"The Loudest Voice" 1995 (TV Episode 2019) Poster

(TV Mini Series)


Russell Crowe: Roger Ailes



  • Roger Ailes : [narrating over news reports of his death]  I know what people are gonna say about me. I can pretty much pick the words for you. "Right-wing, paranoid, fat." And I'm not gonna argue with them. I am a conservative. I do like to eat, and I believe in the power of television. Giving the people what they want... even if they don't know they want it.

  • Roger Ailes : You know what's gonna be different about Fox, Brian? PR is gonna be the engine. The news people are gonna work for us. Now, you can take your velvet coffin from NBC if you want, but I know you're not going to because you're Brian fucking Lewis. You're a trained killer, you're an assassin, and I know that for a fact 'cause I'm the guy who trained you. We're gonna have fun, and we're gonna get rich doing it.

  • Chet Collier : [at an out-of-business music and video store]  So... what am I looking at?

    Roger Ailes : The main studio. We're gonna run our entire slate of dayside right out of here.

    Chet Collier : Eight hours of live TV? This place is tiny.

    Roger Ailes : We can move things around.

    Chet Collier : [hearing something rattling]  What's that?

    Roger Ailes : That's the subway. It runs under Sixth.

    Chet Collier : You gonna move that, too? Why am I here, Roger?

    Roger Ailes : How does... Senior Vice President, Programming sound?

    Chet Collier : The last thing I actually produced was the Westminster Dog Show.

    Roger Ailes : It's all the same; news, talk shows, English fucking bulldogs, it's all the same. Rupert is giving us a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Millions of dollars and our own street-level studio, just like "Good Morning, America", just like "The Today Show", except, Chet, it's not one show, it's an entire fucking network, and it's our network.

    Chet Collier : So, how much time is Murdoch giving you?

    Roger Ailes : A year.

    Chet Collier : Ooh, that's tight.

    Roger Ailes : Not if I have you.

  • Roger Ailes : So, what's the plan, Jack?

    Jack Welch : Well, we're thinking a quiet announcement after the new year that you're leaving to pursue other opportunities. Uh, you can help to write the release.

    Roger Ailes : You know...

    [clearing his throat] 

    Roger Ailes : Whatever they're saying I did, it didn't happen, Jack.

    Jack Welch : Yeah, well, I am your biggest fan, Roger. But with the HR investigation and the lawyers, not up to me anymore. We want to make this easy. The package is very generous.

    Roger Ailes : The money's not the issue.

    Jack Welch : Well, then what is?

    Roger Ailes : The non-compete.

    Jack Welch : Roger, we can't have you walking over to CNN when we're about to launch MSNBC. Microsoft will have a cow.

    Roger Ailes : CNN? No, Jack, I mean that I'm still a young man. I'm only 55. I gotta keep working. Television has been my life this past 30 years.

    Jack Welch : You can stay in television, Roger. You can do whatever the hell you want. We just can't have you crossing the street. You know that.

    Roger Ailes : Okay, but I just got to keep the door open a little wider. For the future.

  • Roger Ailes : I need you to get the lay of the land as quick as you can and come back and give me a report.

    Brian Lewis : Anyone in particular?

    Roger Ailes : Yeah, Ian Rae. He's Australian, he's worked for Murdoch for a long time. Famously unflappable.

    Brian Lewis : Anyone else?

    Roger Ailes : All of them. It's an old ship, lots of rats.

  • Roger Ailes : Why don't you come and work for Fox? Get off that sinking ship.

    Beth Ailes : I... you know, since you left, I've been really running things. I'm, like... running the transition to MSNBC, I'm in charge.

    Roger Ailes : Well, you know, that's... that's probably only for a few months.

    Beth Ailes : But, you know, it could lead to something else. It's a great opportunity, you know that. And I don't want to be too dependent on you.

    Roger Ailes : Why? You think I'm gonna let you down?

    Beth Ailes : No. No, I just don't want to put too much... pressure on... us.

    Roger Ailes : I'm not asking you to make a choice, Beth. No.

    Beth Ailes : I appreciate that.

