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Excellent ! Great acting !
23 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I had seen a true crime documentary about this case but of course it wasn't detailed as this series . The acting is fantastic by all the actors . The teenagers portraying the ' wayward teenagers' are brilliant . This series evokes a range of emotions . Rebecca the writer is portrayed as egotistical , selfish and quite nasty . She is only concerned about one of the murderers who she defends, is friends with and she wants him to be freed . She doesn't care about Reena at all . Excellent acting . The policewoman Cam is Rebecca's childhood friend and recently becomes her lover . She does not understand Rebecca not caring about the murder victim. Cam is a likeable character . The actor who portrays Cam's adopted father is also a very good actor . Some of the characters are fictitious as are some scenes . There is a statement explaining this.

The series shows how a Hindu Punjabi couple arrive in Canada and are not accepted and are met with racism . Then Jehovah Witnesses exploit this and gets the couple to convert into their religion. It wasn't shown how centuries of a rich Indian culture and Hindu religion are then ignored and wiped out by the couple just so they could belong to a small group of people . However , the majority of Canadians would not have accepted the couple and they would have still be met by racism in all areas of their lives . What is odd is that they still give their children Hindu names The series does touch on racism but not enough . In the 50s 60s and 70s there was a lot of racism against Indian people in Canada , the US and the UK .

The series showed the mother who was a staunch JW , put rules on to her eldest daughter . She's portrayed as a monster . She tells Reena not to covert material possessions yet she coverts her 'jumkas' , her gold earrings . The mother also has a walk in closet full ofbeautiful saris, lovely handbsgs etc etc .

Reena is teased and bullied at school for being hairy. When Reena is shaving her legs , her mother barges in and tells her not to shave .

Reena's parents must have known at all the bullying at school but did nothing about it . The father is portrayed as a wimp and a weirdo .

The parents think that giving Reena a nice home is enough . They didn't bother talking to her or trying to understand her . They just put strict rules on to her . She had a horrible and lonely home life As a result Reena rushed to a group of wayward girls who she thought accepted her and liked her . Reena was very naive and trusting .

Raj Reena's uncle is Reena's is portrayed as a nice guy . He tries to help Reena and buys her designer boots . However , he doesn't do enough to help Reena

The main murderer is a psychopath . She uses her friends and manipulates everyone around her . Her mother and stepfather are happy with her behaviour . They adore her . They don't care about what she did to Reena . We are waiting to see episode 8 ,her trial . She is a very unlikeable character . So the actresss has done very well

There is only one episode left . That is ridiculous . They should have dropped all 8 episodes together .
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The Good Detective (2020–2022)
Gripping until the 10 th episode
11 April 2024
It really was amazing . It was excitjng, intriguing , suspenseful and realistic . Then after the episode it just dragged on and on .

It felt like.they were prolonging the series until it covered 16 episodes. It should have finished by by the 10th episode ( if not before )

. The female reporter Jin , was pushing boundaries . She was strong, persuasive, relentless, fearless and very ambitious , selfish and yet sensitive at times too . The character was played very badly by the actress. She actually made her character very boring and weak. She had a big part in the series . An actress who could act would have changed the whole dynamic of the show.

However the rest of the actors and actresses were fantastic !

This seriesshowed how unglamorous police work is. And that police officers are subject to corruption but that doesn't make them a bad person or a terrible cop. Corruption in the police force happens world wide and not just in South Korea.

They've been many cases whereby senior police officers in Scotland Yard, UK have been arrested for taking huge bribes for many years .

Team 1 police officers were very likeable characters . What I found confusing were all the names. The Korean names were very similar so hard to know which character people in the series were talking about . And in the translation they'd shorten the names or totally misspell the names which added to the confusion I googled the list of names , with pictures of the characters . And often the names translated were misspelt , giving the character a totally different first name or surname . I only recognised the character by their picture .

I'd love to know why wardrobe dressed Eui in ill fitting , diarrhoea coloured trousers throughout the whole series . In fact her jacket and sweatshirt were dire too . She was a teenager ,not an old hobo ! . When she went to live permanently with the detective and his sister , they could have put her in a pair of jeans and a decent sweat shirt or T shirt .

I read from one review on here that series 2 is better , so I'll give it a try by watching a few episodes . I love Korean crime and horror and have been watching it for years. It's much better than the rubbish Hollywood produces nowadays .
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Parasyte: The Grey (2024– )
Parasyte 40 shades of dull Grey
6 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Parasyte : The Grey is sadly not memorable nor is it remarkable . It is a shame that the producer and director failed to fulfil the potential of this series . It was like a series from the 70s but without the charm . There was no atmosphere . There was no suspense or frights or surprises . No twists or turns . It was bland . The monsters were also very boring .

A parasitic monster enters a human . It eats the human's brain. Then it cuts cut off the human's head . It grows a new head and takes over the human's body and pretends to be that person . Sometimes the monsters kill humans for food , as that's all they can eat . It is very 'matter of factly' portrayed . So as they were going down that road , they should have used the analogy that humans kill animals for food too . It would have been somewhat logical and fit into their general concept.

( NB . They did tried to make it gruesome by showing human body parts and deceased humans in plastic coverings but it lacked substance contradicted their entire theme)

There is a government secret organisation who deal with the monsters . The organisation is called The Grey . They are independent of the police .

After incidents regarding the monsters rise , the active head of The Grey , Choi Jung ,holds a conference whereby she tells the police about the existence of monsters and recruits their help.

The actress who plays Choi Jung ,over plays her role. We see the past . She was meek before her husband became a monster but now she's strong and stubborn to the point that she'd stupid and defies logic and so places her team at risk .

There are terrible and obvious failings in The Parasyte . Grey which include : .

1) The monsters secretly take over the human's body and pretend to be that human . However they do not know how to imitate any form of human emotions and characteristics.and expressions . They don't smile , frown , get annoyed, laugh etc . They are robotic like. They speak in a monotone voice of a robot ( like in films made in the 70s) . YET NO-ONE NOTICES THAT ! They all believe it's the real person ! Lol!

