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It's really nothing special; good but FAR from great.
20 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, I didn't serve, so I'm not going to pose like I know what Iraq was like and pull the "I was there!" card. I do, however, really like historic films in general. The attention to detail in the film was good, but then again you should expect this from someone the caliber of Clint Eastwood, so it's hardly surprising.

I'm not sure how much of the film was factual, but my issue was how silly a lot of the film was. He sees the bombings of the US Embassies in Africa (before 9/11) and THAT motivates him to give up his cowboy life and enlist as a SEAL? Really?? Can anybody else under The Sun relate to that? It just seemed ridiculous, 9/11 would have made more sense as his impetus.

Right when his wife calls him to say "It's a boy!" an intense battle breaks out? Wow, the insurgents must have know with their psychic powers that his guard was down!

Coincidentally meeting a maimed solider from his platoon in a mechanic shop in Podunk, Texas? Of all the luck!

There was only one line of Arabic subtitled THE ENTIRE FILM and there were many lines that seemed important to the plot point in the scene. This was just laziness on Eastwood's part.

Overall a well-made film with a few things that made me cringe. It does move fast for being just over two hours and covers a long span of time in Chris Kyle's life. I definitely prefer Zero Dark Thirty and The Hurt Locker over this, still.
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Ha! Reviews clearly written by the cast and crew and friends and family!
11 April 2014
Don't you just love these bogus glowing reviews that the film's cast and crew write and then commission other people to also write on here? "Hey, rate it even an 8 or a 9 so it doesn't look TOO obvious that we padded the rating ourselves. But no lower than that!" The film is a boring, molasses-paced mess and the storyline is just laughable (and that's being nice!). The lead actor with the fake greasy mustache is also a talentless schmuck who obviously just got cherry-picked by his own friend to star in this. Films where a group of friends or bed buddies all get together to make are fine, just acknowledge that sometimes there's very little talent among your little cult. And for God's sake, don't come on here writing glaringly obvious fabricated reviews glorifying yourselves!
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It's great. It's a blast. And (::drumroll::) it lives up to all expectations for those of us THAT HAD THEM!
18 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers

You know, if you aren't familiar with a genre or a character therein, do yourself and the rest of the civilized world a favor and DON'T WATCH THESE PARTICULAR FILMS! It really isn't as complicated as splitting atoms!

What film did you haters see? How about you misbegotten charlatans and frauds who are well-known "critics" that are just bitter you could never get a script of your own made into a feature? Because if you saw Conan, you should at least have a sprinkling of a grasp of Conan and his world and how the stories are fleshed out from the pulp novels of nearly a century ago and comic books from decades ago when fantasy and fiction COULD be told in the manner this film unravels.

"The mask angle was stupid!" "The sorcery angle was stupid!" "He's mean to females!" Yep, that's how the vibe for the stories has ALWAYS been, and Nispel clearly did his homework, but hey, feel free to complain over nonsense!

This one's cute, too: "Him and his father train with swords on ICE! What a rip-off of Batman Begins!!!" Yeah, and I'm sure no other film in human history had two people training on ice before Batman Begins came out just a handful of years ago, right? For example, no martial arts film from any country anywhere anytime, I'm sure! Sigh, Americans, that's all I'm going to say!

There's also "It looks like a made-for-TV movie!" No, it does not. At all. That's just a feeble attempt to try and further smear the film in much the same way the comment I mentioned in the previous paragraph is. It isn't based on anything factual and is the product of complete and utter cluelessness. People who say such unfounded foolishness are outright delusional, there's really no Option B about it.

To conclude, the characters/locations/scenarios are straight out of the Conan stories of yesteryear (again, something you should have probably wrapped your head around in advance before stepping one foot in the theater), it's perfectly paced, the action is literally nonstop, the costumes and set pieces are as good as any fantasy movie not associated with Tolkien, and it looks and sounds absolutely stunning. But hey, there's a vampire film also playing so the trendy teenager in you can rejoice and there's that apes movie that was about as exciting as watching water freeze and had the most wooden, annoying, and deadbeat characters of any film this summer yet you somehow vouch for it as "The best movie of the year!"

