
68 Reviews
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
21 August 2022
First episode was pretty good, good introduction, alright action, and definitely a return to form for GOT. Hope the rest of the episodes will follow accordingly.
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Peacemaker (2022– )
Pretty good!
14 January 2022
It was good in all honesty. Has the classic James gun humour and John Cena was surprisingly alright in this. If you liked The Suicide Squad, you'll enjoy this.
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Injustice (2021)
23 October 2021
I don't understand what they were trying to do with this. Honestly just stay away from this. If you want to see the story done good, play the games or read the comics.
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The Leftovers (2014–2017)
Get Through The First 5 Episodes
23 October 2021
The first five episodes are pretty slow and don't really give an good inside into the what the show can really offer but after that, you can appreciate exactly why this is show is a 10/10. Just give a chance!
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The Killing (2011–2014)
Not a Lot Happens
11 August 2021
The show could have been good if it wasnt so drawn out. There is so many plot details that go nowhere and just exist to prolong the story. The first case could've been solved in 10 episodes easily but is drawn out to 26. There are better detective shows to get yourself into.
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Superman & Lois (2021–2024)
The Best of the Arrowverse
7 July 2021
This is probably the best thing to come out of the Arrowverse since Arrow s2/Flash s1. It tells a tale a more of hopeful superman, which is much needed after all the 'evil' and 'depressing' supermen of late, and his relationship with that of his family which is not shown often in mainstream media. The production values are insanely good for a CW show and the writing is superb! I also have to give praise to the acting leads for showing off a great Superman and Lois. Any fan of Superman or superhero shows in particular should watch this, its refreshing and extremely good!
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Invincible (2021– )
7 July 2021
Before I go on, I have to say this show is AWESOME! While the first episode may be a bit generic, once you get the ending, it becomes a no holds bar type of show that really tells a different side to an overcrowded superhero space. My only criticism would be that the animation feels a bit janky at times but if they fix that, this is definitely a 10/10 must see superhero show!
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WandaVision (2021)
Its different
7 July 2021
I will give marvel props for finally trying something new and Wandavision does take its unique aspect in full drive while offering a good tale of Wanda's own journey of grief regarding Visions death. That being said, the show is quite slow at the start and the ending is unfortunately a bit more of the same MCU beats we've seen before.
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Solar Opposites (2020– )
Rick & Morty
7 July 2021
It's basically rick and morty but they are aliens. Not saying that's a bad thing, but if you liked R&M, you'll like this otherwise it's not going to change your mind. Although I will have to give a special mention to the wall segments in the show which is by far the best thing about it. Definitely check that out!
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Its alright
7 July 2021
It gets a bit nonsensical at times and the dialogue is a bit weird at the start but for the most part, it's a pretty alright show that does go into a kind of a 'bad ending' vibe of the world.
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What Man Of Steel Should Have Been
23 August 2020
This was a good superman film that really gave a good introspective look into superman's journey to accept his path. The animation is definitely the best DC has put out in recent times and the art style is really unique and pleasing to look at. If you're looking for a good superman story, this is a certainly a good use of time.
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Could Have Been Alot Better
19 July 2020
This is one of those films whose ideas are better on paper than actually visualised. The movie tries to do a good job but it's a bit of mess. It just seems like 3-4 movies all jammed into one and while the ultimate edition does rectify it somewhat, its still abit all over the place. That being said the cinematography, action and music are all top notch and really adds to the movie. It's just sad that the story bought it down.
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Redeem Yourself
13 May 2020
A Silent Voice tells the tale of a redemption as a man tries to right the wrongs he committed to a deaf girl in his past. The movie weaved his tale of redemption, as he comes to terms of what he did and the actions he is undertaking to rectify it, in a way few movies have been capable of pulling off. The emotion that resonates from the film is outstanding as you truly do feel all the thoughts and emotions of the characters that all culminates in a superb ending. And the relationship between the girl and the boy was done excellently with all the runtime being used effectively to tell their story. This is a movie of emotion and of love and if you're looking to feel that, then this is the movie for you.
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Tiger King (2020–2021)
Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction
13 May 2020
Tiger king tells the story of Joe Exotic, and his feud with Carol Baskin. Before I start I should say I am one of those people that doesn't really watch documentaries, but when I watched this, I couldn't help but not finishing it. This bizarre tale is presented in a very good fashion with each episode constructed wonderfully so that you may enjoy every bit of this story. The numerous twists and turns along with the stellar camera work help propel this series into stardom and something you can not help but look at. The main downside, however, is that when you start doing your own research you find that the documentary was a bit biased in some of its portrayals and put some of its characters in a slightly worst light. This is the first documentary I am rating so it is a bit hard to rate it, but there is a reason why everyone is talking about this and that is because this is a story so strange that you have to watch it.
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The Lighthouse (I) (2019)
13 May 2020
The black & white film shows the psychological effects that two lighthouse keepers experience while being stranded upon their island. The film features outstanding acting from both Robert and William as they give one of the best acting performances of the year, coupled with a fantastic script filled with numerous imagery and metaphors that will make this movie something that you will have to rewatch. But the main problem for me is the start which is quite slow and takes about 20-30 minutes to ramp up in speed. If you do, however sit through the start, then this movie becomes a great watch that while being black & white, is a marvel to see.
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Zodiac (2007)
Slightly Too Long
13 May 2020
Zodiac follows the real life killings for which it is named after. The film did a good job of condensing the true crime story into a 3 hour movie as it seeks to answer who the Zodiac actually was, with the leads all giving good performances to back it up especially Jake who portrays his character quite well. However, due to its long runtime, this is a movie that you should only watch if you are interested in the Zodiac Killings as it doesn't really go beyond the case and doesn't do much other than tell the story. If you are interested however in true crime movies, and especially if you are interested by the Zodiac, then you should watch this. If you're not, then this movie might not be for you.