2) Choi Jung is THE expert regarding monsters .When the main detective who she always talks to becomes a monster she doesn't notice either ! He talks in a monotone robotic voice, has no expressions and yet she doesn't notice!

It's ridiculous ! Her character is incredibly stupid! . (The actress is terrible in role too . Awful actress!)

3);There is a major incident with monsters killing humans . The policeman Cheol Ming wants to follow his friend Jeong Su-In who is in a truck ,as she is in danger . He knows his fellow colleague is working for the monsters yet he lets him get in his car and even lets him drive . Then Cheol Ming is surprised when his colleague takes him to another destination off track . His colleague asks him to join him by working for the monsters as the money is good .

Instead of pretending that he will so that he can get out of a dangerous situation he shouts at his colleague and says he'd never do that . Cheong Min knows that his pistol will not kill a monster but when the Pastor who is the leader of the monsters shows up he shoots him. The body that the Pastor is using is destroyed but the monster isn't . So the monster cuts off Cheol Min's head and gets into his body and grows a new head. So the monster becomes Cheong Min

4) One of the prominent female monsters is very vicious and hunts and kills humans. Suddenly without any logical explanation she starts helping humans .

She mumbles some nonsensical garbage which I presume is meant to be her reason . These parasitic Monsters are not capable of having any kind of emotion. They merely exist . So why would she start helping humans!

5) The physical apprarance of the monsters is not original . It's been done many times before.

The monster gets these long tentacles like that of an octopus, growing out of its head , which it uses to attack people . The way it moves when attacking people is laughable . The movement is like when a woman who has long hair, moves her head fast from side to side. Her hair would have a momentum and say there was a light ornament as she was doing that, she'd knock the ornament of its pedestal with her hair . It's the same kind of movement the monster uses . Actually they could have used that movement to their advantage by having rock music in the background .That would have been cool and amusing .

The positives of this series : The female lead character Jeong Su-In, is believable and a plus in the series..The actress is good at her role. The main lead character Seol Kang is brilliant . His acting is fantastic ! The men who play cops are good too. The CGI effects were okay .
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The Invincibles are back !
25 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Love , Love , Love this series .

I watched episode 1 , (which I thought was great ) Then I didn't watch any more episodes until now. I binge watched from episode 2 until and including episode 5 Michonne made new friends and then lost them again . It was pretty sad when Nat was shot He was a good actor and I wish they'd kept him on

When Michonne found Rick , I thought they'd go back to Alexandria , kill lots of zombies and live happily ever after, well until some disaster arose. . Instead Rick and Michonne go to this huge military base . It's extremely regimented and strict there. It was a shock that Rick wanted Michonne to go back to Alexandria without him and never meet again . Michonne was furious ( As any woman would be ) The actress Danai portrayed that very well .

It appears that Rick was flirting with Thorne . And was perhaps a bit in love with her . Thorne kept asking Michonne why she let Rick live and what he meant to her . Thorne seemed very jealous of Michonne . I thought it contradictory that Rick wanted Michonne to be a wimp and not reveal her true identity .Years ago Rick was kidnapped by Anne because he was an 'A' and put into CRM . So why did Michonne have to hide she was an A too?

The scene when Michonne grabbed Rick in the helicopter and pushed him out was gripping . I believe Episode 4 is where Rick and Michonne are in an apartment and Rick doesn't want to go home with Michonne even AFTER she told him he had a son . Michonne was furious ! The way Danai and Andrew acted in that whole scene was as if they were in a real relationship ! They were bickering too! The way Rick kept lusting after Michonne was great and realistic . Rick had s*x with Michonne then afterwards still wanted to leave her ! Very realistically, lol! Actually the whole love scene was done very tastefully .

Michonne tried to persuade Rick to go home with her but Rick wasn't having it ! He still wanted to go back to the CRM . Then Michonne tried the 'softly softly ' approach to undo the brainwashing the CRM had done to Rick . And it worked ! Rick wanted to go home !

It was fantastic to see Rick and Michonne fight t against the zombies together . Those fight scenes were really good as R & M were in sync with each other

Anne met up with Gabriel every year . It shows us that she still has some humanity left

Anne tracks down R& M , tries to kill them and the gets bitten by a Zonbie and dies .

Anne has written a dossier explaining where and what Alexandria is . So in the case of her death that dossier will be read by the commanding officers in the CRM and they will then destroy Alexandria . So now Anne is dead , Rick and Michonne need to destroy the dossier. They go to the pick up site and get picked up by a helicopter and taken to CRM

It's going to get pretty exciting ! Michonne wants to destroy CRM . Will Rick let her ? Will he get back to being brainwashed by CRM? I can't wait for the next few episodes .

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I Love Zombies!
24 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I've watched the whole franchise . The original The Walking Dead ( TWD ) was phenomenal when it first started . It was different . It was exciting . It was intelligent . We needed a good Zombie show. It looked like the budget was high . The main male lead was played by British actor Andrew Lincoln , who is the character ' Rick ' Andrew Lincoln used to play the character 'Egg ' in a British drama about lawyers. The series was aired on BBC's side channel, BBC 2 . So it surprising to see him in Hollywood! , . ( Obviously being Jethro Tull 's SIL helps with connections in the showbizz industry ). The rest of the cast was excellent ! Whoever was the Casting Manager was spot on . They cast actors who were all in a role that suited them and so they played their character very well .

As the Series TWD progressed it became better and better. However they then it changed ! They killed off main characters. BIG MISTAKE ! They introduced new characters . Negan played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan was FANTASTIC . After the' Negan Era ' was over , the series plummeted , The budget obviously decreased . There were hardly any zombies . You couldn't tell there was a Zombie Apocalypse. It became a badly made drama . It became 'touchy feely ' . It was extremely boring ! Maggie's character changed . Maggie was soft, sensitive and strong . She was excellent in her role ! They then changed her into a , ruthless , selfish uncaring , leader . Lauren Cohen played the new character of Maggie very badly. The role does not suit her ! The viewers decreased . TWD closed so hence the spin offs !

