
15 Reviews
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Crazy, Wacky and Insane. Loved it
24 May 2024
George Miller has done it again! An amazing follow up to the insanely good Fury Road.

First of, dont go in expecting fury road 2.0. This is a different tale.. a tale of vengeance, much like the original film.

I found this the most interesting of all the mad max films thus far. We get alot of world building and character development. This is a slow burn at times and I loved it, I just love everything about this universe.

The action is just as insane and crazy with some astounding chase sequences.

Everything about this film is just top notch. The pumping music, sharp directing, gorgeous cinematography and beautiful gritty world design.

My favourite film of the year thus far. This would be on par with fury road for me and I can't wait to watch them back to back again. 10/10 from me, about as good as films get.
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The Gray Man (2022)
Mixed bag..
22 July 2022
Slightly above average action thriller that's only held together by some great action sequences and fantastic performances from Ryan Gosling and Chris Evans.

On paper this should have been a knock out with everyone on board but this film is really let down by a flat script and some pacing issues unfortunately.

The film looks great, has some crazy camera tracking shots and incredible action. But overall it missed the mark, which is a shame because I was really excited for this movie.

It's still worth a watch and I will probably watch it again sometime just for the action alone.
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Resident Evil (2022)
This is not Resident Evil..
14 July 2022
The only thing this show has in common with the games is the name... this a crappy cash grab to lure fans of the game like me in.

This show has more of a mad max/day of the dead franchise feel than anything to do with the resident evil games.

After 26 years since the first game came out hollyood still can not get this franchise right. Why is it so hard when there are so many great stories from the game! Just follow one of them...geez.

Netflix seems incapable of making anything decent lately and no wonder people are cancelling their subscriptions in droves.. stranger things seems to be the only thing decent on there these days.
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Archive 81 (2022)
Requires patience.
16 January 2022
Great slow burn show that builds the mystery and has this omnious dread that builds with every episode.

Solid acting, eerie music and visually appleazing. Satisfying pay off near the end too, with a few annoying cliches and character choices that slightly held it back from greatness for me.

Overall a good show that ended up being better than I was expecting. If you don't have patience or like slow world building id probably recommend giving it a miss.
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14 May 2021
Another movie that should have just stayed in the trash where it's been the last 3 years... what's with netflix picking up these rubbish films no one wants. Waste of time, I couldn't even finish watching this dud and I love Amy Adams.
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Without Remorse (II) (2021)
It'll put you too sleep.
30 April 2021
I have remorse for wasting two hours of my life watching this... geez this was so boring.. i used to look forward to Tom Clancy movies, not these days...
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29 April 2021
Well it's another week and another crap netflix movie to add to the dumpster... boringgg. We've seen this type of movie/story done so many times and this one brings nothing new or exciting. I did like amanda seyfrieds performance, I thought she was really good. Hard pass guys.
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Stowaway (I) (2021)
22 April 2021
Another crappy netflix movie. Who approves this crap?? So many talented film makers out there with amazing talent and ideas, yet crap like this gets made... such a waste of a talented cast. Boring and stupid story that goes no where. Visuals and soundtrack were the only positives.
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We're back!!!!
18 March 2021
Finally we get to see the true justice league after such a painfully long wait and oh boy was it worth it! It was everything i hoped and dreamed it would be. Im so happy he was given the chance to finish what he started and us fans finally got to see the snyder verse restored.
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Waste of time
5 February 2021
Great acting but horrible characters and script. Tough movie to get through with such unlikeable characters to watch for 100 mins literally arguing about useless crap. And the way Malcolm eats mac and cheese was one the most annoying things ive ever had to watch lol. Dont waste your time.
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Come on dave.. your better than this
13 September 2020
Expected more from the usually solid David Ayer.. even his lesser films have a certain quality to them. This is just horrible.. poorly written, horrible acting expect shia.. The whole thing looks and plays out like a day time tv show. Poor stuff from such a talented director.
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Memento (2000)
Brilliant!!!, will keep you guessing until to end.
26 April 2001
I'm not going to say anything about the plot, except that it involves a man with short-term memory, Leonard (Guy Pearce). If you hear too much about the plot, it will ruin the experience.

Now, this movie is one of the most beautifully crafted films ever made, the way it is shoot, the music and especially the directing by Christopher Nolan. The performances of Guy Pearce (Leonard) and Joe Pantoliano (Teddy) are absolutely brilliant. Carrie-Ann Moss (Natalie) is also good, but not brilliant. The way this film is told is so original and new, that I can't tell you, you have to see for yourself.

The reason this film is so good, is that something like this has never been done before and I think movie fans such as myself, have been waiting for a movie like Memento that is so original, its finally good to see something different instead of all those stupid teen horrors, romantic comedy's and over budget action films, and so on, well you get my point.

Memento is now in my favourite 10 films of all-time. So go out there and see this film, you won't be disappointed I promise. The ending will shock you, just as it did in The Sixth Sense and The Usual Suspects.

10/10, 2 thumbs up, *****stars
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The Matrix (1999)
18 April 2001
This film has it all. It has a great plot, brilliant performances; especially that of Laurence Fishburne(Morpheus) and Keanu Reeves(Neo) who is at his best. But best of all it has the most mind-blowing special effects and sounds to ever grace our screens, I mean they are amazing and it earned them 4 Academy Awards.

This is in my top 5 favourite films of all time. All I can say to people out there who don't like this film, is that you are crazy and must have been on drugs while watching this film, because there are no faults in this film. The directing by the Wachowski brothers is excellent.

Overall, if you haven't seen this film, do yourself a huge favourite and see it. It is likely to be the greatest sci-fi film you have ever seen.

10 out of 10, 5 stars, 2 thumbs up
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6 February 2001
This would have to be one of the best movies ever made. I wasn't a big fan of Ang Lee before this film, but I am sure now. He has made one off the best-made movies of all time. The fight scenes are the best kung fu and fighting scenes that have ever been brought to cinema, ok the quality may not be up to the standards off The Matrix, but they are breathtaking to watch, especially the roof top scenes and the fight in the forest. Chow Yun-Fat and Michelle Yeoh are themselves, but Zhang Ziyi(Jen Yu) is excellent. The cinematography is as good as it gets. The scenery is absolutely beautiful and the music score is also excellent. The plot is nothing new, but hey who cares, when all that beauty is on the screen. And if you're worried about the subtitles, don't worry because it's not that bad at all, and it's still easy to follow. So do yourself a favour and go and see this film, 10 out of 10.
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This is the worst movie ever made
3 October 2000
"The Blair Witch Project" is in my mind the worst movie in history. It is the most boring and non-entertaining movie I have seen; it goes absolutely know where. It is not at all scary, my heart not once started pounding, it was just still in boredom. I do not advise anybody to see this, please don't waste your time, nor energy seeing this. 0 out of 10
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