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travesty - i think fox is paying people to inflate the ratings
27 May 2006
This movie is sadly disappointing, one of those things I wish we could unmake. It takes the fantastic x-men universe built over 40 years and through Bryan Singer's two movies and feeds it mercilessly to the Hollywood standard formula, without regard or respect to the ideas that makes X-Men endlessly intriguing. The conflicts of philosophy between Prof. X, Magneto, humans of various views show us that every side has its story and that there is no simple solution. X-Men: The Last Stand takes a giant dump on this beautiful conflict and simplifies everything to a thin gruel. The cure is absurdly handled, it hints at "choice" but never consequences, and motivates action without contemplation. It alters and betrays the very ideas that makes X-Men entertaining, awe-inspiring, thought-provoking.

It's interesting that on this opening night, there is a 7.9 rating, with a preposterous amount of 10's, with the top-ranked reviews ranking it very favorably, only to be followed by a sea of bad reviews. Does this seem a bit suspicious to anyone?

Anyway, it's a shame, on so many levels.
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Stealth (2005)
Thoughtless, but entertaining in a non-insulting way (that's good)
30 July 2005
Stealth is devoid of higher thinking (or maybe any thinking at all). However it has couple of good things going for it:

1. Special effects are well-used. the planes and missiles and explosions rock. the dog fights do not rely on editing but are given a good effort.

2. Yes the premise is dumb - we assume correctly it would not be supported by thoughtful investigation into the mechanics behind the artificial pilot. However, the movie recognizes this fact and does not pretend to have given the matter much thought. It is straight and honest, though still mindless. But hey, that's alright sometimes.

3. The story is simple, but not linear - and that counts for a lot in a movie of this type, because it is unexpected and not required. Stealth has moments where it feels like an epic, albeit a mind-free one.

4. Have you noticed that it's often better to imply a romantic sentiment between the main characters rather than slamming it in your face, especially in an action movie which has precious little time to develop the relationship to begin with? You haven't? Uh that's not good... Anyway, Stealth doesn't kid us with a hasty obligatory romance but gives its characters some room to maneuver between inter-pilot and inter-personal relationships. What was the last summer popcorn movie you can remember that similarly uh, respected our intelligence? I am giving Stealth a lot of credit here. Let's just say if it insulted my intelligence, I was happy to let it slide this time because I was having a good time.

5. Ultimately Stealth is entertaining from beginning to end. It "respects" our intelligence by not appearing to be smarter than dumb. Stupid is less stupid when it doesn't pretend.

I hope you give this movie a chance, and notice how it differs in the formula and execution from what you may have anticipated and from other mindless summer blockbusters.

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What is the scariest thing you can think of?
7 August 1999
I used to be quite afraid of the dark. I was afraid of what might be lurking in its depth. Sometimes I would let my imagination run and let it dream up that unseen terror. I can't remember what all I conjured up in my imagination, but I can remember how scared I had made myself.

The Blair Witch Project did an effective job of tapping into this realm of my psyche. It gave me a place to contemplate and imagine what was so terrifying out there in the darkness, to imagine what would be so frightening to me. It gave me everything to do this - the situation, the setting, the myth, people whose mental state I can understand, the noises in the night, and of course, the dark. It gave me everything except the visualization of the horror and left room for me to imagine it. It didn't visually show me, but gave me all the tools to dream up that which scares me the most. And that is truly frightening.

What is the scariest thing you can think of? I would venture to say everyone would have a different answer. The Blair Witch Project doesn't try to paint it for you, but instead hands you the palette and brush. Those who take and use the brush will have the most fun and scare out of this movie.
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Beyond the Mind's Eye (1992 Video)
timeless, even in the realm of computers
25 July 1999
even though the technology now is way beyond what was possible in 1992, Beyond the Mind's Eye is a landmark work of computer animation and imagination. Its artfulness, beauty, and thoughtfulness will remain. wonderful music by Jan Hammer help to make each segment unique and enduring.

Beyond the Mind's Eye - indeed.
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25 July 1999
...that is the first word that comes to mind when ID4 is mentioned. And this even works on several levels.

(1) i am software engineer (and good one at that), and i find the idea of taking down the entire alien defensive matrix by uploading some joe-6-pack virus to be beyond, well, stupid. And with a Mac, no less! Most porn sites on the internet have more security than the aliens. Maybe someone uploaded a plot-retardant virus into the script during filming.

(2) Actually, i would have found the virus bit to be lighthearted, ironic, or funny IF the rest of the movie was in the least say, appealing, or personable. But that was clearly too much to ask. The conversations were predictable, cliche, and forced. The story tried to pack in romance, religion, family values, patriotism, conspiracy, and the kitchen sink and did a horrible job on every aspect.

(3) There were some redeeming qualities to this movie. The suspense at the beginning was appreciated. However, the resolution (as in the rest of the movie) was rather preditable and boring. and uh... well that's about it.

