La dernière vague (TV Mini Series 2019) Poster

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Watch every episode
nowego23 February 2020
There is no use watching one episode and rubbishing it as at least 3 of the "reviewers" have done.

This show is a bit slow at times and some of the acting isn't perfect and can be a bit tedious, but in the end it is a good story. Maybe it is not up to the standard of Les Revenants, but it is still worth persevering and watching it to the end.

The idea behind the story is not new, humans are stuffing with nature all the time, nature is striking back and there have to be sacrifices.

I like French shows, they are simple straight forward and entertaining, this one is no exception.

If you get it, you will like it, if you don't, sorry but you are better off watching Hollywood bang bangs and writing 1 star reviews.

7/10 for me, and I would probably watch it again.
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Interesting and Hooks you in.
brockleyavenue15 January 2020
Not being French and relying subtitles, I was hooked from the word go and there has to be something in it for me to continue watching. If the acting was that bad then I wouldn't watch it, but there were moments when you forgave a few things and I blame the director for that. The director of any movie/series, is the most important person and if he lets bad acting fly in, then it's his rep that's on the line. The story has good premise, there is a little over acting in some parts, but you let that go, with a roll of the eyes. There are moments where the 'pause is too long' and times you want to strangle the script writer with some of the dialogue, (subtitle translation) but you are drawn in to the story and you forgive these things. The acting was fine, the story good, and leaves you with a sense that there would be another season, or happy with the ending as is. I watch a lot of movies and series, and I can tell you that the ratings of many of these are incredible, and as for this show, I think a 7 is fair. I found it good, and it kept me watching... isn't that what is all about.
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Confusing & irritating
maddymoo8 April 2020
I have no idea what the story is supposed to convey. It's disjointed, overly complicated, the personal dramas of the characters are confusing (there's not enough time in each episode to explore the characters in depth so what's the point of cramming in all the extra distractions?) ... And what wave??? "The Cloud" would be a much better title. I was expecting a serialised reboot of the Peter Weir film. I didn't mind it being in French, I'm just really ticked off that I stuck with it and it gave me no joy for my effort.
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The Last Wave
Tweekums10 August 2020
This French drama is set in the seaside town of Brizan; as its inhabitants prepare for a local surfing event a strange cloud appears offshore. While many people watch from the shore others take to the water and start surfing. Then the cloud descends; when it rises there is no sign of the surfers. A search begins but they can't be found; then several hours later they return, unharmed. They have no recollection of what happened to them but it soon becomes apparent they have changed; one's eyes have changed colour and he can see things he shouldn't be able to; another can heal people and a third can breathe underwater! The cloud still lingers offshore and the population wonders what to do next.

This is a decent enough six part series. There is a good sense of mystery concerning the cause of the strange cloud and the viewer is kept wondering what will happen next. The characters are solid enough although they all seemed somewhat dysfunctional as they constantly argue and fight. One must be able to suspend one's disbelief somewhat as no outsiders, including the authorities, appear to take any interest in the strange occurrences. The effects might not be of the standard one would get in a big budget movie but they are certainly good enough for a TV series.

Overall I wouldn't say this is a must see, we've certainly been treated to better French series in recent years, but it is enjoyable enough and at only six episodes it doesn't outstay its welcome so I'd still recommend checking it out.

These comments are based on watching the series in French with English subtitles.
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Lost in France.
info-996-8285444 August 2020
I am now waiting for the last two instalments, but straight from the first episode, it looked to have a very familiar to feel to it, and I rapidly developed a feeling that this was French TV's answer to the US series, "LOST", with both series being riddled with the inexplicable. Both series even have their own mysterious clouds, though in Lost, it was more like black smoke.

Of course, unlike Lost, this is not set on a desert island, but what looks like the South of France. That tends to make me raise questions, such as why are there no old or fat people to be seen.?

