
30 Reviews
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Interceptor (2022)
I don't understand all the negativity.
10 November 2022
I simply don't understand all the negativity. It's not a masterpiece by any means but doesn't deserve the 1 star reviews. I'd call it a throwback to simpler times what action movies could just be dumb with over the top villains, super human heroes etc and everyone was fine with it. After the first 3 minutes I knew what sort of film it was going to be and I was okay with it, enjoyed it too. The 90 minute runtime is always a dead giveaway that there's not going to be any in-depth plot or character development and you're going to get thrown straight into the dumb action which is what I was looking for this particular evening.
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Atropa (2018)
Outstanding.. A must for Sci Fi Fans
20 September 2021
I love Sci-fi and have been watching the odd DUST short for years, some good, some not so good but this was outstanding. I thought I would try the first episode but watched them all one after the other, I was hooked right away.

Production value, CGI, story, acting, all top notch, they even got Michael Ironside in a small but great role who I expect was thrilled with the end result. And it was free on Youtube, how could I not give it 10 out of 10. If you love proper sci fi stories you'll love this.
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Breach (IV) (2020)
An absolute joke of a movie that made me consider cancelling my Netflix subscription in protest
13 June 2021
As a Sci Fi fan I can enjoy a range of movies from this genre from big budget blockbusters to low budget indies... In fact some of my favourite Sci fi movies are low budget indies which work because they generally have a good story and/or use their budget well...

Now there's Anti-Life/Breach whatever you want to call it...!!! What a complete mess of a movie basically Zero budget for special effects and sets, this movie has put me off giving low budget sci fi movies a chance and as for Bruce Willis.. How far down have you fallen and how hard up are you to even consider a project like this when you use to be able to demand big money....

An absolute joke of a movie that made me consider cancelling my Netflix subscription in protest.
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Absentia (2017–2020)
Very entertaining, mystery, twists etc are my cup of tea
4 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I've only seen seasons 1 and 2.. yet to watch season 3.

I found season 1 very entertaining once it got going, mystery, twists etc are my cup of tea. I do agree with other reviewers in calling out the audio, It's very amateur and could of used a professional audio technician to adjust the levels so background noise didn't overpower the dialogue as its hard to hear at times, however nothing could fix the male leads mumbling of his lines and i found myself re-winding a number of time just to hear what he said in case it was important to the plot but sometimes is NEVER got it. I would have given this show 9/10 it its wasn't for the audio

I thought season 2 was much better than season 1 and the twist that unfolded in the last 2 episodes was great and i don't think it was thrown in as an after thought either like these things sometime are as i never trusted Alice in season 1.
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Stargate Universe (2009–2011)
Fantastic Series That Unfortunately Ended Way too Soon
21 August 2020
It's almost 10 year now since SGU was cancelled and I still watch my box sets regular..

I'm sure this mirrors a lot of people's thoughts but I was NOT a massive fan when it first aired. This was not Stargate I told myself, not the Stargate I was use to, but I watched every week and by mid season 2 I was enjoying it more. I think I was used to episodic Stargate where as SGU had more of a continuous story arc.

I can still watch the entire 2 seasons in order (and have done so over 20 times) and enjoy the journey each time only to be disappointed when it's finished knowing that it was cancelled and I'm never going to find out what happened to the crew of the destiny.

I can honestly say now that for me SGU was the best Stargate series and I just wish it would have come to our screens more recently where it would have had a chance of being picked up by a streaming service after cancellation just like The Expanse, Lucifer, Travellers which are more of my favorites.
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Brassic (2019– )
Hilarious, Fun Ride That Gets Better Each Episode
4 May 2020
Not sure why i didn't find this gem when it first got released but I saw the Series 2 trailer and thought I'd watch Serious 1 on demand which i did over two nights.

In my opinion it's the best Northern Adult Comedy since (early) Shameless.. I'm from the North - about 15 miles from where it's filmed - and I love it but I have work colleagues based in Surrey who love it too, one said he's moving up North as it looks like a
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Birds of Prey (2020)
What a complete an utter mess... Negative reviews are correct
22 April 2020
What a complete an utter mess.. Writer/Director should be ashamed of themselves.

