
10 Reviews
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Kidulthood (2006)
So many idiots here giving this masterpiece poor ratings.
15 April 2022
All you idiots really don't understand this film at all do you...? First of all, for the morons complaining about the production value and it looking cheap, the entire budget for this film was £600,000. That wasn't the budget for the equipment, the cameras, the makeup, the actors wages, the locations, the post production and editing, the rest of the some 200+ staff members such as the boom mic operator or the cleaners, stunt doubles, the makeup and the artists, the catering. That was the budget for ALL THE THINGS MENTIONED ABOVE AND A LOT MORE BESIDES! If you were to assume that there were only 200 people working on this film, if you divide £600,000 by 200 people that works out at £3,000 each.

These people made a masterpiece on an indie budget! You idiots don't have a clue what you're talking about!

Now for the moron who said this film was written by right wing people who were trying to push the idea that young poor kids in London are like the characters, saying that poor black/poor London kids aren't like this. The guy who wrote this film (a black guy who grew up poor on the London mean streets) literally based the 6 main characters on HIMSELF AND HIS FRIENDS/GIRLFRIENDS FROM WHEN HE WAS THE SAME AGE AS THE CHARACTERS.

In conclusion anyone giving this film a bad rating is just insulting the entire cast and crew! They worked their backsides off on this film, they made something that looked like it was made by universal or Warner, on a budget that was only double the budget of the Blair Witch Project. How dare you say that it's not good enough by your pathetic, stuck up standards. What do the majority of you know about making a film or shooting on location? You probably couldn't act your way out of a phone box! I am an actor, and I have shot on location, I've done a music video on location and other things. You don't know what it's like.

This film was incredible, it was the film that we wanted to watch when we were young as much as any Spider-Man or whatever. It was incredible and had the desired effect. It was a MASTERPIECE.
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Home (2019–2020)
I enjoyed it even though I'm The type of person who is very much AGAINST Syrians coming here.
8 October 2021
This show reminded me that there are a very particular group of Syrian refugees I do care about. The CHRISTIAN Syrian Refugees! I'm not afraid to voice my opinion: I am against anyone who looks to Come to this country and further the reach of that awful religion (you know which one I mean) it has caused nothing but trouble in my country and every other country it has touched in Europe too (just look at Paul Joseph Watson's videos on YouTube about Sweden and Germany) but this isn't like Afghanistan. Syria was a very different country. And that difference was people like Sami. I really enjoyed this show, it was very moving and wholesome. I hear there's a possibility it could be renewed on a streaming platform. I hope so! I love John's character too, good representation of a lost, out of place teenage English lad. It's just a really enjoyable show to watch. I hope it comes back.
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The Meg (2018)
Ok film.. but nowhere near Jaws.
17 February 2021
I enjoyed it a bit... but something really annoyed me in this film. Toward the end when the shark starts attacking the swimmers I was literally sat on the edge of my seat shouting "PLEASE EAT THE FAT KID, PLEASE GET THE FAT KID!" And it didn't!! I don't care if you're PC.. I HATE fat kids! They have the most punchable faces in the world!! All the good people this shark killed but that fat, fugly little Kim Jong Un in training got lucky?! Nope! Sorry! From that point It was just pure frustration!
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Power (2014–2020)
Love it. And screw nemesis-88
9 November 2020
This show is fantastic! It IS a realistic representation of the drug dealer lifestyle! I don't care what nemesis-88 says, he's obviously never been anywhere near committing a crime in his life, i HAVE! I was in "the life" and most of the stuff in this show is how my life was, paid for everything in cash, had a girl a night, anyone who crossed us we "dealt with" and we bribed cops and didn't care who was looking because if they had said something the cop would grab them and say "keep your mouth shut before I arrest you for something." And that part about "every single criminal wants to get out" bull**** lol you really don't have a clue, I wanted to make more money and step up to the next level in that life more than I wanted my next breath, I was addicted to the power and influence of being part of a team that no one wanted to mess with. The only reason I got out is because I turned 20 and realised I couldn't mess around with stuffile that anymore. So stuff you nemesis-88 because you don't have a clue.

