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A Disney movie about a pair of Barbie dolls.
29 December 2001
A blonde girl who is supposed to be nerdy and average (but she's still such a gorgeous babe-o-rama as are any old teen featured on the Zoog Disney channel) changes places with a blonde superstar who lives a fabulous rich-girl life and get into all sorts of scrapes like asking for a wrong dish of breakfast, having to model half-naked for the camera, and running into boyfriend woes. And both girls seem to lead such rich, fulfilling lives full of trendy clothes, handsome boys, bratty little brothers, catty rivals, and flashy dates. How Disney. And how Barbie, too.
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Seventeen Again (2000 TV Movie)
From old hags to ditzy little nymphets.
29 December 2001
A wistful little fantasy where some wrinkled old momma and papa use a magical soap to turn themselves into perfect young teensyboppers to live such giddy fun-filled high school lives just like their kids they envy so much. As if being a teen makes you superior to the rest of the whole humanity or that teens is the only time you can be such a wonderful person and enjoy your life to the fullest. Sheesh. Too bad the kids watching this Disney movie wouldn't have any magic to save them from the horrid inevitability of turning into their own wrinkled old parents!
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Jurassic Park (1993)
May be one of the MOST STUPEFYING fantasy adventures ever!!!
1 March 2001
Warning: Spoilers

From a few vague rumors about some dinosaur place to a upcoming preview about some big summer movie TO THE MOST OVERHYPED, EYE-POPPING STIMULATION RIDE OF THE WHOLE MILLENNIUM!!!!! So that's how the fabulous land of Jurassic Park evolved in about a year.

Aside from the usual giddy Spielbergesque fantasy of evil creatures suddenly coming alive to make raw hamburger out of the gullible (but deserving) humans, this movie seems to carry the scolding message of a very stern, conservative-thinking scientist and a Bible-thumping naysayer: No Human Mortal Shall Play God Or Monkey Around With His Biological Layout...Or He Shall GET IT!!! And boy, did they really got it! Including all the innocent witnesses and bystanders who just happened to be about in the very wrong place at the wrong time, of course.

It all begun when an eccentric, aging millionaire decided to set up the most stunning and improbable dinosaur paradise ever to be created right here on the real-life face of Earth and invite along a couple of skeptical paleontologists and his spoiled-rotten grandkids to see it. It would've probably been a very blissful, if not dull day right here in good ol' Dinotopia if it wasn't for some morbidly obese computer geek who had so stupidly picked the WRONG TIME to spoil everyone's happy picnic with the big lizards!

Luckily...with some brawn, some brains, and LOTS of really dizzying circus stunts, Alan Grant, the brooding square-jawed Hero Of The Story with a crawling repulsion for germy little rugrats and his ditzy but brainy love-interest, the blonde Ellen Salter (who seems a bit too bimbo-ish to be a REAL paleobotanist) finally saved the day! But not without PLENTY of all those frenzied hide-and-seek games as well as some pretty impossible gymnastic (and even acrobatic to boot) tricks the two stray little waifs - Tim, the underaged daredevil and Lex, the blonde-plaited "Lolita" - were forced to perform amongst all those really wild carnivores on the loose!

But no, maybe those two human prepubescents were touched by the good fairies at their birth or something...nothing bad really happened at all NO MATTER HOW VIOLENTLY a kid was hurled into a certain situation like being trapped in a falling vehicle or suddenly dropping out of a ceiling only to catch herself from landing into the very jaws of some waiting 'raptor! I said, a fantasy is A FANTASY! So just shaddup and sit back to ENJOY it despite all those very obvious loopholes!

