
272 Reviews
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27 May 2024
What a charming little film.

For a film about a shell it felt incredibly human! It was very relatable to the human experience, it even made me shed a tear. This movie just had no business being this good. It was darling! Just a very sweet lighthearted funny film that touch the soul in a different way! This movie accomplished something emotionally that most "human" movies fail to do! I'm speaking about humans like I'm an alien in this review... I am also a person.

Great stuff. Great look. Great vibes. Great sound.

No yeah really the soundtrack was actually very good! Super good score for some reason.
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Looper (2012)
Looper face
27 May 2024
So like why did they do that Joseph Gordon levitts face? That was very distracting. On par with justice leagues mustache debacle. But this time it played out throughout the whole film. Why not make Bruce Willis look more like Joseph? Too much screen time for the distracting looking fella! His face had my mind puzzled the whole film!

Anyways... putting that aside This movie starts really strong. It's a really creative concept, it works as really great sci fi but feels very human. It's beautiful looking, well acted. Really not much wrong with the first half of this film. I was totally prepared to give it an 8. But halfway through the writing really lost its way. It dragged. It got muddled and stuck at a farm, with a story the first half of the film didn't promise.
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Nothing About This Works
26 May 2024
I think this movie is a huge failure, so many things went wrong. Everything from casting to writing was pretty much a disaster.

This film just did not know what it wanted to be. It is not a biopic on the rise of bob marley. It is not a biopic of his final days. It is not centered around any particular relationships, concerts or album for that matter. It is just a jumbled up mess up scenes. At the end of the film when documentary footage of bob marley plays you realize how VERY manufactered and fake this film is. You realize how poor it is and what a missed opprotunity this is in highlighting a great man, and great musicians life. Just does not sit right in any way.
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Ying & Yang
17 May 2024
A lot of the reviews here point out the sheer insanity of the nature of the game. Nasubi did endure a level of hell and suffering that many of us will never taste. Japan laughed at him for it. This documentary is grossly tragic. Watching it, my jaw literally dropped to the floor. It does a serious job of depicting the sheer evil in man, the evil in human relationships.

This alone would make the contestant a great documentary.

What really deals the deal is the last 30 minutes. The switch is flipped and we get a look at what it means to be a good man. We see pure love play out in a broken man's heart. We come to see how to deal with suffering in a healthy and productive way. No. We learn how to deal with suffering in THE ONLY way. Love. The end of this doco had me in tears.

People are not mentioning that. But it's what makes this documentary TRULY great. The ying and yang depiction of hate/love good/evil.
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Almost Famous (2000)
Very surprised
6 May 2024
Ya know this movie actually really took me by surprise. I really enjoyed it through and through, I was prepared to give it a lower score because to me it felt like it lacked a little direction. But by the end of it the whole thing really fell into place. It's a highly original film that works as a phenomenal period piece on the seventies rock scene. It made me laugh quite a bit as well! Which is worth noting. Just a really well done highly engaging movie. Also what's her name... Kate Hudson was a real doll in the late 90s! They really casted this film well. Where has Jason Lee gone? I miss him and my name is earl.
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Se7en (1995)
A Disgusting Masterpiece
5 May 2024
This is a very dark and disturbing film. It is an incredible thriller that creates a city atmosphere that makes Gotham look like Provo Utah. I mean this film just pulled off a miracle in the atmosphere department. I would like to say- David if you are reading this, you need help. See a therapist. You got issues. The lates 90s were not his years mentally, but his sick twisted mind shines through in his art masterfully!

