
33 Reviews
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Jury Duty (2023– )
"The Conspiracy Theorist in Me"
4 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I have to confess, during the first few episodes of this series, I thought, there's no way this is real, and that the protagonist, Ronald, also has to be a professional actor. Things just didn't add up in my mind. In fact, by the third episode, I was ready to bail. However, I decided to stick with it because the entertainment value was there as was the humor. Recently, during an episode of Colbert, Marsden made a guest appearance, stating that Jury Duty was essentially The Office meets The Truman Show. I can think of nothing that summarizes it more appropriately. What really struck me, however, was the final episode. I found myself grinning the entire time often with tears in my eyes. I would never have anticipated that the finale would affect me on such an emotional level. Ultimately, I'm glad I stayed. It was well worth it.
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The Patient (2022)
Great Premise - Questionable "Format"
31 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have to agree with others who've said that 20 minutes is an insanely short period of time for a single episode for a show of this nature. Although promising and compelling in many ways, I think I'll probably wait for the end of October and binge the whole thing. 200 minutes is basically one long movie, and it makes sense to me to watch it as such, instead of the alternative. I'm looking forward to it, though, because so far it's very good. And now I've been told that my review is too short. And that it needs to be at least 600 characters. I'll click the "submit" button after this particular sentence in order to discern whether or not I've met the minimum requirements for this "review," which is not really a review but more of a critique of this show's particular format. *click*
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In the Dark (2019–2022)
Started Off Reasonably Well
22 August 2022
I liked the first season and thought it unique and a bit edgy, especially for CW. But then it went downhill very quickly and became repetitive, morose and overly melodramatic. The writing, which started off well, became worse and worse as the series "progressed." And now (season 4) it's just plain lazy and almost obnoxious. However, I'm so invested in the show, having watched every episode of every season, I'm not about to stop now in hopes that it'll somehow get better.
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Resident Alien (2021– )
Nothing Quite Like This Show - Combining Elements of People of Earth, Northern Exposure and The Man Who Fell to Earth
22 August 2022
After watching the first episode, I immediately noticed the similarities between Resident Alien and Northern Exposure, with some shades of People of Earth and The Man Who Fell to Earth thrown in for good measure. But Resident Alien takes those elements, transforming the show into something entirely different. As of this writing, I've binged the first 20 available episodes, and I can't wait for the next ones. I'm completely hooked. A decidedly brilliant and hilarious take on the genre of science fiction, comedy, drama and suspense. Possibly my favorite show out there today.
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Dark (2017–2020)
Captivating for the Most Part, But So Many Overused Dramatic Devices
6 August 2022
It's quite a unique show, I'll give you that. And time travel can often be a fun genre when done right, and Dark does a nice job overall. But how many times can you watch somebody sit bolt upright in bed after a disturbing dream or vision, gasping for breath while almost having a heart attack? After the 33rd time (heh), it gets a bit old. Also, tears seem to be constantly rolling down people's cheeks, sometimes for no apparent reason. It's too much, and it often detracts from the drama of whatever situation appears to drive these folks to tears. And how many times do we have to hear that déjà vu is a glitch in the matrix, and Martha and Jonas are perfect for each other? Yeah, OK, it's a secret code between those two, but they don't have to keep bashing us over the head with it all the time, man. However, it is a fun ride for the most part, with people constantly jumping around in time, hooking up and having kids that could end up also being their mom, dad, nephew, aunt, uncle or second cousin twice removed or something. Keeping track of the various family trees is also a hoot. However, the science stuff with regard to the "God particle" is more than a little sketchy. And all those cool devices that let you time travel? Sure, let's invent some arbitrary box or sphere with chemicals and gears and stuff that magically whisks you away. Or maybe go into a cave. Or let's use nuclear waste! Wait, how about a loud, gigantic, obnoxious buzzing machine with lightning bolts? But if you can suspend a modicum of disbelief, as science fiction is wont to induce, I recommend not overanalyzing it (like I just did), and enjoy it for what it is. I'd say it's Back to the Future meets 12 Monkeys meets Donnie Darko meets The Walking Dead (without the zombies) meets Stranger Things. And maybe a few others. Or maybe it's simply a science fiction soap opera. But a well-done science fiction soap opera that sometimes bites off more than it can chew.