And one more thing...those mysterious smiles the hero and the heroine were silently sharing as they lovingly glanced down at their sleeping little wards at the very ending where everyone all flew off into the pretty sunset to live happily ever after...seem to say that perhaps it's better just to concentrate on breeding THEIR OWN SPECIES rather than try to revive a few long-dead beasties from some unknown time...even for the HECK of it!
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Fantasy Island (1998–1999)
Looked great at first, but now...(SHUDDER!!!)
5 February 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Though I haven't ever seen the older version, I chanced upon this show once and I got pretty hooked because I really like fantasy-based stories and I also liked some pretty cool special effects as well as some really pretty shots of the faroff paradise and a little goofy humor on the side. was really interesting for awhile before I begin getting TURNED OFF COMPLETELY by Mr. Roarke's very suffocating arrogance and his cruel enjoyment of his cat-and-mouse games with all his hapless guests who happened to be vacationing on his magical island. And what's more, he didn't seem to change his facial expressions much, which only adds to his conceited coldness. Not to mention his very catty lady sidekick, Ariel who also seemed to share his sadistic pleasure in manipulating all his unwitting victims as well as a couple of really repulsive, toad-like bellhops who would bumble along, all too eager to fall into Mr. Roarke's traps usually set for the poor, unhappy guests. To top it all off, I was so disgusted by the very last episode I ever watched on this show that I never saw it ever again: after some young tramp confessed to stealing her geeky boyfriend's fancy car, they began writhing about on the luxurious bed as if to "make a baby", promising each other that the fatso would put his beautiful car away for the future kid, whether he be a real nerd just like his dad or a bodacious bimbo just like Mommy. Yuck. Just wait until the aging parents watch guiltily as their offspring begin acting out the very drama they had just been through in the first place!
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No matter what others say, I still DON'T like sappy flicks!
4 February 2001
I don't like sappy, soggy lovey-dovey pro-family flicks, that's all. That's not the very end of the whole world, okay? I'm quite entitled to my own personal opinions, thanks very much. I don't think I have any real problems at all. No, real problems are all those smart-alecks who make leery suggestions that I see a professional. Okay, now I can off the soapbox, thank you.
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Hook (1991)
A simply BREATHTAKING fantasyland of childhood imagination!
17 January 2001
But first, let's hear one of those taunting kiddie songs:

Peter Pan and Wendy's girl sitting in a tree


First, comes love and then marriage.

Now Wendy's girl is spilling such preciousy offspring

To parade around in a fancy baby carriage.

So as a family man, Peter Pan is now gray and aaaaaging!

Too bad Peter Pan's family still suffers from dysfunctional problems typical of any old family in the 1990s. Poor, poor needy little kids crying for their workaholic dad, who's simply too busy with his lawyer duties and keeping a death grip on his cell phone to pay much attention to his wifey 'n' kiddies. Yet this doesn't stop him from taking his clan out to England to visit Granny Wendy and placing the tots in such elegant nursery rooms where the old lady herself once send her Victorian childhood with her brothers. Whoops...look what happened! The kids are GONE!!! KIDNAPPED!!! MURDER!!! FIRE!!! Peter Pan's old nemesis, Capt'n Hook himself had somehow escaped the crocodile's jaws and had vowed revenge after stuffing and displaying the unfortunate beast's body in public. So lo and behold! It's time for Peter Pan to revive his very own boyhood legends so he can get his small fries back...only if he can get his old noggin out of this dense fog that had made him so middle-aged as well as preventing him from realizing his very own past - fantastic or otherwise. But first, he had to impress the Lost Boys - the very tribe he had once led AND his very own sweet-faced brats he had came so far to rescue from the mean-spirited clutches of the aging pirate captain. So let's go for a quick dip in The Fountain of Youth, boys!!!