A serious masterpiece though. Fantastic in all departments. So unpredictable and engaging I was in the edge of my seat from start to finish. Truly a disgusting little masterpiece.
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Due Date (2010)
Eye roll
5 May 2024
I was honestly just really bored with this film. It fits the mold of the late 2000s Hangover era comedy. Although I don't reckon it fits it well. The characters are static and uninteresting. Robert Disney's character is an intolerable pr*ck of a main character. His character arc is a real head scratcher in this film. Not much of an arc... more like a spike. Anyway comedies of this nature aren't to be under such heavy scrutiny... but I wouldn't even say it holds its own as a comedy. It provided little laughs. Although I did find myself smiling most of the way through. This film did not do it for me. Found myself rolling my eyes more then I was laughing.
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Sydney Sweenmaster
5 May 2024
Sydney Sweeney and what's his face embark on a love quest, a predictable one at that, one with a few laughs and atrocious acting. I mean seriously... Sydney Sweeney may be attractive but she is genuinely a horrible actress. What's his face top gun isn't bad but with Sydney Sweeney as his costar it just cannot work. She is really bad. Kills any feeling romance. That being said I shouldn't like this film, but I kind of did. Dang it. It was enjoyable, and even though I knew what was going to happen it was still enjoyable to watch happen. It's worth a watch if you enjoy romcoms. Don't expect much from the sweenmaster though.
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Insomnia (2002)
Nolan's Debut
5 May 2024
Insomnia may be directed by Christopher Nolan- but it definitely wasn't WRITTEN by him. His Hollywood debut as a director makes him shine. The film is well done no doubt about it, the problem is the source material. The story is pretty predictable, the dialogue is cheesy and the supporting plots fit obscurely. It finished, I shrugged my shoulders and said "that was good." But I didn't like it. Nothing to go crazy for. A well done film with an engaging story but left me feeling ethically dirty and dark. I mean wow this film aroused some emotions in me that I simply DID NOT like to feel. But then again well done.
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Iron Claw 4girls
5 May 2024
It leads you on a journey with its innate quirkiness, and off handed levity. The journey is mostly incredibly unsatisfying, and aggravating. Next to me on my airplane was my buddy watching iron claw. I realized we were watching the same story play out but in its opposite. Weird. I didn't love iron claw for its broodiness, but gave it grace because it was compelling-somewhat redeeming- beautiful and great characters. This film had none of those things. Nothing was felt for any character. Nothing about its story was redeemable. And it was most importantly not super compelling... I caught the quirk though and somewhat enjoyed it. But overall it's a no from me.
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Memento (2000)
Remember Sammy Jenkis
5 May 2024
Can't believe it's taken me this long to see this film. I was always daunted by its concept- watching a movie happening backwards did NOT sound enjoyable... but holy cow what an interesting suspenseful experience it was! I felt like I was putting together a puzzle the whole time. A really brilliant thrilling puzzle with twists and turns! A truly innovative creative film pulled off perfectly.

Great performances. Great production design. Great writing. Just a perfectly simply done execution of an overly complex film. One of my favorite Christopher Nolan flicks!

Brilliant stuff!

Would be interested to see someone edit the film in chronological order.
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Civil War (2024)
6.5 for Effort
5 May 2024
Yeah. So I understand what A24 is getting at with most of their films. They try hard to be thought provoking, in some sense they are anti Hollywood; in that everything they do they speak directly to the audience about some seemingly pressing issue. They are yet to release a mind numbing entertaining blockbuster. The problem is, they marketed this film as such. They made it look like a serious epic about the details of a civil war in America. And although there are some epic, suspenseful scenes it is NOT that kind of movie.

The film revolves around a group of journalists traveling across the states. Along the way we learn lessons through watching them. We learn little from watching the people of the states, but we do learn from watching the journalists. This film really serves as a commentary about the state of journalism and the desensitization of America. I don't think it succeeds in the carry out of its message. It's muddled with bad writing, often awkward performances and its divided nature. I mean this film just didn't know what it wanted to be- an epic war film or a melo drama on journalism. It doesn't majorly succeed in either way... but it does succeed enough to GET THE MESSAGE and BE ENTERTAINED. It's an awkward half step in another direction for A24.

It almost works.

Worth a watch overall.

