
29 Reviews
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A Wonderful Documentary on Vivien Leigh
31 January 2002
This powerful documentary goes through the relationship with Vivien Leigh and Laurence Olivier.

It starts off with Vivien and Larry's child hood and how they both met and basically their life. It shows how selfish and self-obsorbed Laurence Olivier was and how Vivien battled manic depression.

It's defentlty the best documentary I've ever seen. It also has comments from Kim Hunter, Charlton Hetson, Evelyn Keyes and John Mills.
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Cher is the best personality on this show!!!
23 January 2002
On the show Cher easily makes it what it is. She's the most interesting person ever. She's one of these people that you can just fixate on for hours and never get tired of it.

Out of all the celebritys on that were on the show Cher was the best one and the best interviewee. Not to mention she gave a knock out performance singing "(This Is) A Song For the Lonely".

Basically what happened was that Dale Winton hosted the show on new years eve of 2001 and of course apart from Cher all these second rate celebrity's were on there. Such as Vinnie Jones, The Corrs and by far the worst and the cheesiest S Club 7. It's a wonder how they ever got famous.
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A Powerful drama
6 January 2002
Kramer vs. Kramer is about a married couple with a child. Joanna, the mother is unhappy as a housewife and leaves home so Ted, the father has to look after Billy their son. Ted at first he finds it impossible to cope but then after a while he starts to form a good relationship with Billy.

Then 18 months after Joanna left she returns and wants Billy back. Of course Ted refuses so they go to trial to for either one of them to gain custody.

This is one of Meryl Streep's best films. It's no suprise that she won an oscar for this role.
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An excellent portrait of Judy Garland
30 December 2001
This made for TV drama is a wonderful intimate look at Judy Garland. Tammy Blanchard is indescribible as to how good she acts in this. She has Judy's mannerism's and facial expressions down. Plus I've never seen anyone look so much like another person. When Tammy is dressed up as Dorothy it's practically impossible to tell the difference between her and Judy.

What this drama is about is Judy Garlands life. It starts off with her first getting the contact with MGM and how her cold hearted mother controlled her, pressured her, ignored her and basically made her child hood a misery. It then shows how Judy started to relie on drugs and how she became addicted to them and how it would be the finish of her.

Any Judy Garland fan would love this. I strongly suggest that you watch this.
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The Royle Family (1998–2012)
An excellent British TV Series
30 December 2001
The Royle Family is easily one of the best British TV Series there is. It's really a fly on the wall style. It shows how typical working class families are.

In this TV Series there's of course the mother who's a run down overworked distressed housewife. The Dad is a lazy pig. There son is out of work and is basically a loser. Then the daughter is married with a husband who is also a housewife but she is the most laziest woman on the planet.

Watch this if you like humourus family style programmes.
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A Powerful heart warming drama
30 December 2001
Fried Green Tomatoes is easily one of the best films of the 90's. Kathy Bates and Jessica Tandy give such an outstanding performance. I believe that they should have both defently won oscar's for this.

What this film is about is Evelen Couch (Bates). She's an overweight housewife who's marriage isn't going all that well and she has low self esteem. She goes to a nursing home with her husband to meet an old aunt and there she meets Ninny Threadgoode (Tandy) who is a sweet 82 year old optimist. Ninny tells Evelen a story about what happened to people she know many years ago. This is where another story comes into it and it is just as powerful and moving as the other one.

Over time Evelen grows more confidence in herself and becomes more happy and she and Ninny become best friends.

If you believe that this film doesn't sound like much then you are deeply mistaken. It is such an excellent film.
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A Wonderful War Time Drama
29 December 2001
Tea With Mussolini is probibly the best war time film I've seen. It's about a group of old English women who live in Florence who are dearly devoted to the Italian art and they have a lovely way of life. One of the women Mary Wallace takes in a young boy Luca as his own father doesn't want hime as he's been born out of wedlock. Elsa (Cher) is a middle-aged woman who's rich from alimoney and "lives her life like a crazy woman". When the war comes the women are taken into a grotty camp but Elsa pays for them to stay in a Hotel. Then Elsa herself has to stay with the women as then the Americans are in the war. By this time Luca has grown up and is a young man and he's had an inflactuation with Elsa.