Now I'm not one to jump on the bandwagon when I hear about a film getting bad reviews, like this mess of a movies gets, so I went into this open minded and if i ended up enjoying it then i would say so... I mean, I enjoyed Captain Marvel even though many gave it bad reviews.

But this is a complete unwatchable, jumbled up mess and anyone giving this garbage positive reviews has got to be attached to the movie or studio in some way.

I sat through about 40 minutes before turning off.
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Travelers (2016–2018)
One of the best sci fi shows ever
12 January 2020
Ok people will argue with me over my "One of the best sci fi shows ever" title but for me the show was another level when it comes to time travel. It's a well thought out concept, I mean, if time travel ever becomes possible this would be it, mass-less data sent through time a rather than something physical... All the calculations are done by a super computer using GPS, CCTV footage, Social Media and other data collected from the past.

The characters are instantly likeable and this was the last show that cause me to miss sleep as I binge watched into the early hours on a work night.

Show was saved by Netflix after being cancelled after season 2 for one last season to wrap things up but the end was well done as it CAN be rebooted in the future or if not give fans an ending...

I've just started re-watching again from the first episode, something I seldom do as i know the outcome of each episode... Saying that, I'm really enjoying re-watching as much if not more than the first time around.
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Ad Astra (2019)
I really wanted to like it but it was just awful
27 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is my genre and I really wanted to like it but it was just awful... I'm not sure what was worse, the boring story which is just a bunch of set pieces clumsily put together or the bad science...

It as if Brad Pitt was high and was like, I wanna fall from orbit.... Then I wanna have a car chase on the moon (with 1970's luna rovers.... For some reason) then I wanna answer a space SOS and get attacked by baboons with rabies or something, then I wanna do some other space stuff and save the day.... OK Brad it's your money (Plan B)...

I felt like this movie was aimed at a certain demographic.. People like me who love Sci-Fi, yet they couldn't be bothered to hire actual scientists or physicists as consultants...

Plenty on here have pointed out the flaws with the science so I'm not going to, But they really stand out to any Sci-FI fans...

Looking forward to Season 4 of the Expanse for some more realistic space science
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Dark (2017–2020)
Absolutely Brilliant Exactly My Type of Genre
18 June 2019
OK I am the target audience for this genre.. Time loops, bootstrap paradox, predestination paradox ( if you know what these terms mean then Dark is for you too) It's brilliantly done and the story is well thought out... I couldn't fault it.

I didn't watch it when it first aired being a German language series dubbed into English put me off and I thought it would be too distracting.. How wrong I was, I've actually just finished the complete 1st series after binge watching it over 3 nights and now I only have to wait 3 days until season two and I am really excited... I hope it all lands on Netflix at once

I don't want to spoil anything but I do want to tell people that you need to pay attention to character names, families, who's whose family member etc, you'll enjoy it a whole lot more and wont get lost
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Enjoyable Movie Can't Understand the Negative Reviews
30 May 2019
First of all I'm not a Marvel fanboy, I've not seen a number of marvel films, not yet seen infinity war, endgame. It was my son what told me to watch this movie saying i didn't need to see other marvel films, he watched at the cinema when it first came out and then watched it again with me for a second time.

I do however remember at lot of negative reviews on social media, and there are lot's of 1 star reviews on here. So I thought I wouldn't enjoy it...

I was expecting long drawn out pointless fight scenes, predictable characters and no story, not one I "a none fanboy" could follow anyway. What i got was the opposite; an enjoyable thrill ride with a great story, great characters, and interesting plot twists... I thoroughly enjoyed It, did I see a different movie to these trashers?

What the hell is wrong with people....
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First 20 minutes was so intense I thought I was going to have a heart attack
17 May 2019
Sequels normally get worse as they go on... Not John Wick. John Wick movies get more intense with each movie. I don't want to spoil the plot or give away any spoilers but after the first 20 minutes or so i was glad that everything calmed down a little, for a little while anyway, because I was thinking to myself, "it can't go on like this, I'll have a heart attack" talk about an adrenaline rush... luckily we got a break from the intense action after around 20 minutes..

