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Fun, B-movie.
30 April 2004
The Slumber Party Massacre is a low budget slasher from the 80s written by feminist writer Rita Mae Brown and directed by Amy Jones.

A lot of people have complained about this movie being bad, and yes it is bad but if your'e familiar with B-movies you should know that they arent going to be oscar winning material and will have bad acting and a terrible script. I quite enjoyed this movie, its not to be taken too seriously on any account(Jackie's pizza) and some scene's wont make sense (the killer lying down for a nap). The actors are mostly newcomers and their acting is amateurish, but it doesnt harm the film at all. The killer would have to be the most unscary maniac ive ever seen but he is amusingly weird at times. I would give this movie at least a 6/10 its not terrible by any account, ive seen worse.
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Puppet Master II (1990 Video)
Torch was great!
4 April 2004
I enjoyed this sequel better than the original. My reasons being was i thought the puppets were more entertaining in this one and you get to see them for longer. I loved the new Torch puppet, i consider him to be the most dangerous and scary out of all the puppets(he was even more scarier than Blade). He has a stump on his right arm that throws flames. In one funny scene he is tormented by a little boy and the little brat says something like 'Is that all you can do?, do something' and you can guess what Torch does to him. The actors did fine, the acting wasnt great but this is low-budget guys. If your'e a fan of this movie i recommend you get the DVD. I got this movie for only 5.99 and you get to see the behind the scene's footage, which was interesting and fun to see. The picture quality was excellent, colors are very strong and vibrant. Overall a fun B-movie, 6/10.
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Great entry to the series.
8 February 2004
None of the Friday the 13th movies are brilliant, people who criticise them should stop and remember that yes these movies are bad but what do you expect with b-movies? They're not meant to be oscar winning material.

My favourite Friday the 13th movie is pt2 but this comes a close second. I have the DVD version of this film and was disappointed by the lack of extra features. There is only a teaser trailer, but the picture and sound quality is very good. The beginning scene in the graveyard is very creepy, and when they do a close up shot of Jason staring at the viewer it scared the hell out me. Thats what surprised me, as Jason Voorhes doesnt usually scare me. But this time he did. He's not so scary in the rest of the film, it was just the graveyard scene. The movie had some funny moments too, my favourite being the paintgun scene, a lot of people thought this part was silly, but its actually quite amusing. The acting isnt great but who cares? It doesnt spoil the film at all. The music by Alice Cooper is great, i especially loved the closing song 'The Man behind the Mask'. There is also some eye candy for the girls Thom Mathews, Tom Fridley, and for the boys Jennifer Cooke. Overall a fun movie thats entertaining, funny and has a great soundtrack.
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Junior Eurovision Song Contest (2003 TV Special)
A fun, eagerly anticipated event.
25 January 2004
The Eurovision Song Contest is held every year by countries across europe. The country that wins the contest is where the location of the next ESC takes place. Last years(2003)winner was Sertab Erener from Turkey, so this year the contest will be held in the capital Istanbul.

I always watch Eurovision and was surprised that they made a junior version, i decided to watch it and was surprised how talented the kids were and how great the songs was. The event for the junior version was held in Copenhagen, Denmark. There was only about 2 songs that were sang in english including Tom Morley's 'My Song for the world' and Sarah from Malta's 'Like a star'. You should'nt let this put you off because even though most of the songs you probably wont understand they are very catchy and well performed by the kids. The songs that i enjoyed are as follows, Tom Morley from the U.K with his 'My Song for the world' was excellent the lyrics are about making the world a better place, the song really is touching, he came third. Norway's song sinnsykt gal forelsket(Madly crazy about you)was a love song that was performed well and sung great by Charlot and Wakim but it didnt do too well in the scores. Another great song that i really enjoyed was sung by the FYR Macedonia, ti ne me posnavas(I wanna be your friend)it was catchy. From what i heard when i watched this on T.V the girls mimed during the rehersals and that was in breach of the rules, but the song is great. Little Volea's song from Belarus, Tantsui(Dance) was colourful and impressive. Now to the winner which was Dino from Croatia (Ti si moja prva ljubav), he performs his song by piano and then the music becomes loud and he gets up and sings and dance's, the song was just OK. Now to my favourite song who i thought should have won it. The hosts nation, Anne from Denmark. She sings Arabien Dream with such sweetness and enthusiasm. The overall 'Arabien dressed theme' did remind me of last years winner Sertab Erener when she sang 'Everyway that i can'. But nonetheless this was a great catchy song, and i loved the choreography. I think there was about two or three sets of twins as the background dancers.