Though this sparkling little Spielberg gem may has some pretty sticky moments (the misty flashback of the boyish Peter Pan mashing lips with the young girl that had obviously resulted in such juicy babies), it nevertheless carries such a MARVELOUS wealth of whimsical eye candy, swashbuckling adventures, dreamy flights of fantasy, child-like wisdom, and really funny sight gags as well as a truly ASTONISHING range of imagination that had made just about everything possible, including such a stunning scene of THREE moons in the Neverneverland sky that really made me gasp inward! And it's also refreshing to see a grown man just enjoying himself like a kid once again (ironically, THAT'S a natural knack to ENJOY LIFE ITSELF that we have all so unfortunately lost once we reach our seething and fuming puberty!) Oh, one more thing...I think it's really cute to see our own Julie Roberts fluttering about in a fairy garb!:)
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Caroline in the City (1995–1999)
Caroline a CARTOONIST??? Don't make me laugh!
12 January 2001
I happen to be an aspiring cartoonist and I've submitted my work to several different newspaper syndicates and I've been rejected many times. But what I know from my personal experience is that cartooning just ISN'T a very cushy job and that it WOULD require LOTS AND LOTS of HARD WORK AS WELL AS STRICTLY DEVOUT ATTENTION!!! Not to mention all those deadlines that you would have to race against every time! So what's wrong with this little TV show here??? I don't see Caroline bent over her drawing board, hard at work, nervously drinking mug after mug of strong coffee to stay awake and fretting over every little detail and dialogue that she would make her characters emit, and so on forth. All those little things that we cartoonists usually face. Not to mention the fact all those shoddy drawings that Caroline seems to "borrow" are really nothing to sneeze at. Instead, we see Caroline dressing up, gossiping, drinking, flirting, going out on the night with her friends, going on fun vacations, aching her well-maintained body like a lovesick kitty over the graying Richard, anything at all that isn't anywhere near her very neat, obviously unused drawing board and art equipment. Sheesh...still another snobbish TV fairy-tale all about glamorous single people who live among the dazzling city lights.
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One of the GREATEST Saturday morning cartoons from the 1980s!
29 December 2000
A very FAST-PACED sci-fi cartoon featuring our very funny, lovable robots who can arrange themselves into a gigantic robot just like the one in "Voltron" to battle the evil forces! First, there's this big, fat robot who likes to eat alot that becomes the "body", then the two very spunky female robots who go as the "arms", and finally, the two fun-loving brothers to be turned into "legs". Now, along comes the head (uh, if I remember correctly), which is actually a flying spacecraft piloted by the young human scientist and the cutest little robot girl you'd ever see with a few clever tricks of her very own up her metal sleeve! Simply MARVELOUS, color-splashed animation that looks very Japanese both in character and action as well as such good-natured humor and very zany whimsicality at every turn! Oh, how you'd gasp in such amazement during the very rapid sequence where each flying robot instantly transforms himself or herself into massive body parts to be attached to each other before the big heroic acts! And the very perception of the whole cartoon is always turning and moving so much you'd feel like you're turning and twisting in an anti-gravity room! A very unique and entertaining fantasy experience with cartoon robots, indeed!
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Really flatters the human ego!
28 December 2000
Ugh, how precious! How can the whole world go on without you??? Oh, how we all need and depend on you! How we all love each other and how we all love you and how you love all of us and how I love you and how you love me! Oh, the world needs you and it can't live without you! How women need you to give them such precious, happy children and how children need you to give them such a precious, happy existence! I need you, you need me, we need each other, we can't live without each other! The world needs you, the universe needs you, even angels need you! Needy, needy, needy! Oh, and be sure to be WHITE and that everyone else around you are WHITE, too - thanks.
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The Simpsons (1989– )
Arguably the COOLEST show ever created!!!
27 December 2000
It really boggles the mind to know that some little-known tabloid cartoonist would SKYROCKET to the very ranks of geniuses and superstars with his very creation of a little cartoon family so immortally dubbed "THE SIMPSONS" as well as striking cool millions, winning several awards, AND breaking a few Guinness World Records (for the LONGEST running TV show, animated or live-action) to boot!