What a fantastic movie. Yes you do have to suspend disbelief, every other person's an assassin and regular people don't seem to care or react when people get murdered nearby, but that's movie world I suppose. I'll take this over realism any day....
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The Silence (II) (2019)
What a waste of 40 minutes
11 April 2019
I say 40 minutes because that's when I turned it off, i didn't care what happened to any of the characters and had no interest as to where the plot was going....

It's another movie full of stupid people doing stupid things.. Maybe these movies just focus on the dumb and the stupid rather than people with common sense...

Why do Americans always feel the need to "bug out" and go elsewhere to a safer place.... I'm certain there are millions of survivors simply sat at home in comfort being quite, that's where i would be, secure in my own brick/toughened glass home.. I can barely hear cars driving past when my windows are closed, maybe in the USA they all have 2 millimetre single pane windows.

Also.... I don't know sign language so missed most of the plot and i don't know why the writers felt the need to add this to the plot... maybe because the quite place had a deaf girl in it? Get some original ideas guys...

I was going to give 1 star but gave it an extra star because at least the creatures had an origin story and did not just appear without explanation
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Great Biopic, Ends on a Massive High
27 October 2018
Being just that right age where i'd grown up with Queens music and felt upset at his death during my twenties I'd been anticipating the realise of Bohemian Rhapsody since I'd first heard James May announce it years ago...

However, I'd never really, been a fan of Sacha Baron Cohen starring as Freddie Mercury even through I love his comedy so I for one was pleased about the actor change.

Me and the wife booked our tickets online the day before to get good seats - To our shock we entered a packed cinema, this is unusual for our small town even with a new release the cinema is only generally half full which proves how many fans there are..

No spoilers here i just want to say then i went to be entertained and for a little nostalgia and didn't realise that it would be emotional too... I learnt things about Queen and Freddie Mercury that I didn't know and commend the writers, producers for ending the film end in the correct place.. On a massive high..

Hearing some people quietly singling along bought tears to my eyes... What a great night, what a great performer, died too soon.....

On a final note anyone worrying about Freddy's sexually turning the tone of the film into some homosexual drama - i know it bothers some people - it doesn't, its a 12A here in the UK.... a couple of 5 second kisses... Freddy was in love with a woman all his life, this is why his sexually caused him so much pain...
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Extinction (2018)
Deserves a higher rating than it has in my opinion
1 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I'm certain the unfounded 1 and 2 star reviews are posted by either those wannabe critics who simply slam everything they see or stupid millennials who have a very limited attention span and low IQ, you know the type of people I mean, the people who think Love Island is quality television.

As it went straight to Netflix rather than getting a cinematic release I went into the movie with low expectations but as a Sci-Fi fan I'll give any film of this genre a chance.

Now I hadn't read any reviews before watching the film so wasn't looking for a plot twist, which made it all the better when it was finally revealed..

The thing is, all the signs are there, the way the main characters behaved, which some people called bad acting, the way the kids behaved, synth kids, just like real kids, you're telling me, whiny and annoying, lol

When the reveal came i was impressed and enjoyed that personal 'wow' moment. I'm also impressed with how Netflix didn't give anything away in trailers or the movies write-up.... Which is spot on "An extraterrestrial force begins exterminating Earth inhabitants" you'll notice they don't say alien and say "extraterrestrial" instead which simply means from beyond/outside Earth... and say "Earth's Inhabitants " rather that saying humans... which I think is very clever.

It's a solid 8 out of 10 but I'm giving it a 10/10 to offset the unfounded 1's and 2's... Really these people need to get a life and stop simply dishing every movie thinking it makes them seem cleaver and intellectual, it doesn't, it has the opposite effect...
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Rick and Morty (2013– )
My kids forced my to give it a go
3 October 2017
My kids badgered me to watch it and i'll be forever grateful... Now i look forward to the new episode every Saturday (in the UK).

