
4 Reviews
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Taking Chance (2009 TV Movie)
Kevin Bacon sold out in the worst possible way
27 April 2009
The only thing that could redeem Kevin Bacon is if he came out strongly against it or per chance, that the frankly satanic propaganda that this movie is is so blatant that it doesn't fool anybody. People being stupid enough to vote for Bush twice and McCain still, that doesn't seem entirely likely unfortunately. This is a rather masterful construction of seething evil indoctrination that at every turn conditions the unarmed viewer to support the military no matter what evil they take part in. From blatantly boosting the ego of the foolish people who are in the military with false flattery, to guilting civilians into showing soldiers respect when they don't deserve any for mindlessly participating in deeply evil wars, and finally encouraging others to join the military because otherwise they would be cowards and real men fight to protect the country.... of course all lies. The deviousness seems to be so complete that it includes a flood of fake reviews here on IMDb crammed with lies upon lies like this is an apolitical movie which is just ridiculous. This is a republican circle jerk, cynically and meticulously fabricated to limit the popularity drop of evil to Bush so evil can continue through the military with the maximum of public support in the future.

Behold I send you out as sheep amidst the wolves.
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Killshot (2008)
A bit gloomy but not bad
19 March 2009
The story around this movie reminds me of the movie 'What Just Happened' which is about movie production and how a brutal atypical movie gets a bad preview screening and has to be strongly edited and isn't widely distributed. This is much the same situation, the movie is not filled with much beauty in life, other than Diana Lane. Always bad weather, depraved characters with few redeeming features, elements of hopelessness and it was apparently edited because of this. That said it's not bad. Professional editing, lighting, direction. Fairly catching story line, good acting and famous actors. I'm pretty sure I've seen widely released movies that were much worse. In what seems like a long dry spell of bad movies this winter, this can definitely be watched. Aside from a few clever details this isn't much different from 'No country for Old Men'
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not bad but not great either
24 February 2008
overall it's not bad. you could come away with the impression it was a good film but along the way it employs various means in the script that detract significantly from it. in order to further a story line set forth the characters are at times made artificially stupid or forced to make choices that doesn't seem credible. it's always a shame when that's done because it pulls you out of the suspended disbelief somewhat and let's you see it as construct rather than experience it. apropos :). the acting is not a problem and it's a long list of celebs in the cast but it isn't always believable. it's OK but tarnished a bit by those faux pas.
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Rambo (2008)
As intelligent as Bush
20 February 2008
I was quite disappointed to see that it was not a movie of 2008 where the dirty secrets of our past has become common knowledge through the enlightenment of the internet but rather low brow from the Bush school of 'thought'. Christian missionaries are portrayed as foolish helpless people who desperately need Rambo's brilliance to tell them what to do as we all know that all problems of the world are obviously solved through massive destruction. anything else is simple nonsense. It's dreadfully stupid in a time where that kind of thinking has so clearly demonstrated itself to be poor. The satanists/republicans no doubt greatly appreciate his effort though as it fans the flames of the stupid. the subtitle could well be 'support the troops'
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