But its not all perfect there was a few songs i didnt enjoy. Those include Poland's entry (tos mi nosi), nothing against the little girl who sings it but its just a dreadful song. It isnt catchy and lasts too long. The Honeypies from Sweden sing Stoppa Mig which translate in english as 'Stop Me'. The girls who sing this song seem to shout it and near the end they appear to laugh at each other for a few seconds i dont know whether this was intentional but it doesnt sound right for the song. The Netherlands song, i cant remember the title but i do remember not liking it(i think the guy who sang it came last anyway)but i didnt think it wasnt a very enjoyable song.

The Eurovision Song Contest will always have a place in my heart because its a fun, eagerly anticipated, and a suspenseful event thats fun to watch (especially when its score time.) The Junior version was well done and impressed me a lot, if you get a chace to watch it i recommend you do so.
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Die Hard (1988)
Alan Rickman
7 August 2003
I love this movie. Fans of action movies will not be dissapointed. Bruce Willis stars as NYPD John Mclain, who comes to his wifes building for a christmas party, but things dont go as planned when terrosists come and spoil the fun. Alan Rickman is brilliant, he is a good actor and was born for the role of the bad guy. 8/10
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Poltergeist (1982)
19 June 2003
Every horror fan knows that famous spooky line 'They're here', the movie about evil spirits kidnapping the familys 5 year old daughter Carolanne. I have to say the movie is very entertaining, the charactors are so believable you cant help but feel sympathy for them and hope they get their daughter back. The child actors are very good, Carolanne looks so cute when she says 'No More'. The ending is super, (watch and see what happens to the familys house at the end)and suspenseful. So im gonna give this movie 8/10.
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They're back...again
9 June 2003
The first hour of this movie was pretty entertaining (up until Carolanne vanishes in the puddle) after that the movie turns out pretty lame. I thought the mirror FX were a good idea, and the cast does an ok job. It saddens me to watch this, as it was poor Heather O'Rourkes last movie, she died of septic shock and cardiac arrest due to a blocked intestine that know one knew she had.
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My Son Johnny (1991 TV Movie)
Good Movie
31 May 2003
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is quite good, its about two brothers who have never got on very well and the older brother Johnny(played brilliantly by Rick Scroeder)is always mean and beating up brother Anthony(Corin Nemec). Anthony keeps telling his mother about the abuse but she refuses to believe it. Soon things go to breaking point when Anthony shoots and kills his brother and mom is faced to stick up for her son in court. This movie is brilliantly acted by everyone involved, and the scenes of violence might disturb some, there are also some funny scenes to keep us amused.
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A Promise to Carolyn (1996 TV Movie)
6 May 2003
This movie really gripped me from beginning to end. Its about two sisters who want to bring their baby sisters killer(their stepmother) to justice. The flashback scenes i found to be quite disturbing, the stepmother is a really wicked person and it saddens me to know this thing happens every day all over the world.
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Stand by Me (1986)
Great Movie
23 March 2003
This movie will probably be mainly remembered for River Phoenix's great performance as Chris Chambers. I remember growing up watching this movie and it touches your emotions every time you watch it. It can be funny, sad,and exciting. All the young leads are great(especially Phoenix and Wheaton), and the movie moves along at a good pace. Give this movie a chance you just might like it.
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Extremities (1986)
Great Movie
23 March 2003
I really liked this movie a lot, especially because of the great performances by Farrah Fawcett and James Russo. I have to admit even though the rapist was very obnoxious in this movie he was very funny at times. The first half of the movie is more entertaining than the second half but the first half is very violent at times and unpleasant for the victim(Fawcett) trapped in the house with rapist Russo. Give this movie a chance you might just like it.
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21 March 2003
This is one of my favourite road movies. Its really funny in parts and Geena Davis is great as naive and goofy Thelma, Susan Sarandon is also fantastic as Louise. This movie had me glued to the screen from beginning to end. The ending is poignant but breathtaking. My rating 8/10.
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7 March 2003
I recently watched this movie expecting the worst and i was right, dont waste your time or money on this trash. Final Destination was quite enjoyable but this sequel was silly and not needed at all. This is your usual teen-slasher pic, if you've seen them once you've seen them a hundred times.