Taking place in a charming little small-town fantasy world otherwise known as "Springfield", the weekly adventures centers around Homer Simpson, the bumbling family man as well as the FUNNIEST buffoon ever to waddle across the TV screen; Marge Simpson, the loving but nagging eccentric wife with her famous blue beehive; Bart Simpson, the mischievous young prankster with a heart of gold; Lisa Simpson, the saxophone-playing "brains" of the whole family (she's my most favorite Simpson character because I used to be a "gifted" kid just like her); and Maggie Simpson, the little mute toddler with her eternal red pacifier. Sharing the whole stage is a huge, possibly record-breaking cast of all those yellow-skinned citizens, each with his or her very own distinctive background and personality (aaalllll the way from the very shady, womanizing Mayor Quimby down to the scowling little One-Eyebrowed Baby - along with a few really exotic characters tossed in like the Scottish school janitor and the cashier clerk from India) as well as the incredibly wide, most baffling gallery of celebrity caricatures (with their very OWN voices, to boot) ever to parade through our most favorite little make-believe town! And the whole populace continues to GROW! But that's not get a very rich array of humor, satire, witticism, sight gags, slapstick, cultural references, songs, history, politics, religion, fantasy, science-fiction, romance, nostalgia, horror, cartoon-type violence, even some risque stuff...whatever you name, you've GOT it! In fact, this nifty little show's got just about EVERYTHING FOR EVERYONE - even some really cool 3-D computer animation in a Halloween special! And...the beauty of this show is that you THINK you're watching a NEW episode when it's ACTUALLY A RERUN from some years ago! Unfortunately, even then it won't always be 100% PERFECT, nor would everyone alive agree with it 100% of the time. For instance, it has a little sexist attitudes at times, like Homer and Bart both going off on big adventures (especially the part with the truck-driving and the big trip to a football game) while Marge and Lisa are left behind to sit at home. But nevertheless...this show is so damned cool I now religiously watch it EVERY SUNDAY NIGHT - whether it's closed-captioned or not!

I'm afraid I have to disagree with some reviewers who think "The Simpsons" are going down the drain in those recent years. On the contrary, I think the show is as great as ever, aside from a few sexist stuff - and in fact, it seems to be getting better and better! Hey, how I would PROTEST if it ever GOES OFF THE AIR!!! And...I want it to last a few DECADES LONGER...LONGER than the WHOLE era of Looney Tunes, if need be!:)
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Those funny rock-n'-roll critters will make you HOWL!!!
15 August 2000
When I was a tiny girl, I used to watch this special Hanna-Barbera hour featuring such zany live-action costumed animals sharing a groovy 2-D pad splashed in such bright psychedelic colors that would remind you of Pee-Wee Herman's Playhouse several decades later. All donning cool shades and old-fashioned firemen's helmets, the funny furry foursome - Bingo the toothy gorilla, Drooper the swingin' lion, Snork the woolly elephant, and my most favorite of all, Fleegle the floppy beagle with a cherry red tongue - would all run, turn around, bump into each other, hop around, and go tumbling all down as well as being scared right out of their wits by the sudden appearance of a little girl, surviving a day at an amusement park, playing such silly tunes in a band typical of cartoons from the '60s-'70s, and just plain engaging in such wacky adventures that would set off any Gen-X off into helpless gales of laughs and memories. And then after a whole series of a cuckoo bird popping out its head and then getting it whacked by a closing clock door and an ape's head moving its motorized mouth over the doorway, our singing hippie hosts would suddenly scurry away to make the way for a few short cartoons featuring The Four Musketeers and the Aladdin-like characters with their pet donkey as well as a live-action quickie all about a group of shipwrecked adventurers living on a tropical island full of crocodiles, pirates, and native cannibals. But once those little shows are over, our most beloved Banana Splits will be suddenly back with their banana-crazy antics and even more off-the-wall musical numbers to send off anyone growing up at the time on a very pleasant nostalgic trip all the way back to their Brady-Bunch childhood of the swinging Sixties and Seventies. Today, you can still visit your old rockin' pals at the most ungodly hours during the weekends on the Cartoon Network!
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Hercules (1997)
The weirdest Disney movie ever made
31 July 2000
Despite the gracefully stylish art created for the background as well as some truly amazing animation and pretty amusing cultural references and visual gags, I found this movie to be quite loud and rather bawdy for my liking. Instead of a straightforward adaptation of the ancient Greek legend, this Disney version turns out to be a comically caricatured, rainbow color-sodden cartoony take-off with a great deal of very creepy gothical fantasy thrown in.