Now for my review of the show, there's never a dull moment, edge of the seat stuff all the way through. I'm gutted it's over. But I guess they were following the advice of Vince Gilligan of not going on for too long before ruining it.
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Pride (2004 TV Movie)
A classic I will always enjoy.
17 July 2020
I remember this first coming on the television when I was 8 years old and it being one of my absolute favourites. My grandad who loves anything to do with animals also enjoyed it just as much, if not more than I did! His favourite part being the bit with the ear joke. "Ear today gone tomorrow what?!" Whenever I hear that line, I just get an image of him laughing in my head, so this film also triggers happy memories for me!

A lot of films where animals have a human talking as them don't always work but this does, the script brings personality to the characters and is believable.

Another thing is that I don't think this film can only be enjoyed by the young, it can be enjoyed by the young and the young at heart older people. I'm now 23 and I watched it again today and absolutely loved it, again.

Please watch this with your children. A decent(ish) version of it can be found on putlockers website.
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Breaking Bad (2008–2013)
A dark, emotional look at a dark world so well acted and written it could be mistaken for a documentary.
7 July 2020
I first came across this show when I first got Netflix about 5 years ago because I was only 12 when it was actually being broadcasted on television and plus it wasn't really on British television, but I'm grateful every time I go back and start watching it all over again because it's just one of those things: you HAVE TO watch it! With Bryan Cranston being a comedy actor you wouldn't expect it to work with its dark, deep seated dramatic nature but it does! He IS Heisenberg!! Then there's Jesse who is probably the character I relate to most, the young mistreated, misguided tortured soul who has no one to care about him and as a result he always seeks solitude and connection with the wrong people or actions. I believe every character is relatable in at least some way. The pacing of the show is also absolutely spot on. Walters secret becomes known to Skylar in perfect timing but we didn't expect it because HE didn't tell her! She told HIM she knew and that came as such a shock because I thought she thought he was having an affair. It's just so well written and put together, I would give anything to have Walter White survive the finale so we could have another series like how prison break did because it just feels like it could have so much more avenues to explore.

Though I don't think we will, I'll just have to keep rewatching it over and over again, I started again about a week ago and I think this is the 10th or 11th time I have done so ( I know I'm either obsessed or addicted right? )

That's just it though! It is so well written and acted that it's as addictive as the drug it's based on. You just can't turn your back on the characters you fell in love with from the first time.

Trust me if you haven't watched this yet and you're dwindling around STOP kidding yourself and jump on the BB bandwagon because unlike most pathetic people who think they're part of something special just because they watch that stupid RU Paul's drag race rubbish or whatever that's just about people with major mental health problems who need professional therapy and help, THIS is actually a part of popular culture that you SHOULD be a part of!

Not for the squeamish. However it serves as a good deterrent for getting involved in the drug world, not just meth.
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How didn't I find this film sooner??
4 July 2020
The only thing that crossed my mind at the end of this film was: with one of my favourite type of films is based-on-true-stories war epics, how didn't I come across this incredible picture sooner?! I was literally on the edge of my couch and also literally biting my nails from when the part where Jamie loses his parents in the crowd right up until the last thing that occurred on camera ( I've written it in that manner because I don't want to have spoilers in my review. )

Christian Bale was probably the main element of this film that captivated me the most, an utterly incredible performance. I felt connected to Jamie from the first scene to last and I honestly can't remember the last time I watched a film that had a character I was rooting for as much as I was for Jamie. Also I didn't find out that this was based on a true story until I was about half way through the film and I had a sudden impulse to do a quick google search on the film which made it so much more impactful and impressive.

I truly felt like I had found a real gem of a film at the end.

It was an emotional rollercoaster all the way through with every single emotion accounted for! Couple that with how quickly the film takes you from one emotion to its polar opposite in a matter of seconds and you're left feeling completely satisfied with your movie binging efforts for that day.