You should defently watch this film it's similar to Steal Magnolias it's such a pleasure to watch. When the war comes the
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Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend
28 December 2001
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes is Marilyn Monroe's first film where she became famous for the extremely dumb blonde and where the famous song was first introduced "Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend".

This film is about two young beautiful women who first go on a cruise.

Loreli Lee is a dumb blonde but has a mad passion for diamonds and is a gold digger. Dorothy Shaw is the spunky witty one with dark hair.

Lots of mad trouble occurs in this delightful comedy staring two of Hollywood's great legends. Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russell.
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Without a doubt the best English TV Series of the year 2000.
21 December 2001
"At Home with the Braithwaites" is absolutely excellent. Sarah Smart who plays Virginia is the best character. She is a stunning actress I'm sure she'll defently go far and have a wonderful career. She's such a natural.

The TV Series is about the Braithwaite family. They arn't really that happy. The mum Alison is a housewife. The dad David is a bad tempered miserable money lender who is having an affair with his secretary. The eldest daughter Virginia is at university and is completly screwed up and is a lesbian who is also in love with the next door neighbour, the middle daughter, Sarah is at school and is a moaney old cow. The youngest is Charlotte and she's quite weird.

This is the situation they live in. Then Alison win's the lottery, 38 million but doesn't really know what to do with the money and she doesn't tell her family. Eventualy with the help of two other women she sets up a company that helps people (her family still don't know.) The next string of events are that Virginia is doing that badly at University she gets kicked out and is now living at home but all she thinks about is Megan the next door neighbour. So she comes out to her but also reveals that she knows that she (Megan) had sex with the window cleaner. Then Megan flips out and ignores her sending Virginia into depression. Sarah has made a fool of herself writing a love letter to a teacher and now has completely lost all self control and is having sex with the other next door neighbour, Phil.

Soon Virginia tells only her mum about the fact that she's gay and then Alison tells her about the money and the company. But then Virginia goes mad and stars to spend, spend, spend.

At the end the press find out that it is Alison that has won the money and cast it all over the news and the whole family finds out. Then Alison finds out about David's affair and she takes him back.

This TV Series is truely amazing. It's so good that it's the only series that I've remembered to tape every single week. Also if you like that series in the second one things really get interesting...
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Very "A Streetcar Named Desire", Blanche DuBois Style
21 December 2001
Warning: Spoilers
In This Our Life is very similar to "A Streetcar Named Desire". Bette Davis is Stanley, Olivia deHavilland is her sister, Roy. Stanley leaves her current lover and runs of with Roy's husband but that doesn't work out and he kills himself. During this time Roy has got together with Stanleys old lover. Now Stanleyy has been taken back home to live with the family again it's now clear that somethin's wrong with her. She goes out one night and accicently runs over a mother and daughter. She then blames it on a black boy who's a friend of the family. But the truth is soon discovered so she trys to make a run for it from the police but crashes her car and dies.

This film isn't Davis's best. But it's defently worth watching.
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Julia Roberts produces another great movie yet again.
20 December 2001
Don't you just love Julia Roberts. She's just so great and fabulous. I think in all of history she has to be the biggest star. Also what is also so great about her is that she's not a snotty stuck up bitch. I've seen her interviewed many times and she's always so charming and elegant. I think that it's so great for someone as huge as what she is to still be so nice and down to earth. You should see her appearing on "Inside the Actors Studio" she's absolutely wonderful on that. I'd so much love to meet her, maybe I will one day.

Getting to my objective "America's Sweethearts" stars of with Lee (Crystal) who is a typical shallow Hollywood publisist who used to handle Eddie Thomas (Cusack) and Gwen Harrison (Zeta-Jones), a famous celebrity couples (basically the Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton deal) publicity. Now they've separated but their last film they did together before they split up is now finally being released so to promote the movie Lee has to make the public belive that Eddie and Gwen are going to back together. Kiki (Roberts) is Gwens assistant and sister who is at the constant beck and call of Gwen and is walked all over. She is also secretly in love with Eddie.

