
10 Reviews
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Better than not bad, worth your time.
10 December 2000
This movie was not bad. It was a play made into a screenplay and it felt like a play. Which is not a bad thing. The acting was not bad at all, it was good acting. The story was not bad. And the way the actors handled the story, was good. Very good. It is worth watching for that reason alone. The way in which the story was acted is the one thing that pushes me to grade this movie as better than "not bad".

I didn't know who was cast in the movie when I sat down to watch it. So as each new huge actor walked into the movie I was surprised, and amused. It was as if they all got together to so some hard blue collar work. I mean, like factory workers putting together a special team of the best in the union to do some solid production, these actors went to work and put out a quality product. I don't know how long they worked on filming this movie, but I bet it was done quickly without any problems.

If someone asked me for a good title to check out, I don't think this one would immediately pop into mind. But I think it is a good movie, and I do think it is worth your time to watch this team go to work.
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Simply filmed, complexly written.
9 December 2000
There are many things I live for. And art like this film is one of them. Simply filmed, and complexly written, the three actors do an excellent job in keeping up with this movie. That Spacey does well is no surprise. It is DiVito that we are astonished by. Among other things, watch for his exceptional ability to be the quiet witness to many of the severe conversations taking place. The camera seems to know to watch this ability and often follows him while the action stays on the other side of the room. The third character is only a prop, decently performed, but only a prop.

The distributors tried to pass this flick off as being about a wacky night at a hotel, but the director kept far away from crazy. No camera tricks, no neat-o angles or voiceovers or effects. In fact, I can only remember the camera actually moving no more than a few times. And no "emotion enhancing" music either. Everything is left up to the actors and the script. And the viewer.

It is obvious from watching the film that it was originally written as a play, almost a one act play with only two time shifts, and no important dialogue outside of one room. Three realistic sets of behaviors, emotions and problems, that don't get bogged down in cheap clashes and tears, come together with an small but involved plot which you may miss if you are not giving the dialogue all your attention. (I don't think it's really about landing the big sale.)

This is a movie I readily put in my best ever pile. It is a small imperfect pile and many that are there may not deserve to be, but I have no doubts about this film. I don't watch movies more than once, but if this one comes on TV sometime, I think I'll have to break my general rule. You must watch this one, so go and get it now.
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American Pimp (1999)
A documentary about pimps. Wow.
9 December 2000
Like post-it notes you think to yourself, "I could have thought up that idea!" This is a documentary that, in premise, can't go wrong. And it does well, a bit slow at times, but does well.

I have only known one pimp in my life, and I asked him why a ho needs a pimp ta walk the track and turn tricks. Okay I didn't use those words, but they were repeated so many times during the film that I wanted to try them out. Anyways, he didn't answer the question. In these 87 minutes, I do get the answer I was looking for. You have to read a bit between the lines though. And you have to read around a corner, upside down, and a bit twisted by the time the pimps stopped talking and confusing things. I also got an answer to the reasons behind the ubiquitous 70's flash and gaudiness of the pimps' gear.

I thought that 87 minutes was a bit long. A couple times it felt like the same questions were being answered in the same way that they were last scene. If you are looking for some kind of soft porn, or a Jackie Brown style, black glamour, behind the scenes edutainment special, I'm sure it's out there somewhere. But this is an interesting education. That's all it wants to be. So if you don't feel like paying for the new release, I am sure that if you give it time it'll end up on the Discovery Channel. It'll be right along side Inside Finland's Knitting Circles, and Conversations With The Midwest Farmer Union. So watch for it!
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Coyote Ugly (2000)
party girls trailers, drama romance movie
8 December 2000
I had heard that this movie was not what it appeared to be before I sat down to watch it. So I was not surprised when it turned out to be a drama romance. In critiquing this film I, therefore, will not have to talk about how wonderfully delighted I was to find that it had some substance. Or how nice it is that it was not as bad as I thought it would be. You see, it is after all a bad movie.

I think I understand the advertising angle on this one. If it had been touted as a drama romance people would have expected more. Instead they pushed the T&A, and let word get around that it was not as bad as the trailers attest.

This movie is a 'girl goes to the big city to make it big' movie with the inevitable charming, city-smart boy along for the ride. Nothing wrong with it at all, for a lowest common denominator, nice little story movie. I rate it at a four out of ten, a four for "not great, not horrible, don't bother."
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The Patriot (2000)
A run down of the 600 comments for this movie at the IMDb
8 December 2000
Perhaps there is not much reason for me to comment. But I will anyways. A bit of a run down of comments that seem to have gotten repeated here often.

If you love America and hold her as the best country in the whole world, see it.

If you are a history buff, don't see it.

If you love Mel in all his glory, see it.

If you like an original story or filming ideas, don't see it.

If you like your movies to be very well done formula Hollywood, see it.

If you don't like emotional cheap shots thrown into a movie, don't see it.

Well, anyways, this isn't much of a review, but I think you catch my drift. As for my own personal take on it, I think I would have rather have taken a nice bath, with a bicycle! Okay, I am exaggerating, I just liked the way that phrase sounded.
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It's just what you would expect.
7 December 2000
If you have seen any of Chan's movies before, you already know what to expect. The mainstays are well represented, excellent fighting scenes, a very frail plot and, the best part of many of his movies, the stunt screw ups as the credits roll. I just viewed this movie and I can't remember any of the character's names. I can barely remember why he was fighting anyone. But all that doesn't matter, just as long as he's bouncing, throwing, spinning and juggling everything on screen at once during the wild fight scenes.

