
11 Reviews
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Humorous yet a bit depressing?
8 March 2005
Humorous yet a bit depressing? Basic Premise: Group of alcoholics with drink driving charges have to go to a meeting, among them is a rich guy, who can give them a possibility of a future.

I saw the trailer, and originally kept away from it as it looked like a kind of full monty film. However I have been scraping the bottom of the barrel recently for films and there was a scene in the trailer that I thought it may have a few funny moments.

This film was a lot darker than I anticipated, I imagined it to start with typical English blokey jokes, but it seemed to start with a gloomier feel. It had quite catchy filming to begin with where they used character overviews where each character in the film speaks to the camera as if narrating there current situation, I like this in films, they usually use this method in a lot of gangster films Lock Stock\Snatch\Layer Cake.

I enjoyed segments of the film, there were some funny scenes especially in there AA course where the trainer was a typical trainer you could meet on any office training course using Ice Breakers and being a basic nonce. I did enjoy the film but there were a few character developments that were left untied, one especially seemed very sad. The last 20 minutes just seemed to meander for me as if maybe the film was trying to finish in a clever way but wasn't too sure how to. Some films have based there entire story line on the last 20 minutes of this one, so the ending seemed very hurried.

A lot of British comedies say they are comedies but this is because no one categorises them correctly, usually as long as there is one joke it's a comedy no matter how dark or depressing the film gets, I can never work out how Billy Elliot, Educating Rita, The Full Monty are classed as comedies, these to me are dramas with a few jokes thrown in. This was exactly the same for this film, the script was sharp and it did make me laugh, but it also made me depressed and the characters all looked like they had no futures, I don't believe films always need to answer themselves and sometimes films that make you think more (see Donnie Darko) are great to watch and discuss, however if a film sets up some scenes that need answers and don't you just feel a little bit empty from it.

Conclusion: Worth a watch but a strange feeling to the whole film. It's a Comedy in areas, but Drama definitely up there too.
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Love it all
1 March 2005
I have waited for this film to come out for quite a while now, I missed it at cinema as the mainstream cinemas didn't show it and I had to wait for the DVD to come out which it did on Monday. I loved the film and have watched it a few times already, the film is dark very dark, almost to the point of a slasher flick Mr Considine is almost to the point of a monster.

The music is beautiful, all the score is chosen at the right moments and its pretty damn elegant. I also love the brutality of it, Mr Considine in all scenes looks like someone with so much anger and distaste for the people he is dealing with comes across really unstable and alarming, such strong character portrayal is rare in a film these days, the intensity of his character makes the best anti-hero seen for years pretty much since taxi driver, I have heard Paddy Considine being called the British Robert De Niro, I just can't believe he hasn't been poached by bigger (but not better) films. I can't wait to see the next Meadows/Considine Film, its always nice to look forward to something in films as the big blockbusters these day just have no soul anymore.

This is a film from the heart and I think this message will get across to all people who watch it.

All I can say is give it a chance. I gave it a 10 anyway possibly to high but better than a lot of recent films.
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Heartlands (2002)
Warm,friendly film
6 December 2004
I was recommended this film by a chap who doesn't watch a lot of films, so i expected it to be not great. However I really enjoyed it,the film reminded me of a book that i read called the alchemist, which was about a boy who is searching for something and realises at the end that he had already found through the journey what he was looking for.

This film has a very similar premise and thats what the film is about the journey to blackpool, how you can change your life in a small amount of time and how you can learn things from other people.

All the characters in the film are warm and all have a different perception on life. The main character also seems to learn something from each of them. Its quite a clever little film. If you've seen everything you want to see then give this film a chance I reckon you'll like it
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The Grudge (2004)
I really loved this movie
1 November 2004
I love Horror movies, in fact i love most movies, but Horror movies are cool, there are many ways to rate movies on technical prowess and art and photography, but I look at films as to what I can get out of them, if a film can bring an emotion out of me then I think it was a film worth seeing. Now to look at the acting and basic story line this film isn't a classic, but for a scary film this really works. The scenes in the film are all just connected by frail threads, but the build up of suspense and those jumpy scenes are so intense, I watched this last night Halloween! and the cinema was packed even though it was full it was silent then everyone jumps and then laughs feeling stupid, but thats what i'm talking about! this film brought an emotion out in people and that was fear, so if a horror movie is meant to make you scared then I feel that this film has over achieved. for a rating I would give it a 6.5 but for horror thrills and a really good night out i would give it a 10.

