"Charmed" Safe Space (TV Episode 2019) Poster

(TV Series)


Sarah Jeffery: Maggie Vera



  • Maggie Vera : What are you doing?

    Macy Vaughn : Pouring out the exact number of shots I can take before I say something I'll regret.

    Maggie Vera : Oh. I don't need drinks for that.

  • Macy Vaughn : I got offered a job.

    Maggie Vera : What?

    Macy Vaughn : A dream job, actually, at a genetics lab doing bioethical research, and, um, I'm taking it.

    Maggie Vera : Oh, my god, that is amazing. Congrats. Why... why didn't you say anything?

    Macy Vaughn : It was a long shot. And... it-it's at the University of Michigan. Ann Arbor.

    Maggie Vera : Oh. Two hours away.

    Macy Vaughn : She's not going to understand.

    Maggie Vera : Honestly, I think we could both go AWOL for a month and Mel wouldn't notice.

  • Maggie Vera : The Power of Three didn't even slow him down. What kind of demon is that?

    Harry Greenwood : No idea, but we can't around to find out.

    Mel Vera : [hearing the door rumble under pressure]  Oh, my god, no. No way. We are not leaving our house. The captain does not abandon ship.

    [the door is knocked off its hinges; appearing in a puff of smoke, the demon conjures a fireball] 

    Harry Greenwood : Grab the Book of Shadows!

    [as Macy summons it telekinetically, the demon throws his fireball, disintegrating it] 

  • Mel Vera : I can't read a damn thing. If there's a spell in there to help Macy, I have no way to decode it.

    Maggie Vera : "Jump through a portal. When you get there, there will be no one to greet you and the instructions will be in gibberish." Great planning, Elders. Thanks for thinking ahead.

  • Macy Vaughn : There's something wrong with me. There is a voice in my head.

    Maggie Vera : [seeing her worsening wound]  Oh, that's not all that's wrong.

    Mel Vera : [feeling her forehead]  You're burning up.

    Maggie Vera : That guy Jordan. He's a medic.

    Mel Vera : We don't need a medic. We need magic.

    Maggie Vera : Harry, where are you?

  • Mel Vera : Maggie, there is protocol. The instructions said to wait.

    Maggie Vera : For our Whitelighter, who may or may not be coming. That portal could re-open any second, and that assassin could be right behind us.

    Mel Vera : Or he could be behind that door that you want to go through.

    Maggie Vera : So, what? We just sit around and wait here until we turn into a bag of bones?

    Mel Vera : We should've never thrown that stupid-ass party.

    Maggie Vera : Oh, so this is my fault? Forgive me for having a birthday.

  • Mel Vera : Harry, what's happening?

    Harry Greenwood : It's a portal.

    Macy Vaughn : To where?

    Harry Greenwood : I'm not sure. But you need to jump, now!

    Maggie Vera : Macy, jump now, think later.

  • Maggie Vera : Where are we? Are we dead?

    Mel Vera : If we are, is this heaven or hell?

    Macy Vaughn : I-I don't think they have weed dispensaries in hell.

  • Mel Vera : [escaping from a demon]  Is everyone okay?

    Maggie Vera : Alive? Yes. Okay? Not so sure.

    Macy Vaughn : Yeah, this is... this is why I don't leap before I look.

  • Mel Vera : This book is written in the language of the Elders.

    Maggie Vera : Great. A language we don't understand and can't translate.

    Mel Vera : Maybe this is some sort of safe haven created by the Elders. Like... witness protection.

    Macy Vaughn : Or, in our case, witch-ness protection.

  • Macy Vaughn : Why would the Elders put a portal in a closet to here a-and take away our powers?

    Mel Vera : There must be a reason.

    Maggie Vera : Yeah, so we can abandon our lives and become...

    [looking around] 

    Maggie Vera : ...baristas at SafeSpace?

    Macy Vaughn : Guys, I need a bandage. I'm a walking crime scene over here.

  • Maggie Vera : Oh, finally. All work, no play makes Mel a very dull witch.

    Mel Vera : Who are all these people?

    Maggie Vera : Who cares? Where have you been?

    Mel Vera : We have a job.

    [freezing the room] 

    Mel Vera : We have a job, in case you've forgotten. The Elders are gone. The magical community is relying on us.

    Maggie Vera : Mm, yes. But it has been three weeks, and all is oh, so quiet on the demon front. We have prevented the Apocalypse, defeated the Source of All Evil. Everything is finally back to normal. So if ever there was a time to party and celebrate, it's now.

  • Maggie Vera : Look. Those lights just turned red.

    [a button on the table changes colors] 

    Maggie Vera : Maybe it's for emergencies?

    Mel Vera : We don't know that.

    Maggie Vera : You said the Elders did everything for a reason. Well, then, there's a reason for this, Mel.

    [as she presses it, a portal opens behind them] 

    Mel Vera : Seriously? Another portal?

    Maggie Vera : Maybe help is on the other side.

    Mel Vera : But what if it leads to something worse?

    Maggie Vera : Is there anything worse than sitting here watching Macy die?

  • Macy Vaughn : Either I'm in the bubble ball... or the room is spinning.

    Maggie Vera : That cute guy Robert already texted me. Or is it Ronald?

    Mel Vera : Can you put your phone away for, like, five seconds and help me out here?

