
10 Reviews
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Match Point (2005)
Let's be honest about this film!
4 May 2007
Ugh! This film was awful! The acting was awful (and Scarlett was so good in Girl with a Pearl Earring), photography was awful, editing was awful, the plot was awful! I kept waiting and waiting for the film to be over. I tried watching it once before and thought that, perhaps, I just wasn't in the mood. I even yelled at the TV, "MOVE!" It was SOOOOOOO SLOOOOWWWWW. I tried the 2nd time and suffered through it just waiting for SOMETHING to happen.

Possible spoiler (as if watching this rotten tripe wasn't spoil enough): All the wrong things happened. You know he's not going to go to a bridge and throw jewelry in the water in broad daylight. They could check phone records, and you certainly know that the detectives are going to ask the co-worker questions. She is most certainly going to tell them that Nola received a phone call right before she left work.

When Nola confronted his conscience she said something about holes in his plans. Maybe this was Woody Allen's way of saying that there were plenty of holes in his plot.

Wait! There was one good thing about the movie - the set for La Traviata. It was a delicious study in art deco.

Wish I could sue someone and get back my 2 hours of life that were wasted. It felt like two years!

Just proves to me over and over again that the "critics" are just glorified "yes" men. The ONLY reason that they found any credibility in this movie is because a NAME directed it. If Joe Blow had directed it, they would have shredded him.
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Sorority Boys (2002)
A Favorite Secret Indulgence
3 May 2004
OK, I just got through watching Sorority Boys again, for the 6th time. Every time it comes on TV I end up watching it. I have never seen these actors in anything else, so I didn't have any preconceived notions. What I got was great acting from (most) everyone AND even greater ensemble acting. Every little nuance, to me, was about perfect - each look, each gesture, set dressing and even the choice of dress for the "girls".

What a hoot!! Each time I watch it, I find myself laughing out loud (which is VERY rare for me) even though some of the humor is sophomoric. I do understand that some of the bits were farcical, and it is because of my understanding of those parts that I was able to maintain my suspended disbelief. It seems I catch something new every time I watch it, too. This time it was Doofer's BVD's with the yellow stain on them, which speaks volumes about his character.

This movie is a favorite secret indulgence of mine. I am considered an intellectual in my circle and with my peers. I have a couple of degrees and am right wing politically. The few people who know that I like this movie are either surprised or aghast upon discovery. My suggestion is to roll with it and just enjoy yourself. Don't take it too seriously, even though there are serious undertones which gives each sex a peek into the other sex's world.

Some of my favorite portrayals are of Adam/Adena, Doofer/Roberta and Spence. Favorite bits are Adena looking for a size 8, Roberta cleaning the hair clog out of the sink, and Spence using the paper plate mask for high council. One of my favorite lines is, "There's mutiny afoot!" spoken by Spence in that Bill Clinton voice of his.

Thanks to the cast and crew for a fun romp! I gave it a 9 out of 10 for the great acting of many and for the funny bits in the script making me laugh out loud.


At the very, very end of the movie when the Tri-Pi's are adrift at sea, one Tri - Pi asks another , "Are you through with (name)'s leg?" making one think that they were grooming each other. "Sure", she says and hands a disembodied leg to her and she takes a bite. Now, that was sick humor, but at least a mannequin-looking leg was used which did give it humor. If it had been a real-looking leg, it would have been repulsive rather than funny. I think it smart of the director for realizing that.
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State of Grace (2001–2004)
What a Pity!!
3 April 2003
Ok, so I may be WAY behind on my television watching, but I have just recently found the delightful program entitled, State of Grace. What a pity that this has been cancelled!!

The show centers on two 12-year old girls growing up in the South in the mid 60s. I can speak with authority about this because I was 12 years old, growing up in the south in the mid 60s. Great attention has been paid to detail of the period - from the behavior, to the costumes, to the sets. The incidental music is from the mid 60s and fits right in with the situations that are occurring at the time. For instance, in the episode "Saving Grace", Grace is rebelling a little against the school dress code. When she walks down the hall wearing her mini dress with pop art material, groovy metal flower pin and textured hose, the music that is playing is "England Swings". Carnaby Street fashions were all the rage at that time. I nearly choked when the "sister" made Grace get on her knees in the hall while she measured the length of distance from her hem to the floor. How many times did I have to do that??