Most of the movie takes place at the press junket all of them attend to promote the new film.

Watch this movie, it's a great film, you won't be dissaponited.

But there again does anyone need any reason to go and watch it, Hello Julia Roberts is in it. Any film she does is always excellent.
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Probably one of the best films of the 1940's
20 December 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Contains Spoilers This film is about Mildred Pierce who is a houswife with two children. Her husband has just left her and she despertaly needs money to support her children. Her children are dreadfully spoilt by her. But only one of them is affected by it, the oldest one Veda who is the biggest bitch on earth. She's not like Scarlett O'Hara who we all know is really a bitch or one of Bette Davis famous characters like Julie Marsden of Fanny Skeffington but who really we all love. Veda Pierce is just a complete bitch. I hate her. Anyway Mildred gets a job as a waitress and over the years works her way up and in the end has a run of resturants. She's now rich. Over the years the younger daughter who we liked, who had spunk has now died. Veda has become even more dreadful. There soon comes an ancident that causes Mildred and Veda into a huge argument and they don't speak to eachother. So Veda gets a job as a singer in a sleezy bar. Mildred soon begs her to come back home once she's discovered the way of her daughters lifestyle. But Veda says "your lifestyle isn't good enough for me". So Mildred marries a man who has the lifestyle her daughter wants just so she'll come back to her. In the end she does, then after a couple of months she discovers that they've been having an affair with eachother. And after Mildred discover's this she storms out of the house and then the husband turns to Veda and refuses to marry her calls her a cheap little tramp so in anger she shoots him. Then of course Veda begs her mother to help her out of the situation.

Watch this film.
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Elizabeth Taylor is marvelous as usual
19 December 2001
Elizabeth Taylor is excellent and terrific, but isn't she always. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof is about a family and it takes place one evening where all those unsaid words, all those things that they didn't say at the time just to keep the peace that have bottle up for years comes out. Brick (Paul Newman) and Maggie (Elizabeth Taylor) are married and they're staying with Bricks parants and his brother and sister in law. There marriage is in a bad state and Bricks drinking all througout the day. Big Daddy (Burt Ives) is returning and it's just been confirmed that he's going to live as he's just had test and recently not been well. They're celebrating Big Daddy's birthday but it all goes to hell when Brick and Big Daddy get into a huge argument but come out at the end best friends. Watch this film. You Just Have To.
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Misery (1990)
The best thriller ever made
18 December 2001
Misery is easily the best thriller to have ever been made. Kathy Bates is excellent. She's a great actress and terrific role model. She's living proof that you don't have to be some Hollywood science project to be in the movies (Goldie Hawn).