PS I have seen the originals, well the two movies versions i like JU-ON Grudge 2 best. I would really recommend watching them, but this one was cool too and it wasn't like the ring which i thought the original Japanese one was far superior, I felt this was equally as good, I can't say enough good things about the film, Pure Shocking Fun!!
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Coolie Woolie Film Loved it all
27 April 2004
I was looking forward to seeing this movie for two reasons. Firstly I love horror movies and zombie movies are one of my favorites, Secondly I also loved spaced and the actors in this film had all been in previously very funny programs from The Office to Black Books. I think watching this film will show people exactly what British Comedy is currently about.

The film is great I wasn't disappointed, there are loads of great moments and some really laugh out moments. The 1st half of the film is very tight and jokes keep coming, my only problem with the film is like most British comedies the second half becomes darker and not as fun. I still enjoyed it though and can't wait for the DVD release!

I give it a double Adam B thumbs up. Go see it if your in a good mood it will be great, if your in a bad mood it'll cheer you up!.

PS. I prefer this to Dawn of the Dead as it was closer to home for me as me and my mates have always said if the world was taken over by zombies we would definitely hole up in our local drinking haven.

A Thang YA
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Pulse (2001)
What the?!?
3 February 2003
I got this film after just after watching the Eye, another foreign horror movie which is great by the way. I think it was ok, the effects were good and the whole film had a sense of dread and general creepiness about it, maybe I am just too dumb to understand this film, but it seemed to go from a generally scary film to a strange look at the afterlife. I didn't understand a few parts of it which were never really explained , but i think that on the whole it was very enjoyable and far better than anything made in America which is all terrible. I'm glad people are looking to other countries for films as we shouldn't have to see the same repetitive rubbish all the time ghost ship anyone?.

I have just ordered Dark Waters so fingers crossed for that also.

7 / 10
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Carlito's Way (1993)
16 January 2003
I always like to think of myself a film buff, and have seen many different types of films, but it slowly dawned on me some classics that I had not seen and could not believe I had not got round to seeing, i.e full metal jacket, casino and this film. After reading the comments people either like this film or say it is average, I personally think this film is brilliant, films made these days are so disapointing the majority of the time, but I can't describe how good this film. The story line was great and it was so tense in the last 20 minutes I was really into it and it's been a long time for me to care so much about the central character in a film. It all fell together so well. I just can't say enough good things about this film. Ofcourse there are flaws in the film slowdown in places but compared to a lot of films made to day I am willing to ignore this as at the heart of it all that matters is that it is entertaining, and this film certainly is. If you have not seen this film then please do so 11 out of 10 for entertainment alone
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Eraserhead (1977)
This film is awful
4 September 2002
Lets get this straight from the start I have never seen a David Lynch film I like, don't get me wrong its not that i only like a certain kind of film usually the weirder the better I love Reqium for a dream and Ring the Japenese horror, I brought Eraserhead on DVD and have watched it once, and it was the biggest waste of time ever, I was expecting weird, but the film was dismal depressing and basically thats was it's best bits. I understand the film and even the symbolism, but don't worry yourselves about it as it all means nothing and will not make you a better person for watching it.

Please do not watch this film.

Thank You phew I feel a lot better now
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The 4th Floor (1999)
Truly scary movie
11 July 2002
I was looking last night in my video shop and found this in the really cheap area and thought hmmm the story line looks ok, straight to video so I thought what the hey i'll get it out and see what it's like.

I strongly reccomend watching this film alone with the lights out. The film itself is nothing special no big special effects, but I still found it quite scary. The feeling of being alone and lack of privacy and conspiracy all seem like powerful points to this film. A definite Rosemarys Baby comes through with the strange characters all being possible suspects and the building itself almost feeling alive very shining. (Note the lens on the room 4's door).

The films has it all frights, the bad guy is truly crazy and the twist at the end leaves a nasty taste in your mouth.

If you have seen all the new releases definitly give this a try. I can't promise high budget but can promise you the creeps
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I wish I was younger
26 October 1998
When I went to see this film,I was expecting the laughs I had when I watched Toy Story,I'm 19 years old and,this film just made me feel that I really was in the wrong place. Everybody seemed to be enjoying the film as I sat there contemplating going down the pub,then realisation grabbed me by the throat and shook me around quite a bit,this film was designed for youngsters and I had outgrown it,facing facts this film is awful,but if I was 10 then it would probably be one of the greatest films evermade,so my comment is really saying take the kids,but on no means take your mates as I did and got beaten by them for stupidly recommending it before seeing it first!!!
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One of the finest gore-fests of all time
26 October 1998
From dusk till dawn is one of the finest,well written absolute gore filled slasher flicks ever made,it's a film not to be taken seriously,but sometimes a serious film isn't always a great film and this is where this film pays off,feel like relaxing then just watch this sheer brilliance
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