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Mean Girl Murders (2023– )
This IS a Show About Murders, Right?
14 April 2024
I could barely stomach one episode of this. I realize there's a bit of morbid voyeurism involved with watching just about anything to do with true crime, and that could even be said about watching the news at times.

However, watching this show felt more like watching an episode of VH1's "I Love The 80s" or something similar. The levity involved is disturbing. It's a show about someone's daughter being murdered, but some of the people being interviewed make it sound more like the latest gossip that we as the viewer now get to be privy to.

Mainly it's the "experts" they interview, if that's what they even are, who seem to be smirking throughout and saying pointless things that everyone already knows like, "mean girls are known for singling out and ostracizing other girls."

This is what was reminiscent of I Love The 80s. These people reminded me of the comedians and actors they bring in to add humourous commentary to what would otherwise be a boring segment about the Rubik's Cube. Except this isn't a Rubik's Cube. This was someone's life. This was someone's baby girl, no matter how mean they ended up being as a teen.

I found it disgusting that not only could the showrunners not treat this subject with at least some gravity, but they go as far as seemingly making light of it in that we all now get to be entertained by what happened. It's horrendous in my opinion, and I wish Max would stop recommending this show to me. I've been trying to forget it exists.
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Hot Mess House (2020– )
A System That Makes Sense
23 August 2021
I first discovered Cas on youtube. Before that I had been overwhelmed with the clutter that had piled up since having children. I had tried other organizing books, etc. Before, but nothing stuck. Everything would soon pile up again. Thanks to Cas I realized I wasn't organizing according to MY style. Once I realized I was a ladybug and bought the appropriate storage, it's been easy to stick with. Her Clutterbug system is genius, but so simple. Once you know which style you are, you quickly become familiar with which storage and organization systems will actually work for you and which to avoid because you won't stick with it. It doesn't hurt that there are many Pinterest boards dedicated to the four different clutterbug categories.

So when I saw she got her own show, I was elated. Her system SHOULD be spread far and wide. Not only will she help the families on the show, but also the viewers. I love watching her help people reorganize their spaces as it gives me new ideas for my spaces. I also like the addition of Wendell. His storage designs are amazing. I really hope to see more episodes and seasons.
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HouseBroken (2021–2023)
Get Past The First Episode
29 June 2021
It seems like so many people review after just watching the pilot episode of a show. I wasn't impressed with the pilot, but the show grew on me after a couple more episodes. It might not be raunchy or in your face like Family Guy or Southpark, but does every animated sitcom have to be? In my opinion it's more along the lines of Bob's Burgers. More lowkey while still entertaining, and the characters for the most part care about each other. I like how the stories are told from the animals' perspectives. I'm also liking the characters more with each episode as we get to know them.
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Malika the Lion Queen (2021 TV Special)
Wokeness Comes to Nature Shows
6 April 2021
Interesting story, but seems as much about belittling the male gender than about nature. While it's true that female lions do the hunting, the show uses this as an excuse to make negative blanket statements about males in general.

Also, I realize they've made a story out of footage of a lion pride from one female's point of view, but I found the narration irritating at times for being so presumptuous as to what the lions are thinking. It made me miss nature shows where the narrator simply narrated observations about the animals. We can all make assumptions about what an animal is thinking or feeling, and on the surface many are probably accurate in this show such as longing for touch or being hungry since we can surmise that from mere observation. However, I'm going to go on a limb and say that I doubt female lions list "fighting the patriarchy" high on their priority list, which seems to be the main message presented here. I am a female, in case that matters, and am so tired of entertainment coming with an agenda.

In conclusion, beautiful footage, but ripe with the divisive brainwashing so prevalent in entertainment today, unfortunately.
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Call Me Kat (2021–2023)
I've come to really like it
29 January 2021
To be fair, I didn't realize it was based on a British show, so I can see how people are complaining that it's not the same. I'll have to watch the original, but in the meantime, I really like the character of Kat. Admittingly, in the first ten minutes of the first episode, I was really annoyed with her turning to the camera seemingly every 10 seconds. After the first episode though, it's not as often and becomes more natural to the flow of the show.

I noticed people are complaining about Kat's confidence and enthusiasm when the original character of Miranda is apparently more awkward and insecure. While I can understand that, I like that Kat is confident. She's a 39 year old woman who owns her own business and knows who she is, while remaining approachable and imperfect. It's a welcome change in my opinion as the awkward shy character who blossoms has been done many times already.

Also, American sitcoms have just always been different than British shows. I love that British shows tend to have more character development and usually a very defined story to the season because a season (or series as they say) is usually only 6 episodes. American sitcoms go for over 20 episodes a season most of the time and are more about making us laugh and escape for a half hour than they are about engrossing us in someone's struggle. Both have their place and can be very enjoyable.

