
136 Reviews
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30 September 2020
There is a planet out there devoid of earth problems and where people are living happy lives and long liives( 200-300years old). They send people to planets to spread happiness. Nobody wants to go to earth but a woman who she thinks has earthling relatives volunteers and go to earth to see all the noise,pollution, and people shouting at each other. She uses her superpower by putting her two hands on her head and wringing her head back suddenly,and by doing that she disconnects people and thy become happy, or kind toward nature and other people. Favorite scenes at the airport with two sons. Worth watching
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22 September 2020
I just couldnt relate to anythig in this movie. Matbe in 10 years it will make sense to me? I dont know but for now not my cup of tea. I watched an 1 hour and then couldnt watch further.
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19 September 2020
I stopped midway. The movie is so boring i couldnt keep up with it
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Giri/Haji (2019– )
2 September 2020
Watched the pilot and half the second episode. Not my cup of tea.
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3 Women (1977)
28 August 2020
Probably one of the most boring films i have ever seeen
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Watchmen (2019)
27 August 2020
First episode was great than the sebsequent episodes started getting increasingly unwatcheable. I stopped watching when the 5th episode has taken it too far for me to bear..
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Withnail & I (1987)
28 July 2020
It was painful to watch the first half hour of the film. I paused it and went and read a review on it to see if i will be missing something should i called it quits. I then replayed it again but still made the decision to stop watching it half way throu. It is just unvearable to watch. Two drunks at their worst habing laughs.. Sorry but no!
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Eye opening
28 July 2020
Starting from 1975, with two shots of Damascus and Newyork, Adam curtis investigates two ways of running the world. The banks were lending a lot of money to politicians in the 1975 but that suddenly stopped. From Banks to politics spanning the globe from Russia,Syria,Lebanon, to Lybia,Iran, the US, and ending with an Arab Spring. We can see how main players in the world were either pawns in a game of chess or fake players to distort perception. Hypernormalization is the term used to describe the attempts to promote a fake image of the world and make it the normal. Wiliam Gibson introduced the term Cyberspace negatively and then the decalration of independance of Cyberspace came along and then computers and the internet make cyberspace invidualist's dream. The film is full of events from protests all over the world and major political events and repercussions of big decisions made by politics. I find it hard to write in a clear manner about what i saw as it is a jumbled mass of complex politics of the old world where reality was still physical to a new system of cyberspace reality influencing events in the real world and a politics driven by shapeshifting and unrecognizable fake reality where the truth become irrelevant and people are parts of the node on a network of ever complicated reality.
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27 July 2020
The movie is a collection footage from 1929 russia with mysic in background,akin to Samsara. Watching the film, we can see how people dressed in that era, the work,the tech, like the old few cars on the road,the horses, a number of people doing their craft like weaving clothes, standing in line plugging and unplugging wires in a vast mural of receptacles. We can also see major life events like having birth, people marching in droves carrying a dea person, couple doing divorce and marriage papers, people smiling, people on the beach. It is amazing to have a window of time through which you can glimpse at what life used to be at that time, a time that is bo longer and whose people are now long dead. Cool film.
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Robot Jox (1989)
27 July 2020
This is probably the worst of movies. So badly made you feel sick. I ruined my experince of Pacific rim. 50 after the nuclear war,wars have ended and now countries do yearly games between giant robots that are controlled by fighters at the helm. The fight scenes are cringe worthy. Bad film
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Hardware (1990)
26 July 2020
In order to control reproduction,the goovernment conducted a secret miltary project to create Mark 13, a robot that inject people with drugs thru embedded needles and then murder them. The movie centers about one mark 13 that reassembed itself from the ruins of its dispersed parts in the home of a couple. The music in the movie is pretty cool, the atmosphere is scifi, the robot is not impressive but some jumpscares leveled things out. The girl is a beauty and she is a bad ass so that's a plus. Overall, fun film altho the tech is rudimentary by today's boston dynamics standards.
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26 July 2020
Nick Cave reflects on the challenges of making new songs with age and tauma nit giving space to imagination; he ponders the natire of his music and why writes songs. The creative process is shown by introducig us to the team, Warren particularly and through several cool performances. Nice doc.
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Onward (I) (2020)
Not bad
25 July 2020
Two brothers discover a message their father hid fro them until they turn 16 of age. The message is a mere magic wand which can bring back the the father for a full day. When the phonex rock pulverized they had to go on an epic adventure to search for a phoneix diamond and bring back the dad who is been present in his lower half all throughout the film. They bring him back at the end for couple seconds before the sun sets and only the big brother got a chance to talk to him briefly and the younger bro figures that it was his big bro who was pushing him to become the person he has become all his life. Thi movie is so average. No music no soundtrack and almost dull at times.
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The Work (2017)
25 July 2020
The work is a 4-day program for convicts in prison where prisoners spends 4 day trying to heal their emotional wories that have been buried deep down all their lives. The gather round in groups and talk about their problems and wuth the help of their fellow convicts and facilitators appointed for thie sake they try to resolve their deep seated problems and come out healed emotionally and with more hope for what is there to come. Seems like an effective program cause it is quite important to let out what's inside and face those bitter memories to come out cleansed of past sins on the other end and ready to tackle life in new frame of mind.