As a 47 year old married man with 2 kids I'm probably not the demographic this show is aimed at but I just love it, my wife loves it too.. Honest... Maybe we are losing our minds in our old age but i dare anyone not to love and laugh out loud at this show, it's characters and it's story lines.

I enjoy every episode and I've watched some a couple of times, when you do this you see more and pick up more hidden gags each time... I recently re-watched the episode where Morty was playing "Roy" at Blips and Chitz and noticed a Mr Meeseeks helping out an alien on a video game in the background, the alien wins and "poof" Mr Meeseeks vanishes, fantastic!!! this show is a genuine 10 out of 10 for me and i hope it gets series after series
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Anti Matter (2016)
Great Little Indi Sci-Fi That will leave any fan of the genre satisfied
21 September 2017
Anti matter is evidence that you don't need a massive budget, multi- million pound special effects or A list actors to carry a film if the plot and story is a good...

To be honest I'm the target for this type of sci fi and I really enjoyed watching it from start to finish, I look for films like this one and like to watch on my own without interruption. Time Lapse is another low budget favourite of mine.

I can't understand the negative reviews; I mean what were you expecting from a low budget, independent production? The story telling is solid and outcome satisfying.

I did guess what was going on quite early, but that's because its my genre, but it didn't spoil my enjoyment
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Finally the wait is over and GOTG2 delivers
29 April 2017
I haven't been to see a movie on opening night for over 10 years but I've been eagerly waiting for this with bated breathe...

Was it as good as the first one? This is hard to judge, I'm not really a Marvel fan and when the first one came out I reluctantly went to the cinema with my kids expecting to be bored watching a dumb sci-fi movie about a raccoon and an walking tree but ended up having a fantastic time, and I'm 47 .. This is the reason the first movie got such positive feedback in my opinion so the sequel was never going to live up to it... but it came very close.

I don't like to give reviews with spoilers so I'll give an overall review.. I found GOTG2 a hilarious and exciting ride that left me with a smile on my face for the rest on the night. You know when jokes hit the mark when everyone in the cinema is laughing out loud.

The banter between the characters is great especially between Rocket and baby Groot even though baby Groot still only says the same 3 words.

After the opening 5 minutes was over I knew I was in for a great time. This is not a bias review from a Marvel fanboy in fact I'm not a fan of the mainstream character movies like Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Avengers etc

I loved it, so did everyone in the cinema so you will too...
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An anomaly of a movie that i just wanted to end
24 April 2017
Like the title says, this film is an anomaly... It's simply a collection of over the top action sequences yet it was so boring I just wanted it to finish.

I've see the rest of the franchise and while they are not really my thing my kids love them so i go along even though I'm not really a fan and I actually found the last movie, number 7 I think, quite entertaining.

Now as a rule I don't normally review movies that are not my typical genre because I'd obviously have a bias point of view but for this load of unimaginative garbage I'll make an exception.

The script must have been sometime like "Do stuff with cars" because that's all the movie was, no story, no dialogue, just doing stuff with cars that didn't need to be done with cars. Action was way over the top and too unbelievable even for a movie where you need to suspense disbelief for a while.

I mean, what sorts of people are giving this movie a high score?
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The Expanse (2015–2022)
I've been waiting for a Sci-Fi show like this for years
11 April 2017
I just cannot fault this show, it's as if the writers/producers read my mind and saw what kind of Sci-fi I wanted and then made it...

I love the realism, no transporters, no warp drives, no gravity plates, no laser cannons, space is hard and dangerous. The tech they use doesn't seem that far away so everything to me is 100% believable meaning that you're engulfed in the story and fully aware of the danger everyone is in.

I've just heard that it's been renewed for season 3 which is fantastic
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Peep Show (2003–2015)
Totally hilarious comedy that I'm only just finding out about
12 March 2017
Why have I only just discovered this comedy...

I found all 9 series on Netflix a couple of weeks ago and I can't get enough, I watch whenever I get a free 30 minutes, I'm addicted and don't know how I lived with the show before.

