tone. I find to be more entertaining than Get Out. Okay now for the film review.

Us uses the concept of doppelgangers and evil twins, or in the case of this film the Tethers. If other lame conventional horror films uses the tried and tired formula of jumpscares to get you off your seat, Us uses your own mind to get you on the edge of your seat. What will these Tethers do next? That's what made it more scary than loud noises and stupid / scary faces. It's definitely fresher than a cliché plot involving a family who just moves into an old scary haunted house. More like these, please.

The film cleverly uses the Tethers to engage the audience to feel the same as the family in the film. Where do they come from? Why do they have the same face as the family? What will they do? What do they want? You could us trying to figure out the answers with the main characters. And that's what make a good film. It doesn't hold your hands, it doesn't necessarily provide answers. It's just there to tell you a story. Whether you understand or satisfied with what you see shouldn't be the question.

But even after saying that, the film does have its plot holes. For instance, for a government to just leave that many tunnels with failed experiments unattended and unsupervised is a bit of a stretch in my opinion. And the plot twist is a bit predictable for me. Jordan Peele's films plot twist definitely haven't been too unpredictable when I watch it unfold. You can kinda see where the story is going.

But overall, it is a good film. Sure there's a few unexplained things in the film, but that's for the audience to think and decide for themselves. A 3.5 out of 5.
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Incendies (2010)
13 January 2020
1 + 1 = 1 + 1 = 2. Watch the film and this equation will make sense.

Incendies is one of those films where I'm not surprised if anybody who has seen the film they confessed that the film managed to change their whole life perspective. It's that damn good. This film has it all. Family conflicts, genocides, war between religions, politics. To say it is bleak is actually an understatement.

I've watched a few of Denis Villeneuve's film before this. And I gotta say, you can clearly see his signature and style all over the film. The pacing, cinematography and overall style is definitely obvious for us to see. This film showcase his talents not just in terms of directing, but also his know-how to choose a story and expand on it.

The narrative is actually quite simple. Nawal, a dying mother instructs her twins, brother and sister Simon and Jeanne to go on a trip to the Middle East in search for an answer to her life history. There, they learnt how life in those times in those places is like living in hell. How politics and religious extremists would only destroy lives.

Villeneuve's film has this quality of needing little dialogue to convey things. Instead, he relies on his actors to use their full facial expressions and acting range to show raw emotions. Some of the scenes are so gripping and hard hitting you will likely feel the same as how the characters feel at the time. This film is so exhausting you'd probably feel drained of it all by the end of it. But it doesn't do it through fast pace, but rather through the use of you discovering the truth as it unfolds before you.

Villeneuve also has the habit of leading you astray with his plots. He led you into thinking for something to happen, only for something else to happen. You'll probably feel vandalized or harassed or confused by the end of the film, or all three. Not to mention his cinematography and mise en scene is absolutely superb. Just enough to got you immerse in the story and curious as a whole.

Incendies made Hollywood noticed Denis Villeneuve. And I can see why. This film is a masterpiece. Absolutely no doubt about it. There are absolutely zero fault I can find in this film. Well, it's slow but that's not the film's weakness. It's only is if you prefer action packed films or cookie cutter summer blockbusters. And this film isn't that. It's doesn't exist to appease you or the audience. It is only there to tell a story. An easy 5/5 for me.

Watch it. And you won't be disappointed. Or you could. But not because it's a bad film.
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Knives Out (2019)
13 January 2020
"My House, My Rules, My Coffee" The film starts and ends with this quote, perfectly roping in the audience on what's to come. Writer-director, Rian Johnson may have his fair share of haters because of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, but even most of his naysayers may had a hard time nitpicking this film. It's that good.

Knives Out is a modern take on the old whodunit film genre, which came to prominent around 1930s. The best thing the film has got it going for it is probably its clever writing. From the settings, to the characters and dialogues, all of it stands out. Hell, even the set is good. So much so that even though this film uses the modern settings, you don't feel like it is. You feel as though the film is a period piece, even when there's continuous use of modern gadgets like the smartphone. It's probably down to the antique set objects used.

