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500 MPH Storm (2013)
Soundtrack From Hell
8 April 2024
The Soundtrack from Hell plays continuously and drowns out all conversations, which makes understanding what is going on in this nonsensical movie that much more difficult. The soundtrack is just continuous droning of computer generated garbage. The all-star cast does their best to work with a poor script, poor special effects, and poor everything else. The director tries to make it "special" by using funky muted colors and long long scenes of actors staring into space with a moody look on their faces. I would probably give this a couple more stars if the soundtrack was absent or at least toned down. Just throw out your brain and stare at this movie and you may just transcend a couple hours of time.
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Gunsmoke: Old Comrade (1962)
Season 8, Episode 16
What were they thinking?
20 January 2024
This is just a goofy episode that gets more unbelievable as you watch.

Old and ailing General Kip Marston sends his colonel friend to Dodge to locate his long lost son Billy Touker, born of a native American squaw who he deserted as an infant. The adult son is mentally slow and child-like, but somehow support himself and his squaw wife. We first see him in town playing with the children, and a local man is taunting him about his squaw wife which Billy doesn't like. They get in a scuffle and Billy accidentally breaks a window and chair at a business and the owner wants Billy to face charges. Marshal Dillon, instead of trying to settle it there, or arrest the instigator of the fight locks up Billy to be held for trial in several days when the judge is in town. Shame on the marshal for not clearing this up on the spot. After the colonel arrives and the town finds out Billy is son of a hero, they hold a big celebration without inviting Billy's wife. The colonel pays an unreasonably high bail of $50 to take Billy to see his dying father. The window and chair would probably cost $15. The wife doesn't want Billy to leaver her, but why wouldn't she go along. The entire story just is poorly thought out. But it's interesting to see Frank Sutton attempting to play this part.
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Time Tunnel has nothing to worry about
27 December 2023
It's amazing to think this came out in 1967 a year after The Time Tunnel TV show, the same time as Star Trek, Lost in Space and many other superior shows. And my all time favorite time travel movie, The Time Machine came out seven years earlier. This movie doesn't hold a candle to anything similar from the time. If this movie were from 1950 I could maybe give it another star, but this is just sad. It took a while to figure out what group of people were "travelling" and who was at the home base. As they travel through time backwards, they show video clips of the ww2, ww1, civil war, fighting on pirate ships, fighting in the middle ages, and then suddenly they jump back to a jungle with giant newts. So evidently, even though this seems to take place somewhere in the US, all of this fighting and battles at sea were taking place in the dessert where this lab is located. They travelled in time after-all, not in location. Also there is a love scene that has nothing to do with the plot, and then leads nowhere (hey, look at the lovely moon. OK I guess we should kiss. The end). Still somewhat enjoyable if you want to stare at the tube without great expectations.
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Doctor of Veterinarian Medicine Kirk finds love in Spiderland
5 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Billy Shatner needs to seek the help of the local college to solve the mysterious deaths of local cattle and a pet dog. They send a blonde babe in a shiny red Mercedes convertible who instantly has him drooling like a rabid monkey and humping everything in site. Meanwhile there is the mystery of the millions of tarantulas which appear out of nowhere with aggressive tendencies and five time the potency of their venom. And somehow these tarantulas seem to have the ability to jump up into cars and even a crop duster. I was ready to give this 5 or 6 stars up until the last 15 minutes or so when the town is overrun with spiders, yet evidently it isn't newsworthy for the local radio station. Then the ending bumped my rating down a couple stars.
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Smile (V) (2022)
Child gets a Mustache for his Birthday.
28 October 2023
A creepy therapist lady makes a bad choice picking out a present for her nephews b-day, and the party goers are left speechless. The therapist can't understand her sister losing her head over an obvious mistake. She needs to take a break from work but she just mopes around her house arguing with her fiancé and drinking wine. She catches her fiancé with another woman, so ends up with her ex, who is a policeman. They download and print gory photos of smiling dead people. She visits a dude in prison for murder who gives her a clue about life, but he is not happy to see her. Will the boy understand the odd birthday gift? Will the therapist and her ex get back together or will her mother interfere? These questions and more will become more confusing as you watch this critically acclaimed movie.
