
6 Reviews
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Mr. Deeds (2002)
Very funny, one of Sandler's best
27 June 2002
I saw this movie at an advanced screening last night and it was a blast. I know people will complain about this, as they do with all of his movies, but just because this movie is no Oscar-winner, what do you expect from Sandler? It's a great, light-hearted comedy where you get hilarity from beginning to almost the end. Yes, ok, the end gets cheesy, but there are some very funny aspects to this movie, and it's not just the traditional slapstick comedy Sandler, his clever side was hard at work. There are a couple characters (Emilio, Anderson) who are funny from start to finish as the typical little parts that are hilarious and add so much value to the movie. Ryder was tolerable in her role, though she tends to be unbelievable in her character, as in other movies. All in all, it's very funny and I definitely recommend it.
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Cute movie despite poor acting
29 October 2001
Keeping in mind that this was the first movie either of these actresses did, it was a tolerable acting job, I suppose, but I watched this entire movie fully thinking that these were actresses, not characters, which definitely makes you enjoy a movie less (because of poor acting)

Despite this, the message of the movie is clear, love conquers all, and it's a cute romance which makes some very good points about lesbianism, when dealing with parents, friends, and even other lesbians.

It's a cute movie, as long as you're willing to watch an indy flick.
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Message overtakes all film problems
29 October 2001
This movie had a (presumably) fairly low budget, but it is a movie that I can watch over and over and still think it's great. Whenever I can't find a movie to rent, and I'm with someone who hasn't seen it, I suggest it and they all agree it's a pretty good movie, and it's got a good message.

So, what is the message? Well, this boy that is usually quite shy starts a radio program through his short-wave radio where he becomes 'happy harry hardon'. The message of this movie is pretty much be yourself, and it (to me) is a quite powerful way of doing it.
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Amazing portrayal of a true life story
24 March 2001
This movie is an amazing portrayal of the real life tragedy of Brandon Teena. His struggle, and the tragic end to his life, should teach everyone a lesson about gay-bashing and how horrific it is. The closed-minded society which allowed his killers to commit this violent act disgusts me and I'm very thankful Kimberly Pierce (the director) made such a gripping tale.
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Great movie, encouraging romance
2 August 2000
I got the opportunity to rent this movie with a very open-minded friend of mine, and I think it's amazing. It's got a fabulous portrayal of romance in addition to the truth of what it's like for these characters. I'm very glad I saw it and though it's not for the homophobic, it's a fantastic movie. I LOVE Judy. :)
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The Insider (1999)
Poor movie, too long, weak acting
2 August 2000
The Insider captured my interest from the very first ad I saw for it and my friends and I (the 9 of us that went to see it) were dying to go. We went a week after opening and watched it, and the entire time sat there thinking "why on earth is this getting all the praise of critics and audiences?" Russell Crowe began the movie in a downtrodden and depressed state so as the movie progresses and his life takes a turn for the worse, the empathy which is supposed to be invoked in viewers is merely a putrid mixture of boredom and pity. The three-hour tale left eight of us asking why we paid hard-earned money for it. My recommendation? Wait until it comes on t.v. and there's absolutely nothing better to do, and even then.. go for a walk instead.
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