
9 Reviews
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The Winchesters (2022–2023)
Are we surprised though?
12 October 2022
Not the supernatural fans giving this 10/10 simply because it was created by Jensen Ackles.

You can't give this show 10/10 and call it amazing when it clearly isn't. They need constructive criticism so they can better the writing and direction of the show.

It's simply a CW show- the biggest issue I have with it is that it doesn't feel like it's set in the time it's suppose to be set it. Feels like I'm watching a 2022 show set in the year 2022- the clothing, the styling of hair and the cadence in which they speak and act- I had to remind myself that it wasn't set in 2022.

I'm not surprised that this show is rather basic. No one like these characters except for Jensen.
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18 August 2022
Only watched the first episode: Yes, I felt it was rushed and would have loved for the origin to be explored with much more care and excitement but I really enjoyed this episode.

Tatiana Maslany is a magnificent actor and I knew she would handle this character with expertise. She's so likeable and has a powerful presence that you can't help but be pulled in by her and want her to succeed.

Bruce and Jennifer feel like real family and I appreciate their relationship and hope we get to see more of it throughout the series.

Excited for more.
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Boring with surface level characters.
27 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I haven't read the book and I haven't seen Normal people but I decided to watch this one night because nothing else was on and I feel like I would have gained more from watching a turned off television set.

Nothing really happens in these episodes. Obviously, there is the affair, but I felt nothing from the act: I didn't feel bad for the wife, i didn't hate the cheating couple and I wasn't worried about them getting caught- why? Because I don't care about these characters. The show doesn't do a good job of making them intresting or even likable.

They're surface level characters and you can't delve into the depths of their being because they're too shallow.

The tedious scenes of a character making a cup of tea, of sleeping, walking, etc. It feels like they didn't have enough material from the book and needed to make up time for the episode count and just put in tedious amounts of a couple of second shots that hold literally no importance.

I didn't like any character, the love between Frances and Nick ( what love? What chemistry? When they were first on screen it felt awkward and I'm not believing the whole 'this is how two socially awkward outcasts fall in love' this was poor.)

And the friendship and romance between Frances and Bobbi I did not get. She came across as a non fun judgmental sjw who would tear anyone down who didn't share her opinion or didn't tell her how smart and progressive she is and then she would make Frances feel bad all the time- this is a horrible relationship.

Ugh. 12 episodes for this? Nah that's ridiculous and I honestly can't believe someone would watch this show and root for these characters. Nothing happens. And when something actually does happen it doesn't have impact.

I liked Jemima Kirk & the actress who played Frances but apart from that I didn't get anything from this show except wild annoyance at these 'progressive artsy dumdums' and boredom.
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Help (2021 TV Movie)
Hard to watch.
17 September 2021
A powerful film that shows the hard truth of how care homes were ignored and left to survive on their own.

Jodie Comer and Stephen Were phenomenal in their roles. The acting felt real. A true masterclass in acting and never sliding into over dramatic acting which I feel could have happened if they weren't these actors. Jodie and Stephen deserve all the awards.

Hard to watch but a must watch.

That one scene ( the night shift) that will stay with me for a long time.
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Supernatural: Carry On (2020)
Season 15, Episode 20
Are you serious...?
22 May 2021
All of these seasons. All of these years for it to end like this?

I'm genuinely angry at how they decided to end this series. Yes, the series went down hill and it was never as it was after season five but it was enjoyable and had some cool and interesting episodes but the boys deserved better. Hell, we deserved better.

It feels like a slap in our faces. This show lasted for 15 years because of the fan base and this episode ( this season) was below par. I don't want to even get into what was wrong with it. I just want to forget it.

I was always worried with how they would end the show and I was correct in my worries. They did the Winchesters dirty and now I feel like it's such a waste to even go back and watch the series to know this is how it ends.

I've seen people comparing this to the final episode of Game Of Thrones and decided that this has taken GOT place on the worst finale list and I agree.

Jensen and Jared gave a lot of their time to this show and to these characters and for them to be treated this way is downright disrespectful and also I want to call bull on Eric Kripke for convincing Jensen that this ending for Dean was the right path and that the fans would enjoy it - because a world of no, Friend. He clearly doesn't understand who Dean was and clearly doesn't understand the fan base.

It's just that... a huge disappointment.
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WandaVision (2021)
19 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This show is so unique yet brilliant as it gives us a character study of one of the most strongest characters in the MCU.