    Roger Ailes : I gotta say, though, you know, you working for those assholes who fired me, it makes me feel like I'm losing, and I don't... I don't like that feeling. I don't like to lose.

    Beth Ailes : You're not losing, Roger, and you are definitely not losing me.

  • Roger Ailes : What do you think about you coming to work for Fox News? I need to surround myself with people I can trust, and that is one thing we definitely have; trust.

    Laurie Luhn : I-I don't know what to say, I...

    Roger Ailes : How about you say yes? I remember you told me you wanted to work in television, you wanted to learn from me. Here's the opportunity, knock, knock, knock, on your door. Step through, say thank you, please me, yes.

    Laurie Luhn : My... my life is in D.C... I mean, Scott is there.

    Roger Ailes : Yeah, so stay. You can be my eyes and ears in D.C. We're gonna open a bureau there, anyway. Just take on special events. Do the dog-and-pony shows for the affiliates, the launches, the announcements. Come and go out of New York or anywhere else we need a little bit of sparkle, a little bit of star power.

    Laurie Luhn : Roger, I can't. Not anymore.

    Roger Ailes : Laurie, we're building something very special at Fox. And I want you to be part of it. You've always had that star power in my eyes, you know that.

  • Jack Welch : You're a hell of a producer, and you're one of the best PR guys I've ever met. But you're not a news guy.

    Roger Ailes : Maybe.

    Jack Welch : It's not an insult, Roger.

    Roger Ailes : No.

    Jack Welch : It's a reminder that you have limitless potential. And I mean that. If there's anything I can do to help, don't hesitate to ask.

    Roger Ailes : Well, you know, I am. I am asking, Jack. Uh, you know, I, uh... I can have my guys put together a specific non-compete list. Uh, it can include every existing news outlet on the planet. You know? I... you can vet it, you can sign off on it. You know, I just have to broaden the scope. I need to remain employable, and you have to give me a little more breathing room.

    Jack Welch : I'll do my best.

    Roger Ailes : Ah, that's all I can ask.

  • Beth Ailes : Is Rupert really as brilliant as they say?

    Roger Ailes : Well... he hired me, didn't he?

    Beth Ailes : Yes, he did.

  • Australian Executive : We ran focus groups in all the major markets: Los Angeles, New York, Dallas, Chicago. CNN represent old. They're stuck in the 1980s. MSNBC, lost in a synergistic dreamland.

    Roger Ailes : That's one way of putting it.


    Australian Executive : Fox News will be programmed for the '90s. Fast, loud, edgy. Tabloid TV.

    Ian Rae : It's based on a very similar concept to "A Current Affair", Rupert. And it draws on the strengths of the Post and the Sun.

    Rupert Murdoch : Sounds good to me, gents. Roger?

    Roger Ailes : Hmm. One question. Who is your audience?

    Australian Executive : Everyone. We want to reach the widest audience possible.

    Roger Ailes : Well, I think that's wrong.

    Australian Executive : Excuse me?

    Roger Ailes : We don't need everyone. Your problem is that you're talking broadcast. Cable is different. Cable is about one thing: niche. The loyalty of a passionate few. We need to program directly to the viewer who is predisposed to buying what we're trying to sell. In politics, it's called turning out the base. If we can do that, then they will never change the channel.

    Australian Executive : And what is that niche?

    Roger Ailes : Well, I think it is conservatives. It's roughly half the damn country. Every other news service... you think about it, broadcast, cable, doesn't matter who it is... they have a left-wing bent. Ultimately, they are playing to a liberal elite, and that's fine, fine. We will let them all battle out for that half, and we're just gonna own the other half. Right now in America, 60% of people think that the media is negative, that it's full of lies, full of bias, full of crap. We're just gonna give the people what they want, a positive message, an American message, wrapped up in a conservative viewpoint. That's hearts and minds right there.

  • Sean Hannity : [in old TV footage]  Tax and spend, that-that... that's really all you got. Not surprising for a limp-wristed lefty like yourself, always looking to...

    Roger Ailes : [snickering]  "Limp-wristed lefty" is good.

