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Point Man (2018)
Vietnam War Movie with an Agenda
16 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A good Vietnam war movie was Platoon, another one was. Full Metal Jacket and then another one was Hamburger Hill. Those were just a very FEW of good movies about Vietnam. THIS movie is NOT a good movie about the Vietnam war.

Setting aside the "racial conflict" of Black man good, White man evil, let's get into a few things that really stood out.

Firstly, I honestly don't believe that ALL the soldiers in Vietnam went around killing Vietnamese civilians as if it were some kind of Purge and that is what they want you to believe with this movie.

Secondly, did anyone even bother speaking to somebody about the tactics and strategies used in that war? Viet Cong walking toward an enemy with NO cover and firing their weapons until they get killed is foolish. I've seen my 3 year old grandson do better with his toy soldiers. For the record, the VC would do a quick attack and then pull back and vanish.

This movie is a slap in the face to ALL Vietnam Veterans and isn't worth the storage medium it's saved on. Please avoid it because I guarantee you will lose IQ points.
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A Space Fantasy is NOT Science Fiction
10 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Science fiction is completely different from Science fantasy because with fiction you can theorize how realistic it is. Science fantasy you can allow yourself to just dwell in a story of "What if" fantasy. This story was well done, well acted and had great special effects. Kudos to Rihanna for playing a small part that enabled us to truly feel for her character, that takes some serious acting chops. Our main actors grew on me and it seems they developed a very close relationship over the course of the movie even though we could see where it was going to end. All in all, if you want a good movie that you can relax and allow yourself to simply enjoy the spectacle, this is for you.
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Actors, Cinematography and Locations
11 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Those are what gets this movie 3 stars out of 10.

The plot and how it unravels is so ludicrous that it challenges the ability to think coherently.

Ghost Writer dies in the middle of an assignment and there's no investigation beyond he was drunk and must have fallen off a ferry?

But the crazy part of the whole story is that we have a book being published where the original ghost writer goes rogue because he finds out Britain's PM worked closely with the USA and he believed the PMs wife was a CIA agent. OH, and here's the fun part, he goes for some kind of meeting with the person who recruited her FOR the CIA? "Oh, I know what you did and I'm going to reveal it all!" aka "Please kill me to hide your secret."

Then we have inconsistencies like how the former frenemy of the PM manages to fly from London to some small motel in the USA in a couple of hours to meet with our ghost writer who was just almost killed by CIA agents.

There are so many holes in this story that I began to think it was a drinking game where you were to take a drink every time something implausible came up. Problem being that people would die of alcohol poisoning.

In short, it's a fun movie to watch because of the 3 stars but other than that you're going to sit up and say WTF at least 10 times during the course of the movie.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013–2021)
It developed into something great and then shot itself in the foot.
26 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I understand the idea that Hollywood and Broadcast TV studios feel they need to show their support for one movement or another by writing scenes into their shows or movies to "wake us up." However, that mentality is going to splinter your audience into diverse camps that either support what you're trying to say or simply tune out because watching goes from enjoyment to annoyance.

The first 7 seasons took time but within 2 seasons the actors grew into their characters and an entertaining series was born that made you want to see the next episode until you found yourself binge watching.

Season 8 however broke the magic they created by forcing the actors to say and do things in an effort to show they're "with the club."

All I can say at this point is you broke the MAIN rule of ANY sitcom. People do NOT watch movies or television series in order to be educated. They WATCH these things to be entertained. The moment you try to educate you LOSE your audience. My suggestion to people just starting to watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine is to watch up until Season 8 and then forget about it and enjoy what you DID see.
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The Decline (2020)
Much Better Than Expected
18 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Whoever laid out the script for this movie did some thinking and more than likely is either a survivalist or did extensive research into that world.

The acting was superb because there was no magical villain that was over the top nor was there some hero or heroine that appeared. The characters were real and the actors portrayed those characters like normal people you meet every day.

When they were shooting this, it must have been hard on the actors and crew because it would have been damn cold. A good indicator of that is when you hear the snow squeaking and crunching as they're walking or moving through it. In the bush, in Quebec, in mid-winter you'd best bring several layers of clothing to wear. Also why this could ONLY be made with Quebec actors. Anyone from L.A. would be outta there in a heartbeat.