And then there is a plot line that if true, would have the whole town besieged with the world's media. yet there is no media presence at all. The unlikely events that take place, include a lighthouse being moved from offshore to a mile inland. If that can't get a few TV cameras interested, then nothing can, and yet there is no media. Where are the Politicians from Central Government, who you might normally expect to be giving unhelpful interviews?

The whole story lacks the infrastructure that one might expect if such an event ever were to happen.

Reverting back to my comparison with Lost, that was a series that I enjoyed for about the first five seasons, and I looked forward to all the mysterious events being explained. But as it continued, I got to the stage where I lost interest, and can't even be bothered to find out what happened. With that in mind, if the series ends and I have to wait for season two (3? 4? 5? 6? etc), I won't bother. The comparison is that both series are highly implausible and so you want to see the final episode to make sense of it. But I am not that interested that I am going to wait years for an explanation.
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Worth A Watch
IanIndependent16 August 2020
This is by no measure essential viewing. However, it is an easy and quite compelling watch. There's a bit of an different scenario going on but the easy for themselves by not explaining anything and definitely not giving any answers so the narrative just goes along at it's own pace and without the obstacle of having to have any final revelation or resolution.

But, if you are looking for an Eco-warning drama that is not to taxing yet keeps you interested in it's little intricacies then this is for you. The characters are a little wooden and their portrayal not always the most natural but in a series that is not meant to be realistic I don't suppose that matters.

Six episodes, well produced, that will just about keep your interest... dive in
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All wet. And not in a good way.
steven-22228 December 2019
Big waste of time. The initial premise is vaguely interesting, as a strange cloud seems to be doing weird things to people in a small French surfing town. (One person can heal with his hands, one has a speeded up pregnancy, etc.) Is this science fiction or a supernatural story? Neither, really, as it's mostly just a boring soap opera about boring people. Also totally not credible, because if something like this happened in the real world, everyone everywhere would know about it in 48 hours thanks to the Internet, and the town would have been deluged with health department officials, scientists, journalists, kooks, tourists, etc. Instead, the locals are all on their own as they spout pseudo-scientific gibberish and New Age platitudes. Probably inspired by the success of the French TV series The Returned (Les Revenants), but that show was infinitely better--genuinely spooky and mysterious, and never boring, thanks to interesting moral dilemmas and much more interesting actors. This one is just awful.
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vascoemyer10 February 2020
I enjoyed this unexpected gem. At times, the pace of the movie I found a bit slow but overall I must admit the story kept me interested. I thought the acting was fine - maybe at times overacted by some in the cast but hey, as far as TV mini series I've seen far worse. This piece managed to maintain interest, I found the various subplots interesting and unlike other reviewers, I didn't consider the inhabitants of this small coastal town boring at all. Perhaps a bit soap operaish however, I'd recommend this as great light-entertainment viewing.
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Attack of the cloud!
paul2001sw-116 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
In 'The Last Wave' the inhabitants of a seaside resort in the Landes of France are attacked by a mysterious cloud, which variously grants them superpowers, damages their property, gives them cancer and makes them pregnant! Are there no limits to what this cloud can do? It's certainly possible to make a drama about humans oppressed by an inexplicably hostile environment, but we don't see our protagonists in the expected state of disoriented panic. The pregnant woman, for example, seems no more than mildly perplexed to learn of her condition, in spite of the fact that she hasn't had sex and the child in her womb is growing faster than medical science would deem possible. It is notable that we do see the town quarrentined and people wearing facemasks, which may make you think that the story was priescent of our own future fates. Don't be deceived: this is essentially a farcical take on man's often troubled relationship with nature.
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Unexpectedly gripping
theredmare3 August 2020
I had this recorded but looking at the reviews I nearly didn't bother - (I'm French living abroad for the record) A lot of French series have left me cold, particularly The Revenants, a boring piece where every female character seems only fit to break nails or whinge on a manly man's shoulder - and this was compared unfavourably to it.