The story takes place when Hercules was a fat little baby in the queenly Hera's arms (the irony is that Disney made Zeus and Hera out to be such proud, doting parents when the original version actually protrayed Zeus as a philandering womanizer while Hera, while a wife to him, was REALLY his sister and a vengeful, fire-breathing one to boot.) Hades, the big bad old villain with blue fire for hair decided that he wants to take over the whole Olympus kingdom (which looks just like a big, fluffy sculpture of marshmallow and whipped cream), so he had his wacky sidekicks, Pain and Panic swipe the kid and depose of him so he wouldn't grow up to overthrow the bad guy. But he did and he turned out to be such a gawky, awkward urchin with too-big hands and feet. So poor Hercules turned to the pot-bellied satyr, who would be his personal trainer to make him into the most perfect hero you will ever clap your eyes on. Thus he became rich and famous - a pretty ridiculous protrayal of today's pop culture, especially Disney itself. But the evil Hades had a few more sly tricks up his toga sleeve...including Megan, the very svelte auburn-tressed temptress with a smart-aleck mouth.

This movie is just like a big bowl of colorful, juicy lip-smackin' eye-candy - but bewarned, will also have TALL, SHARP TEETH with its very scary monsters and some creepy moments that would make some really sensitive viewers shudder and shudder long after the credits begin rolling. But at least the kids will get the message that heroism just isn't everything after all.
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The Jerry Springer Show (1991–2018)
Say what you want, but I LOOOVE it!!!
16 July 2000
A great way to pass the late school nights! It was so much fun watching all the guests, both young and old, beautiful and ugly, and slim and fat battle it out on the stage as the whole studio audience stand up and scream "Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!" So it's time for the brawny Steve in his trademark black polo shirt to break it up.

Sure, the topics are hopelessly repetitive (lovers cheating on each other, straight or gay or transvestite) - but that's all it is needed to inflame the red-hot rage long subdued in all the guests, thus they get to take it out on each other and openly humiliate themselves and their former lovers - much to all of our great amusement and enjoyment. And some of the guests are so freely allowed to dress poorly and behave poorly, thus creating the need for the blurred-over images on the public television. And all the nasty words are "bleeped out" during all that vigorous mud-slinging and name-calling in the front of the very TV camera. To add to the entertainment, the members of the audience get to air out their very own dirty laundry at the guests, thus resulting in even more fistfights.