Now it wasn't perfect and I suspect they had to keep it shorter than they wanted. Two plot holes that I saw were, how did they find their way to the cars when they were blindfolded before being brought to the camp? The other one is there is no way that Rachel could make her way back to the camp on foot and set-up that quickly and before Alain could do it on a snowmobile.

Other than that, it was great. Alain, by the way was far from a villain. He was a lonely man that truly believed in what he was doing was going to benefit the people he was teaching.

All in all, this movie is definitely worth a watch.
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Gathering Speed as it moves forward.
7 April 2020
This show started out painfully slow and I almost gave up on it in the first three episodes. I'm glad I've stuck with it because now it is getting to the more interesting story.

Firstly, let me comment on other reviewers that somehow see this as taking shots at Trump. I personally do not see that at all. Oh, and to those reviewers that think Germany would have won the war without the U.S., think again. Russia pushed back hard against Germany and eventually would have succeeded although it would have taken more time, the end for Germany was inevitable.

Some things that most people forget about this show is that times were different. Looking at this show with PC coloured glasses is wrong. Attitudes towards people of different races and religions were not only tolerated but encouraged with jokes and skits in radio shows and movies. During that time in U.S. history was a very delicate time and this shows how close America came to not only tolerating the Nazis but actually embracing some of their ideology. Heaven help us if a scenario like this had actually taken place.

I do not know how well this show follows the book but I honestly appreciate the actors who I believe are doing a great job, ESPECIALLY the kids. I understand completely how back in those times they would react the way they did. All in all, this show is excellent and I strongly suggest viewing it.
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Did the writers even talk to any Special Forces people?
1 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
If I were a member of ANY of the Special Forces teams in France, I'd be seriously annoyed with this movie. In all honesty, this looks like a "How NOT to conduct an operation with Special Forces" more than anything else.

The opening of the movie shows a textbook Special Forces operation and if the viewer is smart, they should turn it off after that scene.

One of the key traits of any SF operator is that he or she is a thinking soldier.

We're supposed to believe that the French Special Forces go into a mission with one radio unit that looks like it came from a WW 2 surplus store and NO other form of communication like maybe a Sat phone or even cellular phones or have any form of GPS locators with them? Oh, and their EXFIL is to be picked up by two helicopters and if they miss that, there's NO second or third site pre-arranged? In addition to this, their entire government just throws them to the wolves and their C.O.

Then we get into the fun part where they have grenade launchers attached to their weapons but err, somebody must have forgot the ammo for them because they NEVER fire one of those. Oh, and let's not forget they don't have any grenades like flash bangs or regular grenades or even SMOKE to help locate them for other aircraft. I mean, there's only a full blown Aircraft Carrier that could support them so why would they need anything to let the pilots know where they are?

Basically, we're to believe the French Special Forces scrambles a team and goes in to perform a mission but doesn't talk it out other than, "We're going in and rescue the hostages and then we get back to base...err...somehow."

I'm PRETTY sure the French Special Forces teams are a LOT more professional than they've been portrayed in this movie, at least I hope so.
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Motherland: Fort Salem (2020–2022)
The Main Premise Allows Total Flexibility.
20 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
First, it's an alternate reality and secondly, it involves witchcraft and magic which means there are no bounds to what can happen. In a way, it's brilliant because plot holes don't exist in this scenario.

I watched it and then came here to read the reviews and some of them I agree with but the ones saying that it's anti-men indicate to me that some people didn't watch it or only partially watched it. The show doesn't portray men as evil or bad. It doesn't portray men at all and speaking as a male, it doesn't insult me.

There are two types of witches at war. Our heroes who are conscripted into the American military and the "Spree" who seem to be some kind of radical terrorists.

The only reason it lost points with me is the unabashed nationalistic jingoism. I just about fell off my chair when I saw the painting of Washington crossing the Delaware but it was now a boatload of witches. I'm still laughing as I'm writing this.

Edit: I do have to add I would have loved to hear the pitch. I can see myself saying, "Let me get this straight, there's a fort where they train teenage females to yell and scream as their primary weapon? Thought they used to call that high school?"

Overall, it's entertaining and fun escapism. Give it a watch.
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Homeland (2011–2020)
It Used to be Great
15 March 2020
When it first started out I enjoyed the concept albeit maybe not so much the Carrie character because I did find her somewhat annoying. But with other characters in the show, I put up with her. NOW it seems to be solely focused on Carrie and she seemingly always knows more and knows better than everyone around her which is completely unrealistic and somehow means that she has complete autonomy to do whatever she wants.