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A Fun Romp into the Multiverse
7 April 2022
I recently had the opportunity to view this movie, and I'm certainly glad I did. It's a decidedly unique take on the genre of science fiction/action/adventure. The acting is top notch, especially Michelle Yeoh's portrayal of the protagonist, Evelyn. It's bizarre, funny, smart, sweet and a whole lot of fun that will maintain your attention from start to finish. Is the film's message particularly deep or profound? No. Is it one of the greatest movies I've ever seen? No. But it's a wild ride that ought not to be missed for its uniqueness. Edit: As of 4/28/2022, this movie has landed on IMDB's Top 250 list, the only 2022 film thus far to reach this remarkable milestone. As of this edit, the movie is at #57 with an average rating of 8.4. It's likely to go higher, because the movie's IMDB page show it as 8.8 with 26K ratings. How high will it go? Who knows? Top 15 maybe? At any rate, I'm so happy that this has occurred.
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Weird For the Sake of being Weird
24 March 2022
This movie is essentially a disjointed series of absurd scenes. There's nothing particularly deep or profound going on, although the acting is decent enough. It is, however, mildly entertaining at times, but it's as if Anderson kind of wrote down whatever randomly popped into his head. It's weird for the sake of being weird - not much more than that. Why it's been nominated for best picture is beyond me.
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As We See It (2022)
A True Gem
19 March 2022
I was looking for something different to watch, and I came across this series. It blew me away. It's beautifully moving and superbly presented. Funny in one moment, and heartbreaking in the next. Just lovely.
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Inception (2010)
Flawed But Pretty Nifty
8 February 2011
I actually liked this film a lot; I like Christopher Nolan's stuff. "Memento" was stellar. And although there are many plot holes, contradictions, and other bits of carelessness in the filmmaking process, it's still a visually stunning experience -- one that led me to watch it several times. Also, it helps to turn on the DVD's subtitles in order to discern what the heck Saito is saying during several key scenes.

I didn't get too hung up on trivial inconsistencies because the movie moves along at a lively pace. To paraphrase Ariadne, it's more about the feel.

OK, so if you're in the middle of a dream, and "an extremely powerful sedative" is being used, you end up in limbo if you get killed. However, because Yusuf tailored the sedative to leave inner ear function unimpaired, the falling-to-your-death sensation will still wake you up even if you're many layers deep. So why didn't they just drop Saito if they were worried about losing him to limbo? Oh, and if you've never been in limbo before, you automatically end up in the infinite depths of the subconscious world of one of your co-dreamers who might've been there before. In other words, let's just make stuff up and call it good.

Nevertheless, "Inception" is still a nifty flick with plenty of cool visuals to keep you interested. It's a fun ride.
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Galaxy Quest (1999)
This film has it all!
25 July 2000
I can't say enough about Galaxy Quest. It is truly the perfect Sci-Fi spoof. From the subtle humor and little jabs, to the all out, in your face comedy. It's all done so beautifully it's almost scary. I can watch this movie over and over and never get tired of it. Maybe I need to get a life or something, but I'll be quoting lines from this movie for years. This film will remain a cult classic for years and years, while films like American Beauty will gradually become obscure memories of film genre. The obvious parallels to the original Star Trek are handled with such fun, I envy the creativity and wry humor of the writers on this one. Hey, we need a Berilium Sphere, and there happens to be one on a nearbye planet and we can get there if we reconfigure the solar matrix in parallel for endothermic propulsion.....We'll do that!!! And how about the chompers....priceless!!! And check out Sigourney Weever's reaction to see what they overdubbed. Her reaction to the chompers is not exactly, "Screw that!!!." Watch that part again, and you don't have to be a lip reader to see what she was actually saying. It's hilarious. They could have actually done away with phrases like, "Screw that," and, "There is no Goddamn ship," and not have lost a single bit of the family quality which makes this movie truly great. I can't think of a better family movie aside from Toy Story 2 for best family films of 1999. One could go on quoting all the best lines from Galaxy Quest and still not scratch the surface of what makes this film truly amazing. Add this movie to my all time top 20 list. One of the few I can watch along side my 9 year old son, and share a laugh. That's what it's all about, right?
