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F9 is a Roaring Good Time
29 July 2021
F9 is a wild ride from start to finish. It bathes in its own ridiculousness, much like its predecessors. However, this instalment is probably the silliest one yet and it makes for some phenomenaly exciting action sequences if you're willing to suspend your disbelief. The cast continue to shine as their characters, with Tyrese Gibson being particularly enjoyable this time round, almost as an audience substitute, questioning the movie's logic. However, while it obviously isn't what we're here for, the story is terrible. It relies on major retcons to the events of previous movies, as well as retconning the backstory of Toretto, all of which are incredibly convoluted. However, at this point, all we're hear for is to watch cars crash into each other and in that respect this film delivers and more. I recommend seeing this if you're a fan of the franchise or just a fan of dumb action movies.
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Black Widow (2021)
Black Widow Aims High
8 July 2021
Black Widow is a welcome return to the big screen for the MCU. It's one of the more fast paced and easy to follow MCU adventures and delivers a satisfying epilogue to Scarlett Johansson's, 11 year long role as Black Widow, after her death in Endgame. In this movie, we get a closer look into the black widow programme and what we learn is very interesting. Florence Pugh delivers a fantastic performance as Yellana, with Johannson delivering as well in the lead role. David Harbour is also a highlight playing Captain America, if he were a pathetic loser. In regards to action, this movie delivers with several exciting action sequences and fight scenes. However, this film really delivers with the story, providing an emotionally investing, character driven family drama, as well as a thrilling spy thriller. I definitely recommend watching this movie on the big screen, if you can. It's a non stop thrill ride from start to finish.
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Cruella (2021)
Cruella is a Thread of Mediocre
5 July 2021
For the past ten years, Disney has bombarded cinemas with unnecessary live action takes on their animated classics. Cruella is one of the better ones due to its original story. However, it's hardly a good movie. Emma Stone is wonderful as Cruella and delivers a larger than life performance, which she gets completely lost in. As does Emma Thompson, who is brilliant fun to watch. Joel Fry and Paul Walter Hauser also have great chemistry as Horace and Jasper, providing several great lines and comedic sequences. In regards to fashion, this movie W delivers with simply fantastic costume design and brilliant sequences to show them off. However where this movie falters is the ridiculous story. It's riddled with cliches, absurd plot points and ultimately portrays the attempted skinner of puppies as the heroine. The main issue is considering how evil she was, Cruella De Vil shouldn't be a heroine and because of that I struggle to get past this movie. That being said, I still do recommend this movie on account of the story being so absurd that it's honestly rather entertaining.

However wait for August 27th when it becomes free on Disney +
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The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It Conjures a Mess
19 June 2021
The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It is, by far, the weakest of the Conjuring trilogy. Unlike the first two, this movie doesn't spend a lot of time with the victims before the scares begin. Instead this film elects to primarily focus on the Warrens' investigation into the cause of the haunting. While Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga do a great job as usual, with their brilliant chemistry intact, this film demonstrates why they don't work at the centre of the narrative. The investigation, which takes up most of the runtime, isn't particularly exciting to watch and causes the film to become slow and tedious and whenever a scare does happen, it's usually a boring jump scare rather than anything particularly frightening. Also, the increased screen time devoted to the Warrens, and the aforementioned decreased screen time for the victims, means that the victims are underdeveloped and so I don't care about their situation. A shame as that was the greatest strength of the previous films. In terms of strengths, Patrick Wilson delivers probably his best performance of the trilogy and there are a couple of genuinely disturbing scenes, as well as a brilliant sequence during the climax, which almost cleanses this film from its sins. However, those few strengths aside, The Devil Made Me Do It is nothing more than your standard bad horror movie, which is a shame as its predecessors were so much more.
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Nobody (I) (2021)
Nobody Kicks Ass
12 June 2021
Nobody is a solid action movie with brilliantly choreographed fight sequences, backed up the movie's phenomenal editing, delivering an enjoyably stylised take on the violence. As for the acting, Bob Odenkirk delivers a steller performance, delivering depth to his morally grey lead. Christoper Lloyd also provides an extremely entertaining supporting performance, as does Aleksei Serbryakov as the charismatic, yet frightening villain. The film also has a very good plot, with a slow, yet satisfying reveal of the true identity of the titular nobody. There is also quite a bit of injected humour, which was amusing and didn't detract from serious moments. The soundtrack is also wonderful, with perfect song choices, which complement the plot of the movie perfectly. If there was one major issue, it would be that RZA's character felt unnecessary and just there to capitalise on his star power. However, Nobody is an excellent action thrill ride, which I highly recommend.