Jeffrey Dean Morgan's role as 'Negan' has changed in The Deady City. He's softened. He's become very kind , caring and selfless. However , you can sense that the original menacing side of Negan is still there in the background . In order to survive Negan purposely brings out the old 'Ruthless Negan ' sometimes ( He actually says it !)

Lauren Cohen has got better as the new ruthless uncaring Maggie but she's still not great at it . She's not convincing .! So that lets the Dead City series down .

Jeffrey Dean Morgan carries the whole series . You can see the difference between a very talented actor to a mediocre actor . However , it's still a good series and watchable . The Dead City could have been great with just Jeffrey Dean Morgan in it ( And perhaps Maggie as a side character )

Production has stopped! I read that there was a problem with the writers wanting more money. I'm not sure I if that's accurate .

Lauren Cohen had left the original TWD for a while and that was because she demanded more money . She obviously got it and she also became one of the leading characters in TWD . So I wouldn't be surprised that the real reason production was halted on Dead City was because she demanded more money again .

Further I've watched the Daryl spin off which was good . The next part is about Carol. She's searching for Daryl . I'm watching the spin off with Rick and Michonn which so far is also good . The spin off 'The World Beyond ' is absolutely terrible . It's obviously directed at teenagers as the series is full of them but they can't act ! It's seems like the teenage actors have no talent but Mummy and Daddy are Uber rich and are 'connected ' in showbizz , so they got their baby a role! . The main character is phenomenally bad . She's pretty but no offence she's a bit chubby . How can you be overweight in an apocalypse where food is scarce or is there a 24 McDonald's somewhere with an unlimited supply of burgers , fries and shakes ?!
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Wayward Pines (2015–2016)
Good season 1 . Lame season 2
23 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
1st Season. The show is about the earth being destroyed and a man called David who has Cryogenic Pods built for about 2000 people . Then the 2000 people stay in their pods until it's the year 4028 . There are what is left of the human race . Some people were kidnapped and some people volunteered to the whole venture , However not all the people were woken up . After the earth was destroyed humans who survived on the ground evolved into creatures called Abbys . The Abbys were living peacefully but David went in a helicopter and shot many of them. . David also shot a group of Abbys who were in the area where he wanted to build a town called Wayward Pines. The Abbys then became violent towards humans .

David LIED to all the people . He didn't tell them that the world had ended , the date , that they were in Cryogenic Pods, about the Abbys etc . David also had a powerful electric fence built around WP so no-one can leave or enter WP . A small group try to escape WP as they want to go home back to their lives unaware that the world has ended .

The first episode was very good ! The Episodes 2,3 and 4 were slow and I nearly gave up watching it altogether . However , I didn't know what else to watch so I continued watching it . I'm glad I did that ! The rest of the episodes were really good . All the acting was great ! Matt Dillon was as always the best actor in the show. The boy who played his son Ben was great ! Season 1 is Worth a watch !

2nd Season What a total mess ! More people were woken up from their pods . Ethan aka Matt Dillion was killed off. Big mistake to get rid of Matt Dillon ! The main actors from season 1 were also killed off at the end of season 1 or beginning of season 2 . If you're going to get rid of strong great actors then you HAVE to replace them with them with equally good actors . The directer and producers didn't do that ! Instead they had a bunch of soppy teenagers who couldn't act very well I guess it was much cheaper to hire unknown kids . The worst actor was a teenager who played Jason , the main evil leader of the people . He had a lot of screen time . Obviously his parents are 'connected ' in Showbizzz otherwise no way would he have got the role

Ethan's son Ben was around for 2 minutes in episode 1 and 2 . He was exiled and we saw Abby's ambushing him and he said 'Sorry Dad' but we never saw his actual death . And as we all know characters who we presume to be dead haven't always met their demise in movies and series and suddenly reappear ! .

Suddenly a dishevelled man with scruffy hair and beard shows up outside the fence . We learn it's Adam . Adam was the agent who sent Eathan to Wayword Pines in season 1 . We learn that Adam was in love with Eathen's wife Theresa and so sent Eathen to WP It was so unfeasible because he never even went to see Theresa when Eathen was away , The bloke who played Adam was an appalling actor ! Also much more time has elapsed between the first lot of people in Season 1 and the second lot of people Season 2 , So how is Adam still alive ?

There are quite a few holes in season 2 .

The last episode was great ! We found out Jason's girlfriend Kerry was really his mother. ( He didn't know nor did she until the end ) Thousands of Abbys are outside the fence and angry as Jason killed 3 Abby males for no reason . They are ready to attack Food source is low for humans . Humans dont have the numbers to defend themselves .The only solution is to get back in the pods until the Abbys have been naturally wiped out . So 300 pods are already occupied by people who have never been woken up , AND Only over 500 pods are working . . There are around 1300 people . Before Jason dies he writes a list of the people who should be in the pods . The rest are left to die .

Kerry injected herself with small pox , typhoid and another disease . She then walked into where 10000s of Abbys were . She knew they'd eat her and so she wanted them to be infected with the diseases and most to die .

We presume the Abbys decided to not attack the humans ?

The closing scene was Abbys living peacefully once again and a female Abby being a mum to a human baby.
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The 100 (2014–2020)
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
16 March 2024
The first 3 seasons were great . Season 4 was boring , it picked up in season 5 , season 6 was okay and season 7 was as others have said too, is terrible The Show had so much potential . The concept was good . It went down hill because the writers became lazy , so did the director and the director of fighting scenes The lines in the script were the same every season . The WORST actress was ELIZA TAYLOR the woman who played the lead role Clark . She was absolutely terrible . She had ONE expression and that was her frowning . Clark 'adopted a little girl and her acting was so bad , that there was no feeling that she loved the girl . Eliza Taylor must be very well connected to get the lead role . Also during the seasons she suddenly had a boob job . She's tiny so it looked awful on her .

