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The Outer Limits (1995–2002)
Think like a Dinosaur
19 April 2003
I've only seen about 20% of the Outer Limits series. Some episodes are great, others just mediocre. However, "Think like a Dinosaur" stands in a league of its own. Never have I thought so much about an episode of a sci-fi series. The greatest aspect of this episode is its ability to elicit intense introspection; to imagine yourself in the protagonist's shoes and know you must make such a difficult decision. The clear, warming humanity of the "unbalanced equation" is overwhelming, which is why the choice is so painful. The ending still gives me chills. Imagine what the protagonist must be feeling when he sees her again. This episode is a brilliant depiction of morality and ethics clashing with science. I haven't yet seen the topic handled better.
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Boring Fluff
1 January 2003
Spielberg needs to stick to the ideas that were used in A.I. and Minority Report and stay away from this light, fluffy nonsense. CMIYC is watchable and has a few amusing moments, but overall I found it uninteresting and very superficial. I live in Boston and couldn't tell Hanks was trying to use a MA accent; what an awful performance. I would not recommend paying more than $6 to see this movie.
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Memento (2000)
A mental whirlwind
5 June 2001
WOW. Immediately after I saw this movie, I bought another ticket for the next show and went through an entirely new experience. You absolutely have to see this movie at least two times. There are so many tiny hints and clues that you have no way of picking up on the first time through. I don't think I've ever seen a movie that made me think as hard as I did while viewing it.

Incredibly innovative and clever, Memento is one of the best movies I've seen. It did such a brilliant job of putting us right beside the main character, making us believe him because we don't know any better, yet when the movie's over you look back and come to a logical conclusion that was so vastly different from what you started out with. In a way, the viewer is deceived and manipulated and I love that. 10/10 (which I've given to only 4 other movies)
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4 June 2001
The only good thing about this movie was seeing the three gorgeous women prance around in various costumes. Other than that, the plot was monotonous, predictable, lifeless and boring, and the action sequences, although somewhat entertaining, heavily ripped off other movies, especially the Matrix.
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The funniest and worst movie ever made
27 January 2001
Do you want to laugh non-stop at the most ridiculous and comical movie ever made? I "think" The Daring Dobermans was intended to be a serious movie, but please please don't watch it that way. If you can look at it as a joke, the movie is extremely entertaining. Otherwise, don't waste your time as this is by far one of the worst movies I've seen.
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The Patriot (2000)
3 July 2000
By far one of the most disappointing movies I've ever seen. I was expecting so much after all the hype and the good reviews I had seen by so many other people. This movie fails in so many ways: There was way too much extraneous footage;It could have easily been an hour shorter. So many of the scenes were so cheesy. They tried to make them sentimental or emotional and it just plain failed e.g. the scene where Mel's youngest daughter starts crying, "I'll say anything you want just don't go." It felt so fake. The dialogue was poorly written also. The only well done scene in the whole movie IMO was when Mel goes after and slaughters the 20 red coats. That was the only scene that can even be partially compared to the greatness of BraveHeart.
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Inventive and original
2 August 1999
The Blair Witch Project had some pretty chilling moments. Some people in the theater were disappointed at the ending because the witch or whatever other horror was stalking the film students was never revealed. I thought the ending could have been a little better, but I liked the element of ambiguity and think that it adds to the terror of the movie. Being an avid woods man, I was annoyed with the stupidity of the students and how they handled their situation, but I guess it was necessary in order for the movie to work. Using the 16mm film added an incredible element of realism to the movie. This in my opinion was the movies strongest asset. The movie feels so believable that many people in the theater actually thought they were watching real, authentic footage. The Blair Witch Project was an interesting movie, and if one allows themselves to become one of the campers and accept what is happening on screen, the movie is pretty darn chilling.
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stupid humor
30 July 1999
A ridiculous movie about two utter morons, A Night at the Roxbury had a few amusing moments. However, The main characters' repulsive behavior ruined any humor there was to be found. The only time I'd recommend this movie is if you are with a bunch of friends, and you are really in the mood to laugh while you are making fun of a movie for its stupidity.