Unfortunately, the show has gotten quite tame lately. No more blotted out smears over a guest's unmentionables. No more vicious catfights and ripping of shirts and blouses. No more burlesque shows. And no more chasing around the whole studio and even out of the building itself. Just some angry scolding and that is all. In fact, the show itself is even moved to a far more unconvenient time. But the entertainment value has now gone down. Way down. But at least there's always the videos for the truly rabid fans.
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Cow and Chicken (1997–1999)
Weirdo and sicko!
16 July 2000
Warning: Spoilers
When the very first cartoon featuring the infamous duo, Cow and Chicken aired as a part of the tired old "What A Cartoon!" series on Cartoon Network, I was really repelled by its pretty sick humor, though it does provide a zany satire against cigarette-smoking. And much to my bemusement, David Fleiss's very bizarre show got its very own time slot in primetime just as well as Dexter's Laboratory and Johnny Bravo did at the time. Eventually, I got used to this questionable stuff and yes, I even laughed at it at times. The heroes of this show are Cow the dainty, fun-loving featherbrained bovine "schoolgirl" with a big, pink butt and an enormous milk-engorged udder and her "big" brother, Chicken the cranky, self-centered fowl with such a sour deposition and a very nasty mouth. If you could believe that those barnyard critters are really only young children in grades 2 and 6, their parents are shown from only the waist down as an obvious scoff at the way grown-ups are usually depicted in all the Golden-Age cartoons. And the dastardly villain who's always preying on the poor "kids" with his defective products and outrageous scams is Red Guy (the nicest term for the likes of him)who truly prides in his big pock-marked butt which he enjoys rolling on (wink-wink) and seems to appear in every functional roles imaginable ranging from an over-padded football player to a wigged ice skater - all with a naked red bottom. And included are the spin-off characters, I. M. The Weasel who is a sleek, vastly-celebrated, world-famous hero with big bucks, beautiful girlfriends, and speedy cars vs. His very hilarious rival, I. R. Baboon the fuming pea-brained loser with comically distended buttocks the color of well-polished cherries. In fact, this down-to-luck old ape is the one who will spend you writhing about on the living room rug with the real agony of BIG LAUGHS! So once you can get past your initial repugnance, you will gladly join in all the wacko adventures those crazy cartoon animals and their badly-dressed human friends are always going on!
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Johnny Bravo (1997–2004)
Very amusing stuff!
7 July 2000
Hey, ladies - RUN!!! Or get ready to defend yourself, for here comes Johnny Bravo, the very vain, self-promoted stud-o-rama behind dark shades who spends all his time showing off his very tall, gravity-defying hairdo and a big barrel chest that he keeps pumped up every chance he gets. But he's no pervert despite the very fact he is quite fond of very pretty young women who could show a little muscle themselves. Instead, our struttin' and braggin' hero is really as innocent as a little kid filled with genuine wonder at the whole world he finds himself in. Even though Johnny Bravo looks to be about 25 years old, he doesn't even seem to hold a steady job at all. Instead, he lives at home where his doting hausfrau momma, Bunny Bravo lovingly coddles him and feeds him an endless supply of homecooked meals made from her questionable recipes. And there's one girl on the street who really loves Johnny Bravo: the pesky little redhead Suzie who wants to play house with the poor lug. Don't forget the nerdy bespectacled Carl who willingly joins in as Johnny Bravo's on-and-off sidekick. Drawn in a stark, brightly-colored Neo-1950s style and graced by some far-fetched fantasy and a bit of saucy satire, the man's adventures takes us off to the unbound limits and back that will produce a few real laughs at HIS expense!
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The Brady Bunch (1969–1974)
The dreamy-eyed fantasy world of an extended family
5 July 2000
If you were born and bought up in a dysfunctional or a not-so-perfect family, you might or might not appreciate the "escape" outlet that The Brady Bunch so generously offers.

Back in 1969, a widowed architect genius with his three young boys joins forces with a very pretty blonde divorcee and her three blonde daughters and moves into a fantastic two-story mansion with its avocado-colored interior design and a live-in maid with her witty sense of humor. Any time a kid gets into trouble (like disappearing into thin air, wrecking a family portrait, hitting a sister on her nose with a basketball, etc.), he or she gets scolded by the stern but understanding parents, thus he or she learns a lesson and goes on with his or her innocent, youthful life without ever getting whacked on the bottom. Meanwhile, the slim-waisted young wife and the good-humored maid cook up all sorts of real mouth-watering gourmet dinner every night, the kids invent all sorts of real games and fun that will bewilder today's kids completely numb from too much TV-watching, and the fit, youthful, and fun-loving daddy and mommy have plenty of time to go out and enjoy themselves as well as disciplining all six active kids in such a loving, understanding way that they all go away with a big, relieved smile on their faces instead of running off to cry in their rooms. Brothers and sisters sincerely care and look out for each other. What's more, the whole family, maid included, all go off on exotic vacations every year where they all run into fantastic adventures with pirates, crooks, and Indians.

