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A promising movie with distasteful ending
24 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I haven't read the book, so I can't offer an opinion on its content. It might present a different narrative. However, I found the film problematic, especially the ending. The issue isn't with the acting-which is quite good-or the production quality, but with the concept itself. (I've learned it's a remake, which is puzzling.) When did it become acceptable in a mainstream film to eliminate everyone in your path to claim someone else's child just because you lost your own, without any consequences?

At one point, I was genuinely intrigued by the film's ambiguous depiction of the mental states of the two mothers. However, it turned out to be a distasteful joke at the expense of the audience's empathy. It seems Anne Hathaway's character became unhinged for no discernible reason or internal conflict. This twist ruined the film's tone. The ending is disappointingly cheap and lacks artistry. It feels like a waste of time for everyone involved.
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sour milk alright
13 March 2010
I don't understand why this movie was nominated for the Oscar (which is the only reason i decided to check it out, and I've seen four of the Oscar nominees of this year). the movie was so painfully slow (yet it's going nowhere) and uninteresting. a movie about a girl with a potato grows in her virgina? were film critics aroused by the idea of it while voting?! Peru looked equally unattractive and culturally bleak (weddings after weddings) as a country as the movie itself. if any competition has to have some bad ones to make the good ones look good, this movie did its job admirably. American Academy wanted us to believe, with all the movies made all over the world outside the US. this is one of the five best movies to be acknowledged? i don't know if that is arrogance or insult to film makers/artists all over the world or what.
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A well deserving Oscar
12 March 2010
This is a wonderful, wonderful movie! Easily the best movie I've seen this year.

The German's 'white ribbon' was unwatchable. (one of the worst foreign films Oscar nominees I've seen, over-hyped and so undeserving). French's 'A prophet' is good. But it's like a 'prison break' meets the 'God Father'. I can't say it's too original and some part of it was just not very interesting. But this one is outstanding. It's bitter-sweet and masterfully done. it's one of those movies leave you speechless in silence after the end credits. I highly recommended to everyone who loves movies with a great depth.
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this movie is a pile of cow manure
7 February 2010
I watched this movie because it was the winner of the palm d'or. (which casted serious doubt on my mind the value of such an endorsement) I think it's the same reason why the movie was nominated and won the golden globe and now was nominated (and probably will win) the Oscar. But it didn't change the fact to me that this is the worst movie I've seen in the past year (unwatchable is an understatement). I'm wondering how many people actually have seen it before they handed out the best picture vote to it? Because it's been winning awards (so it must be good)? Because it tried to look like Ingram burgman? (but it's not even on the same level). It's a make something out of nothing kind of movie. a story with no resolution or a reason to be told in the first place. It's a dumb movie and a waste of time. I like German films, but this one stinks badly.

