
35 Reviews
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Spider-Man: Miles Morales (2020 Video Game)
Fantastic game, looks superb through an OLED
17 October 2021
Absolutely fantastic game, although quite short it still feels extremely refined. Swinging through the city is a hell of an experience and really takes next gen to the next level.

Definitely play through an OLED tv if you can, some of the colours in certain scenes (especially the ending) really pop and looks beautiful

Overall a fantastic game, albeit shorter than Spider-Man.
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Nobody (I) (2021)
Just okay.. really wanted to love it
12 June 2021
Great style, acting was good, music was decent and loved the way it was shot..but that's ultimately it..

I do love Bob odenkirk, so when I saw this being advertised I was hoping for something a little different and odenkirky, but it's honestly quite a let down..

Anyone could have played bobs role, it's honestly sad he'd choose a project like this, but mans got to pay the bills I guess(?). Story is just awful, really generic, youve seen it all before 100 times over. The only redeeming parts are the beginning 20/30 minutes. Like I love John wick but this just didn't do it for me.

Definitely okay to watch to pass the time with some mates but don't expect much.

Feel like if they didn't make this so action based and added a few odenkirky quirks and added some style choices in it could have been fantastic..

Was cool to see Christopher Lloyd though.
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Chaos Walking (2021)
Oh dear
5 June 2021
Man this is pretty terrible not going to lie, there's a reason why the director and lead did no promoting for this film at all!! Mixed with the fairly dull script (got rewrite 5/6 times lmao), the production (been in production for 4 years!!!) as the films FX were terrible and the acting not up to par alot had to be reshot!

The good things really are Just the fact it looks good in 4K/hdr and has mads as some western mayor.

The story is pretty dull (personally), took me a Long time to get invested, the third act being the better part of the film. There's a lot of plot holes but won't spoil them here..

If this was made into a TV show, I could see it would have done a lot better. There's scope for something interesting here but it just didn't pay off unfortunately. Maybe give it 5/10 years and someone will transform it from a bad movie to a decent TV show, there's definitely room for improvement.
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Takes an interesting direction - stick with it!
29 May 2021
Like many many others have already said, stick with it, the first 35 minutes will all makes sense later on, I was one of those who almost switched it off as it seemed so awful to begin with..but you'll find it why.

Can't say too much without giving it away but it's got a good a mix of direction, humour (translates really well!) and wit.

Considering this film was only 2.99, it offers fantastic value!
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Excellent film! Don't take hearing for granted!
2 May 2021
All round excellent film a huge amount of effort and respect to the cast and director for pulling off a film like this - especially riz portraying Ruben, bought the character to life, especially as he actually learning drums and sign language!

I believe this film has been nominated for a few awards and can definitely see why - now there are a few unexplained plots through the story and does gloss over big details while stretching the small moments out.

Apart from that, give it a watch. One of the best films I've seen this year (alongside cherry!)
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Airplane! (1980)
Just okay - not aged fantastically...
13 April 2021
This film was way before my time so maybe that's why it's missed on me,

I only know of the "surely you can't be serious? Yes I am and stop calling me Shirley" line heading into this film and most of the internet quoting it as "the best comedy of all time!" Weirdly enough I've watched the naked gun trilogy and much prefer those to this film!

I can imagine back in it's day this would have been peak comedy, but today (to me anyway) it just feels dated, wooden, tries too hard and not funny.

Definitely watch it and make your own opinion though, maybe it's not for me.
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Soul (2020)
Resonated with me - overall an excellent film
28 March 2021
Overall a fantastic film with a excellent message which has resonated with me.

As a 25 year old struggling/panicking on starting a career, no idea what I want to do with my life/ getting somewhere in life, getting caught up in the mayhem of end up forgetting the important things in life, almost to take a step back and appreciate everything you have right now.

The animation is fantastic and quite eye popping in 4K, especially when played back on a oled!

The story was exceptional, and really resonated with me. I found a fair few funny moments in this film too, which both adults and children will appreciate.