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Blade (1998)
30 July 1999
Blade had a pretty simplistic plot and mediocore acting. However, for an action/fighting film, the battle scenes were done exceptionally well. They reminded me a lot of The Matrix, which in my opinion has the best actions scenes of any movie. The atmosphere was dark and fit the movie well, also like The Matrix. If you enjoyed The Matrix, then you will definitely like Blade.
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"War is Hell."
23 July 1999
An awsome depiction of the unimaginable horrors of war, Saving Private Ryan is a visual masterpiece. The opening scene of carnage and slaughter should slice through even the most imperturbable viewer. Sometimes I try to tell myself that I would have been strong enough to witness the atrocities of war without breaking down, but after seeing this movie, which so artfully put the viewer in the thick of the battlefield, I know with certainty that, God forbid, if I had to endure what these WWII veterans went through, my mind would have shattered into thousands of pieces that to this very day I would still be trying to put back together.
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mesmerizing, raw look at racism
21 July 1999
I always know a movie is good when I can't stop thinking about it even a few days after I've seen it. American History X is one of the more intense, riveting dramas I've ever had the pleasure of watching. Edward Norton's performance was breathtaking, and it puzzles me why he isn't casted more often. This movie totally disillusioned me and showed just how incomprehensible a true racist's mind is. I still can't shake the last, dramatic and shocking scene from my mind. It was one of the few times I've wept openly during a movie, and it shows the absolute futility of unconditional hate. This movie isn't for the emotionally immature. If you're not going to take it seriously, don't bother watching it. However, for all those strong enough to handle the emotions, this movie should be a jaw-droping, eye-opening rollercoaster of passion and drama.
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Heathers (1988)
Wicked satire
21 July 1999
Heathers has some of the best youth typical stereotypes I've ever seen on film. The dumb jocks, the nerds, the college frat boys, the "loser" rejects of high school, the "popular" crowd. All are portrayed brilliantly. I didn't really like the movie the first time I saw it, but I was very young and didn't understand half of the humor. If you are in a cynical mood then see the movie, and you will laugh at the pathetic aspects of teenage society, which are greatly overemphasized, but masterfully depicted, in the movie
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Great Stereotypes...bad ending
15 July 1999
I saw Can't Hardly Wait last night. The movie is obviously aimed at the "general" teenage group. I was pretty amused by the exaggerated stereotypes. The nerds were well depicted as were the gossipy, provocative women. Having gone to wild parties in my high school days, I could personally relate to a lot of what went on in the movie, which made it a more entertaining experience. With only about 5 minutes left in the movie, I was feeling very satisfied and was glad I stayed up extra late to watch it. However, I was very disappointed in the last scene, and in my opinion it slightly tainted the movie. Stuff like that never happens, and this entire movie and all the humor it brings is based on realistic, no matter how exaggerated, aspects of our youthful society.
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Do people really understand the satire?
9 July 1999
I will admit I am not a big fan of South Park. I've only seen about 4 tv episodes, and I don't find the crude humor that amusing. So as you can imagine, I wasn't expecting that much out of the movie when my friend dragged me into the theatre. After watching the movie, I am still not really a South Park fan, although there was something about the movie that was both impressing and disturbing. South Park is an incredibly sardonic, cynical movie. The entire film is basically poking fun at our society in recent times. A logical parallel can be drawn between the plot of the movie, and our nation's attack on violence in the media. While the teenagers in the theatre laugh at crass remarks such as the Uncle $@%!# song, do they realize that they are symbolizing the very objects that the makers of the movie are so heavily poking fun at? If one realizes this, it is very amusing, and for me was probably the funniest part of the movie, however I am afraid that the majority of the kids seeing this movie do not realize that they are laughing at themselves and other controversial parts of our society that so many of us share.
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Fancy graphics do not save all movies.
9 July 1999
While the use of computer graphics was fairly impressive in Wild Wild West, the movie failed horribly in plot development and scripting. Wild Wild West was just unable to meet the expectations set by The Matrix and Starwars. It was unoriginal, the action scenes were not at all impressive, and about 90% of the better scenes were shown in the previews. I think I would have enjoyed the movie more if it came out a couple years ago, or at least before The Matrix, which in my opinion puts almost all other sci/fi-action movies to shame.
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