(post Oscar comment) academy wasn't blind after all. i'm so happy that they didn't just hand over the award to this movie. also the awards for best directing and movie 'hurt locker' were the most deserving!
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The Class (2008)
such an unpleasant waste of time
16 August 2009
i didn't feel like watching this movie (could tell that from the trailer already) at all if not for those awards, and after watched it for 1/2 hour, I turned it off and concluded that Golden Palm award was a joke. this movie was made to irritate. it's a pile of crap imitating art. if that's a typical French high school, I felt sorry (and pity) for them, but please do not waste my or other's time to watch your broken sorry ass education system. Displine your kids first! then teach them. I don't understand why they let it go so far. there is a reason in laws for age of consent, because often it's wrong to treat 13-17 year old kids as adults and let them have all the freedom they don't even understand the responsibilities come with it. there is no authority, no respect in that classroom. it's silly, just watch 1/2 hour of this movie you'll know what i meant. but why wasted time making movies like this, when you as an adult, a parent, a teacher, and a society can do something to create an appropriate and fair learning environment for all students? how can a system went from being so strict to such a chaos in one generation? but regardless, this movie is awful to watch, i absolutely hated it.
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Eli Stone (2008–2009)
a rare gem on network TV
28 November 2008
I've never rated a TV show but every now and then, a special one came along that changed my perception of trashy network TV. I didn't watch this show when it was aired, I watched it on the DVD release, and to my own surprise, I finished the complete Season one! To my opinion, first half of the season one is among the best shows I've ever seen came out from Network and Cabled TV. They are even better than most movies I've seen nowadays, and with a better price: free. I liked the show because it has all the qualities are not generally found in a TV show: well written and acted, clever and touching at the same time, and it rings truth and did make one think after watching it. Yes, I noticed it's a little Alley Mcbealish and that lost some of my rating for originality, however, it offered more emotional depth. I can't see this is a show that can be aired for seasons. It's a show with quality, not quantity. I'd rather to see it end soon and remain as one of my favorites, instead of sliding back to the trashy network formula.
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Blame it on Alzheimers in this case.
22 November 2008
it's amazing how GREED can easily turn once talented (no more for sure after this one) film makers to make yet another soulless trashy sequel after 27 years to ruin its own legendary cinema icon. Those people thought this movie is not that bad need to have their heads checked by a doctor immediately. other than a stupid script, 27 years is a long time and a lot had happened in cinema for the special effect advancement. Comparing this movie with the original ones and said it's not that bad is just an example of how many lazy people are sitting around on their thumbs. This movie has no soul and no charm! It's a sad, old, over the hill Indinan Jones (and Lucas) tried to cash in their last Las Vegas shows. If an artist stopped being creative, it's a hint to stop and do something else that at lease does not involve wasting everyone's time. But some people just don't get it. Blame it on Alzheimers in this case.
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Funny Games (2007)
one of the worst movies in 2007
13 September 2008
why why why? that's the question to ask. why would anyone want to make a re-make of this movie? it's easily one of the worst movie choice by Naomi Watts, she is the executive producer of the movie, but for a shot by shot remake for a movie which is torturous to watch, what are you thinking girl? there's really not much i can say about this movie excepts the obvious lack of talents of the film maker (Michael Haneke specifically). that's the only explanation for making this movie: to mock those who are stupid enough to pay to watch it (yes, including myself). you think the knife left the boat will do something? no, it won't. you think they will be fine at the end? no, they won't. you think we are not going to blow up the kid? well, think again. you think Anne would finally fight back and kick their ass? i'm going to rewind and not let you have that satisfaction. haha funny eh? No! and FXXK YOU! Michael Haneke.
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Black Book (2006)
An instant classic!
23 December 2007
It's one of those movies I expected the least and surprised me the most, and it's always such a delight when it happened. This is one of the best movies I've seen in 2007. I didn't realize it's in Dutch till later (I thought it was a German movie because I recognized one of the actors from 'the lives of others', another favorite of mine in 2007). With no familiar faces in the movies, it has the look and feel of old classics. It's almost a pitch perfect movie except I personally felt the last 30 minutes could be a bit more taut. I have been avoiding Nazi/Jews movies in the past few years because I've seen so many and am tired of that kind of depressing stories, but the human conditions and emotions in this movies are so universal and relevant it drew me in. It's depressing, thrilling, and uplifting at the same time. There is no black and white morality in it and it is respectful to viewers' intelligence. It has the most memorable and lively and strong female character I haven't seen in movies for years. Many people compared this movie to 'Lust, Caution', I haven't seen it but already know it can't be better than this one, even I'm a big fan of Ang Lee. I wish people could pay more attention to good film like this, instead of honoring pretentious and melodramatic craps like 'atonement' that sort.
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Atonement (2007)
not a very good movie!
29 November 2007
there are many problems with this movie for me to recommend it. all i can say is it has a good intention to be a good movie but sometimes that's just not enough. it's almost trying too hard to be something but the director couldn't make his mind between making a stylish film or telling a compelling story and it turned out neither stylish nor compelling. it didn't engage me emotionally till the last 20 minutes but it was a little too late. the middle part of movie is BORING and it drags. the war segment probably the most expensive to produce but has the least to say about anything other than 'how awful the war is' cliché. there are a lot of time line jump around but it adds more confusion than suspension. the story is not that complicated and the jump around is unnecessary. Knightley's one dimension acting ability is getting tiresome to watch since her promising pride and prejudice. even the somewhat clever soundtrack (by incorporating the sound in the story line) is too obvious and showy. if this movie were up for Oscar race, 2007 would be a very poor year.
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300 (2006)
a total waste of time to see this meaningless piece of crap!
3 August 2007
Film critic(!?) James Berardinelli already put this movie on his 2007 top 10 list?! I now doubt his credibility of being a serious film critic for good. This is a piece of mindless, aimless, and tedious trash and will go directly to my bottom 10 list of 2007. All the critics about racist, nationalistic are true (if you don't believe my statement, try to raise your kids that way and see what would happen!), and all the praises about awesome, entertaining, and a masterpiece are false! (Unless you have a maturity of a 12-year-old boy or a video game junkie). I seriously think IMDb site should start implementing the ratings, not just by stars, but also by demographic for objectivity.