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Godzilla vs. Kong is a Titan of Mediocre
5 April 2021
I have found Warner Bros' Monsterverse to be rather hit or miss. I loved Kong: Skull Island, but didn't really care for either Godzilla film. So I was interested to see how the culmination of the two titans' adventures would hold up. I found this film to be quite mediocre. Kong is definitely the highlight. He's a far more three dimensional character than his lizard co-star and his relationship with a little deaf girl is genuinely heartwarming and does a great job of humanising the monster. This film also has sold special effects and great cinematography. It's a real shame that most won't get to see this movie on the big screen because that's where it clearly flourishes. As for the titular event, it mostly delivers. The fight is well shot and very exciting. Although a lot of the action does take place in the dark, this time, they use brightly lit streets so that we can see what's happening. However, the negatives outweigh the positives. None of the human characters are particularly interesting, aside form the deaf girl. Millie Bobby Brown returns from King of Monsters and it feels like she's only there to cash in on the success of Stranger Things. Especially since this is the only time in the series that a main human character from a previous movie has returned. There's also a conspiracy subplot and a big suit villain that are uninteresting and take focus away from the titular monsters. Also, the ending is terrible and a cowardly move from the studio. Once you see the film, you'll know what I mean. It's a real jump the shark moment from the series. Is this film worth seeing? If you can see it in cinemas then yes. If only for the spectacle of the titular fight. If not then don't bother and wait for it to be released widely on home media.
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The New Mutants Hasn't Developed Its Powers Yet
6 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The New Mutants is a perfectly enjoyable, if flawed, entry into the X-Men film series. The story gives an interesting insight into how dangerous mutants can truly be without developed powers or the aid of Professor X. I also really liked the movie's message about overcoming trauma. The characters are all interesting, with tragic backstories which make them more layered. Unfortunately, while the characters are written well, the acting is very wooden. Charlie Heaton, despite having one of the most interesting characters in the bunch, is terrible. He doesn't have a single convincing delivery in the whole movie. Anya Taylor-Joy also massively overacts as Illyana Rasputin, to the point that the character becomes quite annoying. However, the two leads (Blu Hunt and Maisie Williams) deliver a pair of pretty good performances, which carry the film, as do their characters, who are well fleshed out and sympathetic. A huge problem with the movie is that it's marketed as a horror movie but, aside from the odd CGI monster, plays out far more like a thriller. The story also suffers from being incredibly predictable. I knew exactly what was happening as soon the climax started. Also the villain is really bad. She started off interesting but slowly progressed into a boring one dimensional character as the film went on. Honestly, I'm upset that this film won't get a sequel because I feel like these characters have potential to be further explored. As it stands, The New Mutants is a perfectly enjoyable piece of entertainment and since there isn't anything else on at the moment, I'd recommend checking it out.
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Unhinged (I) (2020)
Unhinged Drives Roughly
4 September 2020
Unhinged is an entertaining, if underwhelming movie. Russell Crowe is absolutely fantastic as the psychotic Tom Cooper. He delivers an extremely menacing performance, creating a genuinely terrifying, yet detestable character. The movie also uses tension extremely well. There are very few jump scares and, when they are used, they're used to great effect. Several scenes play out in pure silence, making a far more uneasy experience. Unfortunately, the rest of the film isn't great. Caren Pistorius does well as the lead, however her character makes incredibly stupid decisions which endanger the lives of her friends and family. Gabriel Bateman also plays a child, who is obsessed with Fortnite, placing the film in great danger of becoming dated very quickly. I also believe that this movie doesn't respect the audience's intelligence. At various points, the message of the film will be spelled out for the audience in an awful case of breaking the rule of 'show, don't tell.' Especially in the insulting title sequence. However, I'd still recommend this film for the tension and Russell Crowe's magnificent performance. However, just wait for it to become available on home media.
