"Doctor Who" Fugitive of the Judoon (TV Episode 2020) Poster

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Hands down the best episode of Whittaker's so far!
realreeceallen26 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is an episode which managed to engage me from start to finish - a first for Chibnall and Whittaker. Although the reveal of Ruth being an incarnation of the Doctor was circulating on the internet for a while, it was still good to see play out on screen, and I'm sure it was a surprise for viewers. It's amazing that they managed to bring back Captain Jack without it being ruined by the press or in teasers so this was certainly exciting. There was also a massive amount of teasing for what's to come for the second half of the series which I'm now very hyped for. Jodie's performance was amazing, as it has been throughout this series. My only complaint is that Graham, Yaz and Ryan contributed very little to this episode - I think Jodie could easily carry a series on her own without any companions, or swap the three out for one new one ahead of Series 13. Either way, I am very excited for the rest of Series 13!!!
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The most interesting episode from the 13th Doctor
DVD_Connoisseur26 January 2020
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"Fugitive of the Judoon" is the most enigmatic of the 13th Doctor episodes, but it's also possibly the strongest in terms of ambition.

Setting up a whole new plot arc and introducing an alternative incarnation of The Doctor, this story manages to spin many plates without dropping any.

The return of Captain Jack was an unexpected and welcome surprise.

7 out of 10.
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I'm confused but in a good way... for now.
maxglen26 January 2020
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This episode marked many returns, first and foremost the Judoon who were a welcome touch to this week, second and most notably CAPTAIN FN JACK! God I screamed like a child when I heard that voice. Also we get some enigmatic build up to a quite shocking reveal that Ruth is a Doctor before any Doctor we've seen before. I'm confused but not opposed to it just yet, we'll see how they explain it but I honestly really liked her and I'm intrigued to find out more which is always a good thing. I'm going to give this episode a 9.1 for now, subject to change though. Til next week, friends.
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Always so much better without the companions
urshymon26 January 2020
They really need to get rid of these 3 companions because jodie is so good on her own, every episode where they get separated becomes 10x better.
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Off the scale!
Sleepin_Dragon26 January 2020
Not just the best of this series, but the best episode for several years, Vinay Patel penned one of the best from the last series with Demons of the Punjab, he goes one better here.

This felt like Doctor Who well and truly on top form, energetic, intriguing and action packed. Finally we get a face from the past, and some major alien action.

This was trailered a lot, so it was no secret that The Judoon were here, I've been a bit unconvinced by them in the past, but this was them at their best, they provided a degree of menace.

Neil Stuke was terrific, Ritu Arya was awesome as Gat, Jo Martin was the standout as Ruth however, Jodie's best also, she was great.

The production was amazing, it looked stunning, particularly those scenes at The Lighthouse.

Was Gloucester perhaps a representation of Salisbury? Just a thought.

Good old fashioned science fiction, been waiting a while, this was awesome. Vinay Patel needs to pen more episodes.

Amazed at the quality. 10/10
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Divided We Fall...
Xstal7 January 2022
Finally, a piece of engaging, innovative and intriguing storytelling, after so many episodes of shouting at the screen and yelling, at a series that had vanished, disappeared and had gone, where everything that shined, sparkled, glittered had been soiled and un-shone. I fancy there's a few who don't like where this is all heading, but reality dictates that sometimes plants need some re-bedding. Or stagnation, alienation and division takes the fore, because replay, repetition, re-visitation is a chore. So I'll welcome what I've seen and hope that paths of brilliance wait, that finally the series has unlocked a brand new gate.
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C.J.-426 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Finally... a Doctor Who episode that had classic elements and a lot of fun... Captain Jack, the Judoon, and so much more.
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This. Changes. Everything!
otv-1472926 January 2020
This episode has the ability to send you into a whirlwind of emotions.
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Using Nostalgia to save the show
lukehutton-890-11931327 January 2020
No Spoilers, but there are 3 points of this episode which people will point to and claim it means doctor who is BACK:
  • The reveal of the Judoon Fugitive
  • What happens to the companions in the middle of the episode
  • The message / teaser of things to come (which can now be added to the list of other Macguffins which have been introduced this season)

The big problem is that there's nothing new in here at all. The Judoon are a Russell T Davies creation, the mid episode twist is also a throwback to Davies, the revelation of the Fugutive has been done NUMEROUS times and the message is a throwback yet again.