"WE ARE SPARTANS!!" shouted over and over again through out the movie by actor Gerard Butler, what a moron! Seriously, maybe Americans should at least try to learn the history from a real book every now and then, instead of from a comic book or a silly movie like this. Want to know what happens if you don't do so? Just look at our president and his view of the world! That's the chilling reality.
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yet another homophobic flick...
23 July 2007
This movie is such a mixed bag for me to genuinely appreciate it.

In the message board, some views found it's disturbing to see a 37yr old simulating sex with a 16yr old. I think those people are ridiculously weird. You can be disturbed by the plot, but how can you be disturbed by the 'acting'? Those people obviously do not have enough intelligence to differentiate the 'story' and the 'acting', so they shouldn't (be allowed to) watch this movie in the first place! I do find the movie disturbing, but for a different reason. Regardless all the raves about the wonderful performance by the leads (both were nominated for Oscars, although I think Cate Blanchett was a mis-cast), I was disturbed by the overall tone of the movie. It's now year 2007 and we still have movies with well-known and well-respected actors portray homosexuals as creepy, pathetic, and predatorial as the character Judi Dench played, and got great reviews! Yes, she played it brilliantly, so what? at the expense (yet again) of demonizing the homosexuals? Seriously, what were they thinking when they made this movie?
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Bored and Disappointed by this little movie
22 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Can't believe this movie has such a high rating at the IMDb site. The book is one of my favorite readings from last year, and I have high hope for the movie, considering the track record of the director and the cast. But I was disappointed (and a little bored) by the movie. The biggest problem I found about this movie is the wishy-washy treatment of the characters and story line. I'm sure there were a lot of materials left on the cutting room floor because some story lines at the beginning of the movie (such as Sarah's husband, Richard ) were mysteriously disappeared at the end. According to the movie version (not the book version), the Ronnie character was allegedly exposing himself to minors, would that alone trigger the out of proportion reaction at the town pool? Will that alone justify the castration scene at the end of the movie? The summer affair between Sarah (Kate Winslet) and Brad (Patrick Wilson) was not out of boredom, but the director failed to show precisely what it was, and that made the last 15 minutes of the movie looked so unconvincing, choppy, and flat. It could have been a stronger movie to minimize the focus on Ronnie's story (not the point of the original story in the book anyway), and to show more dynamics between the three leads. Jennifer Connelly was under-used a background wife, Kate Winslet did an OK job but I found her performance toward the end was a little bizarre (but she's got nominated for an Oscar), Patrick Wilson was the weakest link, nice to look at but that's all to it. Lastly, the voice over of the man, who is the guy? And what's the relevance? Is it even necessary? Once again, another failure for movies based on good books.
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The Departed (2006)
A Very Disappointing Re-make
3 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I went to the screening with high hope but was very disappointed for several reasons: 1. The movie is way too long. It added too many uninteresting sub-plots which distracted from the original taut and suspense story. It's confusing and anti-climax. One time during the screening, my friend turned to me and whispered he's lost with what's going on.