However, her character is annoying to the point of wanting to abandon the show. WHAT acting school did she go to that told her the ONLY expression she should use for the entire show is "I really NEED to take a crap!" or "I have to cry now." because beyond those two expressions she doesn't do anything else.
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Nightflyers (2018)
I Just Have Only ONE Question.
31 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Who's brilliant idea was to bring along a telepath to speak to the aliens and do it in a manner that clearly shows they are forcing him and somehow THINK they're capable of controlling him with drugs?
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Man on Fire (2004)
Perfect Cohesion of All Involved!
31 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I just discovered this gem because I was hunting around for movies with Denzel Washington. I happen to think that he is an exceptional actor and this movie did nothing to make me think otherwise.

I enjoy the "revenge" story when it's done properly and although it might be a little dark and violent, this movie most definitely is a revenge story done properly.

As I said above, the cohesion of all the characters in this movie is phenomenal, beginning with Denzel and Dakota. While I watched the movie I was in awe of the amazing talent of that little girl and how well she worked with everyone, especially Denzel. There was obviously a chemistry between the two of them that transposed into the lens and both of them were able to convince the viewer that they weren't watching actors portraying parts, but in fact were watching a bodyguard and his charge interacting with each other.

Now here there be spoilers, so be warned.

I KNEW that Samuel was involved with the kidnapping but didn't quite realize that the smarmy lawyer would be involved also. I liked that the father killed the lawyer and especially loved how Creasy dealt with the father.

No more spoilers now.

If you like "revenge" stories and can handle gritty violence than this movie will be right up your alley. I DO suggest than you watch this movie if for nothing more than to be blown away about how a 9/10 year old actress seemingly puts more on the screen in her performance than those who have decades on her in experience.
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Another Life (2019–2021)
A Series About Testing Humanity.
26 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
IF we're lucky, the spaceship crewed with this bunch of whiny, petulant children will crash before reaching their destination because if they're supposed to represent the best and brightest of us, we're screwed. The alien probe will get a signal back about 10 seconds after they've landed that tells it to go all..."Independence Day" on us.

So far I'm only in two episodes and I already feel as if it's some kind of Improv show or reality show because I refuse to believe that somebody actually wrote a script for this. I mean seriously, we're supposed to believe that "trained" astronauts would just flip open their visors and breathe the air of an unknown planet without contemplating that perhaps SOMETHING could go wrong? Does the term "airborne virus" have ANY meaning to them?

Like another reviewer said, "Big Brother in Space" is very apropos. All we have to do now is keep a watch on to see who is going to hook-up with whom.

I may watch more just to see how bad it can truly get but you dear reader, should probably give it a pass, especially if you like SMART Science Fiction.

Edit: So, to be fair, I am now almost finished episode 5 of Season 1 and sorry, it has gotten WORSE. Let me see if I get this right, the crew has already gone through landing on another planet to get oxygen and hydrogen and caught a major virus that killed a couple of NOW....we decide we need some water and there JUST happens to be a planet not too far away that they travel to and of course, don't bother to deal with any protocols or worry about anything from this alien planet because their AI said it's fine. Isn't that incredible, in the future our computer programs are familiar with EVERY possible Extraterrestrial hazard to us mere humans. Then we have the Captain and her no. 2 wander off for a "girl's chat" 2 others go in search of food...and of course the guy responsible for worrying about contamination gets attacked and his leg goes black in seconds. MAYBE, just maybe the Captain should have been called on the radio and made aware of this? Nope, can't have that besides, the Captain and No. 2 are enjoying their chat while getting HIGH on Alien spores? Meanwhile...back aboard the spacecraft, the high school children are about to hook-up because the grown-ups have left them alone. The more I watch this, the more I swear it has been written by a 16 year old trying to put all his or her fantasies into a TV show. I really can't give it less than a 1 but I wish I could. I'm going to tough it out but dear reader, let me be the sacrificial lamb here for you and save you going in to simply say, "Damn, he wasn't kidding."


Okay, I'm up to Episode 10 (Supposedly the big magical episode that is going to make me change my mind about this So, be expecting another edit after this one, although for the life of me, I'm not sure why I'm giving it this many chances. I've been giving this whole thing some thought and here are a few plot holes that have bothered me from the very beginning.