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Tenet (2020)
Tenet Is As Convoluted As The Flow of Time
1 September 2020
Tenet is a very interesting movie. John David Washington is good as the protagonist, rather unimaginatively named 'The Protagonist.' Robert Pattinson is fantastic as the mysterious handler; Neil. Pattinson has really proven himself recently as a genuinely fantastic actor and I can't wait to see what he does next. Kenneth Branagh is a genuinely terrifying villain and his insanity shines through his disturbing interactions with his wife, Kat, played by Elizabeth Debicki, and the dynamic between those two characters is definitely the best part of the movie. The action is the clear selling point of the movie and it definitely delivers. It's incredibly exciting, heart pumping and thrilling, whilst being superbly shot. However the weak point for the film is the extremely complicated plot. If someone asked me what happened in Tenet, I would honestly struggle ro answer. I feel like I'll be spending the rest of my life frantically trying to figure out the plot. As well as being confusing, I'd say the film's runtime is also an issue. It's half an hour too long and, as it result, it leads to the film dragging a little at certain points throughout the runtime. As for weather or not I'd recommend this movie. Yes, I would. If you're brave enough to face the cinemas then the action should help take the current world issues off your mind for a while. However, just prepare for you head to be spinning like a wheel afterwards.
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
The Invisible Man Disappears Towards The End
15 March 2020
The Invisible Man is mostly a fantastic horror movie. This film is a perfect example of how to use tension effectively. Several scenes in this movie are absolutely horrifying, despite the lack of jump scares, with a perfect atmosphere created by Leigh Whanell. The Invisible Man's antics are incredibly disturbing and cause anxiety for the viewer as well as the characters and the dominance he has over Elizabeth Moss' Celicia, even in death, is unbelievably sickening. Elizabeth Moss is absolutely outstanding in the lead role, delivering a wonderful performance, which causes the viewer to truly buy the trauma her character suffers. However, this movie really slips in quality during the third act. During which, the perfect psychological horror movie, this film was about to become, is destroyed. The third act involves an incredibly confusing plot twist and a completely ridiculous plot device that causes the movie to dip way too much into science fiction. Although the final scene does manage to restore some of the amazing quality from the first ninety minutes, with a satisfying enough conclusion, I would overall call The Invisible Man a good horror movie, that was very nearly so much more.
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Sonic the Hedgehog Should Speed Up a Bit, but It's Approaching Full Speed
21 February 2020
Sonic the Hedgehog is quite an adequate feature, which is surprising considering the concept and the history of video game based movies. Sonic's relationship with James Marsden's character; Tom Wachowski is done very well and delivers some fantastic dialogue and humour. The two characters are also very likeable and have fantastic chemistry, developing through each other as the movie progresses and forming quite a heartwarming friendship. However, this is Jim Carrey's movie. Every second he's on screen, Carrey is a joy to watch. His screen presence is outstanding and you get completely lost in the pure insanity of his performance. The movie also has incredible visual effects. The effects are bright, colourful, fast paced and exciting, which is perfect for its targets audience of children. However, this movie does have plenty of flaws. A lot of the humour is immature and doesn't always land. Sometimes, it's the kind of humour you'd stop being amused by once you reach the age of 7. Also, there are a few moments of extremely poor writing that prevent this movie from achieving greatness. However, overall, I'd say that Sonic the Hedgehog is a good movie. However, unless you have a child, or grew up playing the original SEGA games, I'd suggest waiting for it to be released on home video.
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Birds of Prey (2020)
Birds of Prey Still Needs To Stretch It's Wings
20 February 2020
Birds of Prey is a mediocre comic book movie, with entertaining action, but not enough substance and a poor screenplay. Margot Robbie is fantastic as Harley Quinn, but the birds of prey aren't interesting characters. This is because the movie puts too much focus on Harley and, as a result, doesn't have time to develop the rest of the main cast. The only backstory they get is narrated over by Harley, completely destroying the weight and power those scenes should have. Harley, herself, is very entertaining. However, I'm not a fan of the insistence to make her more independent by everyone currently writing her. This is because the tragedy of Harley Quinn's character is her inability to permanently move away from The Joker, despite how much he mistreats her. Therefore, removing that element of her character makes her far less interesting and compelling. I also don't like the fact that, in this movie, her characterisation clearly rips off Deadpool. However, Margot Robbie is still very fun to watch. Ewan McGregor absolutely steals the show as Roman Sionis. In every scene he's in, McGregor is clearly having the time of his life and he's so enjoyable to watch, creating the best villain in the DCEU so far. However, Victor Zsasz is completely wasted and nowhere near as intimidating or psychotic as his comic book countapart, instead he's rather bland and uninteresting. Birds of Prey is directed and edited very well, I can't say I was ever bored watching it. The action is also very exciting and fun to watch. In summary, Birds of Prey has enjoyable action, solid acting and is incredibly entertaining, but the script is quite bad and the characters aren't very interesting. I'd personally recommend skipping this movie.
