
13 Reviews
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POV should've been from the Osage not Leo
29 October 2023
I didn't mind the length. Most of the time with movies I wished they didn't cut so much so that was cool with me. But I didn't like that they told the story from Ernest's POV. Should've been mainly told from Mollie's or the Osage tribe. They would've been great to watch act out the true story & honor the tragedy. Instead it's really kind of honoring the Burkhart men by giving their story so much focus & screentime & it's almost as if giving them a voice when they don't deserve it from all the awful things those men did. They shouldn't have had a voice the Osage should have it or Mollie. I realize that without the star appeal people sadly wouldn't have come out to see it but they could've been in it just the same. The ending wasn't great, just blah.
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Domina (2021–2023)
1 August 2023
I really love the lead actress. The story is interesting & keeps you involved & really wanting that next episode. The other actors are very good too. It's well written, & filmed beautifully. They also don't forget small details from previous episodes so it's well thought out. Wish the other 99% of shows out there at least tried. If you like period pieces & authentic acting this is a rare gem out there right now. Super happy they brought a season 2, I'm only half way thru & fingers crossed they'll be a season 3. Give it a shot, MGM has come out with a few good shows lately. Not enough for me to subscribe to their streaming service but their getting better.
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Moonshot (2022)
Another HBO Dud
7 April 2022
Terrible. It should be a crime to spend the kind of money this cost to make on a movie like this For 1 the music makes me want to claw my ears off. I think it litterly has the worst soundtrack ever. The acting is pretty bad. I'd say a 3.5 out of 10, 10 being the best. Story is uninteresting, predictable & VERY uninventive. Ever since Warner brothers bought HBO it's content has gone downhill fast. More on the level of crappy basic cable shows. They even have game shows & reality tv shows ok HBO now. It's a travisty.
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Dune (2021)
NOT Dune, maybe should be called 'Paul's Dune'
27 October 2021
The Sci-Fi mini-series is still the best, the 1980s Dune 2nd best & this Dune is a distant 3rd.

It's what this movie is lacking that's the problem not what it is. This director doesn't have true love for this story. You can tell if your a fan of the 1980s Dune or the books. It should've been done by someone who really knew & loved the books. You get almost nothing about any of the houses, you won't understand why spice is so important yet the story revolves around it. They barely gave the Baron any screen time. Want to see the Baron? You can see every scene with him just about in the trailers. He is not in the rest of the film except that. & it's not the Baron from Dune. The throppters get more screentime than Duncan or any Harkonen or the Bene Gesserit. Paul doesn't even say his famous line, but he does in the trailers I've seen all year which is odd. That's what makes me think they completely changed the movie over the last year. Really lazily done.

This director doing this movie I had high hopes for because I really loved Bladerunner 2049, but now I'm just angry. He's just artsy fartsy & this is not a story that can be told in that way. Shame on you Denís. The movie is OK, but he totally just dismissed everyone else's back story which is so important & part of the great story of Dune. Book 6 is all about Mentats & the Bene Gesserit yet he makes no mention of Mentats at all in this film. Navigators are mentioned once but you have no idea what or which 1s they are or anything. No house Corrino at all. Totally changed the Barron's character. He's supposed to be flamboyant & floating around & crazy evil awesome psycho but in this Dune he's basically Kutrz from Apocalypse Now. No really it's almost identical to the 1st time you see Kurtz.

This was a huge disservice to the story of Dune. The animation & graphics were awesome, soundtrack OK, acting was OK actors were lil sub par & not exactly right for their individual roles. Not all but some ie Paul. The film was not horrible either. He got all the famous scenes in there but he changed or erased or ignored fundamental parts of the story. Things that really surprised & hit you in the story now won't because 1 example - Jessica has brown hair. That's one of my favorite revelations at the end of Dune but you won't get that here because he did away with all that.

The woke gender & nationality swapping is getting tiring in movies & while it doesn't make a huge difference with the characters in the story here he still did it. Looking at YOU Foundation! I just think that's a sad desperate move. Make your own stories & if it was such a huge no no for Caucasian people to have done to other nationalities why are they OK with doing it now. It's OK NOW? That's just my feelings on the woke film industry currently.