ALl the actresses had cosmetic surgery durjng seasons . They also had haircuts and different hair colours from one episode to the next ! Lol! There were no hairdressers so how did they manage that. They kept changing their battle outfits a lot too , even when they were stranded in the wilderness Also the woman who played Octavia was great for the first few seasons and then her acting became sloppy and just awful And in season 7 , her face was really wide and fat . She was almost unrecognisable ! Was she pregnant or had too many fat injections in her face? .

The BEST ACTOR was the man who played John Murphy . He was brilliant ! The actor who played Bellamy was good too . And the actor who played Russel and the baddie was great too The woman who played Indra was good too ( She over acted in season 7 and the way she delivered her lines was laughable The girl who played Maddie was passable but not great and looked silly when she was possessed Also there was senseless shooting ALL the time . The last two seasons the fighting scenes were TERRIBLE , actually laughable . Also the women were meant to be the BEST FIGHTERS , quick, agile and strong but their bodies did not reflect that! They had NO muscles . If you're slaying 10 MEN in one go ,as a woman you're going to have muscles .and have a toned body . NONE of the woman had fit toned bodies . NONE had muscles

Season 7 the character Clark became very annoying . And the actress playing Clark ELIZA TAYLOR became unbearable to watch . Her acting became even worse

The lead up to the plot didn't make sense . The idea of transcending to a better place, not having maters( is taken from the Hindu religion . The ENDING WAS TERRIBLE . AWFUL STUPID LAST SCENE .
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Invasion (2021–2024)
Sam Neil is in it so must be good!
2 March 2024
How wrong was I ! Sam Neil is normally in entertaining films eg Jurassic Park . However , he obviously needed the money very badly so agreed to be in this dribble .

How can you make such a terrible series ! The first few minutes are good . I only watched one episode and that was as painful as getting a tooth pulled out without using anaesthetic.

Please someone tell me why this is listed as a Sci-Fi series when there's no Sci-fi in it . Instead of 'Invasion , it should be called ' Driving viewers up the wall as Miss Daisy got bored and disappeared! Maybe the non existent aliens abducted her ?
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La Brea (2021–2024)
So bad that it was kind of funny!
22 February 2024
I wanted mind numbing nonsense and got it! The producers need to hand out cash prizes or at least a medal for anyone who watched all 3 seasons. I admit I did fast forward quite a bit especially when it got mushy or sometimes when there was a badly done fight scene. It was funny how everyone's clothes were so clean! It was amazing how the doctor in the series had his surgical instruments . Lol! . Also people healed so quickly and no-one no-one got an infection after an op ! I'd like to know how the lawns and fields were so nicely kept . The tribal people had the usual garb on too! People kept time travelling, it was just like getting on a bus !

The main male lead had visions but nobody explained why ! The Indian bloke was stereotypical , weak, wimpy, overweight , badly dressed and a geek ( And no woman would ever fancy ) And he rescued a cow and.said 'Holy Cow' . Not ray-cist at all !

And if one person was around in 1965 they'd also be around in 2021 simultaneously ! Incredible !

This Show had so much potential but the director lost the plot ......literally ! It was FULL of pot holes . It's very bland , slow and becomes boring very quickly.. Although the show is not original it could have been amazing . Some of the actors were good . The main female lead was atrocious ! She only had one expression on her face I loved the dinosaurs.
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Reptile (2023)
What a surprise !
23 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Yes what a surprise ,,..NOT ! It dragged on and on . It was very predictable . The plot has been done so many times before . It was like watching an 80s TV film. The main lead , Benicio Del Toro looked haggard. He's normally a good actor but he seriously looked bored in the role and it seemed like he was about to drop off to sleep . Justin Timberlake was quite good but did over play his role a bit . Alicia Silverstone is Benicio's hot younger than him wife . She played the role well .

And then you had two crazy men in the film which just didn't work ! TBH it's a waste of time ! Don't bother !

The ONLY part of the film that was good was the scene at a Line Dancing evening with Del Toro and the builder, who had just finished working on Del Toro's kitchen . The builder is after Del Toro's wife and Del Toro threatens to kill the builder if he tries to hit on his wife . Then the wife , Alicia Silverstone joins the men and wants to dance . Del Toro tells his wife he is too tired then asks the builder if he wants to dance with his wife . The builder is in shock and very scared of Del Toro and says very timidly that he doesn't want to dance with Del Toro's wife ! Lol!
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Influencer (II) (2022)
Don't believe the bad reviews
30 May 2023
It was entertaining and good fun to watch. The Cinematography was brilliant . It captured the beautiful side of Thailand . We are normally shown the dirty , seedy side of Thailand in films . All the directors ever show us are young backpackers from the UK Europe and Australia because according to the directors no-one with money visits or exists in Thailand ! Lol! So it was refreshing to see the real Thailand which has beautiful hotels , apartments and houses!

The film was well acted . The lead female 'baddie' was excellent . The plot was good too! It showed how fake influencers are and a lot of money can be made by inventing an online character . The ending was great too ( Even though most of us would have guessed the ending , it was still fun ! . This movie is worth a watch! .
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Tin & Tina (2023)
Children of the Corn
30 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It was a nod to Stephen King's Children of the Corn . The acting was great by the two kids and the entire cast were good too .