And ultimately, let's face facts; if it were to the letter the EXACT same film but Johnny Depp played Conan or it was directed by Peter Jackson or Quentin Tarantino, you'd eat it up, possibly more than once. Because that's how shallow and biased in advance filmgoing audiences have become. Pathetic! Much like that large contingency of people who indiscriminately watch any and all things anime simply because they come from Japan, but if they were exact same thing and the country of origin was say, Zimbabwe, they wouldn't touch it with a boomerang tied to a fire hose! Yep, admit it, your logic is preferential in exactly in the same manner!
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True Grit (2010)
1 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I think people are forcing themselves to like it just because of who directed it, the token self-imposed brainwashing Middle American does unto itself to identify strongly with something. This is the "Wild West"? Could have fooled me! Only what, three people died total in the entire film? Yes, I know it's based on a book, and I don't care how many people died in that. I go to a WESTERN, I expect a Western! The Brothers could have at least give a few nods to Sergio Leone films to keep you from losing your mind!

Speaking of, the girl, EXCRUCIATING! It was like all of her lines were taken from a mix of fortune cookies and bumper stickers. I wanted to reach through the screen and pry her jaws apart just to not hear any more of her obnoxious metaphoric dialogue! Nonsense like "Ah reckon we'll find our objective tomorrow, horse!" Nobody talked like that then, I promise. Absolutely ridiculous and nerve-wracking!

Jeff Bridges played his role well and does delivery some funny lines, but other than that, it's about as exciting as watching freeze. I recommend a sedative beforehand, or a power drill to the skull.
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A review by an Iranian who speaks perfect English.
27 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Well, where to start? Iran. Ancient culture. Great people. Worst government on Earth. A society torn between Persian pride and Islamic martyrdom. Okay, so, the issue of stoning...

Nobody in their right mind can justify it for any reason, particularly on "moral" grounds. Immoral acts are human acts at the end of the day. People do what suits them and justify their actions however they choose. To judge and condemn is often like the pot calling the kettle blacker. Iran's illegitimate government unrecognized by the majority of its people (remember, these guys stole the country by feeding people lies and false hope and replacing a bad government with an even worse one.) who run a country on slogans, intimidation, and murder. The world will be much better when the Iranian people revolt again and actually do it right this time.

I would hesitate to call the film "propaganda" simply because the director and majority of cast members are Iranian. I seriously doubt any of them (especially someone as established as Shohreh Aghdashloo) would disgrace themselves by helping a film butchering their great culture. It attacks the government and their backwards way of thinking and functioning, not the people. One needs to understand, these guys take a splendid religion like Islam and tailor it to their own fancy, essentially propagating a bogus form of the religion that unfortunately taints in image in The West.

"Not Without My Daughter", now that's vile propaganda. Um there is no desert whatsoever surrounding Tehran's airport, but hey, I'm glad they wanted to show the nation as nothing but savages and primitives without any modernity. Where we the Iranian actors in that one (and why was the "bad guy" actor conveniently played by a Hispanic, hmmm?)? Oh wait, no self- respecting Iranian would touch that film with a boomerang!
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When a film turns to the "trendsbian" card, you know it's bad!
20 September 2009
Seriously, what were they thinking? "Hey, let's have Megan Fox play up her no-talent-just-a-pretty-face card as a killer she-demon and throw in trendsbian (girls who claim to be "bisexual" so pathetic dudes can go "Cool!" and make them feel special) scenes because suckers will go see it!" Oh boy, what is this world coming to? Megan Fox will age, guys, just like all the rest of them. Hopefully she'll cope will it in a decent manner and not do anything, "stupid", I'll just say!