Second, its eccentric colourful characters. Detective Benoit Blanc (Daniel Craig) is easily the best character. Imagine the world's best detective, most probably would imagine Sherlock Holmes; he's sarcastic, annoying, insufferable know-it-all and very meticulous. This guy? Complete opposite. Looks stupid, doesn't pay attention to details, etc. The only thing they have in common is their eccentricity.

He's also the funniest in the film. Couple with other characters like Marta Cabrera (Ana de Armas), Ransom Drysdale (Chris Evans), and Jacob Thrombey (Jaeden Martell) and you got yourself a winner. Coupled that with funny situations and deadpan dialogues, it makes the film feels like a Wes Anderson film but with modern settings.

Probably the only downside of the film is the predictable plot. There's a few plot twist here and there, but not to the point that it might shocked you. And considering that it's the genre core elements, it's a bit disappointing in that regard. But the film's more than justified itself by going on this treasure hunt like feel that's usually are in films like Indiana Jones because of its fast-pacing, which makes it more entertaining because of the rarity of how usually these films are paced.

Overall, this is a very good modern take of whodunit movies and sets a very high bar on future films in its genre. Hopefully this is a new start to the genre becoming embedded in the popular culture again.
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Arrival (II) (2016)
13 January 2020

Attention to anyone who's planning on watching this movie. If you going into this expecting the movie to be like Independence Day, Edge of Tomorrow (a very good movie regarless), or Battleship, then you will be deeply disappointed. This is not your typical alien invasion movie filled with non-stop action, and a gun-toting protagonist who shouts profanity and spout random pop culture references. But that's okay, it doesn't need to be that kind of movie. There's plenty of movies out there to fill that void. This movie is more closer to something like 2001: A Space Odyssey, or Interstellar. It is movie full of concepts that challenge our mind. Yet, it somehow display a bigger simple theme than most movie. And really, that where it shines best.

I was already a fan of Denis Villeneuve ever since I saw Sicario (another movie with a female protagonist). Sicario was my favorite movie of his. That is, until Arrival arrived (pun intended). This was his first big budget movie and it definitely catapulted him to become today's top new Hollywood director (his next project is Blade Runner. The movie is a slow-paced drama. Imagine it being like an onion. Until all the layers are peeled off, you won't really know what's really going on. Sure, there are hints around (I managed to figure out what the plot is about almost a 3/4 of my viewing), most would really just be scratching their head throughout the movie. But the events that take around during the final few scenes, or after you have figured out what exactly happens, it is one of the most satisfying scene ever. Yet, somehow it can make us feel even sadder. And might even us question some of these "bigger picture" concept.

The movie proves that us humans have these fundamental programs built into our minds. We will always fear what we don't understand. It is a notion that we can't deny or escape. It also have a very simple theme, yet we can all agree that we haven't been able to fulfill that very theme throughout most of our entire human race existence. The concept of the main heavy subject is even more applaudable when it is compared with the same concept in Islam. It has almost the same idea. But with a more imaginative execution. It also managed to fill just enough space for a fanatic sci-fi to watch it again. The scene where they first enter the heptapod is one of the most memorable scenes in sci-fi movies recently. So there's definitely enough discussion provided for just about the most of us.

The first and final scenes were very strong, emotionally. It made us not just sympathise with the characters, it also made us feel like we're there with them because the theme is very universal. How would you feel if you have the same knowledge as Amy Adams' character, Louise Banks? The technical part of the movie is sublime too. The cinematography is mostly consists of these "a sight to behold" shots. It doesn't rely too much on CGI. So it definitely will stand the test of time. The score (sountrack for those not familiar with the term) are also gripping and catchy when it needs to. Particular for the first and final scene. It definitely contributed to those few teary eyes.

Ultimately, this a must watch movie for most of us except for the hardcore popcorn cookie-cutter movies fan. It deserved to be mentioned, praised, and rewatched again and again in the next few years. And the years after that.
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Paskal (2018)
13 January 2020
Cringey dialogues, wooden acting from some of the actors, and cliché plotline, however that's probably not where Paskal need to shine anyway.