This is an uncomplicated movie that gets to the root of his abilities on screen quickly, but then troubles itself to introduce some character development mini plots, compleat with the "I no longer have a son!" line. But it would be a shame to let the childish (even stupid) dialogue and characters take away from the imaginative, humorous and complex action of this film. So just sit tight and wait through the "plot" progression scenes for the real goodies.

With absolutely nothing to back up the fight scenes in this movie, I cannot, with good conscious, advise a non-Jackie Chan fan to see this movie. I rate it a three out of ten. But if you are like me and have to see all of his movies, then this is a special one. It is part two of one of his first big time commercial hits in China way back when. So go get it and watch for the fantastic final fight when Jackie takes out the big boss! Whatever his name was...
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not a movie
7 December 2000
Calling Schindler's List a "film" seems to bring it into reality. A film is something you may experience a few times a month. This movie is not something you may experience very often in many months. To watch it is not like watching a film at all, it is like living through something in your life that consumes you, makes you want to no longer exist, and live forever at the same time. It is more like an event in your months, then a movie you watched last night.

When people talk about how they liked this movie, some may try to articulate the deep horror, hope and heroism purveyed, many will shake their heads and say that it was beautifully filmed. All will stop short, and just tell you to see it. It is impossible, perhaps, to sum this story up. A movie is to be reviewed and criticized, this, though, is something besides a movie.

I will not critic it, I won't even tell you to watch it. But if you do decide to watch it, do so when you are alone, and when you have time afterwards to be alone. There are many stories with far greater personal impact than this story, but none else have been made into something you can rent at your corner store.
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Unbreakable (2000)
The (payed) critics say: Unbearable.
6 December 2000
I remember when I was very young, and playing in the back yard was what summers were made for. But supper time spoiled everything. My mother would call me in right when things were getting good with me and my friends. You see, in order to pretend properly, things had to be believable, even for us kids. It was no fun just saying, "Okay! I have special-op military training, so I kill you!." There had to be background, a semi-plausible explanation at least. And just when we would decide on the ever important background for our pretend session, supper time inevitably hit like the power going out.

This movie took it's time and successfully bullied a good explanation into place. A lot of energy was spent on getting to know the lead character, and care was taken to ensure that the movie goer comfortably understood the theories and issues raised. And just as it was time to move on to the heart of the adventure, mom called everyone in. The movie ended.

The Sixth Sense, by the same writer/director, and also starring Bruce Willis, will be closely compared to this film. The biting, real feeling you may have experienced in The Sixth Sense is not what this movie seemed to be trying for. A possible warp in reality perhaps. There are many similarities, but no bite. With that bite I may have viewed it as a seven out of ten movie, but I only give it a five, which to me means, "It's okay, take it or leave it."

I don't feel like I wasted my time with this one. Willis was worth watching in his dark hood and jacket, but I won't be thrusting the empty cassette sleeve from a rental store display into a friend's hands as a recommendation. Come to think of it, I also will no longer be yelling "dinner time" at my kids without first asking if they need a few more minutes.
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Rear Window (1954)
A true classic. This film is... (yawn) ...sorry, what was I talking about?
5 December 2000
This movie was a very influential piece by a very influential man. They tell me this flick changed the way some things were done in the movie business. I am told by others that this one is one of the truly best of Hitchcock's, well worth checking out. I, nevertheless walked into this movie with an open mind. A mind that quickly got bored.

I did like the caught-up-in-the-mystery feeling that flashed through a few scenes. I did like the famous drawl of James Stewart, and his character's wit throughout. And I am now interested in reading some of Cornel Woolrich's short stories, from which this screenplay was created. But still, I was bored.

Leaving behind the "importance" of this movie and only commenting on how it affected me, I only give it a four out of ten. On my personal rating scale that's counted as "not great, not horrible, don't bother." See it if you must. It is, after all, one of the talked about films in certain circles. If you have not seen it and end up in one of those circles, rest assured that the person extolling it's genius is most likely paraphrasing a magazine article he or she read last night and is not too sure what they are supposed to think about this one.
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Not an old movie about a black man on trial in the south.
4 December 2000
This is an old movie about a young girl growing up in the south. Her father is a lawyer involved in what turns out to be a very interesting side plot. Yes, a side plot. I know this movie is touted as being about an important civil rights trial during the depression, but the film is all hers.

This is a coming of age film that will make you wish you lived with her and her brother while you were growing up. The book, "To Kill a Mockingbird"(1961) by (Nelle) Harper Lee, paints a perfect little picture of home life. The movie lets you slip into that black and white house without feeling the transition. There is enough tension and adventure to keep things interesting though, this homestead is only a backdrop for the happenings all around their old fashioned suburb.

Comparing movies to the books that came before them is getting old. But a comparison in inevitable. While watching this movie I was given the luxury of revisiting these characters again, without many of the familiar complaints that usually accompany a made form a book movie. The movie is indeed, as interesting as the novel. And furthermore, the movie is well worth seeing on it's own merits. Which, by the way, include Best Screenplay and Best Actor at the Academy Awards, a 1961 Pulitzer Prize winning book to inspire a screenplay from, and a warm involved story with very enduring characters. The movie is well worth seeing period.

You will find this one in the "Classics" section, so go there and get it. Those old movies only rent for a dollar or so, and this one is worth a New Release price. But all in all, if you are going to a deserted island any time soon, bring the book if you have to choose one or the other. It just has more time to give you the feeling that made both the book and the flick so worth your time. And it's in colour too.
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