
13 Reviews
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Battleground (1949)
The best movie about World War II
20 February 2003
This is the best movie ever made about a democratic society going to war against fascism. The movie perfectly captures the fear and courage of American soldiers in war, fighting not to conquer like the Germans or destroy civilization like the terrorists, but to defend their fellow man. There's no sunshine patriotism in this movie. No flag waving or false heroics. But the lofty ideas behind the nation that made men such as these is there hidden like the sun behind fog and clouds. And at the end, the glory embodied in the men blazes true and shines as brightly as the sun when the weather lifts.
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Razor Blade Frown
18 January 2003
I love vampire movies, even bad cheesy ones. This is one of the rare exceptions. It's hard to say where it goes so wrong. It just does. Decent cast and look, but the story fails to live up to its potential. This could have been so much better.
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Great fun
4 June 2001
This movie was great fun and entertaining. Great film? Nah. Great way to spend an afternoon with some popcorn and Junior Mints? Oh yeah! I enjoyed everything about this movie. I thought it was well cast, well played and well paced.
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The Phantom (1996)
The best superhero adaption ever
2 May 2001
Billy Zane plays the Phantom perfectly. He's not a dark, grim superhero like Batman or a neurotic superhero like Spider-Man. The Phantom loves being a superhero and being the good guy. This is the best adaption of a comic book (cartoon strip) ever captured on film. This is the type of movie meant for children of all ages. If you're looking for a movie with deep meaning, thought provoking dialogue and lots of introspection, what the heck are you doing watching The Phantom? Go see a different movie. If you're looking for entertainment in the vein of pulp fiction heroes from the Golden Age this is the movie for you.
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The definitive haunted house comedy
21 May 2000
This movie has the perfect mix of laughs and thrills. Blending the two correctly takes a deft touch and it comes off perfectly here. Neither the comedy or the fear seem forced. Hope, Goddard and the always excellent George Zucco and the rest of the entire cast hit the right note with each line and gesture. The movie also is a good mystery that plays fair with the clues for those who pay close attention.
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Inspiration for Raiders of the Lost Ark
21 May 2000
The Mask of Fu Manchu easily could have served as inspiration for Raiders of the Lost Ark. Archaeologists dashing to retrieve relic to save Western Civilization. Feats of derring-do. Scenes of despicable torture and heroic bravery. What makes this movie even better is in Raiders you know Dr. Jones will win. The Nazis are mere obstacles in his path to run over. But in this movie, Boris Karloff's performance as the insidious Dr. Fu Manchu makes the Nazis seem like mere shadows of a threat compared to his evil genius. His Fu Manchu is a villain you not only fear, but respect. Myrna Loy as his daughter is wickedly good. While the sparks put off by Fu Manchu's diabolical invention are impressive special effects, they are nothing in comparison to the sparks emitted by the young, scantily clad Myrna Loy.
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Bloody good show
20 May 2000
Christopher Plummer and James Mason make an excellent Holmes and Watson. The movie does an excellent job of capturing foggy, gas-lit London, 221B Baker Street, and the seediness of the East End. Some frightening, effective scenes as "Jack the Ripper" stalks his victims. Much more graphically violent and bloody than most Holmes' affairs, but most of it is cleverly implied.
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A train trip to entertainment
20 May 2000
This is not the best of the Basil Rathbone, Nigel Bruce pairings but nonetheless this is one of the most fun mystery movies to watch. Terror by Night is one of those I put on late at night to watch curled up on the sofa with a cat by my side. The rhythm of the train and the steadfast bond between Holmes, Watson and Lestrade creates one of the most relaxing murder mysteries ever put on film. The deliberate pace may not please all, but to those with a taste for it this is the mystery equivalent of a good house wine.
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For fans of Holmes, a must see
20 May 2000
Who would not want to share the adventures of Mr. Sherlock Holmes? To live in fog-bound, gas-lit, Victorian London? To hear footsteps coming up the 17 stairs to knock at the door of the world's greatest consulting detective? To ride in a hansom cab to a mystery? This movie, the first of the Basil Rathbone/Nigel Bruce pairing captures all of that. Escapism at its finest.
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Old soul
31 October 1999
A friend of mine, a wise and noble young woman, described certain people of wonderful spirit as having "old souls." This movie has that. The characters soar with life and joy. Perhaps people of similar natures love this movie and those who don't would rather watch bleak films of lives filled with despair. Blue Blazer Cthulhu-7 out.
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Perfect for a late-night movie fest
9 December 1998
This movie reminds me of all the fun movies that were on the local Chiller Theater when I was growing up. Terrific thrills and chills in an old-fashioned manner. James Whales, best known for Frankenstein and Bride of Frankenstein, directed and his touches are visible, from intelligent dialogue to the chaotic action scenes.
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The Uninvited (1944)
Hauntingly beautiful
21 November 1998
Top-notch movie. A spectacular blend of spooky atmosphere, spirited characters, and hauntingly beautiful music. This is one of my all-time favorite movies. The plot plays absolutely fair with the clues, too.
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No mystery why I love this movie
21 November 1998
The Phantom of Crestwood is a spirited tale set in an old mansion on a dark and stormy night. Gangsters are forced to solve a murder with deductive reasoning to clear themselves of the crime. The audience also can solve the mystery by paying close attention to the clues. While the movie is certainly dated, it has a fairly sophisticated plot. Overall, wonderfully entertaining.
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