As a result, this kind of household will turn out a trio of perfect, long-legged, mini-skirted Barbie dolls on the high school cheerleading squad and three devilishly handsome dark-curled hunks who are big stars of the high school football team. EEEEEWWWWW!!!!! GIVE ME A BREAK!!! PLEASE JUST GIVE ME A BREAK!!!
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Ed, Edd n Eddy (1999–2008)
Wacko 'toon all about a surburban trio!
26 June 2000
It may take a bit of time to get used to this stuff on the primetime Cartoon Network, but you'll soon like it! And oh, maybe you'll even get to end up in stitches! It's all about a make-believe neighborhood where nobody over the age of 12 ever shows up, nor do any of the kids ever go to school or anything. Instead, the young preteens spend all their time playing outside or tending to their own interests. And on the very same street live three nerdy boys who suddenly discover that they all have the very same name: Edward. So in order to tell each other apart, the threesome call each other by three separate nicknames: Ed, Edd, n' Eddy. Ed is the tallest and the stupidest one with a very uncanny aura of pure innocence, a very active imagination, and a real knack to make you go bawling with laughter at the slightest wriggle of his famous monobrow! Edd, forever hiding under his stocking cap, is the cutest and sweetest boy with real brains for science, gadget-building, and inventing fantastic stuff. And last of all is that odd-looking Eddy who thinks he's one hot stud as well as going bonkers whenever he smells a possible money-making scam. Here the three bosom buddies are constantly trying to fit in with crowd, even though it, too is made up of oddballs like Kevin the arrogant biker, Rolf the budding farmer, Jon with his pretend friend the Plank, Sarah the firebreathing sister of Ed's, Jimmy the scaredy-cat boyfriend of Sarah's, and Nazz the pretty blonde in her hip-hop outfit. And here comes Kanker Sisters, the white-trash, trailer-dwelling young girls who are always chasing the unfortunate boys all over the whole place, trying to kiss their adorable, angelic little faces! So c'mon, join in all the big, crazy adventures with our three young heroes down the nostalgic lane!
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Titan A.E. (2000)
A truly breathtaking space epic!
22 June 2000
This can be a true revolutionary of all the animated films with its real eye-stunning graphics, a very imaginative sci-fi setting, more realistic-looking characters, and plenty of real action and yes, even some blood-spilling violence.

After years of churning out shots of sparkly-starry fantasy like Rock-A-Doodle-Doo, We're Back: A Dinosaur's Story, and Troll In The Central Park, Don Bluth's crew finally comes up with a very gritty, mature science fiction story all about humans being hunted down by the evil aliens who are out to destroy the planet Earth altogether. So a very brave young engineer grimly launched an enormous project that his little son was to carry on when he finally grew up. But it just wouldn't be a very easy path for the young hero to accomplish this great feat that would give a long ray of hope to all the innocent humans hiding out in the outer space. But with the help of a very spunky young female co-pilot, a group of bickering aliens, and a hardened space veteran, he just might...even with all those dread monsters hot on his very tail!

Beautifully made, this sweeping space odyssey really takes GIGANTIC steps to break from all the traditional aspects of an animated film to introduce mouth-droppingly MAGNIFICENT visions of the distant future as well as a more adult approach to storytelling and animation, so it may take awhile for the casual viewer to get used to it...and one day truly appreciate the great changes that is taking place in the whole animation industry.
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The Powerpuff Girls (1998–2004)
A VERY sophisticated sci-fi cartoon since Dexter's Laboratory!
11 June 2000
Hey, Townies! Look, look up in the sky! Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it three flying lollipops? NO!!! It's THE POWERPUFF GIRLS!!! We all cheer boisterously as the three tiny superheroines instantly zoom right over our heads, trailing a bright rainbow of pink, blue, and green! Ever since they first grew right out of Professor Utonium's trusty old mixing bowl, Blossom the sweet-natured leader, Bubbles the happy-go-lucky goldilocks, and Buttercup the scowling little tough-cookie at once assumed the great role as guardians of the cutest little city in the whole cartoondom: Townsville, U.S.A.! And just in time, too because there are also fabulous beasts and gloating villains totally hellbent on wreaking terrible havoc upon such a innocent land of our happiest childhood just use the special hotline and it's POWERPUFF GIRLS TO THE RESCUE!!! Folks, this is no "My Little Pony" or "Rainbow Brite" or "Strawberry Shortcake" or anything like that, for this very cartoon is quite gritty and a bit mature for our wide-eyed young girls as the intended audience as well as being full of very clever humor, satire, and some REAL DEPTH that will really rake in tons of teenaged and adult viewers as well, regardless of their gender and species. So...THREE CHEERS FOR THE POWERPUFF GIRLS!!!
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