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If only humans had surrendered to the invaders.......
23 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Then people of Earth would have....... What? And the invaders would have...... What?

The people of Earth were given several warnings to surrender, but surrender was not an option because........?

The invisible invaders from beyond our galaxy take over the bodies of dead humans and shuffle about slowly, emitting tremendous radiation, but a cotton suit will protect you as you attempt to coat the zombie invaders with acrylic.

The invaders burn and destroy Earth, and by midnight of the third day humans will cease to exist unless . But a group of temperamental scientists are working on a way to to make the invaders visible. Will they succeed in finding a way destroy the invaders or will Earth be ruled by invisible invaders sliding their feet in the dirt.
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Bonanza: The Saga of Muley Jones (1964)
Season 5, Episode 26
Put a cork in it!
8 August 2023
I enjoy most every Bonanza, but this one just is a pile of steaming road apples. Second cousin Muley comes into town and starts singing annoyingly loud and starts breaking up every piece of glassware, and china in the saloon and then in the Cartwright home. It doesn't matter if the glasses or cups have liquid in them or if they are in the next room, everything starts breaking. Windows popping out everywhere, flying shards of glass and pottery. Yet this Muley still has the need to wail at the top of his lungs whenever he has the chance. The money damages keep piling up, but he keeps on wailing. The Cartwrights offer him money to get the heck out of town, but he keeps on wailing away. If his voice is really that destructive, he would be deaf.
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Creepy, thought-provoking, and the ending was fine with me.
5 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The premise of this movie is creepy in that I kept wondering if this scenario actually happened, would I believe the crazy visitors and their wild story. I kept wondering who or what was orchestrating this apocalypse. I didn't want to think it was God who was planning to cleanse the World of sin with fire and brimstone (again), but that is what it appeared to be. I was wondering if maybe aliens were using mind control to get at the 4 horsemen, but evidently God had chosen this family because He wanted a gay man to kill another gay man to save the World. Of course they could've had the young daughter killed, or the daughter could've killed one of her dads. I don't know the reasoning behind that. He could've chosen any group of people but He chose this particular family. I wonder if the surviving father will ever need to explain what happened to his husband and the role he had in saving the World.
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Could be much better
14 June 2023
I was really looking forward to this, and the previews gave such high expectations. I've watched the first two episodes hoping for some great, amazing cars, but am still waiting. I really wish they could've, would've gotten some true expert car fabricators and could spend a couple weeks in a true fabrication shop, rather than bolting on pre-made pieces and basically unfinished cars. And my biggest gripe is that they never attempt to start the cars and try to drive them. I can guarantee that none of these vehicles could drive a city block without falling into a pile of parts. One vehicle was meant to do a wheelie, but instead of taking out and actually doing one, they jack it up with a hydraulic wheelie machine. I'm still planning to watch if possible to see what poor constructions they put together.
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Crime Wave (1953)
Inept cops
29 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Notice I give this eight stars, because It's quite an enjoyable flick which is amusing and holds your attention. The plot flows along and is not too difficult to follow. The crime situations are realistic and chilling. However, for the life of me, I can't understand the reasoning of the inspectors. From early in the film they have pretty much concluded who the culprits are, and where they are holding up. Yet, for some reason they don't put a 24hr watch on the apartment. In fact the inspectors keep expecting something to "go down" at the apartment yet are nowhere around as the hooligan's come and go. They basically wait for all hell to break out at another location and then swoop in.
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Strait-Jacket (1964)
Make sure to catch the first 10 minutes...