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Great Soundtrack by Thomas Newman
30 June 2000
Here, we have a typical case of the music dominating the actual story line. Thomas Newman is a wonderful composer. Anyone who has seen Shawshank Redemption will recognize the haunting and beautiful sounds interwoven throughout the fabric of American Beauty. At times Newman's music is really the only thing holding this film together. Musically another strong moment is Lester running out of his house while The Who's "The Seeker" blares. I love The Who, and any movie containing a rarely played Who powerhouse tune has to get some kudos. Other than that the movie is mediocre. It's okay as a comedy of sorts, but there's not a whole lot going on here. The big message is be thankful for every moment of your life. Okay, thanks, got it. Best film of the year? I don't think so. Best Actor? Sorry Kevin. Actually I think the kid from Sixth Sense should have won best actor. He really did have a leading role, but they never nominate a kid lead for best actor. Remember Christian Bale in Empire of the Sun? Didn't get nominated for a thing, and he was absolutely brilliant. But I digress. American Beauty will not go down in history as one of the greatest movies ever. I doubt it will be remembered as anything special five years from now. In short, mediocre. Good music, though.
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Fight Club (1999)
Brilliant statement of American Culture
24 June 2000
Aside from the what has already been said regarding Fight Club, there are some exceptionally brilliant moments in this movie. The first 40 minutes are the most intriguing for me. I especially liked Edward Norton's character and his narration concerning the support groups, insomnia, material posessions, his condo, and his work. I particularly enjoyed his negotiating with Marla on how to split up the support groups. When he and Tyler have their first fight there is a pause, and he says, "Let me tell you something about Tyler Durden." Then he goes into this whole thing about the part time jobs which Tyler holds. That little digression is perhaps one the most brilliant five minutes in film I have seen. Although this movie really is a "Dark Comedy" of sorts, there are many socially true statements made. For instance, Tyler saying, "The things you own end up owning you." Exactly! The imagry throughout the film is fantastic. Apart from the fight sequences, which are well crafted, we have the cave sequences with the power animal...great stuff! And of course that old abandoned house. Edward Norton and Brad Pitt have some of the best on-screen chemistry I have seen. They blend perfectly. This is the best chemistry Norton has had with another actor since his work with Matt Damon in Rounders. Overall, Fight Club approaches a rare perfection. The dialog and narration are its greatest strengths. Easily one of the top 5 movies of 1999.
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RocketMan (1997)
Icht schlicken dokken, lug dee lug......
10 December 1999
I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard during a movie. Harland Williams is a genius. "C'mon all you Chinese....." Who comes up with this stuff??? I got the feeling that the directors and writers just told Williams to work around the script and improvise whatever he wanted? Some of this stuff is so off the wall, you wonder just how much was scripted. And this is not your typical Jerry Lewis slapstick. Williams has a great deal of pure talent. Anyway watch it and just enjoy the wonderful absurdity that is Rocket Man.
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Great concept, a tad long.
18 May 1999
I liked the idea, but I think they could have cut certain scenes down considerably, saved time, and still have made this film impactful. For instance didn't the scene in the study when Bill first sees Joe kind of drag on just a little too long? Maybe I'm a little impatient, but I kept thinking, "Okay okay, we get it! Let's move it along!" In fact this holds true for many scenes, including that first family dinner scene with Joe. They could have wrapped up this movie in a nice, tidy 2 hours without losing any of the emotional qualities. As far as the ending, didn't Brad Pitt seem like he was having a few problems believing his own lines. I thought I saw him struggling to maintain a straight face while saying something to the effect of, "Well, I don't really know what happened after the coffee shop, but hey! Looks like you got a nifty little party going on..." Me? I guess I'd be just a tad more disoriented and just a smidgen more incredulous as to how one minute I'm in a coffee shop with the woman of my dreams, and then suddenly I'm standing with her at a groovy soiree dressed in a tux. But hey, that's me. I guess I'm funny that way. Brad just seems to go with the flow on that one. And how about Susan. She seems to accept the death thing pretty well. I mean her father disappears over a hill with some guy she falls in love with who just happens to be death, right? Then the guy comes back alone, and all she can say is, "I wish you could have known my father. C'mon, lets party." And off they go hand in hand. I really did like this film, however. There is an undeniable emotional quality, especially during the scene with Bill and Susan near the end. A little long, however. Ridiculous in certain parts.
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Nose-dive City
3 March 1999
Possibly one of the worst 10 movies I've ever had the misfortune to see. Poor premise, poorly acted, real poor ending, and an overall piece of trash. I can't believe anyone would shell out money to see it. I can't believe I spent the time to watch this thing. What really bothers me is someone in Hollywood decided this was a good enough movie to inflict on the public. Poor choice.