Anyway I'm glad I gave it a try anyway. It's a paranormal psychological thriller, with an ecological theme I suppose. The characters are maybe a bit clichéd, but they are well developed* and evolve accordingly. Like real French people, with French lives, French concerns and problems. There is excellent suspense throughout - I'm itching to see the last two episodes. It's absolutely nothing to do with a soap like someone said. Another said it's unbelievable the whole of France wouldn't be there gawking, with social media and all, but really, what is there for the media to get excited about?? A funny cloud, such as get 3k lackadaisical likes on Facebook, and ten people missing for a few hours but found again. No, no outsider would see anything bizarre. Yet bizarre it certainly is. There's also nothing wrong with any of the acting. Some people just can't cope with subtitles or anything different. It's the "act like real people" school of series, and they are believable as real people. And the lead actor is excellent.

*through the nature of the plot and what's happening, they all experience extreme changes in their lives and behaviour. This is very well done. But you'll have to watch a bit more than one episode.

Personally I highly recommend. And it's really easy viewing, don't expect boring intense intellectual stuff à la Nouvelle Vague: it's France télévision series made for family evening viewing (bear in mind there is a normal French level of sex and partial nudity: it's important to the plot anyway)

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dminr-770338 August 2020
Drawn out story that's been told many times before. Nothing to keep you enthralled or guessing what's coming next. I watched all six episodes because there was only six episodes. Really not worth watching at all.
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Bad acting!!!
mariebanfield20 December 2019
Bad acting!!! Great story line though. The actors are so so bad.... where did they get them from???
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mainspring-0369624 March 2020
Enjoyable French TV Series. It unfolds slowly. I don't mind subtitles, and a chance to freshen up my French.
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A good idea badly executed
philipfoxe11 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This was probably meant to be a 'climate catastrophe' series but it fails on every level. The episodes appear to be written as required and there is no sense of a coherent overall idea. It's underwritten in terms of script and characterisation. It's very annoying as the first episodes promise much. Some people develop special powers, some don't. Some become sick, some don't. A lighthouse moves inland, but suffers not even a crack. A woman becomes several months pregnant, no reason. A man reveals he was sexually abused by his mother's partner many years ago but allows his kid brother to stay there. Someone has a affair. A kid dies. It's a complete mess. Havexwatched all of series one. Looks like there'll be another. I won't be watching.
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Great show
anggordon1 July 2020
Found this one quite by accident. I really enjoyed the story line, loved the characters and was hooked from the first episode. Watched all 6 in one day. Loved it!!
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In the shallows of French film
enquiry-513981 February 2020
A vehicle mainly for sand, water, beach holidays, beach stuff like jet skis and boats, half-dressed bodies, and sex scenes just because.

In the first episode, did they injure a pigeon just so the actor could pick it up and put it on table? Or did they hunt far and wide for one that was already injured? Or perhaps they trained a pidgeon to act.

Young children are mixed up in this - the opening scene has an older brother jokingly telling his adult party friends to stay away from his little brother aged about 9 or 10. Not funny.
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Truly awful!
robertda-8221710 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
If you thought the French TV version of War of The Worlds was bad just wait till you feast your eyes on this steaming pile of Gallic merde! Or actually don't bother wasting 6 hours of your precious life on what is essentially a low budget and badly acted daytime soap with a daft script, a bit of dodgy sci-fi eco-nonsense and a touch of light sex thrown in to make it appear "grown up".