It's hilarious, every character is brilliant not just Mark and Jeremy , Big Suze, Super Hans, Johnson are all crazy characters. I'm now on series 4 and it's still not getting old in fact each episode seems better than the last because the characters grow on you and start predicting what's going to happen (not in bad why).

Enough of this, I'm off to watch some more Peep Show..
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Best action move in decades
22 February 2017
Watched John Wick Chapter 2 last night at my local cinema and never before have I been compelled to come straight to IMDb and give my big thumbs up to a movie...

It's going to be a short review as I've nothing to nitpick, no complex de-constructions to do I just want to tell people how great it was and to go watch it so it does great at the box office, why? Well I NEED to see chapter 3, although i don't know how it's going to top this...

What an adrenalin pumping ride that was, better than the original if i do say so myself... I've not had my adrenalin actually pumping during a movie since i watched Rocky beat Ivan Drago when i was 15.

Mr Wick actually kills two guys with a pencil... a pencil!!!
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Not laughed so much at the cinema since the parole officer
25 February 2016
Went to watch Grimsby last night on a whim and ended up having a great time. Not everyone's cup of tea I'm sure, but surely anyone going to see this new Sacha Baron Cohen film knows exactly what they are going to get.

To be honest I was amazed how good the action scenes where played out, they could rival any serious action movie, however I was there for the comedy and that's what I got, I don't want to spoil this movie but I can't remember the last time I cried with laughter or cringed at the same time I was laughing, everyone in the cinema was in hysterics at some of the parts, an overly long scene featuring Elephants (I'll say no more) made my face and stomach hurt i was laughing that hard.

Rebel Wilson was great I love her in everything I watch her in, her Aussie accent did come out a few times which I forgive her for, but the line she delivered "am not pregnant am just fu*kin fat" was as Northern as they come.

Go see this movie, you'll laugh, you'll cringe, you'll feel ashamed of yourself for laughing at some parts but you'll be entertained, I promise.

I do think Sacha Baron Cohen needs to go see a doctor, maybe a psychiatrist as no one should be thinking up stuff like this, it's wrong.

As for people getting upset about the movie making fun of Grimsby, come on it's a joke, I haven't been their but I'm intelligent enough to know its completely exaggerated for comic effect, I'm from the North, Lancashire, actually and the funniest thing is how many people I meet in London through work who think I come from a similar place...
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Time Lapse (2014)
A thoroughly enjoyable movie
13 January 2015
Can't believe the few (and yes there are only a few) people that are saying that the positive reviews are all fake, rubbish the other positive reviews that I've read mirror my own thoughts about the film.

If... to enjoy a movie you need visually stunning multi-million pound special effects, multiple exotic worldwide locations, 'A' list actors and actresses then I'm afraid this movie isn't for you. If however you enjoy a good thought provoking story, great acting and a satisfying climax then you'll love this.

This is one of those few movies that sticks in your mind long after it has finished and warrants a discussion with the people you watched it with... this is the sort of movie I love, I'm actually considering re- watching it.
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R.I.P.D. (2013)
Silly, Fun, Entertaining Popcorn Movie
25 January 2014
R.I.P.D was a silly, fun and thoroughly entertaining Popcorn Movie and after watching the trailer this was exactly what I was expecting and it delivered as promised.

Not sure why the movie is getting such bad reviews, although over the past few years good reviews for any movie have declined in favour of bad reviews from wanna be critics who believe they are showing us how clever they are by picking a movie apart. I mean what's their angle? Are they trying to ruin the movie industry by trying to make all the movies flop, don't get me wrong, some movies are bad, this wasn't.

Great action, unique story, I never got bored, funny characters, good special effects I thought. The people saying that the CGI was bad and the deado's where not realistic enough I ask you this, have you seen a deado? My family loved it, so if your want to be entertained for 90 minutes your can't go wrong with this movie.

A final thought, I know many people in the US especially are still religious, did this vision of the afterlife offend them in some way, I myself am an atheist and still enjoyed the premise, In my opinion the writer/producer/director can depict heaven, the afterlife, limbo or whatever in anyway they choose, after all none of it is real..
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