In Misery Paul Sheldon, an author mostly famous for his "Misery" novels has a car crash and the ex-nurse Annie Wilkes finds him and nurses him at her home. But she won't let him leave and her violent behaviour starts to come up. She's a schizophrenic. Then she starts to harm Paul so it's phisically impossible for him to leave. So in the end it's a matter of life or death for Paul.
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A hillarious and also moving film
17 December 2001
Muriel's Wedding is one of the best films of the 1990's. The film had an excellent cast with brilliant talent. Muriel's Wedding is set in Australia and starts of with showing a bit of Muriels life. She's incredibly shy and doesn't fit in. Her father is a cheating horrible politician and her mother is a down trodden house wife. She lives in the family home with her brothers and sisters and they are all unemployed layabouts who just sit around the house watching televison. Muriel desperately wants to be married. She also hangs around with four other popular town girls who are huge bitches especially to Muriel. But they soon tell her that they don't want her hanging around with them anymore. So Muriel trying to get back in with them follows them on Holiday on Hibiscus Island but instead of becoming friends with them again she meets up there with Rhonda a girl she vagely knew at school. On the holiday they become best friends. Then Muriel moves to Sydney with her and she wants a whole new life. But then Rhonda gets a tumouron her spine and she's condemed to being in a wheel chair. But Muriel still desperately wants to be married to she marries a famous african swimmer so he can stay in the country. Then her mother commits suicide through neglect and sorrow. This makes Muriel release the mistake she's made by marrying the swimmer so she goes back to her home town where Rhonda now lives with her mother and is extremely unhappy. So Muriel takes her back to Sydney. The End.
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One of Davis's Best, But of course Crawford is terrible
17 December 2001
It's my opinion that "What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?" is Bette Davi's best film. She gives such a inspiring preformance filled with humour and madness. But when it comes to Joan I agree with what Bette said that she can't act her way out of a brown paper bag. How true that is. In this film it's about two sisters who once used to be famous, Jane was a kind of Shirley Temple child start but is now a washed up dried up alcoholic and Blanche was a thirties screen siren but now is cripled through a car accident. Jane looks after Blanche but is insainly jealous of her fame. Over time it shows how Jane's mentality weakers and she goes mad. She abuses Blanche, she hits her, starves her and ties her up. This is an excellent kind of horror film. I wish I could have been on the set whilst this was being filmed as it was a well known fact in Hollywood that Davis and Crawford loathed eachother. But of course the world was on Bette Davi's side. Knowone liked Crawford.
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One of Drews best films so far
14 December 2001
In this excellent comedy drama Drew Barrymore stretches her versitiity even further. Basically what happens is that Drew Barrymore is 15 and discover's that she's pregnant. So her parants pressure her to marry the man that she's seeing, even though she doesn't want to and doesn't love him. But she wants to be a writer so she tries to get qualifications and get into university. But events get in her way. Then more bad luck strikes her when she discovers that her husband is a junkie so the chucks him out. So she's left with hardly any money trying to get into university and trying to raise her son. This film has so many good qualities to it with humour and laughs and much more.
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Popular (1999–2001)
Absolutely hillarious and also moving
8 December 2001
Popular is about two girls who hate eachother, they go to the same school and hang in different crowds. The "popular" crowd and the "unpopular" crowd. Then their parants move start going out and then everntually move in together so the four of them live in one house. There is also storys about the other cast. To relie of for humour you'll have to look to the deranged mad but hillarious Mary Cherry who makes you laugh just by talking. And for the drama there'll be the excellent talents of Sarah Rue who plays the sensitive sweet Carman Ferrerah who's by far the best actress on the show. I can't belive that Warner Brothers have cancelled it only after two series and the last episode was on a cliffhanger. To sume things up they havn't put their hand's in the pockets to produce a for-TV movie. But watch popular it's the best teen comedy drama ever, it beats of "Dawson's Creek" with a stick easily.
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Gimme Gimme Gimme (1999–2001)
Vulger, Trashy and Crude, You'll Love It
8 December 2001
This is one of the best english television series ever to have been released. It's basically about Linda (Kathy Burke) and Tom (James Drefus) who are roomates. Linda is backwards, sex mad, disgusting and unemployed. Tom is an out of work actor who's gay, self obsessed and he like to think of himself as middle class. Each week is a different story about what happens to them. But this really is hillarious any one will like it apart from snotty prudes. Watch It.
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Strange Relations (2001 TV Movie)
Absolutely Outstanding, Julie Walters at her best
30 November 2001
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** ***SPOILERS *** This is the best made for-TV movie that I've seen in years. It's powerful and breath taking. It starts off with Jerry (Reiser) discovering he has lukiemia and his mother (Dukakis) tells him that she's not his birth mother. So he goes to Liverpool in England to find her. Then Julie Walters comes in. She plays Sheila, she's a poor working class cleaner. And Paul meets her and explains who he his but doesn't tell her about the cancer. So he tries to trick his 2 half brothers into taking blood tests to see if their bone marrow matches (it doesn't) then one of the brothers walks in on Paul injecting himself and so his family doesn't think he's on drugs he tells them about the cancer. Then later on Sheila comes out and says that the father of Pual was her own Uncle who melested her at 16.