    Ian Rae : He was painting houses there a year or two ago. There is no way this guy is ready for prime time.

    Roger Ailes : Mute the sound.

    Australian Executive : What?

    Roger Ailes : Mute... the sound.

    [as she does, he watches Sean's body language] 

    Roger Ailes : What do you think, Chet?

    Chet Collier : Yeah. Yeah, he's good.

    Roger Ailes : Okay, bring that guy in and find me more guys like that guy. Real guys.

  • Beth Ailes : So, NBC are going nuts because, you know, I agreed to not work for a list of existing news agencies. Not a non-existent news agency. And they signed off on the list, so there's nothing they can fucking do about it.

    Beth Ailes : So smart.

    Roger Ailes : Mm-hmm.

    Beth Ailes : Jack must be pissed.

    Roger Ailes : Mmm. So pissed. Right?

    Beth Ailes : Serves him right.

    Roger Ailes : Mm-hmm.

    Beth Ailes : He betrayed you.

    Roger Ailes : He betrayed his shareholders.

    Beth Ailes : And what's happening with Fox?

    Roger Ailes : Well... the offer letter came from Murdoch today.

    Beth Ailes : So it's happening.

    Roger Ailes : It's happening.

    Beth Ailes : Roger, that is amazing.

    Roger Ailes : Now let's just hope I don't screw it up.

    Beth Ailes : You won't. You're gonna do great things.

  • Roger Ailes : Can you imagine Jack tomorrow morning at breakfast?

    Beth Ailes : To see his face

    Roger Ailes : [laughing]  Motherfucker's gonna have ulcers.

    Beth Ailes : How could he be so dumb?

    Roger Ailes : What a dick.

  • Reporter 1 : Roger, given your résumé, how can viewers expect Fox News to be nonpartisan?

    Roger Ailes : Don't be shy, Jim.

    [laughter from the room] 

    Roger Ailes : I left politics years ago. I consider myself to be a news guy first and foremost. At Fox, our job is to be objective.

    Reporter 1 : How can you compete with MSNBC, which has the combined resources of Microsoft and GE?

    Roger Ailes : MSNBC. I never liked that title. It sounds like something we should be raising money for.

  • Roger Ailes : [interviewing candidates for news anchors]  Who ordered the pussy masala?

    Ian Rae : She's smart. She worked for the BBC.

    Roger Ailes : Mmm. She won't play in the Midwest, Ian. She just won't play.

    [holding up a manilla folder] 

    Roger Ailes : Are these the ones you didn't choose?

    Ian Rae : Those are a waste of time.

    Roger Ailes : Oh, well, they're ugly, I'll give you that much.

    [holding up a picture of a man with a large handlebar mustache] 

    Roger Ailes : If we're ever gonna fight the First World War again, we're gonna call that guy.

    [going through more headshots] 

    Roger Ailes : You got any video on him?

    Ian Rae : Yep.

    Roger Ailes : Hannity. Says he does talk radio in Atlanta.

    Ian Rae : Yeah. The guy is a bloody shock jock.

  • Rupert Murdoch : Roger, this is in tomorrow's Wall Street Journal: "Disney to Launch ABC News Cable Network, A Fourth Competitor Enters Crowded Market."

    Ian Rae : They launch in December.

    Rupert Murdoch : Yeah, that's eight months from now. We launch in a year, we're dead in the water. You know, there's barely enough room in the market for two news networks, let alone four.

    Roger Ailes : So let's launch in six.

    Ian Rae : [laughing]  What, you want to launch an entire network in six months?

    Roger Ailes : I don't think we have a choice.

    Ian Rae : Launching in a year is... is a heavy lift. Six months is impossible.

    Roger Ailes : No, it's not impossible.

    Ian Rae : Uh, well, would you, uh, care to elaborate?

    Roger Ailes : Well, if we wait an entire year, then we're gonna lose something quite important that Mr. Murdoch is paying me for, and that's influence, so let's not pause to create a business model equivalent to the competition. Let's undercut them. Just get the eyeballs. Now, I don't know what it's like in England or Australia. Newspapers might be enough. Here in America, television news is king. I know television, I know how to produce television. All you gotta do is get me on the air. We can be ready in six months.

