
43 Reviews
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The A List (2018–2021)
30 June 2021
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Season 1 was intriguing. Season 2 was a convoluted cluster of wtf. It was like they made it up as they went along. There seemed to be no rhyme or reason to it and it was boring. No point. Very disappointed in Season 2.
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The Good Doctor: Xin (2019)
Season 2, Episode 13
Not sure about this episode
9 March 2021
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I like the good doctor. I am myself autistic. I am what people call high functioning, I appear though not to be autistic. Autism is a spectrum, I feel like Freddie highmore isn't the best representation of autism, particularly "high functioning" but nor is he the worst. He is likeable and plays the part as well as he knows how, for a neurotypical. We don't like the term high functioning, I would call it "passing as neurotypical" or the old school aspergers. Anyway, this episode compelled me to review, it has 2 autistic characters aside from shaun. They are what people assume is autistic typically. I found it slightly offensive. They are obviously meant to appear as "high functioning" however, they appear wooden, they appear as savants. Not all autistic people have savant syndrome, and if they do its not the only thing they talk about or like. Also, not all autistic people appear wooden, especially talking about something they do like, we do get enthusiastic! The male character extra in this episode is shown as having sensory issues which is true but at first he doesn't seem to know what to do about it, when I have a sensory overload I ask for light to be turned down or turn them down myself. Also he is very fastidious about his routine, we like routine usually but I doesn't mean we are unmovable as adults when there is something of importance happening. As adults we learn that some things are important and we have to set routine aside. 3 autistic characters in one episode and all are portrayed in a way that could be construed at offensive because they all play it the same way as if all autistics are the same. This is to educate people. We aren't stupid, we don't always appear autistic, and sometimes we know if we are weird, sometimes we will tell you if we are uncomfortable about lights and such.
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It's a Sin (2021)
Heartwarming and heartbreaking
24 January 2021
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You may need a tissue for your tears when you watch this. Really good 80s vibe, the characters are likeable and funny. It made me more aware of something I didnt know alot about, as I was a child in the 80s. It was interesting, intriguing, sweet and tragic. I think I cried at one point in every episode, twice in the last one. The main guys are so likeable, and jill, and Collins mum, some really heartwarming moments in every episode. Theres lots of sex, incase that bothers anyone. The last scene, as, my poor heart. I really hope that there were gay men and women in the 80s that had supportive parents or friends, I really hope that people didnt have to die alone of shame, I'm heartbroken for those men who died, for love, for fun, for lack of information, and for their families and friends. I hope no one ever dies from shame. Heartbreaking moments.
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D-Railed (2018)
Hmm....10 star reviews left by cast and director....facepalm
19 January 2021
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Ok so not the worst film I've seen. Was kinda ok up until the crash. The bit with the cockroaches was random and poor cgi. The most annoying bit is when the woman called Lucy keeps repeating "Matthew where are you?" Over and over and then some more. The monster stuff is abit meh. I couldnt find all the actors listed which seemed odd or not under the right character names...Lucy, matthew and ray?? Defo a cheesy film which is ok if u dont mind that. Got bored part way through and read the reviews, noticed that someone said that 6 reviews were left on the same day and all at 10 stars, so I looked and seemingly they were left by the films director and 2 of the actors at least, i mean, their names are in the that made me laugh i guess.
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American Mary (2012)
Really liked it
10 January 2021
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This film was different than other films I've seen. The revenge was the main plot which was very much more involved than I expected. You feel her pain at first like she has good reason to do what she does, although there are some confusing parts. I liked the character, although she became wooden in parts. The idea of the film was something sort of different which was cool and I liked it mostly. The pub guy, not sure about him. The detective was fricking hilarious, an american actor for seemingly no reason putting on a dick van dyke style British accent, not sure what that was about and it was very unnecessary and distracting. The ending was kinda necessary I suppose.
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10 January 2021
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Starts of very intensely and you feel involved immediately. The actors are very good I think. And it's interesting to see where it goes. The ending was quite anti climactic and didnt explain anything much, I mean in a sense it was a happy ending but it made it all seem abit easy in a way, like everything was done and dusted. Definitely a good watch. Didnt love the ending.
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Spree (2020)
Not bad, until the last half hour
10 January 2021
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Worth a look, but the last half hour really takes a turn. The movie is talk heavy which isnt really my cuppa tea. It's a concept that you can almost imagine becoming true, how desperate people are for likes and follows on social media, that they would do almost anything. It was kinda dark funny, but the ending was not and really put me off.
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Holidate (2020)
Didnt have high hopes, but really enjoyed it
12 November 2020
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So I'm not someone who usually enjoys romcoms. And I started watching this as background noise, but I know I like a film when I put down my phone to watch it haha. So it starts as you expect any romcom to start and plays to its inside joke of we step not like all the others, but they obvs are. Anyhow, its quite funny and likeable. The main characters arent over the top perfect and super typical, they are likeable and abit silly, making stupid real life type errors, rather than being sickly sweet. The actors have good chemistry and I bought the moments they had. Worth a watch you know.
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Intriguing but not sure...