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Chris Sanders is a Good Boy
19 February 2020
The Call of The Wild is a solid, incredibly well made movie. Buck is an extremely likeable protagonist who goes on a compelling journey of self discovery. Despite being a dog and not having a word of dialogue, Buck is an incredibly interesting, three dimensional character with a well developed arc. The CGI used to bring him to life is amazing. While it doesn't always look natural, Buck's CGI model is so expressive and can cause the viewer to experience a variety of different emotions, despite not even being there. Harrison Ford also does well as the elderly, depressed John Thornton, carrying a great deal of tragedy and mystery about his past throughout the movie. The movie also features stunning cinematography, with several beautiful shots and camera angles. It's a true joy to look at. However, there are a few problems with the movie. For starters, John Thornton narrates a lot throughout the movie, despite not being present for, and therefore having no way of knowing about, the events that he's describing. Another issue is Dan Stevens' character; Hal. Hal is an entirely unnecessary, one dimensional antagonist, who just doesn't work with the story this movie is trying to tell. His presence also completely derails John Thornton's resolution. However, despite these problems, I still recommend The Call Of The Wild. It's a fantastic movie, with an incredible protagonist and stunningly beautiful visuals that you shouldn't miss.
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Parasite (2019)
Parasite Is An Upper Class Movie
8 February 2020
Parasite is a fantastic movie that features sympathetic, yet morally gray characters and their plight to earn enough money to live. Despite the awful things the characters do, you feel for each and every one of them thanks to the fantastic writing and acting. The humour is also fantastic and always lands. Seriously, despite being a drama, Parasite is one of the funniest movies I've seen all year. However, the reason why I can't say that Parasite is one of 2019's best movies is the ending. The ending is so anticlimactic, disappointing and dissatisfying. It didn't feel like that was what the film was building towards at all. However, I still recommend Parasite as it's mostly a fantastic experience that I just wish had a stronger conclusion.
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The Lighthouse (I) (2019)
The Lighthouse Lights Up The Insanity Of Robert Eggers
8 February 2020
The Lighthouse is one of the best movies of 2019. This film is a beautiful look into the mind of a pure lunatic. Several scenes feature unforgettable, horrifying, strange imagery, leaving it up to the audience to interprete their meaning. The films sound design is perfection and perfectly builds an extremely disturbing atmosphere. The Lighthouse is the most disturbing movie I have ever seen and I fear for the mental health of Robert Eggers, the film is that insane. Willam Defoe delivers an absolutely bone chilling performance, which was snubbed entirely at the 92nd Academy Awards. Every single frame of this movie is shot beautifully and directed to perfection. The Lighthouse is a masterpiece, which must be experienced by all.
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A Piece Of Media That Gave Richard Jewell The Respect He Deserved
1 February 2020
Richard Jewell is a solid movie that perfectly portrays just how damaging the media can be, and how they'll twist anything for a good story, as well as the corruption of the American police force. Paul Walter Hauser delivers an incredible performance as the titular man, who you can tell was a good man trying to make the world a better place. Hauser plays the role with such In Innocense and compassion that it makes the audience sick that such a great man could go through such a horrific tarnishing from the media. Kathy Bates delivers a fantastically devastating performance as Richard's mother; Bobbi, perfectly showcasing the confusion and fear that someone put into her situation would feel. Sam Rockwell, however, steals the show as the dedicated, confident, loud lawyer; Watson Bryant. Rockwell dominates every sense that he appears in a larger than life performance. However, I do believe that this movie does suffer from pacing issues as well as the fact that it does take a few liberties with the story, particularly in the case of reporter; Kathy Scruggs, who didn't bang the story out of the FBI as portrayed in the movie. However, this movie still does a fantastic job of informing the audience of an amazing, heroic man and giving Richard Jewell the recognition he deserved. For that reason alone, I highly recommend this movie.
