
15 Reviews
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Casablanca (1942)
A classic !! :-)
17 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is great ! :-)

However, I wonder what kind of relationship Mrs.Lazlo/Lund (Ingrid Bergman) enjoys with Mr.Lazlo(Paul Henreid). In all their "tender moments" together, they're kissing each other on the cheek and on the forehead ?? Do they have a platonic relationship ? Meanwhile the Rick Blaine(Humprey Bogart) and Ilsa(Ingrid B.) "tender moments" are filled with more *passionate* kissing... Is it done so, just to make us (the viewers) prefer Rick's character or is it something else ??! :-O :-)) he he Maybe I'm just weird, but it seemed a little odd to me... How can she be "torn" between a passionate kisser and a "brotherly peck" on the forehead ? Hmmm...

Anyway, there's nothing wrong with the movie. It's absolutely great ! Worth watching several times, in fact ! If not only to hear the famous lines being uttered... :-) A great classic ! :)
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How the West Was Won (1976–1979)
Excellent Western mini-series !
12 October 2005
This TV-series is/was truly excellent ! It is interesting, fun and exciting. The characters are all watch-able ; Zeb, Luke, Laura, Aunt Molly, Hillary and Mr.Beasley. :-) The actors all do a great job.

The main title (theme) is terrific and I wish somebody would post a link to somewhere on the web, where it can be obtained/purchased. I can only seem to find the soundtrack for the original movie (1963) and NOT the TV-mini (1978)...

I saw the show for the first time when I was 10 - so that doesn't count. :-) he he However, I saw it again last year and now that I'm thirty-something, I still think it's a tremendous show ! :-)

I recommend the show to anybody, although obviously some parts may be a little scary for small children.

All in all, one of the greatest (mini) TV-series ! :-)
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It's NOT that great !
21 July 2003
Why ??

-Because it is very repetitive, that's why.

Here's the story in short:

Bad man/creature/ghost/ting creates a powerful and evil ring. Anyone who possesses it and wears it becomes obsessed. Ring bad. Hence, someone (the hobnobs) must get rid of the evil ring. -so far so good. But then that's it ! From here on in, it's all travelling, fighting evil, more travelling, fighting more evil, even more travelling, and fighting even more evil. A pattern starts emerging...

Yes, there are some nice effects and it looks real pretty, but the story blows chunks !!

I don't care if the book is fantastic, I go to the cinema to see a good film, not a good book ! And in this case the film wasn't great.

Special effects alone, does not a good movie make !
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The Nanny (1993–1999)
Excellent sit-com ! :-)))
3 April 2003
This is an excellent show, and it must have been popular since it ran for 6-7 years (1993-1999) ! :-))

It reminds me a bit of "The Lucy Show" (1962-...), only Fran Drescher is much cuter. There are some excellent lines in this series and most of the actors are good. The best characters are Fran (The Nanny), the butler(Niles), C.C Babcock and Val. -Really funny ! :-)) Here's a good line :

Fran: Question. When they shot Bambi's mother, did you find that a sad moment... at all? C.C.: I'm sure she's mounted on a nice wall in a fine home somewhere.

:-))) Classic !! Luckily for some of us, they are showing re-runs on several TV-channels worldwide. :-)) Great show !
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Snatch (2000)
Excellent fun ! Great movie !
12 January 2001
I loved it ! Very funny !! I was almost ROTFL. Great ! Best gangster/action/comedy since "Pulp Fiction" !! Great actors ! Lots of great scenes ! Good music ! Some great transitions ! Likeable characters ! Even the nasty ones... A very interesting story.

Outstanding acting by Dennis Farina, Brad Pitt & Vinnie Jones !

Go see it as soon possible ! :-))

I recommend it ! :-))

Yours truly,

Gualtier Maldee :-)
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Good action- good money, no action -no money ?
20 December 2000
I thought the movie was all right, some good action scenes, a fairly good story although somewhat predictable. However, I found something a little odd... The final scene "Somewhere in France" is filmed indoors (in a soundstage) although it's supposed to be an exterior shot, and well... it looks bad ! You can clearly see that this scene was shot inside - I mean the sunshine was no stronger than my desk lamp for instance... :-( My question is, did they run out of money ? All the special effects and stunts must have cost a bundle, and then when they needed one tiny exterior shot with no action. They could only afford an interior shot -and a poor one at that !!! A shame. They should have called it "Somewhere in Ohio" and filmed it on location instead ! :-)))

My two cents...
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Excellent Drama ! :-)
2 August 2000
Yeah ! This movie, in my mind, is almost as good as "The Shawshank Redemption" ! The plot is good, the actors are all great, and the music is fitting. I recommend it to people who enjoy watching good dramas, and academy award -performances ! Michael Clarke Duncan was nominated for his part, and Tom Hanks is excellent and should have been nominated... Lots of good scenes, maybe not suitable for the squeamish, since there are quite a few "electric chair" -scenes which may be upsetting for some, but then these are not the scenes I refer to as "good" either ! :-) I'm referring to the drama in the movie, and not the horror.