    Rupert Murdoch : And, uh, if we're not?

    Roger Ailes : Fire me. No, you know what? Fuck it. I'll quit, and you can donate my salary to the ACLU.

  • Roger Ailes : I don't set my people up for failure. I set 'em up to succeed. You don't like the way I do things, missy, you can go and get yourself a job with the "Clinton News Network".

    Stephanie Rains : [leaving]  Better than working for the American version of "Pravda".

    Roger Ailes : Ho, ho, ho. Jesus Christ. What the fuck is that? What a fucking bitch.

    Ian Rae : She is our lead political reporter.

    Roger Ailes : No, she's fucking not. We only have team players here.

    Ian Rae : We are a news network, Roger. We need seasoned reporters.

    Roger Ailes : What we need is people that people wanna watch, because it's fucking television.

    Ian Rae : Yeah, and when they do, it's our job to inform them. It's what we do.

    Roger Ailes : People don't want to be informed, Ian. They want to *feel* informed.

    Ian Rae : That was a completely inappropriate way to talk to staff.

    Roger Ailes : [banging the table]  I don't give a fucking hairy nun's vagina what you think is appropriate. All right? I'm just trying to make this network the best and most watchable it can be. And that's what everybody in this room - everybody - should be focused on. Now, I'm gonna go and talk to Sean. I'm gonna build up his confidence, I'm gonna ask him to engage his fucking brain before he talks, and I'm gonna leave him with just the one asshole.

  • Roger Ailes : Hey, it's Roger. Yeah, I just left Jack. I think it's gonna work out. Yeah, well, he said he's gonna leave the door open, you know. Huh. He has no idea how hard I'm about to fuck him.

  • Stephanie Rains : Ronald Reagan? That's a name, not an argument.

    Chet Collier : Well, what do you think, Roger?

    Roger Ailes : I'll talk to him. Get me a different liberal.

    Stephanie Rains : That's your fix? We can't control every guest who comes on this show.

    Roger Ailes : Yeah? Watch me.

    Stephanie Rains : What about fair and balanced news?

    Roger Ailes : I am balancing. I will get around to "fair" when Hannity gets better.

    Ian Rae : And what if he doesn't?

    Roger Ailes : Then Bill will write him a script.

    Bill Shine : I can do that.

    Stephanie Rains : What? No, you can't do that. This is a news network, not a sitcom.

  • Beth Ailes : Oh, my gosh, Roger, what happened?

    Roger Ailes : It's just a little cut.

    Beth Ailes : It doesn't look like a little cut.

    Roger Ailes : Ah, you know, hemophiliacs bleed. We're pretty damn good at it.

    Beth Ailes : Is there anything I can do?

    Roger Ailes : Please remind me why you are dating a diseased old man.

    Beth Ailes : Nice try. Where are your pills?

  • Roger Ailes : We're gonna go back to the studio to the pet segment. All right? To the pet segment.

    Young Producer 2 : Uh, Linda, we're coming back to you in three, two, one. Camera two.

    Female Anchor : We're here now with Zsa Zsa...

    Roger Ailes : [leaning over to the producer]  You do see that dog's taking a shit, right?

    Female Anchor : ...award-winning dog...

    [spotting the "package"] 

    Female Anchor : Oh.

    Roger Ailes : You don't think you should change the shot? THE DOG IS SHITTING IN AMERICA'S BOWL OF CHEERIOS! CHANGE THAT FUCKING SHOT!

  • Roger Ailes : Look, let's run it again, and we're gonna try and at least get one thing right this time.

    Chet Collier : [quietly]  O'Reilly lost another producer this morning.

    Roger Ailes : Why?

    Chet Collier : Something about sparkling water.

    Roger Ailes : Oh, fuck off. What the fuck?

    [a news feed goes dark] 

    Roger Ailes : What happened? Check the uplink.

    Young Producer 2 : Uh, which one is uplink three?

    Roger Ailes : Oh, my God. Nobody in this room knows how to do a live shot? Are you seeing this?