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A Beautiful Day in The Neighbourhood Spreads Kindness To All Viewers
31 January 2020
A Beautiful Day in The Neighbourhood is an inspiring movie that educates the audience on the importance of forgiveness and dealing with anger, just to name a few. Tom Hanks completely nails the soft, gentle kindness and the wisdom of Mr. Rogers, playing the role to perfection. Whenever he addresses the audience, you feel like he's talking to you directly, just as Mr. Rogers did. Matthew Rhys is also fantastic as troubled journalist; Lloyd Vogel. His facial acting, showing discomfort around his father is amazing and his character arc throughout the movie successfully proves Mr. Roger's ability to change anyone's life for the better. The movie is also framed incredibly well, as if it were one, big episode of Mr. Roger's Neighborhood. Every scene of Mr. Rogers on set proves the kindness in his heart and just how much he truly cared for his audience. A Beautiful Day in The Neighbourhood is a fantastic movie that perfectly showcases the joy and happiness bought by one of the world's kindest people, backed up by one of my favourite actors' best performances. Please see this movie and take away the same warmth in your heart as I did.
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Bombshell (I) (2019)
Breaking News: Bombshell's Decent.
26 January 2020
Bombshell is a good movie, with solid acting and a powerful message. Charlise Theron and Margot Robbie deliver absolutely stellar performances. Theron dominates her every scene with an exceptional stage presence fitting of her role as powerful news anchor; Megyn Kelly, while Robbie portrays the ignorance, vulnerability and discomfort towards her superiors fantastically, completely selling the more uncomfortable scenes and making the viewer fully sympathise with her character. John Lithgow is also fantastic as the CEO of Fox News; Roger Ailes, presenting a truly hateable man in a phenomenal performance. The movie is exceptional at presenting the corruption at Fox News and how the public's devotion to the media they enjoy causes them to turn a blind eye to or dissmiss claims of what's truly going on behind the scenes. However, if there was one large problem with the movie, it would have to be the pacing. During the middle of the movie, the pacing really drags and not enough is accomplished to hold the attention of the viewer. Therefore, Bombshell ends up being a movie that feels much longer than it actually is. However, I still do recommend it as it's message of standing up against sexual harassment in large companies is gradually becoming more important. Bombshell is a good movie, deserving of the Oscar nominations received by Theron and Robbie, while tackling an increasly relevant subject.
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1917 (2019)
1917's Shooting Is Spectacular
18 January 2020
1917 is a masterpiece. The cinematography is some of the best I've ever seen in a movie. The entire movie uses extraordinarily clever camera tricks to appear as though the entire feature was shot in one take. The way that Sam Mendes and his team shoot the film makes you feel like you're there with the Lance Corporals. You feel their claustrophobia when they're almost buried by a German booby trap, experience the same relief when they reach daylight again and react to gunshots with the same surprise and fear. Towards the end, the shots speed up with the characters, expertly portray their urgency to complete their mission. The stubtle ways the camera shows the harsh realities of war and unnecessary loss of life is masterful and the two main characters are three dimensional, real people, who didn't deserve to be in such a harsh situation. This movie absolutely deserves its best cinematography and best director nominations at the 92nd Academy Awards and I sincerely hope that it wins in both categories. This movie is a must see.
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Little Women (2019)
Little Women Is A Big Movie
4 January 2020
Little Women is a fantastic movie. All of the leading actresses are fantastic and play off each other very well with great chemistry. The story is incredibly interesting and clever, based on a novel from the 19th century which was way ahead of its time. The lighting is used to great effect to differentiate the time period between flashbacks and present day and the cinematography is incredible, with several beautiful shots. Saoirse Ronan delivers a fantastic performance, one which I'm sure will get her nominated for Best Actress at the 92nd Academy Awards. Florence Pugh and Laura Dern are also incredible, delivering depth and emotion to thieir compelling characters. I highly recommend Little Women, it's one of the best films of 2019.