Like I said it wasn't terrible but it's not Dune. It's some artsy version with some famous scenes. What I mean is like an artist creates a painting & your to look at it & figure out the meaning & what the artist was trying to say. That's what this director tried to do but failed & you just can't do that with Dune. It's too complex to do that with. You can't just not put in crucial back stories or change the major characters personalities. The movie as it is was OK not bad, an extra 1/2 hr of content, back stories & information would've made this a flippin awesome movie. 1 of the best. It's all it doesn't have that's my problem. Plus they made us wait an entire extra year!? I honestly think that extra year they just cut & cut & edited & because they cut this scene then now they have to cut that scene too. You don't even know what the Spice is or does or why. Things like that. I think with that extra year they had too much time & messed with it too much & took out all the good stuff. I hope so at least. I would really hope that this wasn't done intentionally from the beginning. NOT Dune, Should be called 'Paul's Dune' or 'Paul's Story.'
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What is this nonsense?
26 September 2021
Im confused. It's not enjoyable, there's no clothes or anything if ever wear it anyone would really... What is this nonsense?
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Great movie-Don't listen to the other reviewers, clearly like to be hand fed everything
4 September 2021
Really liked this movie for the old school type film appeal with as little animation as they could. The story is good if you like old classic fantasies. This is a good movie. People who like to be hand fed every detail explained won't like it. People who think outside the box and that don't run with the herd will.
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1 GIANT Advertisement
7 March 2021
I only gave it a 2 because they brought back most of the original cast & there were so many famous faces in it. Why so many well known & loved famous people would attach themselves to & be in a movie this bad is beyond me. It was also full of well commercials basically. For ex. "Friskies! What every house cat loves!" Then they hold the products & shove it in the middle of the screen. & there were tons of ads like that. Maybe it's because it's produced by Amazon? & that's what Amazon does, sells merchandise. Puma, crown royal, Ciroc, Pepsi, McDonald's, bvlgari & countless others. They just said the name of the product, something good about it then shoved it mid screen. Lots & lots & Lots. It's pretty ridiculous. Not to be insensitive but certain types of people complain that there aren't enough black films. Whether that be directed, produced, written by whatever. But this is what they produce. Crap. That's why there's not really many. I mean if they complain so much then why don't they make actually Good movies & shows about their culture. This movie was crap. & a horrific example of where the world is heading today. We have failed the next generation. Idiocracy the movie came true, all too soon.
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The Knick (2014–2015)
Excellent Show!
22 February 2021
Best Show thats been out in a LONG time. Great acting, actually has an awesome, believable script. Def worth watching.
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Black Beauty (2020)
Don't change something that isn't broken
27 November 2020
This story makes no sense in parts, poor writing. The original was 1000 x better and the book was better still. At least they knew something about horses the people who made the original. It's just laziness & sloppiness. Everything is so dumber down now in movies. It's supposed to be geared towards horse people yet any decent horse person can see flaws in any scene. Very poor writing, directing & producing. That horse definitely is not a thorobred, colic isn't caused by or have anything to do with the lungs. How do these people get to make movies. Most movies are horribly written now. I didn't go to film school but I can make a better movie than 95% of stuff that comes out now. Where are they getting these people from?
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Raised by Wolves (2020–2022)
Why I'll never have kids
17 September 2020
Kids are such lil....... Why I hate kids they always mess stuff up. Nothing truer in real life. They are so bad. I wish sometimes they'd kill them off in shows cause boy to they deserve it sometimes and episode 6 really brings it home....
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Bullet Head (2017)
Great underrated film
27 June 2020
Sad, funny, heartwarming & an eye opener. Give it a chance!
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Fringe (2008–2013)
Best Show!
20 May 2020
Definetly a lesser known gem, wish it was still on & that there were more shows like it. Sadly none come to mind that are on on with this 1. Give too soon
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Babylon Berlin (2017–2025)
One of the best shows!
4 March 2020
Its a show you can't stop watching. You can't wait to see what happens next! Definitely in my top 5 favorite shows. I recommend to watch it in German rather than English dubbed. Great actors, awesome story. Seasons 1 & 2 were excellent! Season 3 wasn't as great as the 1st 2 seasons but still good.
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