    Chet Collier : You said you didn't want fucking news people, Roger.

    Roger Ailes : Yeah, but I didn't say I wanted fucking idiots.

  • Roger Ailes : [after Beth is fired from MSNBC]  What are you gonna do now?

    Beth Ailes : I don't know. I don't know.

    Roger Ailes : You know what? You know what this is about, right? This is NBC saying "Fuck you, Roger. We're gonna fire all your people." I will not forget this. I'm gonna hire you. As a consultant. I got no top-line services. Nobody in the goddamn building knows what anybody else is doing.

    Beth Ailes : Like a shared portal?

    Roger Ailes : Yes.

    Beth Ailes : Breaking news and assignments? I will absolutely handle that for you.

    Roger Ailes : Perfect.

    Beth Ailes : I won't let you down.

  • Roger Ailes : For the last 50 years, the left side of politics in this country have attempted to control the narrative of news. They force-fed America with a big-government, nanny-state agenda, and you know what that creates? That creates opportunity. If we're gonna beat CNN, MSNBC, CNBC... we have to have a bond of loyalty. Loyalty to each other and loyalty to the mission. The mission is to sell to the forgotten American that their voice can and will be heard in our democracy. We'll give them a vision of the world the way it really is and the way they want it to be. You know what happens? We reclaim the real America. We challenge the existing agenda, and we become the loudest voice. And we bring back to this fucking country fairness and balance! Come on! Ain't that worth being yelled at at 4:00 in the morning for?

  • Roger Ailes : I need you to help me with a couple of things. One, stop fucking interrupting me, and two, you gotta stop acting like you have any authority in this room, because you do not!


    Roger Ailes : The only reason you are here is because you and Rupert used to bugger each other in grade school!

    Ian Rae : Fuck you, Roger!

    Roger Ailes : Fuck you, too! Fucking get out of here!

    Ian Rae : Fuck you!

    Roger Ailes : Fuck off! I got work to do!

    Ian Rae : I don't fucking need this.

    Roger Ailes : Anybody else want to paint your rear end white and run with the fucking antelope? Now's your chance!

    [calming down] 

    Roger Ailes : Look... I hired you because I saw something special in you, all right? That I believe in.

  • Brian Lewis : [watching the debut of MSNBC]  Yeah, all this interactivity shit?

    Roger Ailes : Oh, come on, it's all video games.

    Brian Lewis : I don't know, it's pretty cool.

    Roger Ailes : What is going on with you girls? What the fuck? Pull up your panties. Fox News, what we create, is gonna change the game. All right? Okay.

  • Rupert Murdoch : Ah, Rog, we're gonna delay the launch. Disney's pulled out, pressure's off. We're gonna put our foot on the brake, do it right.

    Roger Ailes : No, no, no. You're making a mistake. We have momentum.

    Rupert Murdoch : Don't bullshit me, Roger. It's a bloody fucking mess down there.

    Roger Ailes : We have had a couple of bad rehearsals, Rupert. That's all.

    Rupert Murdoch : I am not gonna be made a laughingstock.

    Roger Ailes : If you delay this launch, I guarantee you will be.

    Rupert Murdoch : I'll take my chances.

    Ian Rae : It's for the best, Rog. It's all happening, uh, too fast.

    Roger Ailes : Okay. Look, obviously, I'm not doing something right here. So I'm gonna step aside, I'm gonna let you two reassess.

    Rupert Murdoch : Well, you can't just walk away. You got a job to do.

    Roger Ailes : Then let me do it. Stop calling me up here for every bump in the fucking road that won't count for shit when all is said and done! We're that close, Rupert. That close. We don't need to delay anything. And I know exactly what we need to do to be ready.

    Rupert Murdoch : And what is that?

    Roger Ailes : Get people in line.

  • Beth Ailes : With the transition, they said there was no place for me anymore.

    Roger Ailes : And they fired you. Hey, come here.

    [hugging her as she cries] 

    Roger Ailes : Come on. It's okay. You know, none of this should have happened.

    Beth Ailes : No.