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Boring to death
24 July 2020
I enjoyed some of the colorful scenes, wall paintings like but the movie is so boring i couldnt stand it.
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Idiocracy (2006)
24 July 2020
Natural selection turned the world into dumb people but to preserve what is left of the smarts, the military conduct a secret experiement that mught preserve the clever for later use. They use an average man and woman for the experiment in the years 2006. Later, the experiment is aborted and the buildin in which the man n woman were frozen gets demolished and abandonned for a very long time. Meanwhile the world was getting stupider. In 2505, the world had beome so dumb with a lot of unsolvable problems like garbage piling up, economy neglected and agriculture waning. This man finds himself the smartest man alive and now has to make a decision to lead the idiot world whose up to its knees in gluttony and language deterioration. He finally chooses to lead with the help of the girl and grow a family and get the ball rolling to make the forgotten smart world starting over... fun film
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23 July 2020
The story of a 24 year old guy that lives with his mother, and whose father had died a hero rescuing lives in his work as a fireman. The person is a tatto artist wanna be . He is lost. Dont know what wants out of life. Resort to drugs most of the ime to slow things down. But later in the story after his relationship with his mothrer's boyfriend whose child he tried to tatto earlier he starts having good relationships with others and a more postive attitude toward life. Nice film
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Lunacy (2005)
Utter madness
21 July 2020
A patient at a mental institution is having nightmares about two guys coming in with a bag to put on his head. He is scremaing, shouing. Hallucinating. The guy meets than a mad man that invited him to his chariot to give him a ride. He then witness the madness of this person with all his blasphemous rituals, with the help of a tongueless man. The stop motion animations of meat are all over the place. The guy goes to the mental hospital and there he discovers that these two guys he met were inmates. He discovers the harsh treatment done to subdue the body by weakining it. Evert character in the film is mentally ill and has specific characteristics. I don't think these type of films is my cup of tea.
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Santa Sangre (1989)
Sucks big time
21 July 2020
This movie is so painful to watch. A lot of drag and boredom. Weird and creept scenes. You just want it to end. I don't wanna experience this again
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20 July 2020
The story of a man who lost his job and wanted to build his own greatest show that he'd long dreamed of. He gathers weird talented people and form a circus whose reputation reached the royal palace in England. The performances are cool. Musix and voices,choreography and dancing. Fun film
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Not bad
20 July 2020
A child who is fond of tinkering with gadgets is told by his mother, a police or something,that he is gonna to make the world a safe place when he grows up.14 years later, he join forces with a famous spy called Sterling, to beat that bad guy with a robohand that is impersonating Sterling and deploying an army of 1000 robots to wreak havoc in the city. The now grown up child helps his spy friend by doing creating multiple pacifist gadgets like the inflatable hug, the glitter that cause the release of serotonin, an a fluid that make bodies like jelly when thrown at them. An okay film. Not that cool but still watcheable
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Angel's Egg (1985 Video)
Esoteric stuff
19 July 2020
A girl is seen hiding an egg under her gown and striding through a deserted place where soldiers appear out of nowhere with spikes in hands trying to hunt shadows of large whales gliding smoothly through the city. The girl meets a mysterious man who queries her on what's inside the egg. She accompanies her to some place that seems to be a monastry of sorts,amd there she tells her stories of days past about an ark left behing and a birds gone with the ark?! He then sneaks up on her in her sleep, steals the egg, and breaks it. Upon such sight,she begins to cry. She then falls between two edges down to meet what seems like her mother, and then eggs surface, and her statue with the egg,and a large transparent egg sitiated atop a tree and encapsulated by fibers or something. To be honest,i couldn't quite grasp what was going on. Mysterious egg, a girl protectig it,and a man explaining stuff. The girls hair is impressive tho.
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We are the champions
18 July 2020
The story of Freddie Murphy, lead singer in Queen, a band of four that he made famous by his incredible creativity and voice. I was surprised to learn that Qeen is behind some famous songs ive heard, like we will,we will... rock you and we are the champions. The guy is extrenely talented but i didn't like the film so much. It was such a pain making it to the end,but i am glad i have learned the story of Queen and Freddie
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Akinci (2020 Video)
Great acheivement!
17 July 2020
A team of engineers and technicians led by Selcuk Bayraktar bring to life AKINCI, a fully autonomous aircraft whose maiñ purpose is to protect the country. It is a significant feat of engineering that not more than 3 countries in the world have the tech. Inspiring doc. Hopefulltly we'll see more such tech seeing the light of day from Turkey.
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Choke (2020)
What did i just watch
17 July 2020
So it appears that people in the movie has discovered choking one self to be a form of therapy reverted to whenever life pins you down. This is one of those films that you don't really understand the purpose of, but still leaves you confused. Reminded me of Under the skin. Same vibes
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