It feels like this show is just starting to throw fanservice at the wall to keep people entertained, rather than trying to think of something new and fun.
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The beginning of the end for Doctor Who.
azrael19754 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The new showrunners and writers of Doctor Who have no clue about past continuity of Doctor Who. This episode is a clear example as to why this is the case.

The Doctor discovers a past incarnation that predates The First Doctor. This is a ridiculous premise for the following reasons.

1: This past incarnation is calling herself The Doctor. The Doctor did not assume this moniker until Ian Chesterton started calling him by that name in the episode An Unearthly Child. So why a former version of The First Doctor is calling themself The Doctor makes no sense.

2: This former Doctor is running about in a TARDIS that has the exterior of a Police Call Box. The First Doctor stole a TARDIS that had a defective chameleon circuit that stopped working after he travelled to 1960's London, which is why the TARDIS is stuck with the Police Call Box exterior. So why is this earlier incarnation of The Doctor travelling in a TARDIS with the Police Call Box exterior? Again, this makes no sense.

Besides the lazy writing, this episode itself is cringe inducing viewing. It's as if the bbc are looking for an excuse to cancel the series. Again.
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I don't know what to say
kovacmarek26 January 2020
This was MASSIVE!!! I didn't expect this episode to be that good and have so many surprises and twists. Wow. Finally Chibs! Btw who else think that this episode was secretly written by Moffat 😂😁
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Thats more like it.
Aroura6426 January 2020
I liked this episode, firstly it was filmed in Gloucester which is a few miles up the road from where I live.

The story began well, with the return of those lovable rogues the Judoon. I liked the banter between the Doctor and the judoon. I won't delve too deeply into the plot, because I don't want to spoil it for those who haven't seen it. There some excellent twists to this story, for the first time in many episodes, I couldn't stop watching.

I wonder what will happen next?
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muchblunt-534-68398327 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Oh god...it's just...why? Please stop the retcon. I reeeeaaally hope they're just messing with us. Only reason for a 2 is I was happy to see Jack but I can see right through this ploy. Feed us a little Jack to distract from the MASSIVE retcon they're doing.
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metectnkya26 January 2020
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I don't know what to say. But this was crazy. We had Jack and we had THE DOCTOR! I am really happy because we now know that Jack will be back. And I guess Ruth ''The Doctor'' was the first face of Doctor like before Hartnell but probably something happened and she doesn't remember or this could be a whole other thing. It was brilliant and well-written. Chibnall finally made something good. I hope he won't dissapoint us with this storyline he is heading. Well done.
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markal-0198526 January 2020
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I know for the fact that they threw a completely new doctor into the mixed has everyone confused but the show is starting to feel how it used to all those years ago. A storyline that isn't easily figured out like some of the recent episodes that were being thrown out. Throwing the curve balls in and bringing back Jack made this episode great, I can't wait to see where this leads and I hope it only gets better!
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What a episode!
wifeymoof26 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Wow. Just wow. Doctor Who at its finest. Jodie was spot on. Then Jack. JACK!!!! HE'S BACK!!! Although he didn't meet Jodie, I'm hopeful he will later on in the series! Then the twist! Is this what The Master ment when he said everything is a lie? Is it true or a illusion of some sort? Can't wait to find out!
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Best episode on forever.
moderatersuger26 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Best episode on forever. It's been a long time since a section of Doctor Who entertained so much. Good pace. Fantastic dispute with two doctors. And finally Jack Harkness. I missed him.
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arionvvw26 January 2020
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The most Doctor Whoesque Jodie Whittaker has ever felt. Truly captivating story and best writing of the whole season. The return of Captain Jack was long overdue and so was the return of the Judoon, both of whom haven't been seen since season 4. Ruth's twist at the end was incredible and has truly hooked me to the overarching story of this season. The only reason this episode does not get a 10/10 rating is because the Judoon were a bit too "soft" (as soft as a Judoon can get) for my liking but they still felt like Judoon, which is more than can be said for season 11's Dalek which the less said about the better. Overall, a truly brilliant episode which Jodie Whittaker really deserved.
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Past, Present & Futures.
W011y4m58 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It's becoming increasingly apparent that the Chibnall era is a blatant love letter written to the Russell T. Davies era of Doctor Who; Judoon, Cybermen, The Master, Gallifrey's destruction, Daleks (due to feature in the upcoming special) & of all people, the beloved Captain Jack Harkness also unexpectedly returning.