It appears mother nature has had enough of us and creates a long white cloud to hang over a small seaside town. A group of surfers disappear and then re-appear with "special powers". One has improved eyesight and can see through things, another can heal with his hands. This might have led to some interesting plot developments and cool cgi effects. It doesn't and prefers instead to get bogged down with tedious domestic strife amongst the inhabitants - pure soap. Perhaps the most stupid thing of all is the lighthouse which overnight relocates itself inland. Why? Who knows. Who cares? Certainly not the authorities, who in any sensible script, would have been swarming all over the place. When in the end, the surfers sink to the bottom of the sea in order to disperse the cloud, the cloud disappears and is next seen hanging over somewhere in India. Yes, it really is that bad!
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Builds up so keep watching
woods_tonia3 June 2021
Loved this tv series. I'm very picky now with so much to choose from so a series especially with subtitles ( I'm not French) has to keep me interested. Loved the characters and the story.
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Unoriginal, badly acted and ultimately pointless
alansargeant13 August 2020
I have watched all 6 episodes in the vain hope that it would get better. Unfortunately it doesn't, it starts mediocre and gets worse with each episode. The premise from the first episode was intriguing and so I tolerated the poor acting but it rapidly became a poor cousin of Lost in a soap opera setting. The underwater sequences were clearly filmed in a pool with no attempt to hide it, the cloud appeared to have been cut and pasted from another programme entirely and the plants growing from the crack seemed to be a collection of ferns from a local garden centre scattered randomly in a hole in the ground. Nil points....!
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Really picks up as it continues and good ending.
The-Moonraker17 August 2020
I'm not usually one for watching sub-titled TV or movies, but my interest in surfing and previous visits to the west coast of France got my interest. After a few episodes I found myself hooked on what I thought was a good storyline and some very good acting.

It was interesting to see how a small community cope with such a strange incident, and how this affected normal family life.

The special effects were very good and not over the top and the quality of filming very good too.

It seemed to have a very real feel to it, and not over-dramatic as many US series have.

Overall, would recommend watching, even if you don't like subtitles. I might have even brushed up on my French a little :-)
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No Credibility, Even for Sci-Fi.
crumpytv29 August 2020
French supernatural thriller. It was good at first but then I found there were some continuity issues. The scene at the start of episode 3 was never explained and I had to check that I hadn't missed an episode when the storyline started referencing things we had not seen following the end of episode 2. Why did people not display initial trepidation at the presence of menace? Where were the police and press? Why no helicopters for sea searches? Too many holes in the plot I am afraid. No recaps at the beginning of each episode. Poor acting.
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The Last Wave - let it pass it by you....
joebloggscity17 August 2020
This French season is a bit of a loss I think. What we have is a bit of a suspenseful series with environmental issues. The problem is that it's nothing new, and if you've ever seen M Night Shymalan's "The Happening", don't expect more from this. It's on a par with that, and that's little compliment.

The storyline reminded me of those old British children's film foundation movies. They were cheap and fun, but this film is meant to be a grown up version but the storyline isn't much more advanced. The story starts well and is intriguing, but turns into soap opera levels of quiche, and I think the writers really didn't know how to develop the idea. If anything they made it more ridiculous, and the very ending was dreadful.

The acting is little to write home about, and few on this series will be looking back on it to top their CVs that's for sure.

Give this one a miss. The supposed environmental messages are poorly done, and you'll get little sense from any of this. Don't waste your time.
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How ironic!
NarryBorman26 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Lung infections, face masks, quarantines....but made in 2019?
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Why does Yael keep screaming
wendydavidson26 August 2020
I have not even finished the first episode and the character of Yael with her incessant screaming and hideous acting is very distracting alongside the actress from Witnesses that was so utterly absorbing If we were not forced to be at home I doubt this would be on my list of must see It is difficult to understand how any director would allow scenes being destroyed because they cannot reign in a character awful..perhaps 3 stars are in order
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Excellent slow burner
tonycb23 September 2023
Excellent slow burner sci-fi thriller. A series of family dramas are interupted, then driven by the appearance of the mysterious cloud. The people's reactions are a highly plausible mix of small heroic and ordinary failure. There are twists, and the the drama is heartfelt without melodrama.

What I particularly liked was the lack of preaching. There were undertones of allegory on the environment, but they were left realistically implied. The series grips you and will leave you with that wonderful sense of having watched something you will think about for weeks after it's finished. Hope it doesn't get an American version to spoil it.
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