Paskal shines where it needed the most; its action scenes. Whenever there's giant spectacles, it delivers. Sure it's not Hong Kong or Korean action film level, but it's a good try. Definitely a step in the right direction for Malaysian action films.
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Shazam! (2019)
13 January 2020
Hate DC films before because they're too dark and emo? Don't want heavy expositions or implications because they're "just superhero films"? Just want to enjoy the film because they're basically make-believe? Then this film is for you. In fact, I'd say this film is for everyone. Especially the kid in you.

This is a good lighthearted film. A film that's enjoyable for the whole family. It has Easter eggs, references to other superheroes, old rock songs, and new pop culture references. This film shows that you can go nuts with superhero films, without taking the R-rated route like Deadpool.

So what if the villain is one-dimensional? It's a story about a kid who's chosen to be a superhero by an ancient wizard. No need to take it too seriously. And it works. Definitely recommended. Kids will definitely love this film. I can already see kids dreaming of becoming Shazam. A good fun movie for the whole family to enjoy. Have fun.
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13 January 2020
Typical Marvel origin movie. Tame fights, nonexistent villain, or rather a villain with no to little personality, and just barely makes it. Just an okay film. If you think Thor's first film is excellent, then you'll probably love this. Other than that, it's average.
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Amélie (2001)
13 January 2020
Extremely quirky, and full colorful characters. Very surreal and never dull. Uses a simple story and plot but somehow managed to move you.
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Dilwale (2015)
Good songs, terrible film.
13 January 2020
Seriously, this film only exists to please SRK-Kajol shippers. It's 100% banking on the nostalgia of older classic SRK-Kajol films to make a quick cash grab. And they managed to do it. The film is unnecessarily long, considering the plot is simple. You would have thought they have settle it sooner. The plot is borderline 80s - 90s Hindi films cliché. I thought the genre had died already 20 years past 2000. Apparently, it's still alive.

The action is full-package unapologetically over-the-top. But considering the stupid jokes and plotline, I actually welcomed it. The only real good thing it has got it going is its well-choreographed dance numbers and songs. But having said that, most Indian films has that quality. So that's not out of the ordinary.

A very bad film. If anyone even mentions this film besides Kuch Kuch Hota Hai is an insult to Kuch Kuch Hota Hai. 2 out of 5.
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Munafik 2 (2018)
Terrible. Over the top cartoon villain
13 January 2020
This movie gets 1 for effort. Too black and white characters, over the top villains, overexaggerated and tangled plots, illogical decisions and choices from the characters, overuse and over reliance on jumpscares, and convenient plot twists and deus ex machina that don't even have any sort of payoff at the end of the film.

I can't even fathom as to why anyone would say this is a good movie. I seriously don't because for me, this is easily the worst Syamsul Yusuf film to date that I have ever seen. Yes, even worse than KL Drift.
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Not a bad tear-jerker film
13 January 2020
I've seen plenty of people included this film in their top 10 best Korean films of the decade list. So, I decided to watch and see for myself what the fuss is all about. And truth be told, I can see why. I can also see why many thinks it's a standard tearjerker film.

Most of the acting is done well. Seong-Ryong Ryu, who plays the mentally-handicapped father plays his role well. He doesn't overdo it and looks believable as a mentally-challenged person. His daughter also played well by the young So Won Kal. Even the side characters are all well-developed, and have their own unique personalities, to the point that you'd remember them.

The film's biggest strength is probably that it's heartwarming. It definitely has a lightweight tone, even though the story might warrant a more dark and gritty tone to it. The film also managed to be funny, especially with the colourful characters of the inmates. Each sketch and line is executed well and has a good balance of spastic / situational and dialogue humor.

Having said that, the film has a very predictable plot. You didn't need to watch it halfway to guess where they were going. You won't be surprised with anything after watching, cause it's all cliché. They also have a chance on making a few of the scenes feel more suspenseful, but they chose not to. A wasted opportunity, in my opinion.

