
2 Reviews
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Truly beautiful.
23 February 2008
Being a fan of Sigur Rós for a while now, I was incredibly excited for 'Heima.' I didn't know what to expect of it, except that it would be moving, passionate, and that I would love it. It certainly turned out that way. They've succeeded in creating an honest and simple documentary that gave me more respect for them, if that is possible.

This film rotates around a love of music and of Home: Iceland; a simpler place than a lot of us are used to. Sigur Rós tour their home giving free concerts as a way of giving back to the land and people for what they gave them: a place of inspiration and love. They visit the most remote villages, all the way to the largest city in Iceland, Reykjavík, where it looks as if the whole country shows up for the concert.

In between songs, concerts, and interviews (The quartet Amiina also participates in the interviews), there are clips of the country and towns of Iceland. You'll see its mountains, its towns, its fish factories, and its beautiful landscape, which, in my opinion, appropriately fits the music of Sigur Rós.

There isn't too much wasted interview time, rather much of the film is spent on the crowds; their faces and their reaction to the music. My only complaint is that some of my favorite songs weren't played. Still, they couldn't have fit everything into it. There isn't a song by them I don't like, and that's a rare thing from one band. Thank you, Sigur Rós, for allowing the world to have a glimpse of yours.
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Akira (1988)
Something beautiful...
26 September 2006
I'd always heard good things about this. Even in "1001 movies you must see before you die," it was there. And let me tell you it didn't fail meeting my expectations.

Beautiful drawings, excellent voice actors (please do yourself a favor and watch with subtitles, not dubs), this film was ahead of its time. Showing Tokyo at its worst, it also shows what good is alive. This movies is a classic and even if you're not an anime fan, you should see this one. For those who've read the manga and found the movie disappointing, well there's a good reason for that. It's a movie. It's rather hard finding time to fit in all that information. Although, I do recommend the manga also.

Coming out of darkness and the end, there is light and a new beginning.
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