Overall a excellent film, Pixar have done wonders.
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Cherry (I) (2021)
Absolutely Fantastic - very underrated
20 March 2021
I've just finished watching this so maybe I'm on a little high from the film, but found it to be terrific. Great story which was developed and paced perfectly which had a strong performance from all the cast involved + the score added a nice touch to the film.

Excellent film by the Russo brothers, definitely get yourself a subscription to Apple TV (or download it, I won't tell!)

Watched this in atmos + Dolby Vision and looks great on my oled!
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Feels very dull - very 'Marvel'
20 March 2021
Not a bad first episode, can imagine it's going to get better as the series progresses, maybe it's just me but I'm getting tired of the formulaic marvel movies so was hoping for some different. Wadavision nailed that perfectly but this is falling into the cheesy side of Marvel.

I can see the series already sitting on a 8.2, which I believe is way too high, but people like this side of Marvel.
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Mr. Mercedes (2017–2019)
A severely underrated series - Fantastic all round
14 March 2021
I feel this has gone under the radar for many people. (Being on the audience network didn't help) stumbled across it on Amazon prime (UK) and have been hooked. The story, character development and acting have been phenomenal, Brendan Gleason being a stand out!

Only downside is season 2 takes a bit of a weird supernatural turn, but stick with it, it does get back to season 1 highs. Shame there is no season 4 but it had to end at some point. Definitely give this a go
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Not bad - solid 6.8 - Visually stunning in 4K/Dolby Vision
21 February 2021
Not a bad film, does have a problem of dragging on way too much, they could have easily cut this down post 2 hours.

Cast was okay, didn't jell as much as the first cast of kids but decent. The ending..was a bit silly personally, but I've never read the books.

CGI was decent, but often overused at times, which made it feel silly and pointless at times.

Now if you have a 4K tv (preferably oled) give this a whirl, the last scenes in the cave are extraordinary, huge colour palette with strong blacks.
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Lord of War (2005)
20 February 2021
So you see the trailer, the thumbnail, you see cage, you think "oh this is going to be bad" unfortunately to yours and my taste, it's actually pretty good!

Decent story, which is acted pretty decently by all envolved. Maybe not for everyone's tastes though.

Shows and tells a fair amount of truth about who's really supplying who in the big ol' gun war/war on terror.

Solid 7/10
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Peninsula (2020)
Not bad at all!
7 February 2021
Now I've never seen the original, but picked this up for 99p rental on iTunes..(FYI looks fantastic in 4K)

It's not bad at all, a lot better than most American zombie films, a lot of emotion, good acting at times with some excellent character. The only part which felt a bit silly was the ending with the Van and the awful CGI. But I'm guessing this movies budget wasn't huge.

I personally feel the 5.9 rating is a little harsh, but I never watched the first and can understand the hype that was around this film.

If you are on the fence, definitely worth a watch. Worse films out there in my opinion
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Sadly very boring
1 February 2021
Loved the first matrix, one of my favourite films, but unfortunately I couldn't last more than half the film for this one.

Now I wasn't in the most energetic mood watching this film, so maybe that's why I couldn't engage with it, but I was totally lost by the middle point of the movie (with the key holder), everything fell flat to me and the story was..boring unfortunately.

Will revisit this movie again at some point, but not for me today.
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Whiplash (2014)
Hell of a film
30 January 2021
Man..just finished watching this, never has a film made me so tense,stressed, angry, anxious, name it..

One thing's for sure, you get strong desire to quit everything your doing and just jump into something new and throw your soul into like never before, if someone says they've tried hard at something, show them this..haha...whole new meaning.

An extremely emotionally raw film, which displays drive, obsession and commitment to extreme levels and shows the destructive abusive relationship which fuel it
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The Fog (1980)
Incredibly atmospheric
11 October 2020
40 years ago this film was released! You'd wonder if it would still hold up today, well it definitely does!

The effects are a little silly and the acting is quite wooden, but what makes up for it is the atmosphere, it builds up the tense nervousness fantastically! The design of the ghosts is fantastic and really captures that ghastly feel.

Really worth watching. From what I've heard skip the remake completely!
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Se7en (1995)
22 August 2020
An absolutely fantastic film. Fantastic acting from Pitt and spacey. Although was slightly slower at the start you do get sucked into the story and the atmosphere, one of those times you realise 2+ hours has flew by, you get completely gripped to the thrilling story.