15 April 2023
The beginning of this movie has a young Lee Majors in his first relevant role as Joan Crawford's soon-to-be ex-husband. This movie starts with a bang and it continues. This is a very creepy movie. Do not watch alone, check your closets and look under your bed. I've seen many Joan Crawford movies, and she always plays a good evil person, but here she is a total whack-job... literally. Diane Baker is wonderful as the daughter. George Kennedy is perfect as the smelly, dirty farmhand. Casting is great. I hope William Castle received some sort of award for this one. Hopefully you catch the Lady Liberty in the closing Columbia Pictures logo banner. Hopefully you see what we did.
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Planeta Bur
24 December 2022
It's interesting that the original Russian film Planeta Bur from which this is created, gets a 6.3 rating, and this version gets a 3.8. Basically the same movie except they removed a couple Russian actors and replaced them with Basil Rathbone and others. I'm not sure why but evidently there are three spacecraft that head to Venus from the Lunar base. One lands with a crew of two, but they get lost so they send a second ship and crew down to find them. The third ship with Marsha, Marsha, Marsha stays in orbit. Anyway they meet amazing creatures including Gorn and a pterodactyl. They have the most classy hovercar which must have been the forerunner of Luke Skywalker's landspeeder. And the robot John is one of the best in any old film. As far as film quality, it is poor, with washed out flickering colors and appears to be from a 16mm print. I give it 3 stars for film quality, but at least a 6 for entertainment value. Could've been better with more to the plot. Needs a sequel.
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Gunsmoke: The Wreckers (1967)
Season 13, Episode 1
Kitty switches the identities of the two men........
26 November 2022
....because she witnesses a large group of bad guys shoot the stagecoach driver. She knows that the bad guys are not going to be nice to a wounded marshal, so she pins Matt's badge on the murderer he is escorting to Dodge and puts Matt's gun on him also. Matt then assumes the identity of the murderer. The bad guys who caused the stagecoach to crash, fight over who gets to enjoy Kitty's company and Matt doesn't care for that. The leader of the gang sees big money coming in a ransom for Matt, but who is Matt? They send Kitty to Dodge to collect a ransom, but will she be successful? Will Matt enjoy his fake identity as a outlaw murderer? Will Louie Pheeters get a snoot full? Watch this fine episode and find out.
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The Big Valley: The Murdered Party (1965)
Season 1, Episode 10
Hey wait! This trial isn't over.
8 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So evidently Heath witnesses a murder in a dark ally, but did he really. Jarrod is the lawyer for the defendant and must cross examine Heath, who is finally convinced he really couldn't've seen what happened in the ally, and it seems that the defendant will go free. But then a surprise witness comes forward; a railroad worker who claims the light from the locomotive was shining down the ally and he could clearly see the defendant kill the victim. Why didn't Heath notice this bright light in the dark ally? Why would this locomotive be headed straight into the ally? Why didn't Jarrod cross examine this witness, and let the trial end, and the show end with much confusion? The defendant needs a new trial with a more competent lawyer.
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Gunsmoke: The Avengers (1965)
Season 11, Episode 14
A Nail-Biter!
1 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Matt is gone and Festus is moseying down the street late one night when he notices ruckus and screams coming from Kitty's room in the Longbranch Saloon. He rushes up the stairs and breaks into her room and subsequently is shot by Kitty's assailant. The wounded Festus fires back, killing the perpetrator. Soon after, the perps father who is an Oklahoma judge and his two sons enter the picture looking for revenge on Festus and Kitty for "killing" their son and brother, evidently in a planned murder. By this time Matt has returned and orders the judge and his boys to get out of Dodge. But instead Matt takes another bullet in his leg, and Kitty and Festus are abducted. Will Matt recover from his wound, or get gaseous gangrene? Will Kitty and Festus get their necks stretched? Will the the Judge discover the errors of his crimes? These questions and more will be answered as you are drawn into this critically acclaimed episode.