Another weakness of the film is it's trying a bit too hard to be a tearjerker. Some of the scenes are definitely only written so to invoke and nudge the audience to cry and feel sad. There's a trend of Hollywood films nowadays that are called "Oscar-bait". Well, I can safely say the film has that "tearjerker-bait" quality to it, something that's definitely most of these kinds of films strive hard for. They need to go with the formula of "less is better". That would have been better.

Overall, it's a good film. Not great, just a good heartwarming film. It can be a good pick-me-up type of film, where you can watch it when you're feeling down and it will make you feel alright or at least, less terible.
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Andhadhun (2018)
Fresh and original
13 January 2020
I missed the chance to watch this film on the big screen when it was released here. Only now that I remembered about the film. And after watching it, I regretted that I didn't managed to watch the film in cinema.

Probably the film's biggest strength is its originality. The plot feels fresh, it doesn't have the stereotypical stories of older Indian films. Granted Indian films has long since abandoned that type of stories. Although having said that, it has all the ingredients that's usually in a typical Indian film: murder, sex and betrayal. The film knows how to grip the audience. It probably made most of them on the edge of their seats watching.

The film's unpredictable to say the least. There's enough mystery after mystery that will entice you to stay until the end of the film. You will try to keep guessing what will happen next, only for them to be thrown out completely by the film. The back-and-forth plot makes the film to feel as a tour-de-force.

However, for me its biggest strength is the characters. The film doesn't have a clear good and evil side, even though it is set up like that at first. Each characters have their own grey moral code, which makes the film feel realistic and gritty. Ayushmann Khurrana plays the blind man pianist part perfectly, sprinkle with Tabu's mischievous acting makes for an exciting conclusion.

Having said that, there's probably a tiny flaw in the film: the zigzag storyline. Although the film pacing and storyline makes the film unpredictable, it also hurts the film in the sense of cohesion. The plot is moved from here to there and back here, making me feel like the film is trying too much to subvert your expectation that sometimes it feels like it's straying a bit far from the initial storyline just for the sake of being unpredictable. So, the technique feels like a double-edged sword in that regard.

All in all, a very good film. Highly recommended.
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1917 (2019)
Visually breathtaking
13 January 2020
Breathtaking. Visually breathtaking. That's probably what I would use to describe the film. 1917 is a film that use a continouously long one-shot in its entirety, like Birdman. And the efforts to make that alone should be applauded. Using a simple story settings, 1917 soars in the technical aspect as well as the narrative.

The film uses a very simple and easy to understand settings: deliver a message. The protagonist is basically a messenger. However, the mission is no easy task; making it a very good story to told. The film waste no moment in introducing its main characters and their mission, making you feel the importance of the mission at hand.

This film is very gripping to say the least. The layers of the film is slowly peeled off, making it a very slow steady ride at first. It will keep you on the edge of your seat, just to occassionally push you back to the end of it. The sequence is well thought and set up, so much so that you'll feel the build up rising little by little.

Another thing that I liked is the film uses very close shot to shoot the film, making you feel like you're there with the characters. It feels like you're riding a roller-coaster, and a very frightening one. Or like you're playing a World War 1 horror video game. Coupled that with the IMAX superb surround sound system, making it a very satisfying viewing and listening experience.

The score of the film is also a main component in influencing your emotions. Whether to be sad, suspense or makes your blood pumping, Thomas Newman's score is there every step of the way. He knows when to use any cue to make you wary of the lying threat surrounding the main characters. Hats off to him.

All in all, 1917 is a very immersive experience. This is maybe a once in a lifetime chance. I highly recommend you watch the film. Definitely watch this in IMAX if you have the chance to do so. It makes a world of a difference. Guaranteed you're not going to regret it. A 5 out of 5.

P/S: I liked this film better than Dunkirk. But having said that, both aren't the same type of film and should't be compared because both are masterpieces in their own regard. Take that as you will.
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