
7 Reviews
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Pi (1998)
It's survival of the fittest, Max--and we've got the f%#@ing gun.
28 August 1999
First off, Pi is very much a "love-it-or-hate-it" kind of film. I loved it. For me, it was less about the number theory, and more about a base human emotion-paranoia. And, in that sense, the movie was extremely effective. The starkness of the black and white picture, the dizzying camera angles, the techno soundtrack all put the viewer smack in the middle of Max's paranoid world. Overall, this was a worthy effort from a young, first-time film maker. To borrow a phrase from a friend of mine: This may not have been the best film of '98, but it was one of my favorites. Now to my second point: After reading the posts of others who've seen Pi, I was disturbed, and rather offended by some of the oh-so-smug statements condemning people who enjoyed this movie to the status of pretentious, shallow, art-house morons who lacked the intelligence to see the scientific and mathematic flaws. People like that are just as heavy-handed, self-righteous, and annoying as people who accuse others who didn't like this movie (or others like it) of being to stupid to "get it". *Attention* Pi is a work of fiction, NOT a documentary. I, for one, do not walk into a fictional movie expecting to get a completely accurate account.
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Would've rated it higher, but...
28 August 1999
Shakespeare In Love...hmmm...I'm a little torn about this film. On the one hand, I found it to be charming, and full of clever dialogue. The script was impeccable; full of wit. On the other hand, while some seemed to be enchanted with Gwyneth Paltrow's performance, I'm afraid it left me cold. The character was written well, but Paltrow was...well, bland. I never felt a connection with her Viola; she seemed flat and stiff to me. Throughout the film, I kept thinking, "I'll bet so-and-so would've been such a great Viola." I gave Shakespeare In Love a 7 out of 10; this would've been higher if someone else (maybe Sarah Polley or Reese Witherspoon) had portrayed Viola.
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Bloody Awful!
28 August 1999
Alfred Hitchcock is thrashing in his grave over this dreadful remake. Michael Douglas is about the only thing in this movie that isn't unwatchable. Viggo Mortensen has got to be one of the worst actors currently working in Hollywood, and Gwyneth Paltrow is certainly no Grace Kelly. Use your money to rent the original instead.
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Takes my breath away...
28 August 1999
"It's a Wonderful Life"? Forget about it--this is the movie to see over the holidays! I watch it every year, and I never, ever tire of it. "Edward Scissorhands" is, quite simply, one of the most beautiful films I've ever seen, and ranks in the top ten of my all-time favorite movies. If you've never seen it, please rent it this holiday season--it will warm your heart.
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Stand by Me (1986)
a gem
28 August 1999
I really have nothing else to add to all the wonderful comments others have left here, except to say this: This is the one Rob Reiner can truly be proud of--it is his finest work. He got performances out these young actors that were as moving and eloquent as any I've seen from older, more seasoned veterans of film. My glass is raised to you, Rob.
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Rabid (1977)
Surprisingly decent
28 August 1999
I'm a fan of David Cronenberg, so I've gradually been unearthing his earlier work. I watched Rabid last week, and, too my surprise, it was a pretty good B horror flick. Sure, it had plenty of bad acting (though Marilyn Chambers was good-*gasp*), was a bit too long for what it was, and was uneven overall, but I could definitely see the genius that was too come from this very young Cronenberg. Interesting flick--give it a try. **Another interesting note--look for Ivan Reitman's name in the opening credits as a producer**
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Runaway Bride (1999)
25 August 1999
First of all, I want to let everyone know that I did not choose to see this movie; in fact, I never had any desire to see this movie. Second, I have never been a fan of Julia Roberts; I find her to be a one-note actress, at best. Given that, you could say that my expectations for this movie were pretty dismal. This is the part where I'm supposed to say something like, "...but, to my surprise, I was thoroughly entertained." Well...I'm not going to say anything remotely similar to that. I hated this flimsy, fluffy, completely predictable movie! Weak plot, stiff acting, wasted Joan Cusack...all in all, a complete mess, and a complete waste of my time. BTW, this is the last time I get railroaded into seeing a movie that I'm not interested in seeing. YUCK!
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