2. The movie has a very inconsistent tone to it. From the trailers, most people would think the background of the movie was set a while back, and it said 'Some Years Ago' at the beginning of the movie. However, if you count how many scenes used the compact cell phones and annoying text messaging over and over and over again, then it didn't look right! The mob still acted like mob in 60's but they were using latest cell phones dealing with 'micro-processors'. Eh?! The movie feels and looks like an extra long version of cell phone commercial. What happened to the original nail-biting Morse code tapping scene?

3. The cast has no chemistry! It took me ½ hour into the movie to distinguish Leonardo from Matt. The lead actress is very 'ordinary' and not very interesting at all. Jack is Jack, doing his psychotic hybrid of 'Shinning' and 'Joker' from the Batman. Mark Wahlber (who I usually like) was obnoxious! Alec Baldwin thinks he's still in 'Saturday Night Live' doing all the gay jokes. That lefts Martin Sheen very little screen time to gain my sympathy for his character's death.

4. The key pivotal scenes were let downs from the original, including the falling body and elevator scene at the end of the movie. It supposed to evoke sadness and shock, not disgust and laughs. (Seriously, audience in the screening started to laugh at the elevator scene, which I don't think is the response the movie intended to get out of viewers). And the 'extra' ending was so lame! OK, it got the cheers from the audience, but it was so art-less from the original. Sometimes the ultimate punishment is not death, but to be alive and to carry the burden of shame and guilt forever.

I'd rather watch the stylish original 'Infernal Affairs'.
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Crash (I) (2004)
response to Roger Ebert's The fury of the 'Crash'-lash 3/6/06
7 March 2006
Mr. Ebert I have always respected your opinion in the past, because you always stated specific reasons why you like or dislike a movie. As in this article, and in your top 10 movie list of 2005, you chose 'crash' over 'BM', that's fine with me. Everyone is entitled to have their own opinions. But let me ask you how many best picture prize 'crash' got in the top 8 (or top 10) prize awards last year before Oscar? and how many best picture 'Brokeback Mountain' got? As a professional film critic, you should know that better than I do! So don't tell me that the Oscar result is well justified. I happened to watch 'Crash' twice in the past year and I don't think it's a better movie. If you happen to like sensational, unrealistic racism tension, that's your business. But being a minority myself, I found that movie insulting and stereotyping on every single race it depicts. There is nothing encompassing about it. The story line about the black guy let off a bunch of filthy Asians in the back of a van right in the middle of the Chinatown is so unrealistic to the degree of being ridicule. Is that still how Americans see Asian people today? That we are just some helpless souls need a scum bag loser black person to liberate us for his personal redemption? How am I supposed to react or reflect on a movie in a name of 'takes the discussion of racism in America in a direction it has not gone before in the movies'? And you are wondering why some critics considered it as "the worst film of the year,"?
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Lilya 4-Ever (2002)
One of the best films I've seen...thumb up, way up!
20 June 2005
I finally saw this movie through Netflix. For some strange reasons, this movie was not released in theaters or on DVD in US. What a shame! This is one of most painful yet moving movies I've seen. It made James Berardinelle's (my favorite film critic) top 10 in 2003.

I really don't want to give away too much about the movie, other than the movie is emotionally raw and powerful that it will leave you heartbroke-nd and a last impact on your psych.

A MUST see for serious movie lovers. This kind of movie don't come by often at all. I made the request through Nexflix long time ago, I'm glad they somehow made it available finally.
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Kinsey (2004)
Peter Sarsgaard steals the movie!
23 May 2005
I really like some parts of the movie and how they were filmed (acting, cinematography, and music), but overall the movie falls short of my expectations. It has flaws of most bio films (including Ray, A Beautiful Mind, and What's love got to do with it) , offering facts with some shocking values but none was well explored (the only exception is Pollock), and left me with 'so what?!' after viewing.