I'll probably enjoy Miranda when I get to watching it, and perhaps my opinion on Kat will change, but for now I really like this show. The lightheartedness is a welcome escape from reality nowadays, the jokes make me laugh, and as a side note, I also like the atmosphere, set design, and architecture. The building that houses Kat's home and business is inviting and has very cool features.
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Little (I) (2019)
If The Trailer Made You Laugh, So Will The Movie
12 April 2019
This won't be an in depth review. This is in case people are judging by the currently low stars. I'm wondering if those those people actually saw the movie because I laughed the whole time, as did all the other people in the crowded theater i was in.

Yeah, there's been other movies with similar plots, but this was a fresh and modern take without being over the top pc like so much of what comes out of Hollywood today. Rather than be lectured by a movie, I want to take a break from my own responsibilities, be entertained,and in this case laugh. This did that.

I was incredibly impressed by Marsai Martin. I was very surprised at how seamlessly she stepped into the grown character and made it feel like I was really watching the mini version of the character I'd just seen Regina Hall playing.

If you're debating, just go see it.
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Flip or Flop (2013–2022)
Gets to the Point
27 November 2018
I just started watching this and I love it. I love houses, architecture, and learning about renovation. The thing that usually turns me off about most of these types of shows is the added, often very contrived, drama. This show gets to the point. They buy a house, they fix it up, and then they sell it.

Maybe I'm just weird in that I tune in for the houses, not the people. I couldn't care less about their personalities, what they're wearing, or how their relationship is holding up. I'm more interested in whether or not they tear out built in shelving, which colors scheme they choose and why, etc.

Yeah, there's the occasional problem they weren't anticipating, but it doesn't get turned into a 10 minute soap opera because the show is only 30 minutes (another plus in my opinion). If I want to watch drama, which I sometimes do, I wouldn't be turning on a home and garden program. That's what 90% of the rest of TV is for.
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Will & Grace (1998–2020)
It Gets Better ....Never mind
17 March 2018
I wrote a positive review before because it seemed like they were laying off the heavy handedness with the constant Trump bashing, which is unoriginal and just lazy. I tuned in to laugh, not be told what my opinions should be.

There are definitely some funny parts, but after just watching an episode where Jack is in a room with a bunch of other whiny people fighting over who's the most oppressed, I'm done.

Telling a bunch of people who live in America and have more opportunity to make something of themselves than over 90% of the rest of the world that they should feel like a victim because of their race, sexual orientation, gender, etc. is getting so old. Promoting a whiny victim mentality doesn't help anyone.
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The War at Home (2005–2007)
Very Funny
7 May 2006
I caught this show while I was waiting for Family Guy to come on and I was pleasantly surprised by its up to date wit and humor. Michael Rappaport does an awesome job as the worrisome dad and the other actors in the family do a fantastic job as well. I also enjoy when the neighbor kid who is the oldest son's friend is on. The parents crack me up because even though they show concern for their kids, they are, in my opinion, a more realistic example of parents these days. They're definitely not the Waltons, but they aren't as uncaring as say the Bundys either. It's a nice balance that I find refreshing and entertaining.
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funniest movie ever
29 December 2000
"Son, you got a panty on your head."

Every time I see this movie, I laugh like I did the first time I saw it. As soon as you hear the "theme yodel" in the beginning, you can get the jist of the movie. I knew who Nicolas Cage and Holly Hunter were because of this movie. My favorite part is the cop chase.

I highly recommend this movie for anyone that loves to laugh.
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X-Men (2000)
Better than I expected.
19 July 2000
I have been a fan of the X-MEN comic and cartoon for years and when I heard they were finally making the movie, I was kinda worried after seeing how disappointing some of the other comic book based movies came out. >

Well, I was pleasantly surprised at how well this movie turned out overall. I felt that they really got the main point of what X-MEN is about across to the audience. Hopefully, with the sequel(s), there will be more character background now that the foundation is laid.

As for the acting, Hugh Jackman stole the show as Wolverine. Patrick Stewart and Ian Mckellen(?) were both awesome as Professor X and Magneto. Famke Jansen and James Marston were pretty good in their roles as Jean Grey and Cyclops even though they had little to work with (although her hair should have been redder). Anna Paquin was ok as Rogue. She wasn't very good at a southern accent and it was gone by the end of the movie.

I don't know what they were thinking by having Halle Berry play Storm. Like many other people, I had imagined Angela Bassett in that role. She is a superb actress and could easily convey the inner strength that Storm is supposed to have. They could have at least had someone who looked a little more like the part like Vivica Fox or maybe Vanessa L. Williams (since Storm does have blue eyes when they are not all white). And in this day of special effects and makeup, you would think that they could have made her hair look at least somewhat realistic.

Another thing I was somewhat disappointed with is how the female X-MEN were always either getting their butts kicked or being rescued, when one of the things that attracted me to the comic was the presence of strong female characters. I wonder how or if Rogue will have her other powers (she gets from Ms. Marvel in the comics) in the sequel.

As for the other villains, I felt they were all pretty good at playing their parts. Although, out of all the villains in the comics, why Toad?

Some characters I would like to see in the sequel(s) are Nightcrawler, Psylocke (why not Tia Carrere), Gambit, Beast, and more of Kitty Pryde.
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