This film was boring, obnoxious, and "just another" idiotic teen horror romp with a hip lesbian angle to try to rope in its audience. You would be better off watching water freeze or grass grow to try and have a good time. Or wait for "Transformers 3" if you really are into seeing some hot girl you know you don't have enough money for galavanting on a giant screen!
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This franchise is finally "DONE-DONE-DONE-DA-DONE, DONE-DONE-DONE-DA-DONE!"
22 May 2009
Unbelievably stupid video game of a movie! You just know Hollywood is reaching when they have to take a series like this and try to "resurrect" it by watering it down to PG-13 (Alien vs. Predator, anyone? Another two franchises where every shred of decency became a video game-like mess!) to reach a "wider audience" (as in kids) and sell merchandise. A rapper and a hot girl as protagonists? Seriously?? Wow, you reek of desperation, Hollywood! McG, a music video director? Oh man, that's just the icing on the crap cake! Why is it that whenever they need a Caucasian protagonist for an iconic role, they pick Christian Bale? I guess he's the Caucasian equivalent of Samuel L. Jackson when they need someone of a certain race to fill a cookie-cutter role.

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I Am Legend (2007)
Empty and hollow.
23 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Many, many years ago, this was supposed to have been a James Cameron and Arnold Schwarzenegger film. That evidently fizzled, and somebody though The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air would be good here (probably the same idiot that made him an action hero in the first place). It's not so much that it's Will Smith's fault the movie's just wasn't entertaining in the slightest, it's more like it isn't developed well enough and you neither care no empathize with his character. You almost find yourself rooting for the zombies, who look like they walked out of a Shrek film, the CGI is that horrible! How hard was it to put makeup on some actors and only use CGI for the stunt sequences?? Seriously, there's no need use a CGI character for a close-up of a zombie shrieking! You could have put plenty of New York's homeless in makeup and given them a great working opportunity, and it would have been much cheaper! The story doesn't develop; it's just ANOTHER "New York in peril" story like all the rest of them. For once, I actually find myself wishing a movie was longer so it could have been more fleshed out. Much as you can't just put Johnny Depp's face on an awful film and think everybody and anybody will like it just by default of his association with it, same goes for Will Smith!
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Zodiac (2007)
20 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Boring. Nothing happens. NOTHING! If you're a David Fincher martyr, you'll make yourself like it regardless. No amount of reviews will be able to sway your opinions. Over two and a half hours??? What was gained from that, other than making it dreadful to watch in one sitting? Hence, I broke it up into three nights at about 45 minutes a pop. It's really hard for it to hold your interest at all. Here's a helpful hint - watch it with subtitles on. The dialogue is also way too San Francisco local and the names of too many cities, lakes, streets, counties, and buildings are mentioned too fast and too often that it will make your head spin. Some cool fashions and set design to recreate the late 60's and 70's, that about the only merit this film had. Other than that, let's just say I'm glad I borrowed it from my neighbor instead of spending any hard earned money dragging through this!
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Good escapist effort.
2 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen a few reviews be negative or mediocre and say "it's been done before", but I'm sure these are the same people that give films like Superbad a 10 and say things like "OmG fuNnIeSt MoViE eVeR!". Well guys, a comedy about some underachieving Caucasian guys with bad haircuts trying to get laid has "been done before", to death, in fact. I can't even think about a comedy in the last several years that doesn't have this factor at the central core of it, except sometimes the protagonists are not Caucasians or they happen to be fictional athletes or celebrities yet still pursuing women provides a huge part (if not the only part) of the story. So it's funny how much hypocrisy can thrive on IMDb.