Won't say much about the story but it's excellently written and the payoff at the end of the film is great.

One of the best films I've seen in a long time, really need to check out more by David!
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Maybe it was just me
18 June 2020
Honestly felt quite bored by this effort of a film, failed to grab my attention for about 2 hours of the film. Felt a real slog to finish it and could have ended alot sooner.

What made it so bad you ask? Well the script for one, the pacing, dialogue, the story.. everything! It just felt so boring to me.

Now I've never read the book and I'm.quite neutral on religion and Christianity so maybe that plays into it. Might have to fetch the book instead!

Even though you have tom hanks, he couldn't save this film.

I much prefer the sequel!
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never have I loved a film so much on a first viewing
13 June 2020
Man, I went into this film completely blind..boi did it not disappoint! You've got the story..which is a fun mess of a drug trip, trying to achieve or find the American dream and it's just a weird druggy psychodelic afair, you've then got the acting, The acting by Depp and Toro is fantastic, they make the story just by the pure excellence of portraying their characters.

Got feels of the big lewbowski watching this, had similar reins to them.

Honestly I'd Really recommend it! Time flew watching this, it's a hell of a ride. The story is ultimately pointless but fun.
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maybe it was just me
11 June 2020
I was expecting a hell of a lot more from this, it was extremely slow and was quite confusing and hard to follow.

Do like Joaquin phoenix, he is great in this to be fair, but he doesn't save the film.

Now, it could just be me and my mood so will rewatch this one again some point in the future incase I missed something.
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Annihilation (I) (2018)
Well that was something
8 June 2020
I'm not quite sure how I feel about this! I'm left quite confused but quite enjoyed the experience. I see a lot of people slating this film (which I can understand) but if you are on the fence give it a chance. It's a hell of a trip and leaves you questioning for days.

Decentish acting all round by the cast.

Now what stood out for me is the soundtrack and Dolby Vision /4K. Listening in Dolby Atmos and on a oled in pitch black, man hell of an experience! Colours shine and pop, haunting soundtrack adds tension.

Definitely pick up the disc if you can.
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I love this movie!
30 May 2020
I watched this so much during my childhood, it's a fantastic film.recently got to watch this the other night and it lives up still perfectly!

Decent humour, as well as a decent plot ( only the ending is a bit silly really) with some great quotable lines. I know this film gets alot of hate, but give it a.try and don't engage your brain too much.

Comparable to Mr bean, so if your not a fan of Mr.bean then I'd avoid this personally. (Imagine Mr bean could talk and became an mi7 agent)

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The Veteran (2011)
Better than it looks
23 May 2020
Quite good to be fair, I like the conspiracy and the message throughout the film. Can be slow at times but does eventually pay off. Only downside to me is the ending, as it suddenly ends without everything being wrapped up.

Worth a watch though
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Unbroken (I) (2014)
Pretty decent to be honest
20 May 2020
I'm actually quite shocked how much I liked this!

I actually thought this was going to be quite mediocre (especially as jolie is directing!) but it doesn't Surprisingly disappoint, I know you have probably looked upon here for reviews and seen quite a few people slate it..(some reasons make sense) but it's not one to miss.

Incredible story and pretty well acted, the brutal aspect was not missed and didn't shy away from the reality. Some films you can end up quite bored or looking at your watch half way through but no need for this one

Now it could be improved on little areas like the post war years, the ptsd, the Japanese commander not wanting to see him again, his forgiveness but apart from those aspects it's decent.
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Renaissance (2006)
Damn, was expecting a lot more
18 May 2020
Well damn, I was expecting an experience and a half but ultimately fell flat to me.

  • the animation was not great for me (possibly because I'm watching 16 years later, hasn't aged well)

  • the acting/ voice overs is pretty awful, really felt wooden and rushed at times, not fun at all.

  • felt like I was watching a long video game cutscene, Bored me about 10 minutes Into the film.

I honestly really wanted to like this, I see people raving about how great this film is, maybe for some it is, but for me it was pretty poor and turned it off after 30 minutes.
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