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The Dragon Prince (2018– )
Avatar Meets The Lord Of The Rings
13 May 2020
The Dragon Prince takes place in a world of fantasy where 3 young heroes take the egg of the future dragon king to their mother in order to restore balance to the world. The computer generated show has some of the best story in an animation period, something like the mix of the Avatar TLA combined with a bit of The Lord of The Rings. It was something I binged watched as soon as I discovered this show. With the characters being very likeable and the dialogue being surprisingly really good. The main criticism I would have which is more of a personal taste, but I don't really like computer generated animation preferring the more traditional look, but the show is quite good considering that (except for season 1 where the animation was quite choppy but it is fixed later on). Despite that, this is a wonderful show to binge watch filled with an exciting world and intriguing characters. A must see.
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The Legend of Korra (2012–2014)
This Is Not The LTA Part 2
13 May 2020
LOK takes place 70 years after the TLA, with a new Avatar emerging in an ever changing world. Let me start by saying this is not the TLA part 2, while it exists in the same world, this is a brand new story filled with new characters. The show is very good in that sense, as while keeps the charm and environment of the TLA, it makes sure to change the world so we don't have a complete rehash of the same story. While the characters are good, especially the development of Korea herself as it becomes a true joy watching her change into a respectable Avatar. With the story Itself (with the exception of 1 or 2 things) is excellent and truly shows a new take on the Avatar. This is a series that you must watch if you liked TLA, and admittedly season 1 isn't where the series shines the brightest, but the coming seasons show why this is worthy of the Avatar name.
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That's Rough Buddy
13 May 2020
Where to begin with this series, despite being a series made for children, this is one of those rare shows that could be enjoyed by all ages. The journey that Aang and his team experience is some of the best character development I have seen with a particular praise for the redemption arc of a certain character which is the BEST redemption arc on television. The series tackles a lot of adult con-tent with humorous segments sprinkled in which helps balances the series out with a fantastic world not unlike anything else on television. There is a reason as to why this show has has persisted in the publics' memory and you have to see this to truly experience the legend of the last Airbender.
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Birds of Prey (2020)
Fantabulous Fun
27 February 2020
Birds Of Prey in its 105min runtime gives us a truly enjoyable time. The action (which were done by the same team that does John Wick) was superbly done and truly something on the level of (uhh) John Wick. The acting performances of Margot Robbie and Ewan McGregor were excellent. And the soundtrack was surprisingly awesome to the point where I can honestly say I could listen to most of these songs in my own free time. However the main complaint I would say is that the plot is somewhat basic, taking a deadpool-esque story which while okay didnt really do much except for the ending which was quite unexpected (in a good way). Also a little sidenote for anyone who reads comic books, the film aside from Harley Quinn isnt that faithful to its source material so if you do care about that, just be warned that you will be watching a different take on these characters. In the end, if you're looking to have a fun time (which this film definitely gives!) and you dont take the film too seriously, then you should definitely watch this.
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Knives Out (2019)
A Mystery Donut
16 February 2020
Knives out from the beginning acts as a classic murder mystery full of eccentric characters all in the modern setting. From the very start the movie is able to captivate you, being one of the few movies of 2019 that truly fully captured my attention, as you wait to see how the mystery unfolds all leading to a shocking twist which by itself is enough to the see the movie for. And the characters are all bought to life with each actor/actress able to fully bring out all the specific characteristics of each person that makes them so fun to watch at. This is truly one of the better movies of 2019 and something that everyone should watch (even if murder mysteries aren't your particular brand of donut).
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Believe The Hype
11 February 2020
I'm sure everyone reading this has either already watched The Dark Knight or at least heard about it so instead of babbling on about what I think about the movie, I will say this: believe the hype. This movie even 12 years after its release, still holds up. That alone says something. You will honestly be doing a disservice to yourself by not watching this, and with The Joker (2019) bringing home 2 Oscars, there is no better time than now to re-watch this gem of a movie.
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Rev Your Engines Up
11 February 2020
Ford V Ferrari is an excellent biopic movie into the lives of Ken miles and Carroll Shelby. The film is able to beautifully weave their tales without showing anything unnecessary to us and making us truly care for their characters and their race to beat Ferrari. Both Chrisitian Bale & Matt Damon give excellent performances that bring their characters to life. The racing scenes as well are understandably very good giving alot of tension and action to the movie. This is truly a movie to watch and trust me on this, even if you are not a big car fan (like me), you will still enjoy this. I guarantee it.
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Mythic Quest (2020– )
Sunny Meets The Video Game World
8 February 2020
This is what happens when you take it's always sunny in philly and put in the video game. The shows is quite humourous and does a great take on video game culture. While its story may be a bit generic, it does show a few promising aspects such as episode 5, which was something else entirely. If you have an Apple TV subscription, you are a disservice to yourself by not watching this.
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Dark (2017–2020)
The Best Time Travel Story
4 February 2020
This is arguably the best time travel story I have seen done on the small or even big screen. The story is extremely complex but presented to us in a suitable way which makes sure that we know what is going on at all time without making us feel coddled in any way. The characters and the surroundings are beautifully done and all come across as great. This is a series that you HAVE to watch, if you are even a tiny bit interested in Sci-Fi. (And sidenote, watch the german sub than the english one, its much better and definitely worth having to read the subtitles for).
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