Also it's worth noting that this film is really beautiful at parts and the sound effects are really on point.
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Too much for me
5 May 2024
I get it. I do. I could enjoy this movie under the right circumstances. It's very Wes Anderson. Peak of his style. The problem I find is that it's very style over substance. Just not much happens here. The story isn't terribly interesting, the characters aren't very hashed. It's intriguing, by the very nature of it being a Wes Anderson film. His artistic style and interplay with visual symbolism as a means of story telling is something worth paying attention too. The problem is the story wasn't interesting enough to make me invest more attention to the detail. Under better circumstances I may have had a better experience but walking away from this film I felt I enjoyed the Darjeeling unlimited a bit more.
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Land of Bad (2024)
Tries too hard
5 May 2024
It tries really really hard to be thought provoking. Unfortunately the bad cheesy writing, poor production design, Hollywood glorification and cleanliness of war makes it fall flat from any emotional weight or feeling of serious levitates. I mean seriously Liam Hemsworth took a jack hammer to the face and nothing even happened, the man walked away from a missile strike. After being tortured and bombed he was just as handsome as he was eating those cornflakes in the beginning of the film ;) Poorly written. Poorly executed. There's not much more for me to say here about this film. It just tries really too hard that it's somewhat embarrassing.
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The Fall Guy (2024)
Smile Inducing
5 May 2024
Fall Guy is a really fun entertaining, smile inducing film. Its got great stunts, awesome action sequences. It's really over the top, and ridiculous at times. Luckily the film is somewhat self aware of its own ridiculousness, so i am weary calling the film cheesy. But it definitely walks that line. It works better as a satirical take on action heavy Hollywood flicks than it does as a romantic comedy. In fact I would say the film fails in the romance department, any romance (or emotion for that matter) is grossly overshadowed by its own 'epicness'. This is clearly a love letter to stunt men and women, it works mostly... the problem is that it doesn't take itself seriously enough for its audience to take it seriously. It was fun, it is definitely worth a watch.
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Minty Fresh
17 April 2024
Just a really fun hilarious deeply creative and refreshing movie. I mean for something to be refreshing is to be authentic and acknowledge its own faults. This movie- as a movie- is making fun of movies- and this movie. Its a upside down joy! I remember the first time watching it being deeply confused by the commercials at the beggining thinking it was actually real movie trailers. ITs just so well done and such a good satire about the film industry. Also i mean, how the heck did theuy come up with this! Its to clever! Great stuff really. Every character hits the nail on the head. The writing is just mint. Mint!
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One good Laugh
16 April 2024
Dear lord this has aged like gramma sycamores bread. I find this film in the shanty dark cupboard, a steaming green stinky mess. I mean really... did people REALLY used to find this funny? Cause it is so NOT funny now. I laughed once. Cringed the rest.

I mean come on... did a second grader write this? The jokes are so poorly written and feel so unnatural. Whatever humor this used to play too is long dead. Vince Vaughn i typically find hilrious. Ben Stiller i find hialrious... and found him somewhat funny in this movie... But still so painful. Everything about this was so painful.

I mean come on really? A pirate playing dodgeball? Average Joes gym? With wacky characters. What the heck is this movie.
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Intricate to a fault?
7 April 2024
This is an intricate film. Kind of hard to follow. There is a whole lot of name dropping, name dropping that just served to clutter the story, cause chaos. There may be purpose in this, as there is an ambiguity that persists til the ending- which is a marvelous bow tie to the end of the story.

Its an enjoyable watch. Made me feel a little stupid. But it was fun. A fine look at the state of cinema in the 90's. Movies surely felt a bit different.

Um kevin spacey is good the other guys are good... lol the story is a little convoluted

I unfortunately knew the ending, so it wasnt much of a surprise. ALthought it was great, the whole film i knew where it was leading and going. This probably effected my viewing experience.
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Waves (I) (2019)
Dumpster Fire of Tragedy
5 April 2024
The road to hell is steep, and inadvertently brings others down with you.

This movie is tuff. It is a drama through and through. Infact it is not just tragedy, it is a dumpster fire depiction of life. A redeemable dumpster fire.

It's and A24 film so it shoots for the stars in a lot of ways. It lands in most. It's got seriously great cinematography and color grading. All the performances are really great- bar Alexa Demie (she is not good, she unfortunately kills the tone with some of her scenes). The sound design is honestly otherworldly- this film mustve been edited by an eccentric young videographer, because the pacing (especially in the beggining) tagged on with the sound design is honestly otherworldly. It plays out like a really fleshed out instagram reel. A weird thing to say, but it works and its awesome. The sound design in this film deserves an oscar. The editing makes this movie as well. Not to mention the music choice. They really just nailed the vibes on this film.

With great vibes and a compelling story that had me audibly gawfing at the screen, this movie is a must see! It also teaches some important life lessons, and reminds man to bear his cross and be patient.
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Bad Book to Movie Adaptation
14 March 2024
This film feels terribly formulaic and rushed. It lacks any real heart. It feels like a bad book to movie adaptation. Just lifeless scenes playing out before me. A writer just trying to make a book come to life. Book to movie adaptations usually dont work very well, because of this reason. They focus on trying to put a book on screen rather then put a great film with a great story on the screen.

Although its a lose lose because if you do a poor adaptation of the book the fans lose their heads lol.