I think the interview with Kinsey's father is the most contrived part of the movie. It doesn't matter whether it's based on fact or not. It just doesn't seem fit and should be left on the cutting room floor. And so much sex talks over meals just gross me out. It's a bio film and I don't believe Kinsey actually behaves like that in real life, considering his character is supposed to be intelligent, well-educated, and professional. Either that or he is just an obnoxious person.

I enjoyed Liam Neeson and Laura Linney's performance tremendously. I think Liam Neeson sometimes is a bit over the top like Al Pacino, but the scene with Peter Sarsgaard in the hotel demonstrated how articulate and well calculated his facial expressions can be. Peter Sarsgaard is not as experienced but he has such a screen charisma that I simply can't move my eyes off him. It's eerie that how much his smile and voice remind me of Edward Norton.
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Seabiscuit (2003)
surprisingly good!
10 May 2005
Honestly, I've never thought I'd like this movie that's why I didn't see it at the theater or rent it on DVD, until now. (It's the only Oscar nominated film I skipped for 2004) To my surprise, it's a very high quality film and was lushly produced. I have to agree with many viewers, the cinematography is far more poetic and superior than the 'master and commander' which won the category eventually. It's far better as a film than the Oscar nominated 'finding neverland' last year as well. I have no slightly idea why such an ordinary movie like neverland was nominated, before the Oscar and after watching it on DVD. The only explanation is there were too many lame movies last year that they couldn't even find 5 decent films to nominate for.

All the characters are likable in the movie. That's different from the usual Hollywood predictable formula: got to have some villains for contrast! Jeff Bridges and Chris Cooper both delivered a very fine performance. Chris Cooper especially stands out in every scene he was in. On the contrary, Tobey Maguire got most screen time but is the least interesting of the major leads (including the horse) to watch. He neither subtracts nor adds values to the movie. It's in fact kind of distracting to watch his red hair (we know why) when there are plenty of actors with red-hair can do the job.

Still, it is a solid and up-lifting film. Can't expect too much on a film nowadays, especially when you have to endure dozens of lame movies to come across a decent movie like this in a typical year.
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gem of 2004!
26 December 2004
Just watched the movie on DVD. It's one of the best and powerful movies I've seen in 2004. Originally I thought the movie has something to do with the religion from the title and poster. But it's not, although it's a movie about sin and redemption. The poster is cleverly designed and requires second viewing.

I'm really surprised that I didn't see this movie in the Golden Globe Nomination list. Come on guys. Compare to this movie, all the nominated best foreign films this year are fluff.

I hope Oscar won't overlook this gem. It's a wonderful movie and is deserved to be recognized.
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Cinema Spectacular!
20 December 2004
What a gorgeous movie to watch on a big screen! I personally like this movie over "Hero" for its endless expansive landscape shots and luxurious details of production design. But it is not a flawless movie.

1. The story is a bit too simple, but unlike most Zhang Yimou past movies which have a very simple story line as well, it is not very touching. Actually, it is implausible in many places. Zhang Yimou no doubts is a great Chinese movie maker and I'm grateful to see him bring the action movies to such an art house status. But I wish he would return his excellent story telling roots in "Ju Dou", "Raise the Red Lantern", "To Live", and "Not One Less" or at least incorporating that level of character and emotion development in his new found genre for the future projects.

2. The music is mediocre at the least, where are Yo-Yo Ma and Dun Tan? Kathleen Battle is a very odd choice for the end credits of ANY Chinese martial art movies.
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A surprising delight from Israel
26 January 2004
I'd never expect such a film from Israel.