The director created an eerie atmosphere and suspense.. It was a novel idea in the aspect that religion can be misinterpreted and so can have negative results However the film displayed that miracles can happen too. What didn't make sense is that when the kids sedated the dog, then cut him up , took his heart out , put it back and then sewed him up again , the parents thought the kids had innocently made a mistake by interpreting the Bible literally . The Bible refers to death a lot so the kids at their age would know that cutting up a dog would kill it, yet in the film the kids didn't know that, which was ridiculous

The ending was totally predictable. However I've seen much worse films in the cinema , Meghan for example . Overall it's a fun horror to see with a bowl of popcorn .
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Immortal (II) (2019)
Not really worth a watch!
29 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
1st story : Very well acted by the male lead . He made the short film work. The girl was good too at acting her part. The story had a twist . It was loosely based on a true life serial killer who used to fly his victims by a little private plane to a remote area , which had woods . Then he'd tell his victims to run and he'd hunt them ( (Hunting Humans ) . I enjoyed the first story . It was unpredictable . However , There was an axe so when the man was unconscious the girl could have chopped off his head . He wouldn't be able to grow a new head and the wound he said takes 4 minutes to heal . He would have had a headless body and wouldn't be able to find her !

2nd Story was very predictable and very slow

3rd Story . It was just depressing . It wasn't very interesting . A plot twist at the end would have been good . It was predictable that the woman would live .

4th Story . It was pointless . I fast forwarded a lot of it . It was senseless . The man married to the woman was good looking - That was the only plus point ! Lol!

What was the point of all these four stories?
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21 May 2023
Critics said that Russell Crowe's performance as an Italian was dismal . I strongly disagree . He captured the essence of an Italian man . His accent was excellent I liked the way he delivered his lines and the way he showed his sense of humour . He was fantastic !

The other actors were great too ! . The Set was brilliant

This film could have been spectacular .

However it was marred by the boy. The little boy over acted his role . It looked ridiculous and laughable . It is not the child's fault . It was the casting director's fault and the film directors fault . The little boy had the 'stage school presence' about him . These kids who go to stage schools over emphasise everything as they are taught to . They are trained for roles in the Theatre where everything is over dramatised . So when these kids appear in films , it doesn't work . UNLESS the film director can obliterate that stage school training and give these kids a fresh approach and train them in a totally different way so they can act well in films .

Also the voice the boy had as a demon was not synched properly ! It looked pathetic! . He looked like he was playing a joke on the Priests and would burst into a fit of giggles at any time . How could anyone involved in the film think that sounded scary and authentic! It made the film into a comedy horror ! I was laughing .

If the Casting Director had chosen the right boy to play the part the film would have been fantastic . It is still a good movie and worth watching The twist at the End is great and unexpected . Loved that! .

Some people in this review section said it's been done before . Well it's very hard to get new concept in horror films. I don't care if it was done before as long as it's done well !
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Predictable Nonsense
20 May 2023
It looked promising for the.first five minutes . Then it went rapidly down hill . I think the director was going for an eerie mysterious kind of vibe . It didn't work !

You always expected more but it didn't happen . The female lead was a judge but she seemed very stupid . She couldn't figure anything out . The movie was disjointed .

Two married Dutch women both judges travel from Holland to Belgium to sleep with other men . One of them goes to her holiday home the other to a hotel .. The acting is appalling! The female lead kept running around to different places for no reason whatsoever ! Lol! I think it was to fill up time in the film. It was also very predictable . I figured it out within the first 10 minutes of the film

I'd guessed the ending . And I am sure others could too. I'd give this film a minus ten if I could not because it was predictable but because the plot and acting were so bad and the film lacked atmosphere . I can't believe this rubbish was made into a film.
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Colony (2016–2018)
A good show but with ridiculous flaws !
11 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The Colony is worth a watch . It's a well crafted Show but the obvious flaws are a tad annoying . It's a Dystopian society . Aliens nicknamed 'The Hosts ' have landed on earth and are ruling humans . A human military regime rule the earth under the instructions of the Hosts. They are nicknamed 'The collaborators ' or the Raps.

There are several groups opposed to the Collaborators and the Hosts, nicknamed 'The Resilliance .

The main characters are the Bowman family.

The male lead is Will Bowman . The female lead is his wife Katie Bowman. They have 3 kids , Bram, Charlie, Grace .

The good points about the Show 1) It's well crafted .

2) Lots of twists and turns 3) Exciting in parts 4) Some very good actors 5) Some theories are plausible 6) Well directed 7) Shows how good people can be ruthless

FLAWS 1). Will starts working for the Collaborators . There are cameras everywhere and it's a very strict regime. There are no cameras officially in Will and Katie's house.

2) Will has NO tracker on his car and no chip in him to track him . That's totally unfeasible a due to the strictness of the regime .

3) Unofficially Jenny a colleague of Will and has placed cameras in Will and Katie's house. We don't know why . We also don't how she put them there. She hears Will calling her 'weak' and criticising her . She will lose her job if does not expose Katie , yet still decides not to do it even though Katie and Will used her . NOT FEASIBLE

4) WILL is an ex specialist FBI agent and interrogator . He is very sharp. He's a hard man and is ruthless at times. His wife Katie is working for a Resilience group and gets all her information from Will and passes it on to Will .The only person he tells EVERYTHING to is Katie. She nearly has him k.illed but she doesn't care . Will doesn't suspect her at all until right at the end of series 1 ! That's ridiculous! Also Will stays with Katie , even though she doesn't care that she put his life in danger several times .

5) There is NO onscreen chemistry between the actors who play Will and Katie . They show intimate scenes between the two which are 'meh'.

Also a couple married over 20 years with three kids , always pawing at each other is NOT realistic .

6) Will goes to find his son Charlie outside of the Colony , which has a thick surrounding wall and small alien flying devices that can blow people up . He has a pass given to him by his boss Alan Snyder . So he drives outside outside the Colony. Then we see in the first episode of the second series Will dishevelled , dirty and without a car in another town . That's unfeasible . As an ex FBI agent and working for the Collaborators , Will would have been fully prepared . We aren't told why he's in this state and what happened to his car . We've seen Will fighting off many men with his specialised combat skills and suddenly he doesn't have them and gets beaten up, UNFEASIBLE AND S. TUPID. He goes to his friend Denise's house for help

3) Charlie is a street kid who works for a ruthless man . Will has to barter with the man and gives him his pass and gets Charlie back . Will leaves the man's premises A few minutes later , he goes back and k.ills the man and all his men and frees the street kids . Will doesn't bother looking for the Pass . He tells Denise he needs to get back into the colony and tells her he doesn't have the pass. RIDICULOUS

4) There is an ex army specialist called ERIC BROUSSARD . He is wanted by the Collaborators . There are posters EVERYWHERE for his capture and a reward offered .