7 November 2020
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So I watched this film called fatal deceit, on here it's called gaslit. Its starts off fairly well, but it's kind of like on of those cheesy b movies, which is fine if that's what you want, and I knew what I was getting into. It's very intriguing to see how it pans out, but then when we start to find out the truth of the situation, it gets abit weird. Like all the trouble Layne went to to make his wife think she was mad, and the girlfriend tried to kill the mum and daughter....when basically you think, he already let on that he was dead and he had already left his wife, by her decision also. So he could've just lived his new life with his mistress and her kid, with no problems. So yea, I guess it took a strange turn... worth a look anyway.
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Sharktopus (2010 TV Movie)
30 October 2020
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I'm giving it 5 purely for the hilarity of the acting. It really only deserves a 3 or 4 but it made me laugh. I mean, come on, that's what we were expecting with a film with this title, am I right? The actors a so lame it's funny, the guy who gets "pulled" off the side of the boat "why it gota end like this" hilarious. The woman who uses her boobs to get a mans attention and then tells him to stop looking at her boobs is, yes u guessed it, hilarious! I live the way she throws money at him. The camera man is made of wood but he tried bless him. Eric Robert's tho?! I dont get why. Good for a laugh. Cgi is even funny
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Twixt (2011)
Yawn...Francis Ford Coppola, wtf?
30 October 2020
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Cringey as soon as it starts. I watched with hope because of the actors involved. Seems low budget and lazy. Soon as we go into the dream sequence I'm bored. I watched most of it but so bored after a while I ended up on my phone. It's strange. When you see who directed it, its strangely confusing. Almost like he owed someone a favour to put his name to the film. Sad and not funny even.
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The Witches (2020)
Not what I was hoping for but maybe worth a look
28 October 2020
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I'm half way through as I write but I felt certain things needed to be said. I love Octavia Spencer and I cant fault bar character, shes animated, but plays it well enough. The little boy is fine too. Nice lot of celebrities also. It doesnt start as sinister as you would hope, I love the original film as a kid and adult, and the scary ness of it. It was fine until the first which entered and it was abit cringey. Then it was ok until the witches enter the hotel. They're all bright and not scary, ok fine. But then shes holding an adult cat, and not that it's really relevant but if you have ever tried holding a sizable cat on one arm, it doesnt come off like it does in the film, but hey, I digress. The meeting in the hall has hardly any witches, you expect at least double. Anne Hathaway was the wrong choice. Her acting is laughable and not scary, her accent... she sounds Norwegian, scottish and Russian rather than German. Shes overacting, but not in an Angelica Houston scary way, in a sad as if meant to be funny way. When the witches take off their shoes you can basically see the toes they supposedly dont have, thay was kinda lazy. She floats all cringey, she doesnt look scary, but like a pretty clown(?) The cgi is sad, not scary. When she says witches, she sounds like shes saying b***hes. The mice make you forget your supposed to be scared, they make you think you're watching stuart little or something. I got abit bored after that, but wanted to see how it ended. Stanley tucci should have been in it more. Needed better witches. Needed better effects or cgi. Meh, may turn it off before then end... Ps. Watched abit further on and it continues to be cringey. Her accent continues to be bad. But she mentions she has "selective food disorder" and calls it picky eaters. This is slightly offensive to those with this eating disorder, that is real. The struggle is real. So I continued to watch despite my instinct to turn it off. The witches turn into crazed rats by doing a weird bang poof on the ceiling, yawn and just prior ann Hathaway reveals herself to be a witch by doing magic in the dining room by moving a table out of the way and no one seems to notice. Then she reveals herself to the grandma and I think, why cos they pretend not to be witches. But hey. Anne Hathaway's acting and accent continue to be embarrassing. Regretting giving it 5 now, maybe 4 or 3 would be more appropriate. Not loving the "humour" and I might have a kip.
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Rebecca (I) (2020)
I really liked it
21 October 2020
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I didnt clock at first that this was a take on the novel. However, it was a more modern adaptation, although not current modern if that makes sense. I liked the casting and the intrigue. Definitely worth a watch.
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A.M.I. (2019)
21 October 2020
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The main character is apparently playing a 17 year old, but she was like 30 and looks it. The acting is abit OTT and wooden in places. It's not awful, the ending is pretty effed up yet hilarious. Cant hurt to watch.
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Inheritance (I) (2020)
17 October 2020
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This film started off really intriguing. I was abit confused as first cos I wasnt sure who was talking about who and why. But then theres a funeral and things get intriguing. I didnt realise one of them was simon pegg until 10minutes or so into seeing him, he played it very well. It was interesting to see where its was going, lots of secrets and lies, then twist and you think its gearing up for a big finale and then the ending is really quick and almost makes the film seem pointless. The ending was a let down but the film was defo worth a watch.