1. This mission to the alien planet is NOT and never could be a civilian mission. It would be a military spacecraft under control of the United States Space Command (a branch of the U.S. Military)

2. I don't care how far into the future, the U.S. Military would wear uniforms on all their ships whether on water or in space.

3. When a commanding officer of a ship is relieved of command by another officer, he LEAVES the ship to hopefully take over command of another ship. He is NOT demoted to Executive Officer and left aboard the ship. WHY? Because it would involve a potential problem with divisive loyalties among the crew. (Also known as a perfect breeding ground for mutiny.)

4. There is a hierarchy in the U.S. military that is drilled into EVERY man and woman along with the oath they take.

5. An "ambassador" on board a ship would be treated with respect and would be considered a GUEST on board.

6. This mission would be two parts. Part one, the military crew would know the ship inside out and would be the ONLY ones involved in getting the ship to the destination. They ALSO would have a contingent of Marines or Special Forces or other soldier types to act as security for the ship and potential off ship combat. Part two would be carrying a group of scientists along to begin THEIR actions once they had reached their destination. Oh, and here's my favourite part. IF they tried to get involved in the actual running of the ship and behaved as badly as this group, they'd find themselves confined aka jailed for the duration.

However, the biggest plot hole in all of this so far is the absolute lack of common sense and disregard for ANY scientific protocols for dealing with an extra terrestrial life form, planet or botanical species. They are so very cavalier about things like wearing space suits that I'm surprised they even bothered with any kind of decontamination procedure.

This whole thing makes me wonder if perhaps it was written by someone who wrote scripts for Asylum productions.


Okay, I watched the final episode and it's almost as if they had a focus group going while they shot the whole thing because they made some subtle changes for the end.

1. They wore a kind of military uniform and finally remembered that "Hey, we're military, maybe it's time we acted like it." I kid you not, that line is actually SAID out loud on the show.

However, very predictable and majorly set up for Season 2. The question is whether it will get to Season 2. They kind of tamed down the kids a little which speaks volumes for making it more in line with a serious Sci-Fi show.

Now the one thing I also did before I wrote this final edit was to check out the writers and creator. They had 13 writers involved in this freaking show. SERIOUSLY? This means every episode was basically written by committee. Little hint here, people. Ever heard the saying "Too many cooks spoil the broth?" Yeah, that applies to pretty well ANYTHING.

It was getting to the point where I was thinking this was some kind of a "Red Dwarf" type show but it just wasn't funny enough to pull it off. I STILL refuse to believe that the crew of this ship is the BEST we have on the planet.

I think based on this final episode though, I'm going to give it another 2 stars, however, I still suggest that you give it a pass. IF it gets a second season, tentatively check it out because it may change.
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The Man (2005)
If You Just Want to be Entertained!
14 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I found this movie when I began searching for movies starring Samuel L. Jackson because I happen to think he's a great actor ever since he did The Matrix - LOL (Sorry, I couldn't resist.) Seriously though, he is one of a handful of actors I truly enjoy in anything in which he's a participant.

Pairing him with Eugene Levy to make a comedic cop drama was priceless as both men did a more than passable job of both making me laugh aloud and appreciating their acting talent. I mean seriously, they even made the "fart joke" funny and I have been known to turn off anything that involves that kind of humour.

If you want to simply be entertained and not want to have to think too seriously about plot intricacies or contemplate the validity of a movie as a topic for your next dinner party conversation, this movie is for you.

All in all, watch it and enjoy.
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They found Gold Bricks!!!
3 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Yeah, literally, they found gold coloured bricks! Somehow I KNEW this before the season finale. This show reminds of a good old fashioned carny game where you're DEFINITELY going to win if you take one more shot or throw or whatever but somehow, you can never get it just right.

The ONLY thing that rings true in the show is that these "gold bricks" were dropped down onto the lake bed relatively recently because the paint would have been worn away with the water and sand. Now, like a good old crime show, we have to look at who is most likely to have committed this crime? In other words, who would gain the most from dropping fake gold bricks at the bottom of lake Michigan? Personally, I have my own suspicions which I shall keep to myself and allow, you, dear reader, to ponder your own ideas.

The ONLY reason to continue watching this show IF it gets renewed is for mild entertainment or if you ENJOY playing those carny games that you can never win. Personally, I'd suggest giving it a pass.
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It could have been...
27 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I actually could not even finish the movie, and there are less than a handful of movies with that distinction.