Nay-sayers have criticized this show for ripping off "The Wonder Years". I have tried to watch that show, but it is not an experience like "State of Grace" is. TWY just doesn't transport one back to the time like SOG. I just don't get the feeling of the era as I do watching Grace. Also, just because someone has an idea, does that mean no one else can ever expand on that idea? What if we complained that the telephone had been invented and no one else should tamper with it? Where would most people be without their beloved cel phone attached to their ear? In this case, someone took the idea of The Wonder Years, and MADE IT BETTER!

Every actor in this show is absolutely perfect for his or her part. The script is tight and well written - sometimes funny, sometimes poignant. When it's funny, it's really funny. I loved the part in the episode, "Eve of Discussion" where the Rayburns were writing a big ad for the newspaper. When they checked the morning paper for their ad, they found that instead of reading, "You'll sink in our sofas!" it read, "You'll STINK in our sofas!" (I'm chuckling as I write this - OK it sounds a little sophomoric, but you just had to be there.) KUDOS to everyone involved in this production, and thank you for giving me a slice of my youth, if only for a little while.
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4 March 2003
This is a delightful movie spinning a romanticized tale about our beloved Glenn Miller. Stewart is wonderful as always. Allyson is "honestly" perfect. (What fun she is!) BUT, I must give the Academy Award to Henry Morgan for the look on his face during the Christmas broadcast. That expression is absolutely priceless! I never knew he had it in him. It caused me to weep.

If you are a Miller fan, or a Stewart or Allyson fan, but especially if you are a Morgan fan, check it out!
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Runaway Train (I) (1985)
Requiem Mass
24 November 2002
I won't rehash plot summaries and points that others have made. I actually have more of a question than an observation.

I have sung in choirs that have performed many Requiems and Masses by different composers, and I was struck by the haunting music used at the end of this film to evoke those feelings. That, coupled with the long camera shot of Manny, atop the lone engine hurtling through the blinding snow, leaning forward with arms outstretched to keep his balance against the wind put me in mind of a man on a cross. Was someone trying to draw a parallel between Manny and Christ?
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26 January 2002
Well, it wasn't a complete waste of time, but almost. This was a completely forgettable movie except for things that bugged me. For instance, what was Martin Lawrence or his make-up "artist" thinking?? He looked like a putty-faced doll that sometimes was tinged with green. The movie was fraught with continuity problems (ie Danny De Vito takes off his wedding ring and in the very next camera cut it is back on his finger). The climax of the movie does some sort of quantum leap and the audience is left behind saying, "Huh?". There were a couple of places in the movie that I actually laughed out loud, but I can't for the life of me remember what they were. I guess I'm tired right now. It's late and this isn't my best writing effort, but I am coherent enough to tell you - don't waste your time or money!
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Perfect Western Comedy
21 December 2000
I really, really liked this movie. I was entranced when I saw it on TV when I was 8 years old and I saw it again when I was 38. So many times I am disappointed when I watch a movie as an adult that I loved as a child. I am hoping that it will have the same impact on me and that I will love it just as much. Too often that just doesn't happen. THIS movie did not disappoint!! It takes off at the very beginning with Mary Stewart, brilliantly portrayed by Eleanor Parker, setting her cap for the handsome Bushrod Gentry, just as brilliantly portrayed by Robert Taylor. She schemes to marry him and then proceeds to follow him all over the wilderness. There is a hilarious sequence of events when Mary Stewart and Bushrod are hiding from the Indians.

This is a great guy movie AND a great chick flick rolled into one. This movie has it all - comedy, gun-play, drama, pathos, and a great score with a little ditty that gets in your head and won't soon leave.

The higher up the berry tree The sweeter grow the berries The more you hug and kiss a girl The more she'll want to marry!
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Did I miss something? I want my money back!!
16 December 2000
I am a great fan of Gerard Depardieu and I purchased this film based on the fact that he was in it. However, I'm sure that Mr. Depardieu was disappointed in the final product. Did most of his scenes end up on the cutting room floor? Was I just "out to lunch" when I was watching this film? What a lot of nonsense this movie is!

Depardieu's character was never allowed to be developed. I am convinced that he gave his usual stellar performance, but there was just not enough screen time to give dimension or depth to the character. One could wonder what was the purpose of having him in the film. His character was supposed to be one of many catalysts in the life of the character that Ms. Rowlands played. The contrast of these two was never fully realized.