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American Pickers: Danielle Goes Picking (2010)
Season 3, Episode 2
Dani goes a'Pickin'
8 September 2022
She's a'pickin' and she's a'grinnin'. A charming episode. I can't believe it took three seasons before Danielle went out on a pick. It takes half the show before she gets the hang of negotiating (er.. flirting and haggling) and she picks some real treasures. I think the series improves over the years as a few other pickers tag along with Mike and Frank, especially after they open the Nashville store. Watching these shows makes me want to move to the boonies, get a few acres with a few big barns and maybe a couple old buses to cram stuff into and start collecting, till it all rots into the ground.
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Not Without Some Charm
15 August 2022
If you can take all you know about humans in space and scientific theory, and throw it out the window with the baby and the bath water, you will possibly enjoy this film. Some of the special effects are quite good, but most are cheesy, such as the little remote control vehicles bouncing along the Martian landscape. It comes in a few rungs down from The Martian.(2015) as far as humans on Mars. I see quite a few comparisons the 2001 A Space Odyssey (1968), but I think 2001 is in a completely different league. Special effects are 30 year older on 2001, but much more believable than this.. This reminds me more of Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) mixed with a little Gravity (2013).
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14 August 2022
This episode was shown shortly after the first trial of the Jewish Federation shooter, and they mention that the trial had a hung jury and ended in a mistrial. A second trial took place the following year and the shooter got life plus 120 years without possibility of parole. This and the other two stories were very interesting and well done.
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one act play
7 July 2022
This should have remained in the theaters. I wanted to enjoy this, but just couldn't. Wolley plays a character who just can't shut his freakin mouth, and constantly spews what he assumes to be humorous lines. I kept waiting for a plot to develop, but it didn't. The title for this should've been "The Man Who Couldn't Shut the Freak Up"! 5 Stars is generous and goes to the other actors who had to deal with this obnoxious Wolley who had the need to scream all his lines like he is in a theater without a microphone.
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The Spider (1958)
Recall the Sheriff
18 June 2022
The Sheriff has no business handling the security of this nice backwoods town. He has little interest in investigating an accident and mysterious disappearance. He would rather play checkers with his deputy. Teenagers Mike and Carol are more levelheaded than most adults in this critically acclaimed flick. The egghead science teacher is the only adult who has any sense, except he can't tell when a spider is dead. And Mr. Ziffle doesn't know how to open a door.
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I actually watched most of this.
17 June 2022
Certainly a good example of movie-making on a budget, with a poor script, poor acting, and weak special effects. It is however somewhat entertaining, as you try to figure out why the heck you are watching. If you don't mind watching something slightly more advanced than a high school film project this is a different example of the filmmakers art.
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The Grinch stole the script.
12 June 2022
Evidently the Grinch stole the script and left them with nothing to work with. What an oddly disjointed and bizarre film. The monster just minimally is revealed at the end. It is fun watching Boris Karloff though.
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It's just another aggregate!
5 June 2022
A fellow from the department of interior, who is completely oblivious to the big meteor crashing nearby, drives his groovy woody wagon into the desert and collects what looks like a piece of black obsidian. Adding water to the rock causes it to smoke and grow like a 4th of July Snake. What happens next will shock and terrify you. Will the rocks bring reporters and fortune hunters? Will the children find something interesting for their science fair? Will the young woman find love in the desert? These questions and more will be answered as you watch this critically acclaimed film.
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Robotic performance
4 June 2022
All they want to do is talk talk. And talk some more. Flesh and blood actors have the same robotic speaking cadence as the robots. The entire dialog is human vs. Robot and robot vs. Human. Some humans despise robots, and some humans have rapport with robots. All of the discussion kind of creeps me out. Are you Godless and soulless if your memory is inserted into a synthetic body?
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Gave me nightmares
3 June 2022
I likely saw this first in the mid-60's when it appeared on TV, and watched on our B&W TV. I was likely 8 or 9 and remember it gave me nightmares. I had visions of the Morlock's glowing eyes coming at me. There have been attempts to remake this, but nothing can compare to the original. The epitome of Edwardian steampunk.
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