    Roger Ailes : You made such a dumb choice.

    Beth Ailes : What?

    Roger Ailes : I offered you a way off that sinking ship, remember?

    Beth Ailes : Yes.

    Roger Ailes : Yeah? Well, you should have taken it when I goddamn asked.

    Beth Ailes : And I told you why I couldn't.

    Roger Ailes : Wouldn't. Different.

  • Roger Ailes : All right, let's look at where we are.

    [seeing a female anchor in a pantsuit] 

    Roger Ailes : What's she wearing? What, is the bull-dyke rodeo in town or something? Why is she wearing pants? Why is she wearing pa... I like legs. Anybody else like legs? I like legs.

    [seeing a yellowish Halloween-themed graphic] 

    Roger Ailes : What the fuck is that?

    Young Producer 1 : It's the feed. There's some sort of...

    Roger Ailes : Halloween is orange. It's orange!

  • Sean Hannity : [after a rehearsal run-through]  I'm sorry, Mr. Ailes. That was bad.

    Roger Ailes : Yeah, it was.

    Sean Hannity : I was just... I was nervous.

    Roger Ailes : Yeah. Who wouldn't be? Kiddo... I can spot talent. You've got talent. I'm just here to help you share it. Okay? You've gotta be you. That's what I'm paying for. Loud, opinionated, a little bit obnoxious, tough guy. Now, don't worry about what is right or wrong. I will worry about that. Okay? Take a few moments to relax, then we're gonna run it again. Okay?

    Sean Hannity : Yeah.

    Roger Ailes : And this time, you kick his fucking ass. All right?

  • Rupert Murdoch : Stephanie Rains is our best reporter.

    Roger Ailes : She was way out of line.

    Rupert Murdoch : Getting her over from ABC was not easy or cheap.

    Roger Ailes : She was hysterical. She's questioning me in front of my people. I-I don't stand for that.

    Rupert Murdoch : Well, uh, that's not what I heard.

    Roger Ailes : What else did you hear?

    Rupert Murdoch : I heard she merely presented an alternative point of view and you acted extremely abusively toward her.

    Roger Ailes : That's what she told you? That's no surprise. 'Cause she's fucking nuts.

    Rupert Murdoch : Yeah, well, she's not the only one, Roger. Listen, uh, I'm not gonna tell you how to run your affairs, mate.

    Roger Ailes : Good. Stephanie Rains goes.

    Rupert Murdoch : She's already quit. If you create problems, they're my problems, and I don't have time to deal with problems, so either they stop... or I'll have to make a change. Do you understand me?

  • Late Executive : What kind of sick joke is this? Really, 4:00 a.m.?

    Roger Ailes : Sit down!

    [after a moment of silence] 

    Roger Ailes : Anyone else want to complain about the hours? You know, there's a Foot Locker right across the road. I believe they work in eight-hour shifts. They might be hiring. Now, what I have seen in rehearsals so far, it's just unacceptable. Chet. You keep bringing me these so-called producers who don't seem to know the difference between their own asshole and a hole in the ground. You gotta train 'em up right, okay?

    Chet Collier : Yes, Roger.

    Roger Ailes : Moody. You're giving me scripts that read like "War and fucking Peace". It's television. Shorten them up. Okay?

    John Moody : Yes, Roger.

    Roger Ailes : Bill. Bill Shine. Now, Bill...

    [clearing his throat] 

    Roger Ailes : This is my interpretation of recent events. You can correct me if you believe me to be wrong. But I just rescued your sorry ass from local news. And you're walking around like Mr. Magoo looking for his fucking dick in that control room. And I need you to be Bill fucking Shine and take control, okay?

    [Bill nods] 

    Roger Ailes : Okay?

    Bill Shine : Yes, Roger.

    Roger Ailes : [pointing to the Late Executive]  You're fired.

    Late Executive : Are you serious?

    Roger Ailes : I am. Please get the fuck outta here.

    Ian Rae : Roger. That's enough.

    Roger Ailes : What did you say?

    Ian Rae : That's enough.

    Roger Ailes : No. No, Ian, it's not enough, all right?

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