This is a powerful drama with each actor giving a heart throbbing preformance. It has it all tears, humour and love. Watch it you won't be dissopointed.
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Hollywood really does have to Thank Cleopatra
30 November 2001
This excellent documentary goes through the making of Cleopatra with what happened behind the scenes and how if affected Hollywood. It starts of saying how bad things were for Hollywood at the time and that they were relying on epic films to make money and how regular films were burning at the box office. Then it shows who they were choosing for the role of Cleopatra. Many actresses were considered like Audrey Hepern, Joan Collins and Sophia Loren. But eventually 20th Century fox came to their senses and choose the right woman. Dame Elizabeth Taylor. Then it goes on to explore how Clepatra was originally set in England but Elizabeth Taylor became chronically ill and nearly died and had to be rushed into hospital and resusitated. Then how the set was destroyed in England and they started filming in Egypt. It then looks at Elizabeth and Richard Burton and how they started. It was during this film that they two of them became an item and how it crushed her Elizabeth's other husband at the time. Then it tells that the director was on ther verge of a nervous breakdown and had to have injections to give him energy then and an injection to put him asleep. Also the expensive budgeting of the film how it nearly bank rupted Hollywood as 20th Century fox was spending thousands of dollars a day on the film. Then the success of the film. They money and hard work paid off for the cast, crew and 20th Century Fox. Seats were fully booked at the cinema for 4 months after it was released. This is the best documentry I've seen in a long time. It's insightful and inspiring. Watch it.
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Elizabeth Taylor proves her visitility
30 November 2001
In this excellent drama Elizabeth Taylor proves her versitility. She plays Martha, a loud, vulger and trashy woman. Martha (Taylor) and George (Burton) play and unhappy married couple who invite another couple round late at night and it shows the disturbing string of events take place. In some parts this film makes you laugh like when Elizabeth says to Richard "Ar poor Georgie poorgie" in a sarcastic trashy. But comic wise Sandy Dennis is the homouras one as she plays a silly blonde who spends all her time giggling, drinking brandy and vomiting. This film is a knock out. It's worth seeing. This is Taylor and Burton at their best. A silver screen Hollywood film to remember.
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Giant (1956)
One of Elizabeth Taylor's best pictures
30 November 2001
This film is defently one of Elizabeth Taylor's best pictures ever. It's a absolutely a knock out. Know other actress could have played this part better than her. This breath taking epic is basically about Leslie (Taylor) gets married to Jordan (Hudson) and goes to live in his house in Texas.Also living their is Jett (Dean)as a servant. During the next few scenes you realise Jordan's personality he's basically a narrowminded shovanistic pig. Then Leslie has children, 3 girls and a boy. Later Jett stikes oil and becomes rich and a fued of jealousy brews between him and Jordan. Then Leslie and Jordan's marriage starts to crumble. Then it goes to when the children grow up and Leslie and Jordan are old. The children are into leading their own life style whick Jordan doesn't accept. The son becomes a doctor and Jordan is angered by this as he bought him up to work on the family ranch. The eldest daughter marrys a man and wants to go a school that Leslie doesn't approve of. The the youngest daughter is after Jett who is now an alcoholic. This is defently a must see movie. It's on the "Gone With the Wind" (1939) level. Also it was sadly James Dean's last film role.

It is one of the best films in screen history.
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Dharma & Greg (1997–2002)
Jenna Elfman is absolutely hillarious
29 November 2001
In this excellent comedy series Dharma (Elfman) and Greg (Gibson) are a married couple and it's basically about what happens to them each week (a bit like "Friends" (1994). I would reccomend this TV Series to anyone who loves humour. The supporting characters are also a smash. Especially Susan Sullivan who plays the snobby rich housewife in the role of Gregs mother. She's fabulous. Watch Dharma and Greg. You'll love it.
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Cleopatra (1963)
Elizabeth Taylor is the only actress other than Vivien Leigh talented enough to play Cleopatra
27 November 2001
Elizabeth Taylor gives an outstanding performance as Queen Cleopatra. She has all the right looks for an egytian queen. 20th Century Fox certainly choose the wright woman for the role. (As if Joan Collins could do it!!!!!) This film is about how Cleopatra marry's Ceasar (Rex Harrison) and then falls in love with Anthony (Richard Burton). I believe that this and "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf" (1966) was the only decent film/s they ever did together. This film was took three years to make mainly due to Elizabeth Taylor's health. As in the film was originally going to be filmed in England while Liz was out there in 1961 the became chronically ill and nearly died. This is defently a must see film. One of Liz's best.
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