Yet Broussard goes out and about in the day time , ALL the time. He does not use a disguise . HE NEVER GETS SPOTTED !


5) The Collaborators are on the hunt for the entire Bowman family . Of course they are not caught even though the parents are 'out and about ' in the small community .

6) The girl Grace, Bowman's daughter is always crying which is super annoying ! In the Show it's as though she hasn't seen the hardships and that the world has changed ! ( She's meant to be 10 yrs old in the first series ). Was she in a coma for 3 series this time? In reality she'd be a tough cookie ,

7) The Bowman's just give up a very valuable part of the Alien's body to a group , they don't even know ! They don't barter , aren't suspicious of the group and don't even meet the group leader until later . That does NOT fit into the narrative of the Show or Will's and Katie's suspicious personalities They also trust this group with their three children! UNFEASIBLE

8) A big deal is made of a man with a Tattoo but we learn he's been killed ( Or does he return? ) .What was the point of him?

9) The Bowmans go into the group leaders cabin without a care or strategy to capture him . UNFEASIBLE ! Will a FBI agent would be strategic That scene was badly done

10 ) Snyder gets one of the group to call the Collaboration who use grenades etc and cause Mayhem . Katie, Wills and Bram are about to be executed but due to the mayhem they survive . Charlie gets shot . NONE of the Bowman's check him to see if he is alive ! ODD .

11) Will doesn't' kill Snyder although he blames him for Charlie's death. Bram hates Snyder and doesn't kill him either . He doesn't appreciate that Snyder saved his life

We don't see the Bowmans devastated by Charlie's death . They are just a bit upset and the subject is ignored

The Bowman's hijack a family's car who stopped to help them that belongs to another . The have no scruples

Katie and Will Bowman ruthlessly kill people in cold blood . . Yet they are not made to be accountable . They are deemed to be the goodies . They only care about their family and no-one else . Their friend Eric Broussard is also seen as a hero , although he kills a lot of people . The Resilience a group they belong to are meant to be fighting for humanity , yet they are all killers. They don't care that the red hats have families too and are just following orders and kill them . .

WILL SUDDENLY GETTING PTSD IS BIZARRE It doesn't fit into the Show! It is not a drama about mental health . Also as an interrogator Will would have seen a lot of violence and done it to others. He would have experienced a lot as an FBI agent at the top of his profession . So it's NOT BELIEVABLE . HIS ACTING IS LAME IN THIS AREA .

There are other discrepancies in the Show too


The actor playing WILL is EXCELLENT . He's very good playing an angry man . And he's great playing an ex FBI agent . He's gorgeous too! WOW,

The actress playing KATIE IS TERRIBLE. Her facial expressions are awful ! She looks as though she's constipated . Although she's been trained by Eric to handle a gun and herself , she does not handle the gun or herself well . That is due to her poor acting . She played Rick's first wife in TWD and her acting was AWFUL. I'm not surprised she was killed off very early on .

The actress playing MADELINE , Katie's sister is FANTASTIC ! She is a very good actress. She is good looking too and charismatic . I'm sure the the male audience appreciate that she's in the Show! Lol! The man who plays her boyfriend is great too!

The actor playing BRAM is WEIRD . He is ALWAYS hunched up . He always looks startled . He looks jittery . (I wonder if he's an addict in real life) His acting is the SAME IN ALL THREE SERIES. He's a very BORING and BLAND actor . He was pointless in the series

The actor playing CHARLIE was EXCELLENT . HE WAS VERY BELIEVABLE . They should have kept Charle and got rid of BRAM

The actor playing ERIC Broussard was okay . NOTHING SPECIAL. The same facial expression of him screwing up his face is very annoying . He's meant to be a hard man but he can't playthe role well . I suppose he's the invisible man too as no-ons sees him whilst he's strolling about town, even though he's Wanted by the Collaboration.

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Vampire, Zombies or Possession film?
24 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's worth a watch . Don't expect too much though ! This film didn't know whether it was a vampire , a possession or zombie film It starts of with a scene of a woman lying seductively on the bed and heavy eye make up . She starts writhing about and out comes her very fake chest . Is it Hammer House of Horror ? Will Christopher Lee appear ? Nope ! We see this very tall priest ! The actor playing the priest was clomping around as though he was in jogging pants and a T-shirt rather than robes for a priest . He should have moved about with some elegance and grace. He looked ridiculous !

Then Geoffrey from Fresh Prince appears ! He's now a priest ! He's swigging alcohol and swearing away . He's still got a sense of humour though. His role in the film is redundant and his acting is appalling .

We then get a bunch of Zombie like creatures appearing . Possessed Zombies? . It was rather amusing .

Then ending is excellent and that's why I've given this film 4 stars .

It's such a shame as this film could have brilliant . The director creates a mysterious , dark atmosphere then totally spoils it by having the possessed girl over act . Her make up is just silly . She looked like she'd been partying hard and then the next day had woken up with a hangover and smudged black eye make-up all over her face . Her mum always looks worried and confused . Maybe the actress who played the mum, was wondering if she'd walked on to the wrong movie set? ( But didn't have the heart to ask anyone )

The director just dumped everything he could think of from every possession , vampire and zombie film he's ever seen into this film . It's a mess with glimpses of potential greatness . The final scene is the best .
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The Last of Us (2023– )
A Snooze fest so far
22 March 2023
The first episode was good with an unexpected end. I started watching the second episode which was slow and very boring , so I kept falling asleep .