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Rounders (1998)
I have lost a great deal of respect for John Malkovich
18 February 1999
You take a great story, excellent script, and a superb premise, and then you ruin it with the most pathetic Russian accent ever. I've been a Malkovich fan (Well at least for the most part) since Empire of the Sun. I've seen him dish out wonderful performances amidst poor movies, but what we have here appears to be the opposite. I really liked this movie, but Malkovich and his terrible accent almost ruined it for me. I can only imagine when this movie was being made the directors, producers, and all involved probably stood by, but didn't have the guts to tell Malkovich that his accent wasn't working. C'mon, you can't tell me they didn't notice it. They should have said something, but I'm sure they didn't want to insult the great actor. Some guys just command too much respect. Like no one was going to tell Williams his Boston accent wasn't cutting it in Good Will Hunting. I don't know, maybe it was intentional. Maybe Malkovich made this movie and did this accent just to see if anyone would actually say anything. He's probably sitting back and laughing about it with friends. It was way too flagrant to be unintentional. He was flaunting it for crying out loud. He even fell out of the accent at the end with that final outburst. Watch it again. Either way I've lost a great deal of respect for the man. No one should get paid that kind of money for such a ridiculous performance.
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I had to see it twice, and I'm still not sure if I get it
19 January 1999
I first saw this movie about four months ago, and then again last night. I got a completely different take on the twists and on the ending from the first time. I thought I got the ending the first time I saw it, and I decided that what was presented was in fact the way it ended. However after a second viewing I found some small bits and pieces throughout the story which gave me a completely different take. Maybe I'm just paranoid, but there are so many fine points to this drama that I'm still not sure who the bad guys really are or if everyone encountered was in on the scam. I'll have to watch it a third time and really pay attention to the obscure details I probably missed the first two times. Riveting, but not at all satisfying. This is probably why I liked it so much.
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Ego vs alter-ego. 2 personas, 1 person
16 January 1999
If you consider the two main characters as just one person, the film is fairly interesting. Is it a coincidence whenever Duke starts to come down, his lawyer suddenly disappears? Whenever he is completely toasted, Gonzo is right there committing all the sickest and most heinous acts imaginable while Duke stands by and observes. I wonder if Thompson's view of lawyers as scum of the earth has anything to do with always casting his depraved alter ego as a lawyer. If you watched it thinking this was a pointless romp through a world of hallucination brought on by the excessive consumption of drugs and alcohol, well...okay, maybe you're right. However, watch it again and consider the possibility Duke and Gonzo are the same person. Terry Gilliam is a brilliant director with a unique vision of the world. This was not his best effort, but consider the material with which he had to work. The repetitive constraints of the theme enables Gilliam to do little more than inject some of himself into a rather boring story without getting too silly. It would have been much too easy for Gilliam to turn it into an all out comedy. After a while of watching it and getting it the first time, we get the same thing bashed over our heads during the second half of the movie. Is there a point in telling the same story twice in one movie? The two parts of the story pretty much parallel each other, except the second half is on a much larger scale with a far greater amount of depravity. Good concept, highly repetitive, decent directing, and competent acting. This was not Gilliam at his best (Brazil and 12 Monkeys are far more representative of his brilliance). This was a bold departure in many ways for Gilliam, but will probably become one of his more forgettable offerings.
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Forced Dialogue makes a great premise only a fair movie
28 October 1998
Great premise, but the dialogue seemed too forced. I have nothing against swearing in movies if it is well placed and takes nothing away from the story. For instance Pulp Fiction is a perfect example of how swearing can be used to accentuate dialogue while sounding perfectly natural. In Primary colors, however, I found myself distracted by the swearing. Even Billy Bob Thornton, who sounds so natural and fluid with any type of dialogue, sounded ill at ease with poorly placed swears. Kathy Bates, an amazing actress, sounded ridiculous at times. This was a great story, however, and I would still recommend it for its honest portrayal of the dirty side of politics. Someone should have proofed the script better. Yes, we all know politicians swear. I just can't believe they sound this ridiculous doing it.
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The Apostle (1997)
15 October 1998
The funny thing is I'm not a religious guy by any means. However, I couldn't help but be drawn in by Robert Duvall and his portrayal of an extraordinary preacher. All through the story E.F. knew his past would eventually catch up with him, so he did as much as he could to save others. I didn't find the film as moving as others, but this is just one of those experiences that grabs your attention until the end. I'm not any more religious because of this movie, but religion and faith is not necessarily what this story is all about. It is simply about a man trying mightily to battle the evil within himself and those he touches while using religion as the vehicle. One could find many flaws by looking deep enough, but the power of Duvall's performance is so undeniable, who cares? I would almost classify this movie as a fantasy, but if you are religious than obviously you would take it a lot more seriously.
