
5 Reviews
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Mildly amusing
4 April 2007
I must say I didn't expect too much of this movie when I walked in; it just seemed like an okay way to spend a Monday afternoon. I was right. It was a good time waster, but not too much more than that. Will Ferrell seems to be getting more crude and less funny, and Jon Heder hit his peak with Napoleon Dynamite (his only funny moment in Blades of Glory was running ridiculously down a hotel hallway). I was expecting a little more out of Will Arnett and Amy Poehler, but they didn't give much.

Pretty much the same thing as the trailer, only dragged out 90 minutes longer. No surprises, unless you count the feeble attempt at a twist as one. But who expects a good plot when they see a movie like this? It was semi-enjoyable. A fun movie, but not funny (more jokes that didn't work than ones that did). But I found myself laughing a little anyway, just at its ridiculousness.
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Grizzly Man (2005)
a wonderful and terrifying documentary.
29 December 2006
I didn't know what to expect of this movie before I saw it. I actually didn't even know what it was about. I remembered I had heard praise for it, so I rented it. I figured it would be a pretty typical nature documentary with bears. I was incredibly wrong.

In actuality, the film was about a young man, Timothy Treadwell, who spent his summers in the wilds of Alaska "studying" his "friends" the bears. He obviously felt some kind of bond between himself and the bears, talking about them almost as family. However, it's clear nearly from the start that this man was so obsessed with not only studying, but coming in physical contact with these massive wild beasts that he became naive to their danger.

It became apparent to me that this man was not quite in his right mind when he began talking about the state park while filming on the beach. He got so passionate about the rangers' "interference" with his studying that he had to shoot several different takes, just because he was so flustered. It became clear that his passion had overtaken his rational thought. It was so sad to watch this story unfold, as Werner Herzog, the narrator and director, slowly informed the audience of the fate of Timothy and his girlfriend. You realize almost from the beginning that Timothy died with the bears. It is precisely how that is so shocking.

All in all, this is a spectacularly done movie, one of the best documentaries I have ever seen. I saw it at least six months ago but it still sticks with me, vividly. It's an amazing account of man versus wild and the consequences of not heeding the dangers it can present.
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Before Sunset (2004)
the most honest and beautiful film i've ever seen
26 December 2006
There are almost no words to describe this film.


I saw Before Sunrise last spring, and I remember being taken with the characters and the way the movie was filmed--almost entirely in real time, line after line of amazing and honest dialogue. I really liked it, and made a resolution to see Before Sunset as soon as I could. It came on TV one day a few weeks later, and soon after became one of my favorite movies.

To start, these are two of the best, most human characters ever portrayed in a film. However, it doesn't hurt that they have all the dialogue they do to develop. For anyone wishing to see a movie that breaks outside Hollywood stereotypes (as well as crosses international borders), this is the best film for you to see. Every sentence Celine and Jesse speak makes you laugh or think. Also, the lack of music is very interesting. The only musical tidbits in the movie are Celine singing Jesse her song and the two of them listening to Nina Simone in Celine's apartment at the end.

Ah, the end. Just one more reason to love this movie. Richard Linklater, Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke (who collaboratively wrote the screenplay) left on an ambiguous note (just like the end of Jesse's book), a true test of whether the audience is a cynic, romantic or just not sure. After revealing their characters' naked beliefs, hopes and fears, they turn to the audience in the end for a beautiful twist.

Unfortunately there are so many people who will think this film is boring, but all I ask is that you open your mind and just listen to the two of them speak. I don't think you'll be disappointed.
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What is wrong with the critics???
26 December 2006
Though this movie was hailed as one of the greatest movies of this year, the Godfather of spy movies, I must say... poor spy movie genre. Is this really the best it's seen?

Overall, what little strength this film had came from the minor acting parts, namely the performances by Tammy Blanchard and Michael Gambon. Though to be fair, the major actors didn't have much to work with. Matt Damon and Angelina Jolie were both flat and boring. I wanted to smack all the actors (except Gambon and Blanchard) in this movie at one point or another. Perhaps this film would have been better with more interesting dialogue, a more exciting plot. Maybe it was doomed from the start. I don't know.

I really wanted to like this movie. I came into the theater expecting an exciting, well-executed dramatic thriller, but came out almost completely empty-handed. My whole family thought it was a disappointment. We all agreed DeNiro should stick to acting. But there's little to do now except pray this movie doesn't get an Oscar.
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One of the best comedies I've ever seen.
14 August 2006
This is the kind of movie I wish I could write. Yeah, not only is it hilarious, but there's a sweet streak to it about-- let's see-- 800 miles long.

The movie introduces you to a crazy family-- in the beginning, the only one people seem to get along with mutually is little Olive. You might have seen the previews-- she gets a call that ultimately results in the entire family driving across New Mexico, Arizona and California in their beat-up VW bus, which can only start in 3rd gear. I must say I was expecting more laughs than I got, but this movie was so touching it didn't matter--besides, the parts I laughed at, I CRIED laughing at. Steve Carell was perfect as Frank- those who are used to seeing him play Michael Scott might be a bit surprised. He is hilarious and fatherly and wise in this movie... in fact, I think the casting is just about perfect.

I must say that even though I usually don't see the point in seeing comedies in a theater, it's interesting with this movie just to see at what point people laugh. This movie is similar to the twisted comedy in movies like The Royal Tenenbaums and The Squid and the Whale, which both feature hilariously dysfunctional families that screw themselves over really badly, but somehow come out okay in the end. The difference in this movie, though, are the mixed emotions, especially at the end-- in one of the final scenes I was laughing so hard I cried, but then started to cry out of sadness or who knows what-- the first time that has ever happened to me in a movie.

There are a couple scenes that seem forced or awkward for extra laughs, and some places where the script is less than perfect, but I give this film a huge cheer for its heart. I absolutely loved it.
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