I was thinking of re-watching the second episode and then watching the third episode . Some people said that the third episode is a throwback episode. I think some people liked it because it was politically correct and some liked it purely because it was an episode of two gay people in a relationship . I don't like throwbacks very much and especially if they're mushy , and sentimental and more so in a horror show. I don't care if the people are gay , straight , bi , or trans etc .

I've seen throwbacks in TWD and it spoiled the Show for me because they were slow , boring and irrelevant . If I wanted to see mush then I'd watch a show that was I knew had mush in it . ( And I don't like mushy shows or films ) I don't want to see blood and guts . I want to see a fun , exciting and intelligent show . I also want it to be fast based . I don't like a slow burner that takes ages to get to a point and by the time it does you've lost interest !

I still haven't decided if I'm going to carry on with this show.
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The Perfumier (2022)
11 March 2023
German movies and dramas used to be good but now they're just low budget with very poor acting , no plot , disappointments This film tries to be 'arty farty' with a 'Laura Ashley ' vibe going on , in the way it's filmed . Then you also have the nod to Silence of the Lambs with the serial killer type of character and a blonde transvestite in this film . So suddenly it tries to be serious . There's no plot . Nothing makes sense . It's like the person who wrote this jotted down some gibberish when they were bored . What's astounding is that this story got the funding to be made into a movie!

I watched half an hour and just couldn't watch anymore. I knew it couldn't get any better and reading other reviews I was right I'd give this rubbish a minus score if I could . IMBD How about introducing minus scores for movies ?
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Consecration (2023)
Even a miracle couldn't save this movie !
9 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It didn't start of well . So I knew within the first five minutes it was going to be a rubbish film . However, I was hoping , even praying I was wrong and it would get better . To no avail , it became worse .

There was no spooky or even eerie atmosphere . In fact there was no atmosphere at all, it was flat! . The acting was pretty awful . The actress who played Grace sounded as though she was continuously auditioning for a role in the theatre production . It's okay love you don't have to impress anyone , you've got the lead in a B rated film ( Actually it was Z rated film , I was being kind ) The priest and the mother superior were hysterical ! Their acting was really OTT ! . Then you had the dark and mysterious Nigerian nun ( who was probably from Peckham ! ) And we saw a nun who had a bandage over her eye! Spooky! Not ! Every time Grace entered a room the nuns ran out screaming ! Nice!

The plot was unique as there wasn't one! This movie was just one big jumbled mess. It couldn't decide what it was or which direction it should go . We learn Grace is good . Then we learn she's bad . The priest wants to stick Grace in a vault but Grace won't have it and walks out of it . We suddenly see two Graces , one who walks out of the vault and one who stabs priest with a cross! Ouch! The Mother Superior says Grace can't die but in one of the final scenes , she tries to kill Grace her with a gun! Whilst trying to shoot Grace , The Mother Superior gets run over by a truck , so Grace must be bad . Lol! Grace is an ophthalmologist and restores people's sight . We see in the final scene that Grace touches an elderly patients eyes who is blinds and restores her eyesight. So the woman can see! I knew Grace was a goodie. Yup she's definitely not the Devil and is just defending herself from all the Crazies trying to kill her.
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Blah, Blah Bly Manor
2 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Like many productions it started off well . Then half way through it faltered and started dragging. It seemed as though the writer had run out of ideas and so drew each episode out . It also became repetitive . It was also very predictable . The initial charm of the show vanished . It's not horror at all . It's a drama . It's more of a show for Americans who think that everyone in England lives in a mansion ! The narrators accent kept changing too ! .

The actor Henry Thomas is an American actor and his attempt at an aristocratic English accent was very strange indeed . Maybe he thought he was still on ET ! Although his acting was good! The main female lead was Victoria Pedletti who played the nanny Dani Clayton . She was talking normally in the first few episodes then the other episodes she was slurring her words and sounded drunk ! It was very irritating . Her acting suffered too . Amelia Eve played the gardener Jamie and her acting was appalling ! She was Dani's love interest

This series was just a mish mash of things all jumbled up . It was all so politically correct with two Black characters , an Indian characterand a lesbian couple ! There was also the cliche of the lady of the manor having an affair with her husband's brother and him fathering her child, Flora .

The housekeeper Grace was played by T'N'ia Miller . Her acting was great . She was in love with the Chef Owen played by Rahul Kohli . His acting was also excellent Grace is an integral part of the Manor . She interacts all the time with Owen, Jamie, the children and the nanny Dani . Yet Grace doesn't eat or drink so we know she's a ghost . . (Yet we did see her guzzle wine from a bottle once which was odd). . It didn't make sense as how was she able to interact with everyone ! How could they all see her and hear her ? How did they not realise she was a ghost , yet perhaps Owen did ? (We see Miles pushing Grace into a well too and that's when she dies but doesn't realise she was dead , apparently nor did anyone else! Lol!)

Henry's gofer was PeterQuint played by the handsome Oliver Jackson-Cohen . His acting was fantastic . His love interest was Rebecca played by Tahira Sharif . Her acting was terrible . She wasn't convincing at all , that she was madly in love with Peter . She was meant to be an intelligent woman but she came across as being very stupid . The way Peter died was stupid and made no sense . Why did the lady in the lake only drag him off ? Why didn't she drag Owen , Jamie off too?

Then there was a some silly story about sisters who lived in Bly manor in the 1800s. One of the sisters died and didn't have a face and lived at the bottom of a lake and killed people and dragged them into the lake . The series just became more and more ridiculous !

The acting by the two children was impeccable . Amelie Bea Smith played Flora and Benjamin Evans Ainsworth played Miles . They're both very talented children . Their acting skills were exceptionally good . They were both fantastic but Benjamin was that little bit better .