The characters all fall flat in this film. There are not a lot of emotional stakes (which should be a cakewalk for a holocause movie). The only character you even remotely about in this film is Maggie Gylenhall as the mother. The drama is felt from her deeply. You feel nothing in particular for the two boys. Their friendship is shallow and has no real development. You are given no reason to care for them. Especially the lead boy, there was nothing about him that made you want to care for him. No drama. No emotional stakes. Just scenes playing out before me. The last 15-20 minutes of the film are seriously redeemable and compelling. It actually kind of rocks your world to get an up close look at one of the biggest atrocities to ever happen on the face of the earth.
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Borat (2006)
Fun Nights
12 March 2024
I mean i dont reckon how one could consider this to be one of the greatest films. Some of these 10 star reviews are off the mark big time. It's got to be one of the most hysterical, creative movies ever. But in terms of it's value as a story or anything of serious value for that matter, it fails. Although perhaps i cant say it fails, because thats so not this films objective. Enjpoy it for what it is. One of the funniest movies youll see. It's somewhat similar to the jackass films, but with a touch of intelligence. A big touch of intelligence. Because again, this movie is brilliant. Its true. Watch it youll love it.
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The Iron Claw (2023)
Great show that lacks intention
5 March 2024
It is objectively quite good. Really well shot. Great production design, great cinematography, an overall spot on 70's tone. The acting is on the money, Zac Efron does a great job even though he is surely looking off these days. Every character comes through thick and authentic, creating a proper atmosphere for this interpesonal story to flourish.

I am a little conflicted because it really didnt serve me much of anything. Any meaning you want to gain from it will have to be ascertained by the individual watching, which is usually okay with me. But when you present such a dark downer of a story to me there needs to be some strong redeeming meaning from it.

The story is overall compelling, it does end in a compelling way. It is just missing a certain 'rise' that movies of such dark nature need. Unless your'e intent is misery but that is surely not the intent here... what is the intent? That is what im getting at.
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Cinematically Sharp
2 March 2024
I mean honestly you would have to be PRETTY pretentious to rate this film poorly. If your'e wasting your time critiquing this film your life must be pretty lousy. This is our generations LOTR. It is a cinematic masterpiece in so many ways. The visuals alone are enough to captivate a brain dead into a hypnotic trance of wonder. The story, although slow moving and steeped in alien verbiage, is rich and stands alone from its predecessor. It had been over a year since i'd seen the first film, and I didn't at any point find myself excessively lost.

It is a serious cinematic experience that should be experienced in theatres, go out to your theater and see it. It's seriously captivating in an otherworldly way.
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One Day (2024)
Oh My
29 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Dear lord, what has this show done to me. The last time i cried like this in front of a screen was toy story 3. I was a bloody mess in toy story 3. This had me weeping. No not even weeping, my tummy was shuddering and my face was distorted.

In the beggining i thought this was a real screw up. I thought they casted it all wrong. I thought there was no chemistry. I really disliked the characters. Thought it was terribly unrealistic for Dax to be even remotely interested in Emma. The whole thing felt off. I stuck with it because visually it's a striking and there was a certain je ne ce quoi about it!

It's a slow burn. A long journey. A journey frought with some serious life ups and downs, but you really go on a journey with these characters. You learn to love them as individuals. You come to love them as a couple. The chemistry is so on point by episode 13, i was actually giggling with delight!

A great love story.

But then the script is flipped.

This is no story about love alone, but one of grief.

My heart grew and then was ripped from my chest. This made me so angry at first. But as i watched i realized the grief and tragedy made all of the difference. This is one of the most impactful peices of media ive ever seen. Which is why i award it 10 stars. Which is something i seldom do.

My only critique is its length. In the moment i wish it was longer. But now that its over i feel amiss, because its too long of a journey to ride again in the future. But surely an experience one must live more then once.

I am a wreck.
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300 (2006)
je ne sais quoi
28 February 2024
I enjoyed this movie. I also fell asleep. Which is surprising considering its seriously epic nature. But i did, and when i woke up i realized i had missed nothing at all :) Just a super long fight sequence.

Artistically speaking this film is an absolute marvel. Zack Snyder has such a particualr style, it comes through so thick in all of his film. It works and i love it, and its really different then everything else on screen.

Yes his style is great, but there is always a certain je ne sais quoi that he misses. Man of Steel, Batman v Superman, Justice League, sucker punch and this film all lack something deep. Its strong style seems to drown out a certain authentic heart.

That is what this film seriously lacks for me. (along with his other films) It is so inauthentic and lacks any serious heart that i kind of roll my eyes a bit. Yes its epic, and youll surely feel that. But its so utterly fake. If you know anything about the ancient world or this story, youll probably be mostly disgruntled by this EPIC flick.
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