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A far superior movie to Twilight and looking forward to Eclipse
20 November 2009
I'll admit it straight out I'm a huge Twilight fan but after reading some poor reviews here and some in the papers I wasn't excepting much from New Moon. This didn't bode well for me as I had been disappointed by Twilight.

But what can I say I was pleasantly (total understatement) surprised. The movie was very faithful to the book and the bits that were added in worked extremely well. I especially liked that there were far more comedic moments which I felt were needed even as I read the book. Taylor Lautner filled the R-Patz shaped hole in my heart. He was endearing and sweet as Jacob, I found myself loving him, where in the books I really despised him. Pattinson does what he does, effortlessly and sexy as hell, there's nothing major for him to do in this movie but he didn't phone it in which made me feel that he cared about this character and the franchise. Charlie is quickly becoming a more rounded character and I'm loving his transformation on the big screen, the man is far to 2-D in the book. But the best surprise here is Stewart who seemed awkward and bored in Twilight. Here she captures Bella's pain of losing Edward perfectly. The chemistry between her and Taylor is immense and almost rivals that of her and Pattinson. I'm so glad she upped her game as for me she was the major disappointment in Twilight.

Christ Weitz has done an excellent job and has cut through a lot of the cheesy lines that can make New Moon too angsty and almost patronising. The extra action is great and I thought the wolves looked amazing. Even the grunts and the thundering noise they made as the sped through the woods was incredible.

If there was any fault there wasn't enough of the Volutori but then again there isn't that much of them in the book anyway. Oh and the bit with Edward and Bella running through the forest made me burst out laughing which I doubt was its intention but all an all I enjoyed it immensely. I went with serious Twilight fans and girls who had never read the books and we all agreed, a far superior movie to Twilight and looking forward to Eclipse...only 225 days to go :)
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Twilight (I) (2008)
I wanted so much more...
1 January 2009
We all know the deal here quiet, retiring Bella Swan moves in with her father Charlie to dreary, old, boring Forks. There she meets the adorable, sexy and mysterious Edwards Cullen problem is he's a vampire...bad times... and so a great Romeo and Juliet style love struggle comes into play.

Now to the important stuff :) I adore Stephanie Meyer's books and the thing I loved about this movie is that it really stayed ridiculously true to the book. All the characters looked exactly how I imagined them, the locations were perfect, even the cars! Everything was done down to a T and that's a credit to Catherine Hardwicke.

Robert Pattinson is perfect as the sullen, lonely vampire although I had to try a few times not to laugh at his "crazy eyes", Nikki Reed will definitely come in to her own in the later movies as the stuck up pretentious Rosalie, Peter Facinelli was a pleasant surprise as Carlisle and Billy Burke brought something refreshing and different to Charlie. Even Taylor Launter, who I was extremely worried about, pulled it out of the bag...unfortunately it was all really let down by Kirsten Stewart. I'd high hopes, I'd seen her before in other things but she just didn't seem to get Bella, she looked like her, talked as I imagined but there was something missing...she did have chemistry with Pattinson but not enough to make me truly believe in her character...that was a major disappointment for me. Bella is the everyday girl, the one that anyone reading the books wants to relate to....and it was just a really wooden and boring performance from her.

I sincerely hope that Stewart gets some acting lessons for New Moon and then maybe the avid readers can get the full movie experience they'd been hoping for as well as people who haven't read the books because as it stands this movie will only appeal to fans and that's all.
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27 Dresses (2008)
Fun, Frolics and Frocks :)
3 April 2008
I can't remember the last time I saw a genuinely good romantic comedy... Along Came Polly, The Runaway Bride, The Heartbreak Kid, Sweet Home Alabama to name but a few... all truly woeful film's in a genre that you think would be easy to get right! So you can imagine my horror when a friend of mine suggested we go see 27 Dresses…I feared the worst…

27 Dresses focuses on Jane (Heigl) who is the epitome of the quote "Always the bridesmaid never the bride". She's head over heels in love with her boss George (Burns) who she does everything for bar change and burp him! In swans Jane's gorgeous, model-esquire sister Tess (Akerman) and George is swept of his feet and a wedding is soon on the cards. As Jane struggles to come to terms with losing the love of her life cynical journalist Kevin (Marsden) thinks Jane would make the perfect candidate for a newspaper article and goes about hounding and irritating her beyond belief.

Let's face it we all have an idea of how this is going to pan out before we've even caught a glimpse of the credits but it's the way this movie reaches its climax that makes its special! It's not full of drivel and awful one liner's. The chemistry between Heigl and Marsden is sensational! And the jokes are not only funny but brilliantly delivered! The truth is romantic comedies can be bloody fantastic! It just takes a great screenwriter and a fabulous cast to make it happen!
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Borat (2006)
Borat: A laugh out loud movie
18 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Before I go on and recommend EVERYONE to see this movie I want to remind you of one thing. This movie is satire and if you don't understand that then there's absolutely no point in watching.

Much like Spike Lee's "Bamboozled" it is made very clear that this movie is a satirical piece. Their lampooning, spoofing, however you want to put it there just kidding around take that in account before you go mad because Borat makes jibes at women and Jews.

Cohen has once again had me in tears with laughter as he examines the American way of life. If you haven't seen any of Cohen's TV material then you will definitely be shocked by what you see.

Cohen manages to create genuine laugh out loud moments. Yes they are often at the expense of others but so what?!? No one was harmed during the making of this movie and if they didn't want to be involved they didn't have to sign the release forms. But beyond the laughter Cohen does hit a political nerve whether you like it or not. The footage of a Texan talking about Gays and immigrants is both humorous and extremely alarming. As is the conversation between three frat boys (who clearly have the social intelligence of a two year old combined). It's a stark realisation to see the backwards world we are still living in.

If satire eludes you then this movie isn't for you but if you can sit back, relax and really take in whats going on and have the cop on to realise that Cohen isn't Borat (Cohen comes from a strict Jewish background) then you will be able to take this movie at face value.

Remember ITS SATIRE! Rent it now and just sit back and enjoy the ride!
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