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House of the Witch (2017 TV Movie)
Hilarious...but not meant to be
17 October 2020
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Starts of ok until a group of college student types enter. They literally state the obvious. They think they are stuck but dont investigate the house. At first when they try to escape the door slams shut so you can tell that it pulls to open, it's obvious, but then all the actors slam themselves against it as if to bust the door outwards when it opens inwards. They had been in a room where there were old fashioned black and white family photos, making it seem like the last people that lived there were from the 1920s or something, but then they walk into a kitchen that's blatantly modern. They go into a library room and someone says "ooh it keeps getting creepier" yet it's just some books and cobwebs?! The characters keep making stupid observations and comments. The apparent jump scares arent scary. The windows are meant to be boarded up but theres windows in other rooms or over the front door that are not. Someone gets hurt on the shoulder blade but then starts developing boils on his head. A girl has her finger cut but doesnt get boils. Her accident was icky and probably painful but she has to then be supported and almost carrier by 2 people right after the incident which to me makes no sense. Lots of stuff makes no sense all through, but it made me laugh and continue watching it to see where it went. It's a real shame it wasnt scary, its worth a watch for giggles though. It's full of horror cliches and doesnt seem to know what it wants. Haha.
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Shameless (2004–2013)
Surprised and I really like it
10 October 2020
Never watched this until now. I'm pleasantly surprised because I thought it would be something I would have on in the background while I was on my phone. Turns out I really like the characters! Some good actors in the programme and likeable characters. Mostly all abit fantastical but fun nonetheless. You get to love the characters and feel joy and sadness with them, feel like you know them. Lots of stuff happening all the time, people coming and going. David threllfall is very good.
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Need time to process my feelings
10 October 2020
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Ok so I feel slightly disappointed but mostly not. The first few episodes were very intriguing. I was pleased to see some familiar cast members from hill house. I was engrossed to see where it went. The narrators accent confused me though, she starts off like well spoken type british accent and then adds a northern twang to some words. When I say a northern twang, I mean she obviously wanted to sound like a northern brit but did not and it was somewhat distracting. I liked the characters mostly though. A few episodes in I was unsure which time period it was trying to portray because of the clothing and the speech, but it turns out the americans that made this dont really know what british people were like in the 80s and u get a post war type vibe from some characters. I felt like a guest one of the story arcs near the beginning so I disappointed myself. The middle of the series was like a bunch of bottle episodes, filler which could have meant the season would've been potentially better with say 5 or 6 episodes rather than 9. You keep thinking its going to end and it doesnt, and its slightly boring in that middle. However, a few episodes from the end it takes a bit of a turn and is immediately fascinating for a couple of episodes, which I loved. The very last episode dragged out but was also somewhat intriguing. Overall I was impressed by the gothic ghostly nature of the film, not so much interested in any type of romance, but did like the housekeeper and cook. The boy is hard to figure out. Peter's Scottish accent was very good in my opinion, and I liked viola alot. The narrator is a good actor except her accent distracts. Glad I watched it. Preferred hill house. Favourite episode was the one with viola and Pereira etc.
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Cobra Kai (2018–2025)
Love love love. Great for fans of the original film franchise
14 September 2020
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I love everything about this program. I like the nods and in jokes. I like William zabkas character. I like that they bring back the original characters/actors from the films. I think everyone plays is so well, and take true to the films. And its overall very balanced so that love hate everyone. If u liked the films, you will love this. Best programme I've seen in ages.
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Batwoman (2019–2022)
I liked it, I dont get all the hate
14 September 2020
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I'm a massive dc fan and I liked this. Yea I guess the stories arent all the best and the lesbian relationships take centre stage at times, but so what, straight hetero relationships do in other shows I spose. I'm not a lesbian and I am girl crushing on ruby rose. I didnt think she would work as Batwoman but she does. Shes quite cool. I dont love sophie but shes ok. Alice is crazy and I think it's the right Arkham type crazy. I think the dark undertone of Gotham is right for the feel, reminds me of the old cartoons from the 90s. The characters or lucius and mary are very likeable. Dougray scott plays a cool part, though his accent isnt great, hes still cool. I'm gutted that ruby rose isnt in the 2nd series but interested in how they will end her series as I'm almost near the end. I'm quite picky when it comes to tv programmes but I dont get all the hate for this one. I watch almost all the dc shows and some I dont like, but I like arrow best if that's any indication of my taste. I think supergirl is ok but the character is sickly sweet.
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Everything you would expect and more
3 April 2020
Very sweet underlying story. Lots of humour, rupaul in jokes from drag race and a few tears. Familiar faces. If you like drag race, you will like this. I thought it was sweet, funny and memorable. I love rupaul
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Really intriguing
25 March 2020
Not the film you think it is. Like the actors. Anna Kendrick surpassed expectations. Noteworthy
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Worth a watch
25 March 2020
Lighthearted comedy with abit of drama, based on real life. Something to take your mind off things. Good acting by the two siblings particularly. Feel good film
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Cute and cool
3 March 2020
I am 37 and I loved sonic since the early days, the mega drive days. This film was cute in parts, funny and had some in jokes. Love Marsden, he plays it well and their relationship is sweet. Sonic looks good and acts as if you would imagine him to. It's a good little feel good film
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Pet Sematary (2019)
I liked it
3 March 2020
I am a fan of the original and how creepy it is. I'm not always a fan of remakes but I liked this one, I think it did well and is worth a watch.
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