I am not acquainted with Ms. Rowlands' work, but she seemed competent in this role. The film was, I suppose, too much like a slice of someone's life - boring, and with no impetus toward an end. There was no continuity in the film - it merely meandered like a sluggish stream.

Ms. Tomei was acting? Perhaps not. Perhaps she was just being herself. She did not invoke my sympathy, or even my interest. She was supposed to have brought about a change in the lead character, or the lead was supposed to have brought about a change in her character. Neither was apparent.

I found it very difficult to remain watching this movie. I kept longing for the end, or else for something to be of value so that I would not have wasted my time or my money. The woman (Rowlands) is leaving her best friend (the little JJ who gave the best performance in my opinion) for what? -for Miami, that Depardieu's character briefly mentioned and never developed or planned out the idea? Is the point supposed to be that she's being a martyr? That was never developed. The whole movie was never developed! It was vague and disjointed, with no feeling of closure or of even wondering what would become of the heroine. Who cares!

I love a good cerebral movie, but this wasn't it. I'm not sure what it was, except forgettable!
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Oscar (1991)
Movie not for the shallow
16 December 2000
This is one of my all time favorite movies. I love the departure that Mr. Stallone takes for this. I know that he has probably suffered for it, but I admire him for his bravery in stepping out of his expected role.

The movie was panned by the critics, but, by golly, you just have to be intelligent in order to appreciate this movie. Most movie critics are just a lot of pompous windbags with air for brains.

The movie begins with a subdued, rainy opening where "Snaps" (Stallone) is visiting his father on his deathbed. One wonders, "Have I come to see a comedy, or not?" and soon realizes that this is one of the most slapstick, yet sophisticated comedies ever! The mood abruptly changes with the opening credits set to the backdrop of a resounding rendition of "Figaro". The movie takes off and keeps you riveted to the very end! Be careful, you'll be laughing so long that you will miss other witty banter and sight gags!

This is one movie that you will need to see again and again to pick up the morsels that you missed the first few times. One of my favorite lines is when Connie (Chazz Palminteri) asks "Will there be a wedding following?" to which the prissy elocution teacher, Dr. Poole, (played beautifully by Tim Curry) responds, "Watch it, Connie. You have a dangling participle!" Connie acts very embarrassed and turns around in a gesture to adjust his fly.

Marisa Tomei is a treasure in this film. She convincingly plays Sly's daughter. She likes to think of herself as a modern woman but is trapped in her little-girl pink bedroom with storybook characters adorning the walls, all the while wearing peignoir sets with feather boas and smoking and listening to the most modern, bawdy music! (Snaps: The music you kids listen to today! Don't think I haven't heard the words to Minnie the Moocher!) She, along with a vengeful maid's help, devises a plan to get out. She is going to let her father think she is with child. This is a driving force for the comedy of errors that ensues, along with three identical black bags that keep getting confused with one another.

I could go on and on about everyone's role. I love the great gags of Five-Spot the stuttering stoolie (expertly performed by Eddie Bracken), and Sophia, Snaps wife, (Ornella Muti - fabulous!) complaining to her husband and asking where he got the driver who keeps the motor running (out of habit) when he dropped her off at the bank. Everyone is perfect for their part in the film. Each and every one is a jewel of a performance. Kudos to all - everyone who had anything to do with the film, and thanks!
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Adam's Woman (1970)
Beau Bridges' best work
16 December 2000
A young and handsome Beau Bridges is at his best in this film. Bridges plays Adam, an American wrongly accused of murder. Adam ends up in a very different kind of Garden of Eden - the inhospitable outback of penal colony Australia.

He becomes the first man, as it were, of a new world of the Governor's design. What better way to kill two birds with one stone? The convicts will better themselves by bettering the land. Character and fortitude, along with improved land can be gotten with toil and sweat. In this experiment, Adam (Bridges) is forced to partner with the wretched-looking Bess (Jane Merrow) with attitude to match. She has had her head shaven and is dirty and not amenable to partner with Adam.

Merrow and Bridges give a full fleshing-out of their characters and act with great depth and dimension. They cause the viewer to be sympathetic with each person. I was captivated by this film and found it very easy to suspend my disbelief and enter their characters' world. I haven't seen the movie for years, but I have been searching for it.

Now the question is this - Why can't this movie be found on video? Why doesn't it receive air time on TV? Somebody is dropping the ball on this one!
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