The almost last scene of everyone at Flora's wedding was lovely . We discover the narrator was Jamie but a lot older . We see Henry, Owen and Miles .
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It's all about Me, Me , Me !
2 March 2023
What was Katie Perry doing on a cooking Show? She's not a chef, nor is she a food critic or anyone connected to the culinary world . She knows nothing about food except that she eats out at restaurants. She was very irritating and cheapened the show . If the judges had been further up her bottom they'd have come out of her mouth ! Katie kept singing albeit very badly and kept dancing and being loud and obnoxious . The way everyone was pandering to her and fake laughing to please her was cringe ! Why not have a renowned chef like the fabulous Ottolenghi ! ( Not Gordon Ramsay though ). Masterchef should have spent money on better production rather than some ego maniac Z lister celebrity .
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False advertising , It is not a survival story !
28 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's advertised as a survival story but it isn't . The movie is about Liv the female lead 'finding herself' in the jungle . It's the usual dribble ! THIS MOVIE IS FULL OF CLICHES It has no charm or grace We're meant to be touched by the poetry and the philosophy in the movie when it's something that you could read in a trashy woman's magazine whilst waiting at the doctor's . The only saving grace to that movie was the man who played Liv's boyfriend . His acting was good ! Although his character was sweet but a bit drippy and and he had awful weird hair!

Liv was awkward , introverted and strange as a child . Her mother left Liv and her father , when Liv was about 10 yrs old . We see Liv as a very successful lawyer, who is outgoing , sociable and attractive . She also is very rude to everyone , entitled and arrogant . She even shouted at a doctor . That's so unrealistic , NO doctor would accept to be shouted at by a patient . Liz was a spoilt adult brat . So, how she was as a child doesn't fit into what she became as an adult! A woman with that attitude is usually from a very privileged and connected family and has got her way since she was a child . Also, Although she's a sharp lawyer she doesn't realise the men she hitched a plane ride with are drug smugglers NOT FEASIBLE!

Further what makes absolutes no sense is that she takes 3 plane rides to meet her mother when her mother doesn't know that Liv's going to meet her and her mother might not be there ( wherever that is ! ). And can't Liv meet her mum another time? Or is that not possible because her mum's going to Mars forever ?

Yet another aspect that didn't make sense is that she was pregnant but had nothing to eat except a few berries . We saw her belly had grown quite a bit due to her pregnancy which means she was in the wilderness for months , with no food! How did the baby survive? How did Liv not die from hunger ? And even though she hadn't eaten for months she wasn't even dizzy and had lots of energy! ( and her morning sickness had gone!)

Liv was talking to a dead man ! Why? She met him and talked to him for a minute when he was alive , so how could he have a rapport with her ?

, We see at the end what Liv could have had with her boyfriend had she been nice or even civil to him ! That was totally vomit inducing !

I admit that I fast forwarded a lot of the episodes as they were a load of rubbish!
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Weed's gonna make you sleep
28 February 2023
This film was trying to be over clever but in reality it makes a pile of dog poo look intellectual . I fast forwarded it a lot because it was nonsensical rubbish .

You know a movie is bad when you put it's name in Google and up pop loads of sites offering an explanation of the movie . There is no explanation as all the 'explanations just reiterate what happens in the movie . Also Stonehenge is the star of the movie . I was waiting for Druids to start a rain dance around Stonehenge ! The poor actors looked very unconvincing in their roles . They had nothing to work with! . Patrick Wilson must be really hard up for money to appear in a heap of garbage . Even my dreams are more imaginative , make more sense and have a better script!
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The Strays (2023)
Nonsensical and Disappointing
23 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It started off well. Cheryl walks out on her life and reinvents herself as Neve . So 15 years later , Neve (aka Cheryl ) who is black ( but looked half white ) was married to a white man and had two teenage children Mary and Sebastian ( Seb ) . They don't know about Neve's past life . As Neve behaved as though she was white ,she'd bring up the kids that way too. Yet the kids weren't like that , which didn't add up .

The both went to a private school. . There's a new janitor at the school who is Black . Seb after one conversation with the new janitor becomes friends with him . That would NEVER happen . Firstly , Seb would look down on the janitor and also , be would suspicious of him . He wouldn't meet him in the woods of the school . In fact Seb would report the janitor for asking to meet him in the woods . On another day , the janitor invites Seb on to the roof of a building to smoke weed

A black girl who is a complete stranger approaches Mary on the street . And they suddenly become friends ! That would never happen in real life . You don't become friends with a stranger who approaches you in the street The girl invites Mary to her hotel room and they drink and 'hang out ' . Mary invites the girl to her mother's party for charity .

At the party Neve screams at the girl . The girl screams back and exposes Neve . She reveals that she is Neve's daughter and the janitor is her son Neve's family are shocked . At night the boy and break into the house . WHERE IS THE ALARM ? WHERE IS THE CAMERA THAT EVERYONE HAS OUTSIDE THEIR MAIN DOOR? The girl and boy go to everyone's rooms and takes their phones. NOT ONE PERSON HEARS THEM . They all wake up when the boy puts on the telly . The boy also turns on the tap in the sink and floods the kitchen . It's the girl's birthday so she demands Chinese take out

There is tension from the family . That is well portrayed . The girl and boy don't have any weapons . No-one in the family tries to run or tackle the boy. The boy takes the Neve's husband to the gym in the house . The boy kills the husband . When he is in the gym the family could easily have tackled the girl but they don't

The Uber eats delivery arrives , Neve takes the food, then gets her wallet to give the man a tip. She then gets on the back of the Uber Eats motorbike and runs off .

The people in the house all realise thar she's run off again .

The acting was good . The atmosphere was good but there were too many pot holes. And Neve kept freaking out. She offers her estranged children money to 'disappear ' . Neve had reinvented herself so she would have been more strategic and cunning when handling her estranged kids . She wouldn't have been so clumsy Everything the estranged children did made no sense. There was no 'body ' to the whole movie . Anyway ,how convenient that r the boy got a job as a janitor ant the school and the girl got a job at Neve's husband's business.
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