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24 February 2003
I saw this movie recently expecting the worst and i was right. This is supposed to be a comedy but i found it more silly than funny. The dialogue is absolute babble and the acting is over-the top atrocious at times. Talents like Denise Richards and David Chappelle are wasted here. my rating 2/10
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Heathers (1988)
Boy, do i miss the 80s!
24 January 2003
This is one of the best black comedys of the 80s. Winona Ryder and Christian Slater are great as usual. The film has the 80s feel, the clothes, hairstyles etc and its hilarious. This is also one of the best performances by the late Kim Walker (R.I.P). Id definately recommend Heathers 9/10
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Just like a man tickle tickle
23 January 2003
I love this movie. The acting, direction and plot are all great in making this movie work and its absolutely hilarious. Jack Nicholson is funny, but its Veronica Cartwright who steals the show as Felicia Alden.
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The Burning (1981)
Loved it!
17 December 2002
The much talked about raft scene is a must-see for any horror fan, it is pretty messy, but cool to watch. I loved the charactors, and the movie is funny in parts, especially when Karen rejects Eddys advances watch his face its hilarious. I dont know why but i love camp slashers especially Sleepaway Camp, and Friday the 13th, id recommend this movie i liked it a lot.
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Poor film, one great scene.
16 December 2002
I have to say this is a very poor movie. The acting by the two oldest children (Kathy and Chris) was bad. The book ive not read but i heard its a lot more detailed and the grandmother is a lot crueller than what she is in the film. There are some scenes that drag, and are quite boring at times. The only scene that really grabbed me was when Carrie screams in her grandmothers face and the grandmother picks her up by her hair, and slaps the little boy who tries to help his sister. The movie is worth watching for this scene alone. But overall i would'nt recommend this movie.
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Better than Original
12 November 2002
This is a lot better than the original Friday the 13th. I think Amy Steel is a better heroine than Adrienne King, its also good how she manages to fool Jason near the end. The charactors are also more well developed and there are some funny scene's too. Id recommend this, its one of the best F13 in the series.
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6 November 2002
I love this movie. It has great acting, funny storyline and a brilliant plot. Jeremy Piven is hilarious as Michael listen to what he says when he has the whore in the bathroom its too funny for words. My advice dont rent this movie, buy it!
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Anything to Survive (1990 TV Movie)
Not Bad
22 October 2002
This is quite a good TV movie of a family stranded in cold alaska. The father and son go looking for help and the two sisters cant do anything but wait to live or wait to die. The older sister eats cold seaweed with worms it in. Worth watching about once.
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Very Impressive
17 October 2002
Rachael Stirling and Keeley Hawkes are fantastic in this 1890s drama. They play lesbian male impersonators Kitty and Nan. The acting is better than average and the love scenes are quite tender. Id recommend this its good entertainment.
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Unintentionally Funny
7 October 2002
Mortal Thoughts is a good psychological thriller with a good twist at the end. Demi Moore is excellent as always, but Gleane Headley steals the show with a superb performance as the paranoid widow. What i love about this movie is it has so many unintentionally funny moments. Id recommend this film its hilarious my rating 8/10.
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Ignore the title, go watch it.
25 July 2002
Dont be put off this film by the star rating or the tacky movie title. I collect 80s B- movie classics and i quite enjoyed this movie. Its about a girl who starts a new job in a mall and is still traumatised over the death of her boyfriend(Eric)and evidence keeps on showing up that makes her believe he may still be alive. He protects her when she is in danger, and goes on a murderous rampage. The Fx arent fantastic but the story is quite interesting and the acting is reasonable, (ive seen worse). So if you can find a copy catch it if you can!
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Hush Little Baby (1994 TV Movie)
Good Fun
17 July 2002
Despite being a TV-Movie this is quite good. Diane Ladd is great as jealous mother Eidie, she is so funny at times. The rest of the cast put in good performances all round. The daughter-mother relationship between Susan and Eidie is very realistic, thats what makes this film so enjoyable to watch. Catch it if you can!
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