
112 Reviews
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A more boring entry in this genre
24 September 2021
I'm a huge 80s music fan (new wave especially) and see all the documentaries, and have seen many others. This one is among the more boring ones. Disappointing.
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Superhost (2021)
Starts out OK then just becomes stupid
9 September 2021
Would love to see a horror movie where the actions of tho protagonists were not totally stupid. The last 20 minutes could not have been dumber.
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Playtime (1967)
Film School Rating is 10, Casual Moviegoer Rating is very low... Avg 6
6 September 2021
This movie is the definition of a critics masterpiece but a viewers bomb. In fact, it was a total commercial failure in France and the U. S. This is a film director's movie made for movie critics and film school students, and others who may be interested in the "art" of film making. It is a technical marvel with so much going on at one time, which certainly adds visual interest. Not much comedy, some slapstick and absurd situations and events, perhaps it is dated. For most people who just want to watch a movie this will not be appealing.
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Homewrecker (I) (2019)
Actually could have been decent but ruined by familiar fatal flaw
31 July 2021
Once again, how many times can a person disable their attacker but simply run away. Not even knock out the attacker when they have a chance, not even lock the door behind you or take the weapon. Of course the attacker gets up again. Such lazy writing and annoying to watch. Low budget for sure but reasonable first third ruined by the point I noted.
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Wildflower (II) (2014)
Like a Lifetime TV movie for teens
31 July 2021
Skip it. Should not be touted as a feature film. Not much better than some episode of TV on a mediocre lifetime show. Bad acting, simple plot and a waste of time.
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Well done but fatal flaw ruins movie
31 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This could have been a nice little gem of a movie. Good atmosphere and tension, some good horror here. But key fatal flaw ruined the movie for me. Minor general spoiler: It's annoying that the attacker is incapacitated on numerous occasions, but each time the boy immediately runs away. Does not bother to disarm, fully incapacitate, etc. Of course attacker got up each time. Is this the best the writers can come up with? After perhaps the 5th time this happens I kind of lost interest and it became silly.
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Wrong Turn (2021)
Great movie cut above the usual horror! So what is it's not like the old Wrong Turn
26 February 2021
This was a much better than expected movie! You really don't know what's happening next. And the ending/endings -- awesome! No spoilers. Seems like many of negative reviews are those who feel it is not like the original Wrong Turn franchise. So what. Just pretend it's a new unrelated movie.
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Ham on Rye (2019)
Nothing much happens...skip it
12 January 2021
The first 20 minutes teens are pretty much just walking on the street. Very little dialogue. Sets the tone for a move where...not much happens.
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Greenland (2020)
Sure it's cliche, but a very well done movie, easily better one in this genre
26 December 2020
Sure, there are tons of cliche events but this is a high quality movie with great special effects and a high sense of tension built in throughout. Worth a watch.
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Wow this is bad. What a waste of resources.
21 November 2020
This ranks perhaps as the worst super here movie, the worst marvel feature ever. The whole movie takes place in one location, just a handful of characters churning through some really boring plot line. No origin story, no villain, no background, no explanation, terrible script, etc. I can't believe what a waste this was.
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Too dated to at this point, barely watchable.
12 November 2020
I grew up in the 80s don't remember seeing this one. Watched in recently. I believe that as a kid in the 80s I probably would have liked this. Even so it pales in comparison to Beast Master, The Dark Crystal and others. Low budget, very tight sets. Today you can see fantasy shows on Netflix that are so much more interesting this is just too dated. It's not really watchable, do not waste time on this.
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Proximity (II) (2020)
Nice job by insiders falsifying ratings with 10s - Avoid this movie
6 November 2020
Note to inside raters: best to spread them out, if they are all 10s it is obviously fake. The job worked a bit better here due to the shear number of 10s, most can't get that many insiders to do this. So the IMDB system pushes it down do a more reasonably 5.2 rating, so people may be enticed to watch a clearly much lower rated movie.
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The Sandglass (1973)
Quintissential "Art House" Movie -- Some will give it a 10, others a 1
15 October 2020
The movie has no typical narrative or storyline, it is just a series of surrealistic vignettes (surrounded by the framing of a sanatorium with a dying father and time moving differently). So it's all about "finding meaning" and interpretation and symbolism. There is also a heavy dosage of holocaust & judaica themes. For those that like this sort of movie, especially the "film school" and arthouse types, this may be an amazing film. For other movie goers this may be a huge bore and seem meaningless and pretentious. I am somewhere in the middle (and I have studied film and seen numerous "art house" films by choice). I generally found this boring, but appreciate the attempt and historical context.