The concept that not ALL the men who worked in the death camps were as evil as were made out to be, however, this movie needed something to elevate it to greatness.

I'm still not sure if it was the writing or the acting that brought this production down to the level of being compared to a grade three level play. It might have been the forced accents they used or the actors simply negated to get into character for their scenes.

Portraying Rachel as being strong and willful was ridiculous because if she began her stay in Auschwitz like that, she wouldn't have survived for more than 30 seconds. The main actor (the guard) basically reminded me of a person who was trying very hard to ACT as if he were compassionate. Therein lies the problem. When actors are seen as acting a part it means they don't believe the things they're saying and doing and if they don't believe it, there is no way to convince the audience.

One of the most ridiculous scenes in the movie is when Rachel gave birth to a child. A woman giving birth to her first child would not deliver it so quickly or as quietly as they tried to portray in the movie. There would have been some major distraction by many people in order to keep the birthing of a child a secret from the guards.

Overall, if you want to watch a good movie about life in the camps, I would suggest you watch Schindler's List.
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I Have a Couple of Questions.
14 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
As more than a few people have said, it looks a lot like The Black List. However, that being said, the first episode brought up a couple of questions that I have to ask.

So, Tal is this incredible terrorist with hundreds or thousands of agents EVERYWHERE and at the beginning, we're led to believe there's over 100,000 "agents" in the U.S. everywhere. But here's the first trick. TAL is responsible for killing a lot of people and was trying to kill TONS of people which makes me wonder why our super smart FBI agent hasn't bothered to ask WHY the CIA analyst was kidnapped and is STILL alive? What was so important about her to keep her alive? The second question comes out as a result of Episode two. IF it is so almighty important for the FBI to provide protection for the traitor's daughter because TAL would exact revenge if he found out that she was helping the FBI, why is she fine with EVERYBODY knowing that she's working WITH the FBI? Surely she can't believe that a couple of agents can keep TAL from killing her daughter if he wanted her dead?

Plot holes are looking bigger and bigger. I may be back as the series progresses to add a few more.
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Robin Hood (2018)
Somewhere out there is a historian that gouged his or her own eyes out.
24 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Let's begin by checking out the weapons and armour. We have crossbows that are the equivalent of sub-machine guns and then we have a two-man crossbow that is the equivalent of a heavy machine gun. Instead of medieval armour or chain mail, we have what appears to be modern body armour.

Not to mention the arrows must be made with some kind of new metal that is capable of penetrating heavy oak boards or blowing pieces out of stone buildings.

As for the costuming department. Remember when costumers used to take pride in their work and even do mega research on fabrics, colours and even patterns? Yeah, keep that memory because the costumer for this only failed their history classes, they must have thought it was a spare period all through their schooling years. They used fabrics and materials that never existed, in addition with footwear that must have come from someone who wanted a sponsorship role in the movie.

But once we get past anything that might REMOTELY connect this movie to it's medieval roots, we end up getting scenes that remind us of a lot of other action movies we've seen in the past.

Those scenes include, Batman, Zorro, The Lone Ranger (The good version), Ben Hur, Star Wars, and ANY OTHER action movie except Robin Hood.

The only thing I can think of is that the writer for this movie only ever watched the cartoon version of Robin Hood called Rocket Robin Hood.

Bottom line is that Mel Brooks's movie "Men in Tights" was a better movie depiction of Robin Hood.
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Lost? No, more like thrown away.
9 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This movie makes it appear that Asylum has set up an office in Asia.

Firstly, if the movie was going to be based on a mega upgrade of an existing airframe for an authentic aircraft manufacturer it might have been worthwhile to at least talk to them and determine a few details so that some technical specifications would be correct.

For not a whole lot of dollars they could have hired a pilot to act as a technical adviser and maybe then they wouldn't have been doing things like making miracle landings on tiny airfields in the middle of the Pacific and most definitely not being foolish enough to try and land on an aircraft carrier. Oh, and by the way, when take-off has started, there is no way two people could run fast enough to run up to some kind of escape hatch without being blown away by the exhaust from the engines.

I'm not even going to discuss the CGI other than to say I believe I've seen better cartoons on Saturday mornings than those "cats" they were using.