I truly hope you enjoy this film as much as I did and that it goes to your heart like it did mine.
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Always one of my favourite comedies.
4 July 2020
I first watched this when I was about 11 and I didn't have many other 15 rated VHS's back then, apart from other Jim Carrey comedies so this was like the naughtiest movie I owned apart from Little Britain's first series. I know it didn't exactly garner glowing reviews but I don't care about what people like Roger Ebert and others say because they don't speak for us normal people viewers and I think anyone with a good sense of humour and/or anyone who considers themselves true fans of the incredible, once in a millennium comedic genius, Jim Carrey is inevitably going to end up with aching cheek muscles by the end of this film. It's not one of his absolute best films but it's still funny and it never fails to make me laugh, and that matters especially so in a time like this with the world being such a doomy gloomy and dark place right now!

Do I recommend this film to anyone who wanted to read other people's reviews before watching the film and is currently reading this part of the review I am about to post? Absolutely! Will you be disappointed? Absolutely not! Are there better comedies out there? Absolutely! Would I have given this film such a positive review as I have here if Charlie Baileygates had been portrayed by anyone other than Jim Carrey? Absolutely not!
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Fawlty Towers (1975–1979)
A timeless British Classic!
27 June 2020
One of the best comedies my country has ever produced. Up there with Only Fools And Horses, Porridge and Open All Hours. A true living legend of British comedy is the lead role and creator of this amazing show along with the good old fashioned no nonsense attitude of actual British people in the 70's are just 2 of the elements that make this superb comedy so brilliant! The mealy mouthed crying complaining and protesting liberals and "other people" who have just had Little Britain taken off Netflix because it had a couple of sketches of David Walliams done up like a massive black woman will probably try to sensor this next and that's what makes it so good! The fact that it contains material that offends people who's families probably weren't even in this country when it first aired makes me love it even more! Anyway I don't want to turn this review into a politically themed and motivated standpoint of patriotism.

It is a must watch. If you're American and reading this: If you've ever wondered what makes classic British comedy so iconic, it's things like this! And this is just one of so very many!
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Kangaroo Jack (2003)
An under-appreciated 90's kids childhood gem.
27 June 2020
I first saw this movie when I was about 8, now I'm 23 and just watched it again and I STILL don't understand why so many critics gave it such terrible ratings and reviews! I mean no, it's not a perfect film, nowhere near! The running time isn't as long as it could've been, the story doesn't make much sense ( why does this mafia guy want to kill his stepson because he made one simple mistake? ) the only reason I can think of is that the makers of the film when with the typical stereotypical portrayal of mafia bosses in movies that they kill people for fun and Charlie is just the latest in a long line of whacked people.

The CGI does look a bit like it was done by someone Warner Bros hired from the yellow pages rather than the usual professional people they like to use.

And the biggest star in the film had such a limited role you'd be forgiven for thinking that this was one of his first ever parts in film!

But that doesn't matter! If you were aged between 5-13 when you first saw this film you were guaranteed to enjoy it! Because you're a dumb kid that doesn't know what a good movie looks like yet and you don't have standards for entertainment!! Basically if it has a talking animal that loses the ability to function after eating an atomic gumball, you're going to die laughing! And that's why this film is always going to be one of my favourites!!

Maybe that's why the critics didn't like it, because they're all so old and bitter and up their own backsides and that they've lost all that, for lack of a better word "kidness" they were incapable of seeing this film through the eyes of an innocent little kid who doesn't care about all those "important qualities" a film is supposed to have.

I'm always going to love this film and will probably keep coming back to watch it every year until I die because it reminds me of a time that I wish more than anything in the entire world that I could go back to!

Anyway that's the end of my review, this is my first review by the way, so I hope you find it helpful and informative and I can't wait to write my next one!

Enjoy the film and enjoy my review of the next film we watch too! 😉
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