This movie is once again another mindless plug-and-chug of notable actors and special effects into the Hollywood summer-movie formula (hey, at least

Armageddon was kinda entertaining). lucrative it may be, but automatically make a decent movie it does not.
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Dragon Lord (1982)
fun, meaning, and nostalgia in silliness
25 July 1999
This movie is bufoonery! and I loved it! The "dragon lord" (Jacky Chan) and his buddy, "cowboy", totally made the movie fun, meaningful, and just plain silly. The movie is a rare blend of a good vs. evil fight and (somehow) the wonders and fun that is growing up. Long Shao Ye takes the viewer through the daily activities of the young "dragon lord" (so named because he is the son of a wealthy family) and "cowboy", which include implementing clever, elaborate ways to escape studying (with the help of the entire household, including the tutor), competing in rather boyish (and idiotically interesting) ways to gain the affection of a local girl, competing in "soccer" (you will see what i mean) and the list goes on. Somehow they find themselves in the midst of a fight to save the a shipment of valuable antiques and the lives of several people.

The movie has its serious moments. But they do not depress, but rather inspire. The playfulness of the boys are not lost in this exchange, but is actually employed against evil. What I really loved about this movie is how it ends. Not the typical confrontation (which in itself was awesome), but well, you'll see. Let me just say it truly captures the spirit of the movie.

silly, witty, meaningful, and nostalgic. great movie.
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Keep Cool (1997)
The movie that packs the feel of an entire city
23 July 1999
I was born in Beijing, China and moved to the United States at the age of 9. Been home to Beijing several times since and loved it each time. One of the many things I love about Beijing is the people and the ambiance they bring to the city. "You hau hao hao shuo" (which translate more accurately to "if you have something to say, say it nicely") delightfully and truthfully captures that feeling of Beijing. I suppose you would have to have lived in and kinda understood Beijing and its people to get the most out of this movie, though you might enjoy it regardless.

> The story is not complicated, intentionally kinda quirky, and captivating. I will leave it to unfold by itself and not tell you too much except some comments. Each detail, from the pictures on the wall, to the decorations, the streets, and restaurants feels like home. (Zhang Yimou most likely shot everything "on location") But more importantly, the characters - our "hero", the girl, the kind-hearted but unfortunate "laptop man", and the night club owner are each native to Beijing and lovable in their distinct ways. Their conversations really capture the essence of each character. The story, mostly driven by situations and conversation (save the brilliant bafoonery near the end) is intriguing and always interesting.

> I am 21 now. My parents and I love this movie. We are always so amazed by Zhang Yimou's ability to transform ordinary people into believable screen characters, and everyday life into extraordinary situations.

"keep cool" - different. hilarious. meaningful.
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The Game (1997)
David Fincher and polarity
22 July 1999
The Game is unusual. Very few movies succeeds in encapsulating such a compelling plot that consciously subverts the intellect. After watching the entire movie and thinking back on the various situations, it would at first seem rather unlikely given the ending. I like to offer this: there is more than meets the eye. Perhaps a little "movie magic", if you will. I leave it at that.

It's hard to believe that David Fincher also directed Alien 3. I pull my hair out in frustration over that folly (read my review for "Alien^3" to understand). But i applaud The Game. it is a movie that so effectively conveys the mood, fear, and every twist.
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Sopyonje (1993)
powerful and unforgettable touch
20 July 1999
Sopyonje brought me to my knees before a tradition that previously was unknown to me - pansori. The power, tenderness, and pain that lies in art, in life, longing, and the music was conveyed in full force and with beauty. I couldn't directly understand the Korean words (subtitled) that were spoken or the songs that were sung, but i could feel and was in awe of the emotions especially in the second half of the movie. I can still hear the melodies, voice, and the drum.
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Dreams (1990)
a simple revelation
20 July 1999
there are so many things i love about this movie. One of them is the simplicity of each story. I still do not understand all of them, but each leaves me with different thoughts and ideas. Each story is quite different from the others, except for the central character, who appears in many stories in a sort of an observer. what is the connection between each seemingly independent story? and why does the main character feel like he is in third person? I wondered about this for a while, and then I remembered the title...
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Aliens (1986)
marines, firebats, and a thousand hydralisks
20 July 1999
It's been more than ten years since I first saw the movie (when it scared the gall bladders out of a 11 year kid). Now i am 21 and Aliens still moves, inspires and frightens me. The marines with their pulse rifles and flamethrowers standing ground and firing away before the rushing swarm of a thousand vicious, armor-plated, acid-spewing creatures truly brings out the insanity and horror of their direst of situations. Yet Ripley and the marines never backs down or gives up. Even more beautifully ironic is the fact that a little girl, Newt, managed to survive, equipped only will and wit. This is the region in the human spirit that screams survival, adaptation, and "never give up".
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It's the journey that matters sometimes
20 July 1999
what in the world was that movie all about? where is the plot? where is the conflict?

you might be asking these questions after viewing stranger than paradise. I was. but even then, i couldn't help the feeling that i enjoyed the movie, somehow. A few months later, when the movie came back to mind, i couldn't stop laughing in my cubicle at work. perhaps i was asking the wrong questions before.

movies are often a reflection of ourselves and our lives. we have come to accept (and expect) plot, conflict, something out of the ordinary in order to achieve that. Stranger than Paradise just does it a little differently. A tribute to Ozu's filmmaking (check out Tokyo Story, which was mentioned in this movie) and his style of showing a section of life, as we know it. It does try to achieve a conflict / resolution, but more of a familiar state of mind. It is as mundane and as intriguing (at the same time) as everyday life itself.
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