I know people have been complaining about this not being a typical marvel project and I understand their confusion but this show is something much better. It's a love story to Wanda and Vision. It's a helpline to those who have not dealt with their grief. It's beautiful. It's the human condition.

Wanda has been through so much and has had to push it down and not deal with the trauma of her past. Just pushing on, getting through the next day.

It's so universal.

The anger, the depression, the disbelief, the bargaining and finally the acceptance she has to make by giving up this perfect world she has made but in turn she gets something much more important: She begins to live again.

This show is beautiful and sad and like Vision said: What is grief if not love persevering.

Wanda has been given so much character development and this makes me so happy for she has always been my favourite since her entrance in age of Ultron. She is a very layered character and it intrigues me where her character will continue to go.

Give it a chance.
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Walker (2021–2024)
Sheriff, we have an issue.
25 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Oh, dear.

Really wanted to enjoy it because I think Jared Padalecki is a decent bloke and actor but this show just didn't do it for me.

I'm not a fan of having a character killed in the first episode to further another characters development. We dont know how she is as a person and I dont like the 'Holier than thou mother figure who did no wrong' trope. I didnt care for her because you barely get to know her.

Also am i the only one who thinks its strange that he brought his real life wife onto this project as his wife only for her to be killed off? Nepotism.

It was also cliche and just boring.

It worries me that supernatural fans are just over reviewing this with 10/10 simply because it has Jared in it. They need to do some serious overhaul with this show to make it better and they need honest reviews. I want to see Jared succeed.

I feel like he's always been given the short end of the stick especially since Supernatural decided to favour Dean and give him the best lines and plots.

I want Jared to succeed.

Jared is talented and he should have chosen to do another project that really challenged him as an actor because now he is too connected with the CW network.
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Charmed (2018–2022)
Don't be so quick to Judge.
8 August 2020
Yes it is NOT like the original Charmed and that's okay.

Yes it can be cringey and cliche and reaching too hard but I like it. The original show had no diversity at all and I really love that this show is diverse.

I love the original charmed and its campness and that will never change but the show did change in the later seasons and I think people are looking at the show through rose tinted glasses.

The reboot gets better with later episodes as it just takes time to find itself and yes it will never be brilliant but it's good.

I think people are judging this solely off of the pilot and I think that is ridiculous. They want to hate on the show because they grew up with the original. I love the original and nothing will change that but this show is different and is finding it's own journey in the charmed world.

Just give it a chance.
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Supernatural: Wayward Sisters (2018)
Season 13, Episode 10
Could have (Should Have) Been So much Better
7 August 2020
This backdoor pilot episode was a mistake and I'll explain:

Supernatural has been trying to create a sister series to the show for a while but nothing seems to be working due to the characters on the hopeful new show not being Sam, Dean or Cass and I was pretty certain that CW wouldn't try again with a new series spinning out from Supernatural but lo and behold Wayward Sisters was announced and I was actually excited about the prospect of the show but my excitement was premature and fell to my feet upon watching the episode.

It doesnt feel like it's own show. Upon watching it it felt like Supernatural and why would you want to create a new show solely based on female characters to resemble a show that doesnt know how to handle female characters?

Wayward Sisters had the opportunity to change the tide. To create a unique fantasy show with complicated and interesting relationships between the female characters but instead it follows the tired and cliched path of a basic supernatural episode?

In my opinion Sam and Dean should not have been in the episode and it should have focused on creating a storyline for the possible series and set up teases for what could have came down the line but they didnt.

I know I may be coming across harsh on the episode but it's only because I was so disappointed by it. I was expecting so much more and the fans of the shows fought so hard for this to be picked up but I can honestly understand why the CW didnt pick it up.

It needed so much more love and attention and it simply wasnt given it. It was boring and cliche and when I finished watching it I was angry at the missed opportunity it could have been.

There will never be a sister show to Supernatural because it will never have the 3 leads in them and that's the reason why people watch the show and they cant be invested in side characters who only appear in every other year and a couple of episodes. It just isnt possible.

They don't have the pull and the writers should have worked harder to make these characters stand out more in the previous episodes before writing this backdoor pilot.

I wished it was better but I cant say I'm surprised given the history of how Supernatural treats female characters and that stems from the writers. I think it can be detrimental for fans to beg writers to create a spin off especially when the writers and show had mo intentions of doing so. For there isnt genuine interest or passion on their side of it and honestly it shows in the writing.

Sorry, nerds for this sucky post but there will be better series in the future.

Hope for the best and let's move on from Supernatural for its had it's time. 15 years of it and let's look for bigger and better shows.

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