    Macy Vaughn : You don't waste any time killing the buzz, do you?

    Maggie Vera : Yeah, why are you going into bummer mode when we haven't even had coffee yet?

    Mel Vera : Because I have a list on my desk that needs attention. We're supposed to be in charge.

    Maggie Vera : So, what? So we're just never supposed to have fun, ever? No wonder Macy's bailing.

    Mel Vera : What, now?

    Macy Vaughn : [Maggie realizes her gaffe]  I'm not bailing. Uh... I got a job. My dream job. In Ann Arbor.

    Mel Vera : But we have a job. Here.

    Macy Vaughn : No. You have a job. You love it, you're good at it, you're happy with it. But I'm a scientist, and being in charge of magical creatures was never part of my plan.

    Mel Vera : So you're bailing on us.

    Macy Vaughn : No. Not bailing. Just living my life.

  • Macy Vaughn : Where on Earth are we?

    Maggie Vera : Who says we're on Earth?

  • Maggie Vera : What did you find?

    Mel Vera : Harry's MIA, kombucha tastes like barf, and our new friend Swan isn't very careful with her keycard.

  • Harry Greenwood : The Elders would have devised a mechanism, something to usher you back. Think.

    Maggie Vera : [realizing]  Marbles.

    Mel Vera : As in you've lost yours?

    Maggie Vera : [showing them the marble she obtained in the safe room]  Au contraire.

  • Macy Vaughn : [traveling through a portal]  Where are we?

    Maggie Vera : [looking around]  Vermont? Seriously?

    Mel Vera : Okay, the Elders officially suck.

    Maggie Vera : No. No, I have to believe we were deposited here for a reason.

    Mel Vera : [seeing a sign for a B&B]  That's the only thing in sight, so that's where we're going.

  • Harry Greenwood : Whitelighters, when they die, return to the grave. It should've been a fatal blow, and yet, I came back. When I couldn't find you, I sought assistance from my fellow Whitelighters. But they were of no help at all.

    Maggie Vera : Why not?

    Harry Greenwood : Because they're dead. All of them.

    Mel Vera : That's why Anya, those other witches, couldn't find their Whitelighters.

    Harry Greenwood : The Elders created us. Evidently, we were tethered to them in life and in death.

    Macy Vaughn : Except your connection to them was already severed.

    Harry Greenwood : Uh, which is why I'm still here, apparently.

    Maggie Vera : But that means...

    Harry Greenwood : I am the last Whitelighter.

    [looking at the map] 

    Harry Greenwood : If one of those lights turns red...

    Macy Vaughn : There's no one left to protect witches. It's just us.

  • Maggie Vera : Today was a bad day.

    Macy Vaughn : Tomorrow will be better.

    Mel Vera : It has to be.

    Maggie Vera : It will be. It will be, because we're not gonna sit around waiting for trouble to blow through that door. That assassin, whoever he is, he's not coming for us. We're coming for him.

  • Mel Vera : [at a Vermont B&B]  That symbol was in the Elders' book.

    Maggie Vera : The portal took us to witches so that they could help Macy.

  • Mel Vera : Guys, real talk. This is a chance for a fresh start. We can just walk off into the sunset with new identities. No more fighting demons, just normal, regular folk. Isn't that what you wanted? Mace? Mags?

    Macy Vaughn : A captain doesn't abandon ship. And witches out there are in danger.

    Maggie Vera : It's time for us to step up. After all, we are the ones in charge.

    Macy Vaughn : If not us, then who?

    Mel Vera : What do you say, Harry? There's a chair in a dusty command center with your name on it.

    Macy Vaughn : We can't do it without our Whitelighter.

    Harry Greenwood : You had me at "dusty command center."

  • Harry Greenwood : Your aura was stripped, as were your powers, leaving you untraceable. Macy seems to have retained her demon capabilities.

    Mel Vera : Can we get them back? Our powers.

    Harry Greenwood : Yeah, somewhere in that book of Elders, there are answers, but the idea was if you came through here, it was a free pass. A chance to leave your life as witches behind.

    Maggie Vera : So we can't ever go home?

    Harry Greenwood : No. Not at the moment. It's not safe while that... demon-like assassin is still out there.

    Mel Vera : Did you get a good look at him? Any clue on who he might be?

    Harry Greenwood : No. He was cloaked.

    Macy Vaughn : Harry? You, uh, you still haven't told us what happened to you, after we went through the portal.

    Harry Greenwood : I died.

  • Mel Vera : Two red lights, two dead witches. The witch board must be an alarm system. Witches in trouble.

    Maggie Vera : Well, the lights must be red again, because now we're the ones in trouble. They must have a healing potion or something to help Macy.

  • Macy Vaughn : So, this map is a monitoring system for witches.

    Harry Greenwood : Those lights represent all the witches left in the world. Every century, a new Whitelighter is selected to watch over them.

    Maggie Vera : Yeah, well, there was no welcoming committee for us.

    Harry Greenwood : Oh, this explains a lot. That portal you went through back at the house, it was designed for the Elders in the most dire of situations. "Break glass in an emergency" kind of thing.

    Maggie Vera : It was for mom.

    Harry Greenwood : It was activated when the Book of Shadows went up in flames.

  • Maggie Vera : Where's a big-ass cleaver when you need one?

See also

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