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Local Hero (1983)
A simply beautiful movie
13 October 1998
I first saw this film in 1985 only because I had heard that Mark Knopfler did the soundtrack. After watching Local Hero, however, I was ready to pack my bags and move to a picturesque seaside village on the coast of Scottland. I fell in love with this movie. There is subtle humor, gorgeous scenery, a great story, and memorable characters. When the TV show Northern Exposure came out, I was amazed at the similarities between the show and Local Hero. An American professional accustomed to fast paced city living finds himself in a quirky town in the middle of nowhere. Even the resemblance of Peter Riegert playing Mac and Rob Morrow as Fleishman is striking. But when the episode of Northern Exposure aired where the famous Russian comes to town and performs in the local bar while the female store owner swoons, I nearly laughed myself off the couch. There was an identical scene in Local Hero. Local Hero captured a certain magic and mystery; haunting and poetic while remaining lighthearted and warming. One could not blame the creators of Northern Exposure for wanting to capture that same magic, but they could have been just a little more original. I love Bill Forsythe's movies. He is truly a master of the simple movie that tells a terrific story. Less is more. Also, Mark Knopfler delivers some of his finest music ever.
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Pulp Fiction (1994)
Quentin Tarantino creates a masterpiece.
28 September 1998
Pulp Fiction. The opening of this film consists of a literary definition of the title. This alone should tell you what you are about to see cannot be compared to anything real. But have you listened to the news or read the papers lately. There's stuff going on the world that makes Pulp Fiction look like a day care center complete with cute bunnies. Tarantino specializes in introducing us to characters, allowing us to get use to them, and he even getting us to like them. Then all of a sudden he introduces an element that is so bizarre we barely have time to process it. He doesn't give us time for it to sink in, but we still have to deal with this new direction while more stuff keeps happening. The language, drug use, and violence are all incidental. They are not "Glorified" by this movie. If you make a movie about modern day gangsters in L.A. or any city, drugs and violence go hand in hand with it for it to be realistic in that respect. I get the feeling Tarantino wants us to believe in the characters, dialogue, and overall initial premise. Then he throws a monkey wrench into the works. How we react tells us a lot about ourselves. This is not my favorite movie ever, but it's definitely in my top 10. I love the fact that there are as many people who love this movie as those who hate it. That alone is a difficult achievement.
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Groundhog Day (1993)
Simply delightful
22 September 1998
Bill Murray was born to play Phil. I have never seen him more at ease and natural than in Groundhog Day. The great thing about this one is it's not just another redemption film where the main character changes his ways based upon one single event. For instance in Good Will Hunting we are led to believe that Will is a whole new person based upon a few counseling sessions. We don't know for sure, but it might have taken Phil years of reliving the same day to get it right. It's so much fun watching Bill Murray's character change and evolve, and the scene in which he quotes Chekhov is touching and memorable. Ironically Bill Murray plays the main character in Scrooged, another tale of redemption that couldn't come close to Groundhog Day in terms of originality, script, and imagination. Groundhog day, however, is Bill Murray's best performance to date.
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Donnie Brasco (1997)
An amazing true story
16 September 1998
Until Joe Pistone went undercover and penetrated deeply into the mafia, there was no such thing as long-term undercover assignments in the FBI. He and his supervisors had to make it up as they went. Depp proves how talented and versatile he is in the title role, but the real star of this one is Al Pacino playing Lefty Ruggiero, an aging mafia soldier who is worn an bitter from being passed over time and time again for advancement within the family. Michael Madsen as Sonny Black is the best bad guy in film today. He has that John Wayne quality going for him in this one. Who could forget his equally stunning performance in Resevoire Dogs. After watching Donnie Brasco for the fourth time I got the book. As in most cases the movie fails to surpass the book, but it does better than most.
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The Rainmaker (1997)
Matt Damon and Danny Devito make a great team.
13 September 1998
It was fun to watch Damon and Devito team up as an unlikely combo. Great chemistry. I left this movie with a renewed contempt for the insurance industry. From a legal standpoint, however, this cases would have been a no-brainer for most lawyers. Of course Rudy is new, and watching him stumble through his first case is the most entertaining aspect of the film. Armed only with his ingenuity and his partner's resourcefulness, Rudy takes everyone who underestimates his ability by surprise. Of course having a sympathetic judge does help. Had Dean Stockwell's character survived to preside over the case Rudy wouldn't have stood a chance. But then again it this is the movies, and good guys always stand at least a fighting chance. I'd love to see Damon and Devito work together again. This is a very well acted movie on all fronts.
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