This movie is nothing new or shiny. Yes, it's "just another" revenge flick. But hey, they are fewer and far between in these so-called "sensitive times" of force-fed diversity, political correctness, and overall pussyfooting through life. It's a mean and insensitive film and it was a pleasure to watch. I ever read some subtle hints at class warfare in this. I will say that the shameless plug for Saw (you'll know it when you see it) was pretty silly, but Hollywood is as shameless as they come, after all. Sit back and enjoy. You won't leave the theater smarter, but a lot more satisfied that watching another boy-chases-girl happy ending comedy with cheap sex and bodily functions jokes that are a dime a dozen these days.
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They're STILL dragging out this desperation?
21 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, could a show possibly be on more borrowed time life support?? It's funny that SOOOOOO many people on here say that this film should have come out ten years ago, when it actually would have mattered and could have possibly been funny, because I was thinking the exact same thing! What does that tell you? People have too much emotional attachment to the show to admit that this film is awful. They mindrape themselves into thinking anything and everything with the Simpsons' faces plastered on it is good, much like female fans of Johnny Depp do. If the film was 90 minutes of the Simpsons sitting on the couch and blinking their eyes, they would say "oMg BeSt MoViE eVeR!". How pathetic! Yes, it's been said already many times, but I'm thinking it so I'm saying it; it is straight up a 90 minute episode of the godawful past 11 seasons. Cheap and forced jokes, bowel movement references, lots of obnoxious loud noises, and just plain lame, unfunny nonsense. Topical humor that will be outdated in a few short years, pointless celebrity cameos and references, and anything else catering to the modern pulse. Too bad the generation after us won't relate to any of the humor so that damns the film into not being timeless at all! Hmm, how many borrowed clichés from the show did we see? Marge threatening to leave Homer, Springfield on the brink of disaster, an angry mob, the Simpsons on the run, Homer falling in love with something not human, discord between Bart and Homer, Lisa falling for a boy... I doubt that's all! Desperation has replaced, dignity, guys. Force yourself to like this all you want, you're just embarrassing yourselves! Another poster referred to the type of people who put everything else on hold (like cutting their plans short) on Sundays to watch the horrible new episodes of the show as "Simpsons zombies". I'll take it a step further and say "Simpsons martyrs", as the word martyr is more jarring to Western culture with this so-called "war on terror". Seriously, why not martyr yourselves for a cause more worthwhile, like say stopping the clubbing of baby seals or the shoddiness of Jaguar since Ford took over?

All you die-hard fans who force yourselves to continue liking this misery should go and form Simpsonsbollah!
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Transformers (2007)
An embarrassment!
21 August 2007
I'm not going to say "I'm a huge fan" or "I'm a child of the 80s" because all that is irrelevant. A bad film is a bad film, straight up! Why does a Transformers film need stupid teenagers who wear band shirts running around trying to get laid? WHY? What does it add to the story, other than crude jokes and an excuse to tilt up and down some hot chick's midriff? How about NOTHING! This film should have just been Transformers and the military, that's what we want to see, not bodily fluids being unleashed and cheap sex references so MTV-martyrs can get a laugh! Why all the GM advertising? Are the kids who are going to bug their parents to buy them all the toys going to buy cars after the movie ends, too? Good lord! So Megatron can survive deep space, which is more frigid than we can imagine, but he can't sustain himself in a glacier? Wow Bay, you are so talented! Ever notice a similar theme in every Michael Bay film, that of a Caucasian loser (except the Bad Boys films) trying so hard to score with a few action sequences thrown in? I'm officially boycotting any film with his name attached to it for life. I had my doubts about this, and sure as heck, they manifested before my eyes!
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Seriously, does it even matter if it's good or not?
25 May 2007
What, as if every female in the country ISN'T going to see it at least twice, just because "he's" in it? And are they REALLY going to not like it? Nope. Just like how hardcore Star Wars fans forced themselves the like the prequel trilogy on principle alone, same applies here. Of course it's boring, long-winded, ridiculous and convoluted! The first one wasn't a "good" film by any stretch of the imagination, but it was entertainment and well heck, there really aren't any other pirate films to compare it to. After making a bazillion dollars, they decided a trilogy was somehow needed and they have the actor who could sell used condoms in it, so why not? Again, it doesn't matter in the the slightest, this is a cash cow that Disney is going to milk drier than the southwestern United States! DUH! YO HO, YO HO, A HARDCORE SUCKER IS YOU!
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Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Long-winded, convoluted, overly self-indulgent, yet still entertaining.
8 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I'm going to start by saying that the main gripe I have with all three films is how EVERY SINGLE female in the films is extremely attractive, and how the camera loves showing close ups of them screaming in the most random and pointless ways. What, so if we don't live in New York, we don't have any prayer of knowing what hot women really are? Wow, guess our lives suck! Why are the female scientists conducting the experiment Sandman-to-be "stumbles" upon so hot? Give us a break already, you are trying way too hard Sam and it just makes you looks idiotic! Anyway, the film is way too long at 2 hours and 20 minutes for the ADD-laden and exhausted from being overworked and having too many children American audiences of nowadays, so they should have trimmed it by, oh, 45 minutes and saved themselves $100 million in budget anyway. The action sequences are way, way over the top and blindingly fast at times, thank the maker they just don't have the annoying "oontz-oontz-oontz" techno music of The Matrix films. Three villains in one films? Three words, Sam; BATMAN & ROBIN.

