"Devs" Episode #1.8 (TV Episode 2020) Poster

(TV Mini Series)


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Beautiful, but unsatisfied
jeffbharris16 April 2020
I was really thinking, after last weeks episode, that this might be the best ending ever - I was really anticipating it. And although it was shot beautifully, and the tension remained, the ending left me unsatisfied. I haven't had time now to process a concept of what I was hoping for, but maybe there couldn't have been a satisfying ending. Maybe I'm feeling it ended too soon, because I can think of so many ways it could continue as a series.

But accepting it as it is. I still feel the entire series was a superb story overall, with some great cinematography, i stand by my overall 9/10 for the series. I just was hoping to have my mind blown at the end.
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Big computer
vidalfrancis7 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So they claim that even the most chaotic events, like a river flow or a fire burning, can be calculated. Yet they can't get their sfx right and need to copy / paste flames?

Overall a good show, but with flaws. It's our current society dream that our technology is bigger than it really is. If it was in a distant future it could be more plausible. But for now we still get 95% of our energy from fossil fuels and our societies are being put on their knees by a stupid virus. For the foreseeable future, the most powerful computer, quantum or not, will be nothing more than a toaster compared to the complexity of the ecosystem, or just of our brain.

But I'm a sf lover, the sets are gorgeous, and some good thoughts about quantum theory, so I did enjoy most of it.
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All the way down
jorgen_hansen-116 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The ending is much more satisfying when you realize that it's simulations all the way down (the main story is a simulation within a simulation, ad nauseam, ad infinitum). They allude to it often and explicitly state it in the penultimate episode. That probably has more truth than fiction to it, too.
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Beautiful ending
mikeconnors-3067818 April 2020
I thought it ended beautifully, the atmosphere and setting which was created and as the credits came up I was satisfied with how it closed. There seems to be some mixed opinions on Garlands work this time around, for me personally I love where he took this show.
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S1: Engaging and handsomely made, but is hurt by its overly sombre and self-important tone
bob the moo16 August 2020
I was attracted to this by the names involved, and the praise I had heard others give it, but I didn't know a great deal about it as I went in. It is certainly a very handsome piece of television - a lot of work in the production design and other elements of crafting that give it a very deliberate and 'designed' feel. From the start, I liked this because it felt like a work of quality in all details, but on reflection I think it also worked to add to the concept of things being as they are - ordered, structured, and unchangeable - certainly not chaotic or random.

It extends this delivery across the whole season. It always seems to feel controlled, designed, almost to the point of being a little stiff. In terms of the narrative, it is never stronger than in its opening episode or the run-in to the conclusion but it does enough to remain interesting throughout, even if I wasn't always taken by its tone. It is overly sombre and at times almost feels self-important; as an idea I didn't feel it was ever as clever as it seemed to carry itself - and the conclusion in particular felt a bit obvious and 'easy' compared with the build-up. That said, I was held by it - it was more a reaction to how it seemed to view itself. The performances are hard to judge because they have that same very stiff and unnatural feel that much of the season does; I think this was deliberate, but mostly it means they don't feel like real people within the story.

Overall it is engaging, and I found it interesting in how well designed and handsome it was, but it is not something I would rush to watch again now that I know all its content. It is worth watching, but I suspect I'd not be the only one put off by the sombre and slightly self-important tone it has.
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A Great Start and a Poor End
jwpozy17 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This was still a good episode. However, it makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE that Katie and Forest could talk to each other at the end of the episode, when Forest is part of the simulation (and obviously Katie is not part of the simulation). This episode still had a lot of great moments...
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Get it?
dhlthecobra18 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Deus Ex Machina

Just goosebumps all over my body.

Just genius.
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hazzaboombatty16 April 2020
I found the whole season and this episode utterly enthralling. Loved it. Alex garland is a a bit of a genius.
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Doesn't stick the landing
bobbsontactix8 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Overall I loved the show, beautiful cinematography and soundtrack, fine acting, great premise. Was hoping for the best ending in years...guess not.

The ending is not logical in itself (free will does not change the outcome), major questions (why does one single choice lead to a breakdown in the prediction algorithm? Free will only matters in this one situation?) remain unanswered and the afterlife simulation is literally a "deus ex machina" situation. And how is the algorithm suddenly a programmable virtual reality?

Really fascinating show but the finale does not live up to what the previous 7 episodes have been setting up.
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Someone without a child probably cannot understand the motivation
mateo13016 April 2020
I was really wondering where could it end but I did not expect the outcome. Now I feel that it was determined to have this ending :D For me what was very beautiful that everything which they accomplished they did it for one thing. We can say that this is boring and has been used many times but as I said already you probably cannot understand how strong the bond can be between parent and child. It looks like it is strong enough to even change the world. I loved the whole concept and I agree that it was painfully slow sometimes but in my case it only made the ending more convincing. Probably not a 10 points series but currently I am so amazed that I must give it a 10!
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Love & Hate
daropaz24 April 2020
Garland you made a lovely serie. Ore at least 7 episodes. I wish i stoped watching at ep 7. I gave all the other episodes rateing 9. But i dont know if it's lack of fantasy ore whatnot. But this last episode fracked it all! I hope there NEVER will be a ses 02.
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Predictable and perfect
butch-931-93822017 April 2020
The ending was not a surprise but it was done so well and fits the series perfectly. The filmmaking and acting are excellent. Emmys for Allison Pill and sonoya mizuno. And cinematography. Great show
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privatejm16 April 2020
By 7 I had a feeling this would be tied up with gobbledygook, but my god! what an understatement! I still held a glimmer of hope though! Thought it might bust out a mind-melting ending and set the stage for a groundbreaking series. But no! They nailed that coffin shut! and it's a shame because Devs has strengths mostly: premise, atmosphere / cinematography, Most actors. Unfortunately it masquerades as a "thinkers show", but really just parades around a unique concept, without having anything further developed to say about it. The ending was soo lazy, and it really seems to be a trend in Alex's work; an intriguing concept, beautifully shot, underpinned by conventional plot devices and summed up with gibberish (Annihilation). This was a painfully slow and annoying journey to nowhere. Do better!
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ruirebgamboa17 April 2020
The ideia of watching the reality of 5 minutes from now before it happens is genius.
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Perfect 👌
acharrell26 May 2020
I was getting really worried about the ending around 20 min out. Totally saw it going another direction. Garland totally nailed it though.
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Ambitious to the point of impossibility
greenmangreat6 November 2023
I enjoyed the entire premise of the show and how it tackled complicated subject matter. Determinism vs free will. The several interpretations of quantum mechanics. The nature of consciousness and how it interacts with reality and existence.