I'm sure in the Chinese languages a lot of what was in the script made perfect sense and was very dramatic but when it got translated to English it sounded very stilted and cheesy. IF you're going to make a picture primarily for an English speaking audience, please use English screenwriters and perhaps you will have a much better go of it.

Whether it was the script, the direction or simply the actors, much of what appeared on screen bordered on some high-school play. Sorry, but this movie is really not worth the time to view it.
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Cutthroat Kitchen (2013– )
It IS Evilicious
14 February 2016
A lot of people are complaining about how this show brings out the worst in people who are competing. It's like those people believe all Chefs and cooks are somehow superior and should never behave like that. Ridiculous! The show is entertaining and nobody forces the contestants to play the game. They do it simply to try and win some money and exercise their culinary skill.

The dishes that Alton makes them create are not rocket science, they're ordinary foods that most of the viewers are familiar with and probably many of us have made at one time or another.

MOST of the fun in the show is seeing some of the ways the chefs actually get around the sabotages because it does show their creativity and in some instances, absolute culinary genius.

I have YET to watch a single episode where I have not laughed out loud and with this show already going for 12 seasons, I only hope it goes for another 12.
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Believe (I) (2013)
What's not to like?
30 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I felt I needed to add a review for this movie based on the semi-negative review given by another reviewer. He stated that if you're looking for a good movie about football, you should look elsewhere. In essence he's right, but therein lies his problem.

Saying "Believe" is about football is about as right as saying Americans play football and everyone else plays soccer.

*****There will be spoilers here*****

Yes, there are a lot of clichés in the movie but take them with a grain of salt and move on.

Of course "our team" wins, of course our star player makes it to the field and of course there's a life lesson in it for EVERYONE but that's what makes it such a great movie.

This is one of those movies that you're going to smile, you're going to cry and you're going to laugh but in the end you're going to walk away thinking that maybe there's hope for this world.

Sir Matt Busby DID in fact work with kids and although there was never something as dramatic as this happen that we know about does not mean it never could have happened.

Some of the acting was brilliant especially from the young ones.

All in all, this is one of those movies that you can sit back, relax and enjoy it with your entire family, knowing that you'll be happier for having watched it!
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The Leftovers (2014–2017)
I think I figured it out.
28 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I think I figured out what all the actors are doing with this series.

*****I'm not sure if below is a spoiler because I'm sure you've read about this or if you have watched at least one of the episodes, you know what I'm talking about*****

They all think the parts played by the smoking cult are the parts they REALLY want so they're doing their very best to downplay their abilities as actors so they can eventually end up playing as a cult member. (Just think, you don't need to remember lines, you don't need to show any emotion and you get to smoke on camera as much as you want.) I've tried to figure out this show, I really have, but I'm ready to give up now.

Firstly, we have this great big "culling of the herd" with 2% of the world's population going away. Er, in case you missed it, check out how many people died in WW I and WW II on a per capita basis with nobody going as bonkers as the people in this small town.

Now, three years after this "event" takes place we have a totally new society. We have a new religious? cult that doesn't speak, smokes continually and STALKS people - why they aren't the subjects of some major youtube outing, I don't know.

Our town sheriff seems to have lost his mind but that's to be expected since dear old dad lost his when HE was the sheriff.

Now, back to this cult for a moment. I could understand if say people joined this thing because they had lost someone close, like one character who lost her whole family, husband and three kids, but ONE of the main characters who joined up, didn't lose ANYONE and she had a really good job as a therapist who should have stuck around to help those poor people who DID lose people. Oh, and incidentally, the one who did lose ALL her family, she didn't join the cult - in fact she hates them.

I also wouldn't mind this show so much if they spent even a SMIDGE of time on trying to determine what happened, but they don't. It's like "Oh, we have to fill out a bunch of missing person reports now." and that's it. MAYBE, JUST MAYBE you might want to try and figure out what this whole thing was in case it comes back for MORE? Even if you label it as just trying to find CLOSURE for the other people.

I've seen five episodes of this thing now and instead of answering any questions or even giving me a reason to actually CARE for some of the characters all it gives me is a headache from shaking my head wondering why I even bother. Bottom line, give it a pass.
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Survival Code (2013 TV Movie)
Happily Shocked
6 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, I am not a member of the crew, cast or production team before anyone attempts to try that angle. Just check out how many reviews I have done, and that perhaps might give you a clue.