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Reasonably OK for about 20 minutes then boring junk
11 October 2020
Sandler and his schtick is somewhat funny for 15-20 mins, Buschemi always a treat, but then it just becomes a boring annoying affair. Feel free to avoid.
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Review from non-insider -- Movie is OK, nothing noteable
7 October 2020
Saw this movie yesterday off Amazon Prime, the current 7.9 IMDB rating pumped up by a few dozen insider 10 ratings. For a low budget project, basically two actor driven drama, it's fine, really just an average movie (which is frankly good these days with so much absolute trash out there). I was fine watching this but would not see a need to recommend to others. Story a bit unrealistic in my opinion but it sort of works.
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Not bad except for one annoying aspect
14 September 2020
Pretty decent and good twist in the middle. But how many times must the victim have the upper hand, knock down the attacker, but not finish the job allowing the attacker to get right back up. This happens several times here and partially ruins the movie.
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Get Mean (1975)
There's a reason this one's obscure -- it's terrible
21 July 2020
Seemingly has potential with great sets and costumes, but it's totally uninteresting with a plot that makes little sense. The hero is also pretty ineffective, getting captured numerous times and getting rescued or released, wash, rinse, repeat. There are better type of this genre, skip it.
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Nice 70s atmosphere, reasonable B movie but stupidity of ending sinks film
10 June 2020
I won't give away the ending setup, but the choices these women make are so stupid that they sink the film. Lazy story writing. Had much better potential. Mostly a curiosity.
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Buffaloed (2019)
Starts off OK, storyline not sustainable and gets boring by the last 30-40 mins
27 February 2020
I like Zoey and she does a decent job throughout, but the storyline is not that compelling and falls apart sometime in the middle. Reasonable enjoyable for the first act or two. Scene where they all stop to watch a play in the game is excellent. Easily skipable movie.
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Good movie, just dragged about undermining what could have been great
13 February 2020
VERY few movies should be 3 hours long. The story line and characters have to be far more complex to justify such a lengthy film. Meet Joe Black is compelling and for the most part it is all well done. Why did the filmmakers feel the need to extend this so long? Especially the last act. I could easily cut out 30 minutes of fluff, probably an hour and still kept the main themes of the movie intact. 6 stars, undermined by the unnecessary length.
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Nice idea, nice try, but in the end a boring movie, 3 characters churning dialogue
4 February 2020
Time travel element interesting, but the plot is just not sustainable, and ultimately the film becomes quite boring about 30 minutes into it. I guess this hit the spot for some viewers, but fell very flat for me.
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Within (I) (2009)
Plotline and narrative make no sense, this is a bad movie avoid
31 January 2020
The first 30 minutes or so are reasonably well done and engaging, but then the plot meanders and makes no sense. There is a supernatural element to the story that kicks off the film, but then has virtually no point later in the movie. Characters -- kids and adults -- make some very stupid moves that further ruins the storyline.
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A smart, long forgotten Gem
30 January 2020
It's rare to find a true gem in the large pile of forgotten 70s films. I'm a 70s film buff so I have dug deep into this pile. Top of the Heap is a hidden gem. Unusual narrative keeps your interest. I would not include this in the "blaxploitation" genre (I have seen at least 30 films in this genre), but the movie certainly explore many themes of being an African-American in 70s America. It's certainly not a top rated movie by any means, but a decent watch and well above average.
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Fly Me (1973)
Awful, even for this type of 70s film
30 January 2020
So-called martial arts scenes look like something some teenagers may do pretending to be karate experts. Plot virtually non-existent. Barely watchable grade Z film. There is zero reason to watch this unless you are a specialty 70s film buff (like I am) or are interesting in the nudity.
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Tower of Evil (1972)
Boring movie, somehow it became a bit cult
28 January 2020
Most of the movie consists of a bunch of people walking around some old tower checking on other people, looking for an attacker, coming back, going here, going there. Really thin plot. Not sure why this has a small cult following.
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