Of course, determinism being the central theme of the show made the ending virtually impossible to write. What does it mean to know your future? If you know your future, who's to say you could even change it? And suppose you could "change" you future, wouldn't it be irrelevant if all possible futures are realised in the many worlds interpretation anyway? Also, how does consciousness even work in a many worlds interpretation?

This is the problem faced by the plot, and predictably, the ending just didn't quite stick its landing. By adopting the many worlds interpretation, it essentially means that the ending is one of an infinite number of possible endings, and we as the audience are only presented with one possible version of said endings. "Real" or "simulation"; what is the difference?

Perhaps the ending is apt after all; that it has been trying to reiterate the truth: existence and reality is under no obligation to make sense to any of us.
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Slow but just enough to keep the hook in
herma4885227 January 2024
The Menger Sponge (zero volume, infinite surface area) design for the outer shell of the DEVS apparatus was brilliant. For those not familiar with it there are numerous youtube videos exploring it.

I knew I recognized Ms. Mizuno but it took awhile to place her as the dancing mute android in Ex Machina. As the main protagonist I thought she was excellent. Nick Offerman, Jin Ha and Alison Pill filled out a solid cast.

Using the interpretations of quantum theory to move the plot along keep me very interested including the surprising ending. I think it would be possible to take the concept even further in a sequel but I know that's not going to happen.
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Unbelievably unsatisfying
aarongnr18 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's a short show, so it doesn't hurt as much as with other shows, but this ending was really extraordinarily unsatisfying. Really I feel like it didn't even make any sense.

Firstly, it was very, very predictable that Lily would chose not to do what the simulation predicted her to do, and therefore this when she throws the gun out moment felt really superficial. But if we follow the logic of the show, Forest and Katie both knew that what was shown in the simulation might not actually happen because after the machine was changed to follow Lyndon's principle it would only be able to show A VERSION of the past/future, not THE definitive version. I'm not sure why they completely ignored that entire thing, because in the end that entire subplot with Lyndon didn't really amount to anything and they could've started at a finished many-worlds system and it wouldn't have made much of a difference.

I'm also unsure as to why the prediction ended at the moment of Lily's death, and not when she made her choice or why it even changed at all, because again, following the many-world theory anything that can happen, will happen, so obviously Lily making that choice was just another possibility and the machine shouldn't have any problems predicting oast that point, it made no sense.

Lastly, the possibility of "inserting" a person into the simulation came completely out of left field and wasn't previously hinted at in any way. I can see how this would work if the machine focused on a specific version of the world, but they also made it look like the machine was running a many-worlds simulation, which doesn't really make sense both from a technical point of view as well as story point of view. They go out of their way to tell us that many-worlds exist, so why would they want to be in the simulation? They are aware that within these many worlds there exists a version where they live their happiest lives, so what's the point of "resurrection"?

Overall a very lacklustre finale that leaves more questions open than it answers. The show up until this episode was pretty good, but now I'd give it a solid 7/10 overall.
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Garland resorts to a worn-out resolution
pshemeck16 April 2020
I've loved almost every episode of this series (bar episode 6). By the end of the penultimate episode, I was convinced Devs would cement Garland as an exceptional director. But I was wrong.

The ending makes perfect sense within the frame of the show's story. It could be even argued it's the only logical explanation as to why Everett's theorem had to be employed in the system in the first place. But the non-deterministic part of me that holds Devs dear really wants to reject this notion, because it would mean that throughout its 7-hour runtime, the series was continuously, purposefully heading towards a disaster.

While executed with astonishing style and blood-curling ambience (every other episode alike), the sheer unoriginality of this "solution" is mind-bending. It's Devs deeming itself unworthy of being memorable, talking the viewer into forgetting its existence. It's been a mighty long time since I last saw an ending ruin a film/show in such a spectacular way.
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Huge let-down.
Paul_8524 April 2020
One of the best shows of the last couple years... until this final episode. It felt like a total abdication on the creators' part from actually resolving the world they'd set up. The ending is laughably terrible, and utterly tone deaf. The show's still worth watching overall, but set your expectations low.
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Zedyeti15 July 2020
Yes, Garland makes cool interesting stuff indeed and I do plan on continuing to watch his future work, but this ending wasn't great. The high overall ratings for this show reflect people's appreciation of his work and I believe that if this show/episode was made by someone nobody knew about it would have a much lower rating.
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An awful ending for an awful TV series
Evrnyldrm17 April 2020
Trying too hard to be deep... The dialogs, the pilot, the pace... Oh god... Awful and pretentious. Poor acting and poor directing. The idea is not original or imaginative. The only good it thing about it is that it finally ended
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hcfernandezpa18 April 2020
Once again... an overwrought needlessly existential meditation that succumbs to a lazily bumbled closure... Sloppy and weak conclusion. Right up there with LOST. Completely pointless...
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