This movie shocked me because I never even heard of it or had it on my radar and to be blunt, I chose to watch it just to pass a little time before going to watch a "blockbuster" movie.

The quality of all aspects of this movie are superb. I know that we have some talent in this country and this movie illustrates that.

As I watched it, I recognized rather early on that this was obviously a pilot for a series and the ending really locked that theory into place. Additionally, it left me with a desire to see the next episode, so I truly hope that this will get picked up and broadcast prime time.

If you haven't heard about it or seen it, please do give it a view and ENJOY.
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The 100 (2014–2020)
Okay, I've watched five episodes and I want to know....
16 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I really had hope for the show but it seems the scriptwriters are a team of 14 year old honour students that skipped their science classes.

*****Spoilers Here****** Here's what I want to know.

1. Let's send 100 prisoners down to check out the planet and see if it's inhabitable because we don't have any probes that can check things out. Let's hook them all up with these nifty wristbands that will tell us their vital signs but WHY did they not give them ONE single radio or some device to simply TEXT something like, "We made it and we're still breathing?"

2. EVERY living creature was supposedly destroyed through radiation but miraculously we have animals and even humans "re-spawning" on the planet within 100 years? Did I miss something that showed us how evolution re-booted and somehow sped up so things that took hundreds of thousands of years could happen overnight?

3. When astronauts and cosmonauts go onto the ISS and stay for more than a month they have to take time to adapt to our gravity on their return to simply be able to walk again. How, after 100 years in space with minimal gravity, these kids are able to deal with Earth's gravity as though it was nothing?

4. When ever crime is a supposed death sentence, why would you even have a prison system? 5. Obviously there are multiple drop ships to enable the full 4000 people to return to Earth so why not do your "culling" of the herd by sending them back to a planet that MAY or MAY NOT allow them to live? "Floating" them or killing them off with gas means they definitely die.

6. Why are the "4000" people being the "best hope for humanity" all from North America?

To say those are just a few of the questions I have is an understatement, however, I really don't hold a lot of hope in seeing some rational answers to this. Oh, and BTW, we have now exchanged one love triangle for another.
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I Have a Theory
22 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
My theory is that there are several production companies in Hollywood that specialize in making movies to LOSE money and claim a tax write-off from the production. Mind you, because they KNOW they're going to be losing that money, they have to make sure the numbers aren't too big so, you end up with a really poor low-budget movie.

Now, these production companies have scripts already put together, probably written by nephews or in-laws or in some cases, I think the family pet wrote a few of them, but they ALL follow the same criteria. Do a remake of a very good movie but make sure the actors and the script are so below par that NOBODY will go to see it. In fact, make sure that there is no possible way that somebody could MISS how the production plagiarized the real thing.

**********HERE THERE BE SPOILERS*********** Strategic Command is one of those movies. It copied the main story from Executive Decision, tossed in the opening from The Rock and ended with Executive Decision down to the SALUTE at the end.

The Differences? Executive Decision cost 55 Million to make and used some pretty good actors who knew how to actually show different emotions depending on what was called for in the scene. Strategic Command probably had a budget that may have broke 6 figures, but I doubt it and I suspect SOME of the actors in this flick worked for food.

One of the tell-tale signs that the movie was probably a tax write-off? Usage of stock footage from other movies although I will give them credit for using ONLY the footage of the F-16's from Iron Eagle instead of having the aircraft change from F-16's to F-15's to F-14's like some other movies have done.

If you want to watch a good movie, re-watch Executive Decision because you will be glad you did instead of wasting your time on this thing.
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Harrigan (2013)
I had to go and see how real it was...
14 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
One of the main criteria that I judge movies by is how they motivate or don't motivate me to go check out more about them and this movie definitely motivated me.

I grew up through the 70's and I was surprised when the movie stated in the beginning that Britain was going through a period of strife with a 3 day work week and blackouts because they were rationing power. Now mind you, I was in High School and needless to say World News was not at the top of my list of things to keep informed about but I was shocked that I had somehow missed that bit of recent history.

In any case, onto the movie. I loved the acting, the grittiness of the characters and the downright humanity of it all. I didn't feel like I was watching a movie as much as I was watching a story being told about real people and real events. Kudos to everyone who had a part in this from the best boy up to the Executive Producer.

If you want to watch a good movie made on what would today be considered a shoestring budget, you need to watch "Harrigan"
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