
38 Reviews
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Just saw it
13 February 2004
Just saw it..and I have to say that I was really surprised at how much i like it. I do really like adam sandler a lot, but after watching the trailer to this movie, I thought it looked a lot like the same old comedy. But it was different just enough and was highly enjoyable. Drew Barrymore didn't even annoy me as much as she usually does. It was good enough to even be considered one of sandler's best.
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King of the Ring (1996 TV Special)
Great Show
17 January 2003
As a wrestling fan, I have noticed the decline in good wrestling action as of late...but I own this video and it is a great one to watch for some some just plain good wrestling action. The only poor performance was by Jake The Snake Roberts. But the show marked the true birth of Stone Cold Steve Austin. In the Tournament Semifinals Marc Mero and Austin put on a great show, while the Vader and Roberts match was not quite as good. Even though Vader had a nice showing. The Tag match between The Smokin' Gunns and The Godwinns was an excellent match, the Godwinns were way better than normal. The Mankind and Undertaker match was great, and really showed Foley's ability. Ahmed Johnson put on a great showing in his match with Goldust. The main event was by far the best match on the show...Shawn Michaels always does an incredible job, and when he is working with The British Bulldog it makes for a great match. Overall I give the show a 4 out of 5.
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Royal Rumble (1995 TV Special)
Impressive Showing
17 January 2003
This was a major event for the WWF, with the setup for Wrestlemania. First of all the appearance by Pamela Anderson was great and definitely was attractive. The Razor Ramon and Jeff Jarrett match was great right up until the end and a great way to start the show. The Undertaker Vs. IRS match was not quite as good as the other matches, but still entertaining. Bret Hart and Diesel worked their butts off for the crowd, and would have been better if there wasn't all of the interferences. The Tag Team Match had a surprising outcome, and set up the big Bam Bam Bigelow/Lawrence Taylor match. But the Royal Rumble match itself was what stole the show. Shawn Michaels and The British Bulldog were the first two in and the last two in the Rumble, with Shawn being the only man to come in at the number one spot and win. Great show 5 out of 5 all the way!!!
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Crystal Mines (1989 Video Game)
Great Game
19 December 2002
I happened to pick this game up at a yard sale one time and was so glad that I did! It quickly became one of my favorite games ever and still play it now. The object of the game is to get the required number of crystals on each level to move on to the next level. I have not beaten the game, but have made it to level 131, and will continue to play this game until I do beat it. Highly recommend this game!!!
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Did not like this!
2 November 2002
I thought that this was a rather dumb movie! It wasn't about football at all. It had football, but wasn't about it. Al Pacino is at his worst in this movie. Cameron Diaz doesn't do her best job. James Woods is the only one who seems to know what he is doing. I don't ever want to watch this movie again. Oh yeah and this movie way was long!
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Affliction (1997)
Can't believe I watched this!
2 November 2002
This was one of the worst movies that I've ever seen. I was so bored. Besides the fact that I can't stand Nick Nolte, the movie sucked. I don't understand how people can like this movie. The whole storyline is stupid, and I hated it. the ending is one of the worst in any film ever. I give it a 1 out of 5!
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Air America (1990)
Mel Gibson At His Worst
2 November 2002
I'm normally a fan of Mel Gibson, but in this case he did a movie with a poor script. The acting for the most part really wasn't that bad, but the story was just pointless with flaws and boring. I thought I would like the movie a little but I didn't like it at all actually. I give it a 1 1/2 out of 5!
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Absolutely Terrible
2 November 2002
I am now truly dumber for watching this movie. Not once did I get close to considering to laugh. It was scary that this was classified as a comedy. Dudley Moore and Liza Minnelli seem to be competing to see who can do the worse job. This is definitely one of the worst five movies I've ever seen.
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Aliens (1986)
Good I Guess!
2 November 2002
I enjoyed watching this movie, although I don't think it's as good as some people seem to think it is. The special effects are good, and the editing is also pretty good, but other than that there isn't a lot that I care about in this movie. I give it a 3 1/2 out of 5!
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Absolution (1978)
Hard to sit through
2 November 2002
I don't think anyone can really like this movie. It doesn't do things in a different strange way which is good. But the movie is just so boring, and you are waiting for it to be over. The acting really isn't that bad, but you don't care about that when your watching it. I give it a 1 1/2 out of 5.
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Maybe, but I don't think so!!!
2 November 2002
I guess you could watch this with your family, but it won't be enjoyed too much. The movie is slow and boring. Whenever it has something with the potential to be interesting, it ruins it somehow. The movie wasn't well acted, but you couldn't expect much I guess! 2 out of 5
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The Americano (1955)
Rather boring!
2 November 2002
This was not a very good movie. It was so corny and lame. I did not like watching it. Glenn Ford is at his worst and his performance is rather sad. I really would not recommend this movie! There was not really anything good about it. But I have seen worse movies. I give it a 1 1/2 out of 5.