Sam just loves showing how "diverse" New York really is, I think these films have more Asians in them than any film made in an Asian country! Oh Sam, you're so cute for a Democrat! Please go sing in a Southern Baptist church with a faux accent like Hillary! Why did you make Peter emo, Sam, when he turned "dark"? Would you have done the same two years from now when emo inevitably crashes and burns like all other great American trends and nobody admits to adhering to it anymore? I doubt it! Boy, Harry Osborne sure can take a lot of beatings over and over again and not end up dead for a guy with no powers, just fancy equipment! Villains should be evil, Sam. Not guilt-ridden (you are a Democrat, aren't you!), not having any hidden agendas, not just "needing a chance". Make them detestable and ruthless instead of neo-hippies with muscles.

Speaking of, Topher Grace was a horrible choice. Sure, he's recognizable and I suppose attractive to females, but he's skinny. And too boyish. You needed someone with a bodybuilder physique and a bit more dynamic. You might have to look beyond Hollywood for this, but it's not impossible. They got more than enough massive Caucasian dudes to star in 300, for crying out loud! It's entertaining. It's long, has some absolutely deplorable dialogue (gee, here's Aunt May in another scene, what liberal parables will she dish out this time?), and is WAAAAAAAY too MTV-poppy like its predecessors, but hey, it's another film with a classic superhero. It's not Superman Reuturns bad, and it's not Batman Begins great. I'll put it smack-dab in the middle. 7 out of 10. I'm feeling charitable today.
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Ghost Rider (2007)
A comic book film, plain and simple!
21 March 2007
I don't understand why some people even have a pulse. What, you expected Gone With the Wind or Braveheart??? Jesus Christ! This is based off of a comic, yes, one with a ridiculous story to begin with, so obviously it will have a bit of silliness to it and it might not make for a "good" film, but it was plenty entertaining and true to its roots. So don't come in here like a film snob poser critic and be a cool guy with nonsense like "awful story!", "bad acting!", or "dumb plot!"! Go sip your lattes and do your yoga Mr. or Mrs. Wannabe Artist, there's no reason for you to be seeing this film in the first place!!! But hey, I'm sure they appreciate that you donated your money to its overall gross! :)
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Very pleased!
1 July 2006
Oh stop complaining about not "developing" the characters, they already did that for 5 hours over the course of 2 films (at least the key characters, so what about the minor ones?)! It has good action, was very fast paced, and overall was very satisfying! MUCH better than Superman Returns, sorry if you have a Superman tattoo on your body!