I love Stephen King's "normal" stories, they are great. Not such a big fan of his terror, blood and gore-stories, though -too weird for me. :-)
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My favourite movie ! :-)
2 August 2000
In my opinion, one of the best movies -ever ! I saw it in the theatres 3 times with different people, and it was great every time ! :-)) There's no wondering why Jack Nicholson and Helen Hunt picked up Oscars for this movie ! My only regret is that Greg Kinnear didn't get his ! This is an excellent drama/romance/comedy. It makes you feel good and bad and all those feelings in between. :-)) It's a great movie to own too, as you can see it over and over, and still smile and laugh at the funny parts ! :-)) I , of course, have it in my favourite collection. :-)
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Funny ? Oh yes !!
27 July 2000
This part was made for Jim Carrey ! It's perfect for him ! :-) If anyone can portray a Schizo, it must be Mr.Carrey. Lots of hilarious scenes ! Almost all the Hank-scenes are great ! And some of the Charlie -scenes, especially the one where he's putting down the cow ! :-)) I don't care how much you love animals, this is extremely funny and must be seen in the cinema, don't wait for it to come out on video ! Is it me, or does Hank sound an awful lot like Clint Eastwood ?? ;-))

The actors are all great, and Charlie's three "sons" are excellent ! Never a dull moment. :))
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THIS is a good movie !
27 July 2000
A very funny feel-good movie !

There are some excellent scenes and characters in this movie. I particularly liked the "Irish" bartender and the "Asian" karaoke-salesman ! You'll know what I mean. :-)) The scenes where the boys are rookie-priest and -rabbi are hilarious without being stupid !! :-)) Some of the spoken lines are excellent too ! E.g. "...the pressure from the families is unbelievable. It's like the Kosher-Nostra !" :-)) Edward Norton's "Rain Man" impersonation is brilliant and very funny ! :-) A must see !

Ben Stiller, Jenna Elfman, Edward Norton and the others are all great. The credits at the end are good too.

Go and see this film -NOW ! :-))
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Excellent !
7 July 2000
Best Julia Roberts movie since "Pretty Woman" ! Good acting, all around ! The story is very interesting although it is somewhat reminiscent of "A Civil Action" with John Travolta. Apart from that, there were some great lines, and some very funny moments. The fact that the movie is based on a true story is definitely a plus. :-))

I recommend it, if you like good drama.
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The Bachelor (1999)
Stay away !
15 February 2000
In my humble opinion (IMHO), you should spend your money elsewhere !

I was foolish enough to think that this could be a funny movie. Big mistake, big mistake -HUGE mistake ! This movie is bad !!! There is no way around it. With the exception of Peter Ustinov, the actors all pretty much sucked ! Even Renée Zellweger whom I loved in "Jerry Maguire" was no good! None of the lines were delivered well, even the funny ones ! They all looked bored and tired, the actors, not the lines... :-) Whoever chose the music, managed to do a pretty bad job of it too. Some classic tunes were ruined in some truly awful scenes. It was just embarrassing to watch. I see about 60 movies in the cinema every year (I'm not a professional critic, I just love films!), and this is the first time EVER I have actually left the theatre 3/4-way through the movie. I stayed that long because I thought may be it would get better. No such luck !
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A wonderful film and a terrific story !
15 December 1999
The story is excellent and the actors all perform well. Never a boring scene. Good drama. Some scenes are even funny ! The plot is superb. I thought Stephen King only wrote horror-stories, but I guess I was wrong !

If you see this movie on video, sit down and watch it all and LISTEN ! You have to pay attention! And then you'll love it !
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An extremely funny movie! Some great scenes and some awesome lines!
23 November 1999
This is a very funny movie! I have no idea whether it translates well into other languages or not. However, I do think men all over the world can identify with "Frank" and his thoughts to some extent! These thoughts are hugely entertaining and women will also enjoy this movie I'm sure!

All cast members perform well, and this film could have been a tremendous hit all over the world if it was made in England or the US. But for those of you who are fortunate enough to understand Swedish, you are in for a treat!

Highly recommended.
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A very scary movie !
4 November 1999
If you like scary movies, but you're not into a lot of blood and gore and splatter -you'll love this film. The story is good, the actors are all good; particularly the little boy, and the ending really makes you think. Surprise ending !

The whole film is thrilling without being a run-of-the-mill movie.

I recommend it.
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