As lovely as it is to see his clear affection for the golden age of this show, it's also testament to how unoriginal his screenplays are - relying heavily (if not, entirely) on capitalising off the successes of other previous - more superior - producers from the past instead of developing great ones of his own for the future - whilst appeasing fans with blatant nostalgia bait to desperately win over their wavering support.

Furthermore, Chris just can't resist tearing down the legacy of his most recent predecessor Moffat either (it's clear which showrunner he preferred from 2005 onwards) by further decapitating his storylines; not only was his painstaking resurrection of Gallifrey rendered utterly useless, but now so was his attempt at solving the 13 regeneration limit storyline too. If anything, it's a brutal (yet slightly amusing) demolition of 8 years of hard work...

I can't help but question whether his successor will one day treat his tenure in the same contemptuous way - time will tell (& that's if the show lasts until the end of it).
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All over the place
ib190326 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
5 for the under used return of Jack Harkness alone.

It will be interesting to see how this disturbing of the continuity will be explained. I can't really think of any way that will give any credibility to a show seemingly on it's last legs but we shall see. They did it with Hurt but he counted towards the regenerations so it surely can't be as simple as a previous version.

As a standalone episode there are none poorer.
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Brilliant! (Spoiler free)
reallysmallfrisby26 January 2020
Was expecting a pretty alright middle of the series adventure but it was more like the first part of a two part finale! The Doctor Who twitter account put out a video saying 'you won't believe what happens' and I was expecting it to be all hype and no pay off but it turned out to be underselling how surprising and rewarding this episode would be. Obviously things aren't entirely explained yet, but that's part of the fun, I can't wait to see where this all leads hopefully by the end of the series.
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When your expectations have gotten so low ....
MikeNTxs27 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
.... that reviewers are giving this episode a 9 and 10.

I have to insert a minor spoiler in this review, so be prepared. I'll warn you.

This episode was puttering along at about a 5 for about the first half. (Typical of a Chibnall/Whittaker series.) Then - and here comes the small spoiler -

Captain Jack Harkness pops up in the story. He only appears for a couple of minutes and doesn't do much of anything, but I think his appearance alone elevates this episode to a 7. That's because his couple of minutes reminds us how Doctor Who has felt since it was brought back with Christopher Eccleston.

Sure the last half of the episode was interesting, as was the reveal near the end. But the enthusiasm brought by John Barrowman's appearance just shows by comparison how pale this incarnation of the Doctor has been.

I have nothing against Whittaker as an actor. I just feel that the Chibnall/Whittaker Doctor has been an overall disappointment.
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dcz199931 October 2021
The whole premise of this episode is just stupid and ridiculous. So, no other Doctor remembers this supposed version! One of the worst ever and it has been going down for a while. I have been watching Doctor Who since the early 80's and it has taken a lot to keep watching these days.
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Much better than the last ones
bgrassam26 January 2020
Actually felt like doctor who. Good characters and plot twists.
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Classic Who
MotormouthOnLegz26 January 2020
Now that is how you do a great Doctor Who story!

Twists, turns and plenty of surprises along the way.

I can't wait to see where this all leads.

Excellent guest cast and characters tonight too. Especially the surprise ones... Jodie was magnificent!

Only downside is the character of Ryan who is sadly still more wooden than the TARDIS exterior.
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