I could justify a fourth film, no more beyond that. Four is VERY much pushing it in a series. If they wait a few years, it can be very much anticipated by the public and will likely be a success. Spin-offs, I don't know. We all saw how well Elektra did. Granted, this is of a different caliber, but I can't get too excited no matter who the character is. We'll just have to wait and see!
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At least the opening credits were good.
1 July 2006
What better time to release this, than hot on the heels of Smallville? Why does Lois have a kid??? Because the whole hard working hottie single mom thing is in with Hollywood? How come Lois looks twenty years younger if this took place after the events in Superman II? Was Superman only seventeen when he disappeared for five years? He sure looks it! Why even bother with Ma Kent, a waste of a character? Lex Luthor AGAIN?!? Geez, the guy just never learns! And the twist near the end, painfully stupid and contrived. Of all the nerve! These are some of the burning questions that this utter borefest of two and half hours provides.

At least some of the homages to the first two films were true to form. Thank God they kept the music intact too, no rap or emo! No sequels needed, please!
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D.E.B.S. (2004)
T.r.e.n.d.y G.a.r.b.a.g.e
24 February 2006
There is nothing clever, good, or redeeming about this film. Parody or not, independent film-making or not, it just fails miserably on all levels. Much like every other film playing at multiplexes nowadays, it just has to have a pop song in each scene (they even dig through the '80s a bit, since teens these days act like they know what '80s culture was like), idiotic postmodern outfits like girls wearing loose-fitting ties over tank tops (wow, how sexy), and of course the obligatory lesbian element that has to permeate everything aimed at the young demographic. Last but not least, they excavate the tar pits with a multi-ethnic cast since you simply have to do that nowadays to show false camaraderie between people that given the chance would otherwise destroy each other. Avoid this trend-propagating, falsehood-edifying dreck as best you can. There's always a Disney film around to provide more intellectual stimulation.
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King Kong (2005)
20 December 2005
Where to start... First off, you don't have to force yourself to like this movie just because Peter Jackson directed it. I am really tired of people licking his balls. He is simply NOT a good filmmaker! Any idiot under the sun can adapt already existing material (a book or an old film) and make it a "good" movie if given the right budget. This is not rocket science. Wake up, people! He needs to make a good, original film that is not 70 hours long to truly impress me.

This film, this film! My god, why stop at three hours? Heck, why not go for four? You already bled each and every scene and plot point to death, and used slow motion and that idiotic "sad" chorus that you did in all the LOTR films to try and force the audience to feel pity, what harm is adding another 53 minutes to this film? Apparently studios would open their veins for you just because you're you, so next time be sure to ask. You need to own the world's record for the longest, most tiresome film ever.

You know, I really wanted like the scene where you had Kong fight two T-Rexes instead of one. Kinda made it more interesting (depsite the fact he fought them with one arm, ridiculous!). But when you threw in the third T-Rex, it just made it look like you try too hard sometimes. Siiiigh...

Anyway, I am ecstatic the movie only did slightly above par at the box office and at the Academy Award nominations. This film needs to fail miserably to teach crumbling Hollywood, the parasitic critics, and middle-America a lesson.

Rumor has it John Woo and Peter Jackson are competing for most overrated director to use slow motion the most.
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High Tension (2003)
4 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
It tries, oh lord how it tries! The 70's throwback aspect was great (David Hess is GOD!), the buckets of corn syrup and red food coloring were great, but that Fight Club b.s. with the Texas Chainsaw Massacre spoof towards the end killed it. What kind of cheap, slap in the face payoff is that?!? Is this film meant for the American teen horror crowd, or what? It ends just like ever other trite MTV-laden garbage plaguing us these days. And the poppiness of this film, with hype from, yes, MTV and the rest of the idiot Pied Pipers of the world just make you not want to like it that much more.

The 70's and 80's horror films died out for a reason. Let them rest peacefully, worship them for what they are, and move on.