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Jojo Rabbit (2019)
Jojo Rabbit Hops To The Top
1 January 2020
Jojo Rabbit is one of the most superb movies released this year. It may appear as just a comedy taking the mickey out of Nazis, but it's so much more than that. This movie is a beautifully told story about a boy who, through being manipulated and brainwashed through properganda, is absolutely obsessed with and idolises Adolf Hitler, then slowly starts to realise how cruel the Nazis are. Roman Griffin Davis delivers the best child performance I've ever seen in a movie. His delivery is always perfect and he's never wooden. The supporting cast are all fantastic, the standouts being Sam Rockwell and Thomasin McKenzie. When the movie becomes serious, it can be genuinely tragic and moving and the depiction of the atrocities of the Nazis is incredible. Not a single act is made up. Everything the Nazis do, think and say in this movie, they did, thought and said in real life. Jojo Rabbit is an astonishingly amazing cinematic achievement that deserves your attention. Please go and see this masterpiece.
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Knives Out (2019)
Knives Out Murders Most Other Films This Year
31 December 2019
Knives Out is one of the most intelligent movies I've seen this year, with an incredible screenplay which treats the audience like they're clever. The movie has multiple twists and turns and the final twist made so much sense even though I didn't see it coming and makes me want to rewatch the movie again so I can pick up on the clues. Daniel Craig and Chris Evens deliver one of the best performances of their careers and the Thrombeys are all interesting characters, with lots of mystery and depth and Ana de Armas is fantastic in the leading role. Honestly, this movie is the most fun I've had at the cinema in a while and it's one of the best films of the year. If you haven't already, see it. It's a fantastic movie that keeps you guessing throughout, with satisfying and unpredictable answers.
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The Force Is With Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker
22 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker is a very satisfying conclusion to the final trilogy of the Skywalker Saga. Every character received the conclusion they deserved and every member of the cast delivered a fantastic performance. The movie's cinematography and camerawork is beautiful, as is the case in every Star Wars movie. However, the one negative I have is the use of Emperor Palpatine in this movie. After his death, which was the best part of Return Of The Jedi, he should have stayed dead and using him again as the main antagonist for this movie takes away from the power of that scene and the redemption of Darth Vader. However, the rest of the movie is very good, with a strong message, several nostalgic moments which will please several fans and a solid finale to the Skywalker Saga. I highly recommend this movie.
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Last Christmas Isn't Really Something Special
16 December 2019
Last Christmas is an enjoyable watch if you know what kind of movie you're watching. It's terribly written and very corny, but it's filled to the brim with Christmas spirit. Films like Last Christmas and Love Actually fall into a category of films that I like to call 'Christmas Cringe.' Crappy Christmas romcoms that are just bathing in their corniness, to the point that you just can't judge it critically and have to except and enjoy these movies as a staple of the Christmas season. However, Last Christmas does have other things going for it. Emilia Clarke is amazing in the lead role and delivers a lot of warmth and likeability to the movie, despite the initial selfishness of her character, and her journey throughout the film is interesting and it's rewarding to watch her become a better person. Emma Thompson is amazing and delivers most of the the movie's funny moments, with her great comedic timing. However, Henry Golding is the weak link. He does fine with what he's given to work with, but his character is so generic and bland that literally any other actor would deliver the same performance. Also, the plot twist is one of the most predictable in film history. I called it just before I even arrived at the cinema. Because it does deliver on making you feel the Christmas spirit, I'd recommend Last Christmas. It's corny, but it knows it is and is having fun being so. However, if you've already spent too much money on your Christmas presents, then rewatch a Christmas classic like Home Alone or one of the A Christmas Carols.
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Doctor Sleep (2019)
Doctor Sleep Will Keep You Up At Night
16 November 2019
Doctor Sleep is a fantastic movie. Ewan McGregor delivers one of the greatest performances of his career as Danny Torrance, truly capturing the trauma and suffering bought on by the events of the 1980 classic and Kyliegh Curra is a phenomenal young actress that delivers a lot to the table and is one the best debut performances I've seen, especially from a child. The movie's cinematography is outstanding. Although it doesn't get close to rivialing it, the fact that it's a sequel to a movie with the best cinematography in history and still stands on its own as a beautiful looking movie is incredible. Doctor Sleep serves as a fantastic love letter to its predecessor, if you're a fan of Stanley Kubrick's classic, this movie will make you very happy. Finally, I have to mention the ending. Without spoiling it, it's heartbreaking and an amazing callback to the original 'The Shining' novel. Please see this movie, it's not making enough at the box office and needs our support. It's the best horror of the twenty first century and one of the best of all time.
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