I found the movie with a mixed style is somewhat inconsistent at some spots, and some of the music used is kind of tacky, and overall feeling of the movie is very low budget. But within a running time less than an animated film, this movie delivers a complete story with genuine feelings, touches many grounds, and manages to be moving and leaves your heart ache by the time when end credit rolls.

Maybe it's true that the running time of the movie is a stretch for a theatrical release, and the same story in a heterosexual content would not have been much an impact. But still, it's the most wholesome gay film I have ever seen. I'm disappointed that it was not received better at the Cinema21. There were like 5 people for the Sunday night show. Americans are notorious for shun away any movies with sub titles, straight or not.
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A movie almost too quiet!
22 December 2003
For some reasons, I consider this movie an odd movie. It's sort of out of place. The story, the cast (Brendan Fraser is a mid-cast), the atmosphere and the focus... and so on. I finally realized that it's just not a very good movie to start with. Michael Caine is amazing though. To be honest, he's not much to look at, and the character he portrays is pathetic. But whenever he is on the screen, I can't turn my eyes away from him. His acting is so subtle, minimalist yet mesmerizing. But other than that, there's not much meat in this movie. All Vietnamese characters are so flat. You see them but never understand what's on their mind.
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The crown jewel of the trilogies!
19 December 2003
After a refresh course for the part I and II on DVDs last week, I was prepared for the final installment. I have to say that the first two and half hours are nothing short of magnificent visual feast (surpass the previous two with stunning and breath-taking sequences such as City of Gondor, the Beckon towers, and the Battle of the Pelennor) yet surprisingly with attention to characters. Few of my favorites are Theoden ,King of Rohan (probably the most dramatic transformation in the trilogies and his ending brought tears to my eyes), Eowyn (you go, girl!), and Gollum/Smeagol (it provides most of the suspense for Frodo and Sam's journey and for the movie, and it's disappointing that Peter Jackson didn't give him a chance of redemption at the end when redemption is a repeated theme through out the movie.) I'm glad that I've never read the book and am not boxed in how the story ‘should' be told.

Personally, I felt the movie fell a bit flat at the end. It would be perfect to end the movie at the crowning on a high note (which reflects its title properly – the return of the King) but it drags on into an overly sentimental, anti-climax epilogue.
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Winged Documentary?!
10 December 2003
I enjoy watching documentaries on subject of nature but felt disappointed about this movie. Especially after watching the `making of..' on DVD. I felt cheated, because most of film was heavily manipulated (images, sound, even the touchy little plots here and there) and staged that it really should not be in the documentary category (it was nominated for Oscar). Those birds are so well trained and they were not really migrating, they were just following the crews who raised them.

I have to admit that it is beautifully and uniquely filmed with the magnificent beauty of birds (mostly waterfowl only, because they are easy to raise and train) and the perfectly staged scenic backdrops. But almost all the people I have asked (and some of them are avid bird watchers) admitted that they lost interest about the movie halfway through for the very same reason – repetitive! It's nice to look at, but easy to get tired of after a while because lack of substance.

Maybe the heavy manipulation of this project is the only way we, as human, will ever be able to experience what it must has been like from a bird's point of view. But still, I felt uneasy about making a ‘documentary' this way to manipulate viewer's perspective from reality to such an extend. If they noted that nothing was computer enhanced or trick photography at the beginning of the film, why didn't they mention the facts of the trained birds and staged stories? If it were not DVD and the ‘documentary' on making of this ‘documentary', I would not know I was watching more a drama than a documentary film. That is disturbing.
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I love this movie!
4 September 2003
I have only seen a handful of Indian films before and knowing very little about the movie before watching it on DVD. I really enjoyed it. it was so beautiful and entertaining. It transpired me into a totally different world and everything was done in such a classic way. I like 'no man's land' but I'd have given the Oscar to this heart-felt, up-lifting film. I just watched the 'chicago' (which is a good film in its own right) last week before this one, and it makes the 'chicago' so instantly forgetable!
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