2 out of 10, just to be charitable.
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7 July 2003

There is NOTHING better this year, so far or to close it out. The King is back to reclaim his throne, and nobody is going to tell him he's too "old" or "tired"! The naysayers must have their perennial foot in their mouths by now! Don't miss it, and bury The Matrix sequels deep and fast! You don't have to be so trendy and force yourself to like them. Really, it's okay!

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X2 (2003)
Like Comparing Empire Strikes Back to A New Hope
10 May 2003
Obviously the first film was just a testing ground to see if the critics and public would take to an X-Men film. With the success the first one had, they went ahead and gave the sequel a much larger budget which is absolutely necessary in a comic book to film translation of this scale. It's as good as you've heard - don't even sit and ponder it, just go and have a great time. And then you can go and flock like the rest of the cattle to the trendy and pretentious Matrix sequel.
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Daredevil (2003)
Ah, middle-American patheticness rises again!
26 February 2003
I have REALLY refrained from giving an opinion here (because I figure it's more trouble than it's worth) but after all these misconstrued reviews of this film on IMDB, I can no longer resist.

First of all, this film is for FANS. Comic book FANS. Not for mall trendies or people who think Scream is a real horror movie. If you're not a FAN, then don't go see it. You won't like it anymore than it wants you to be there (read: YOU'RE MONEY ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH!!!).

Second, comic books and their retellings on film are never meant to adhere to the "laws of physics" via Einstein or any psychological babble via Freud. They are meant to ENTERTAIN, and provide harmless and provacative ESCAPISM. People who beat on this film for any reasons other to entertain the hell out of it's target audience don't know how to be entertained because they won't allow themselves to. Why they even bother with films is beyond me!

And last, I'm sick of people whining over the casting of Ben Affleck. Okay, so he's better looking than you and he's laying in bed with a woman you never will; sorry guys, you just have to cope. They have to cast people like him because it's next to impossible to give women ANY incentive to see films not geared towards them, so the main act has to be someone they adore, i.e. the sexiest man alive according to People Magazine. Because the sad truth is, films are business first, art second.

And I notice how many people here gave Daredevil scathing reviews and didn't hesitate to give Old School complete veneration. Gee, ANOTHER beer-sex-female objectifying film, how original! Why I've haven't seen that premise a billion times over! You must all be very proud of yourselves! Middle-America, give yourselves a trite and and ordinary pat on the back for your adulation of trite and ordinary films!
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Loved it, but the trailers RUINED EVERYTHING!!!
19 July 2001
I'm a HUGE fan of the series: I have enough merchandise from the films to fill up a whole house. So when I saw the banner at Universal Studios Hollywood last summer for this I jumped up and down for so long my girlfriend denied any association with me. Anyway, I waited PATIENTLY for the first TV spots/trailers for this and finally when I saw them I watched them online about 100 times. But then, they kept making more trailers that showed key scenes and quite frankly guys, making a dozen trailers for a 90 minute movie takes any hint of suspense away when you finally see the film! I could literally edit all the trailers together and condensed the entire film into 2 minutes! BAD marketing strategy, guys!

Now I've read hundreds of bad reviews for this film on IMDb, probably from people who got in line for Trailer Park Raider, er, TOMB Raider the day it opened. Guys, why did you even bother? Your complaints all state the obvious: No Spielberg, too short, no story, bad dialogue...which we all agree with. So how about "awesome CGI, great action, fast pacing" and the like? Heck, it is summer, it is a mindless Hollywood venture, so loosen up! Even the soundtrack sans John Williams is still great! It's not as good as the first (what is?), but it does the trick. And if the make a part four, how about setting it in the future with dinosaurs versus mankind to conquer the earth (the budget on that one may get a little out of control).

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The 6th Day (2000)
Arnold's in it.
13 November 2000
That's all you need to know! The best action film of the year! Awesome effects, funny one-liners (as always!) and slam-bangin' stunts like only the man himself can provide! See it with someone you love. ARNOLD IS GOD!!!
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