
4 Reviews
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Great movie...A Must see!
27 August 2002
What more do you want from a movie! It's funny, it's violent and it has Willem Dafoe! I was sceptical when I saw this movie sitting on the pre-viewed shelf at my local video store. But, when it dropped to $1.99 I took a chance. And, may I was the best $2 I ever spent.

Troy Duffy hits the humor on the head in what could have just been a blood and guts movie. The acting is by far well above average. I have found myself watching many movies based on the fact that the actor (mostly Norman Reedus and Sean Patrick Flanery) were in this movie. Also, one of my all time favorite...people...appears toward the end of the movie. If you have never seen any of Billy Connolly's work this is a good place to start....but make sure you branch out from here. (Beautiful Joe is an excellent choice).

Like many fans of this movie I am eagerly waiting for Troy Duffy's follow up movie.
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Where is parts 1-5
27 August 2002
While not a great movie (although I love it!) it is actually a lot of fun to watch. I don't know how many times I have seen this flick...probably too many. But, I always watch it when it is on tv. Heck, I am the guy who is holding out hope of them actually making Parts one through five.

Was anyone else really thrown by the fact that the movie starts at 6? I know that as an 8 year old (when the movie came out) I spent hours looking for the other five movies. Oh well, what do I know. I own a copy of Howard the Duck so that my kids can get a few cheap laughs.

No purple dinosaur for my kids...just a large talking duck...and Bill Cosby in a movie where raw meat is a weapon!
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In the Company of Darkness (1993 TV Movie)
Finally a good TV movie
25 November 1998
I must say that I really had no idea that I was going to sit down and watch this movie. I guess it was the fact that I had nothing better to do between class. But, for once a TV movie caught my interest. More importantly Helen Hunt caught my eye. I really wasn't a big fan of hers prior to this film. Sure I liked Twister and As Good As It Gets. But, something about this movie really did it for me. I would now see myself as a huge fan. This movie comes with high marks Give it a chance, it won't let you down.
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Python--an acquired taste
25 November 1998
While Python may be an acquired taste for most, I had no problems with this film. I may be a little on the bias side though. I have been a Monty Python fan for about fifteen of my twenty years on this planet. The movie is by far one of my favorites, along with all the other Python flicks. If you are looking for something to suit your taste for the Arthurian legend...well I am sorry the name of King Arther and the use of Camelot, a very silly place, is just about as far as you will get. If you can get past that there is a great, and funny, movie waiting to split your sides, and insult your intelligence. So for a good time all you need is a TV, VCR, and someone who appreciates Monty Python as much as you do. Word to the wise, if you decide to watch this movie with someone who has never seen Monty Python prepared for the usual questions of "what was that?", "Why did he do that?", and of course the dreaded, "Now that is just stupid!". A pre-movie viewing of Monty Python's Flying Circus may be in order. Use your best judgement, and watch responsibly.
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