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Adam's Rib (1949)
Not bad!
2 November 2002
Although I did enjoy the film somewhat I did not find it very funny! It was entertaining and interesting enough to keep me watching and interested, but not exactly funny. The whole concept of a husband and wife going against each other in the courtroom, is great to say the least. But I feel they could have done just a little better with it. I give it a 3 out of 5.
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Works well!
1 November 2002
I am one of those people that has always been interested in politics. I plan on entering that field someday, and that's why I liked this movie. It shows what our president has to go through, and adds the romantic story so well. I've always been a fan of Michael J. Fox and he's great in this movie. The cast all do an excellent job. I'm not sure what it was, but I felt just a little something missing from the film. But it was still an excellent movie.
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Funnier than the first
31 October 2002
I don't know why people love the American Pie movies as much as they do. I'm one of them, you can't help but to laugh at some of the parts. Seann William Scott and Jason Biggs control this movie. Others try to be funny and succeed a little. Some of the things in this movie are unnecessary but other than that, the movie is great. A strong 7!
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What the hell?
31 October 2002
This movie was repulsive! I don't know why any of the actors would even do something this pathetic. It really makes me sick to be honest. I have nothing really personal against the subject matter and if it had been done differently maybe it could have been funny. But the way this was done was just pathetic and dumb! Just for Mena I give it a 2 out of 10!
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Analyze This (1999)
De Niro makes this movie good!
31 October 2002
I've never really been a fan of Billy Crystal or Lisa Kudrow, but they do a decent job is this movie. Who is really astounding is Robert De Niro. He's absolutely hilarious in this movie. I don't have much to say about it besides that, it's nothing really special to talk about, just good movie with good acting. I give it an 8/10!
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31 October 2002
This movie has it's funny moments, but they don't even compare to the two sequels. I did like the movie, but I saw the second one first and after seeing the first, i was very disappointed. I like the cast and they all do fine jobs. Mike Myers is great, especially as Dr. Evil. But overall some of the jokes are too corny and the movie can be a little lame. But overall the movie is still good. I give it a 7!
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Carrey is the only good thing in this film!
31 October 2002
This movie definitely wasn't as good as the first one! I did like it, but only because of Carrey's performance. He is brilliant when it comes to comedy. But the plot and storyline is really disappointing. There was so much they could have done with this sequel. I give it a 6 out of 10!
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The Amityville Curse (1990 Video)
This movie was pathetic!
31 October 2002
I could not believe how dumb and pointless this movie was. It almost made me sick to watch it. The acting was terrible accept maybe a couple of people who were worse than terrible. There was no direction in this movie, I don't think this should even be considered a movie. I just happened to stumble upon it and found that my grandma had taped it about ten years ago. I saw the Amityville name and figured it might be worth watching. I was wrong. One word describes it, and that word is pathetic!
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The Accused (1988)
31 October 2002
I'm sure a lot of people like this movie because it deals with an important issue and points out how easy it can happen. But this movie really bored me quite a bit. I didn't think that Jodie Foster did a very good job, and I didn't really like this movie. There were other strong acting performances that gave this movie something but very little. They could have done it another way! I give it a 4/10!
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Agnes of God (1985)
Good story done wrong
31 October 2002
This is a good story, and is actually well acted. But the movie itself was just so boring, that I could barely stand to watch it. There wasn't anything to hold the movie together. The whole movie just went wrong straight from the start and never got on track. The acting couldn't save this movie. I give it a 2!
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After Hours (I) (1985)
Decent, but annoying
31 October 2002
It was an OK movie, but there is no way I would ever watch it again. It just got annoying with all of the situations the main character got into. It was just one after the other. What made it annoying is it wasn't funny at all and it was suppose to be a comedy. I don't think that Scorsese did the best job with this film. I give it a 5/10!
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I don't think so!
29 October 2002
Everyone seems to love this movie! I thought it was OK, but it wasn't anything special or even close to it. Don't get me wrong, I didn't think the movie sucked, but I don't understand why people liked it so much. Everything in it has been done a thousand times, the acting wasn't that great just average. How did this win Best Picture? The movie was actually boring at times, and just plain dumb at others. It seemed like the writers just wanted to put one shocking scene after another, but failed repeatedly. Mena Suvari and Thora Birch are two of the few strong points in this movie. Both have great performances, but other than that it was just dumb, partly because of how much people liked it. I give it a 4/10
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The Arrival (1996)
Not that great!
29 October 2002
IT was kind of a strange movie, that I didn't really care for. I didn't dislike it that much either. I really didn't have an opinion on it. The whole concept was kind of different which was a plus. And it had a couple of plot twists that weren't that bad, but I didn't really care for it. I would give it a 5/10.
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