The Gallows Act II (2019) Poster

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Generic, Bland, Done to Death.
dan_da_man-6028816 October 2019
It's a really slow movie, quite a few jump scares but ones that you'll see coming from a mile away.

Barely cohesive story; the play from the first movie has become an online challenge (yet somehow nobody is noticing that EVERYONE dies from it.) Not impressed by these movies that try to millenial-ise the story by making it social network-based, it does nothing for the story and it's already been done a million times.

Not many deaths, not much explanation or reasoning behind anything, just "reading this kills people." Crappy characters with some SEVERELY first world problems. (Oh no, not enough youtube followers for my family to love me!)

Better off wasting your time other places.
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Blown opportunity
ramsfan-6924829 October 2019
I was at the premier of the first one. Travis and Chris had a brilliant idea and no money. Now, they had some money and blew a wonderful opportunity to take this one to new heights and just didn't. Very slow. Decent jump scares. Better acting, but bad story. Doesn't really keep your attention and nothing you can't see coming.
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Not bad at all, i enjoyed it.
akmalaarif18 December 2019
I thought this movie was a crap! Turns out the plot twist are way more better than the first one!!!
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SJinSeaTac18 October 2019
The original had a moderately effective format that brought in some box office. This movie has the ghost Charlie from the original and that's it. Why couldn't the filmmakers have stuck to the original formula and upped their game? This is like Blair Witch 2. Avoid.
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Technically Fine & Spiritually Generic Horror Entertainment
TwistedContent11 October 2019
Can't say I was expecting much having rated the first part 5/10. This is a sequel we definitely didn't need but it's the sequel we got. I believe that audiences with little horror genre experience and/or audiences between 13 and 20 years old might get some kicks out of this, but I can't help seeing just an unimaginative horror movie here.

First part of this duology was much more of the found-footage kind, it's a genre I often have a soft spot in my heart for. This one, however, uses that style (social media, live video, YouTube) very little and for the most part is a, well, classic type of movie. I can compliment some of the camera & editing work, although a big portion of the results were jumpscares that had little to no effect on me. Aesthetically nice color grading, some cool framing, hangman masks, this and that. Acting performances were okay, nothing that'd impress a lot. Most of the characters were quite the cliches. The story feels extremely familiar, some plot turns made me reminisce about other, older horror movies that did the same or something close to that. Some things doesn't always make sense, some script and/or character moves seem far-fetched. I figured out the twist half an hour into the movie & the climax turned out to be unsurprisingly flat.

"The Gallows Act II" is the kind of horror movie that comes out a few times a year every year, a painfully familiar concept tries to appear original with the filmmakers changing and altering some parts of the whole design. I'm sure that there's effort and work behind this movie, but for a seasoned horror buff this is the kind of movie he'll likely forget after writing the review. My rating: 4/10.
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But the first movie was so bad!!
Neptune16523 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Don't waste ya money, not scary, and kinda lame. I watched it and I laughed. I could say everything that was wrong with it but I'd go on forever. It's a good idea (I guess) but the delivery of the plot and cast was just laughable. it was a waste of time in my opinion the first one was not to good but a lot better compared to this one, no one will remember this movie in a few years. The first film was bad, but at least it tried to be original. I don't even know why I wasted my time. The film is sooooo horrible, avoid it.
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The end wasnt a smart thing
sanper-8717 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What was that ending? Yes lets film a "suicide" for youtube and put our faces in the video ...
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Decent horror movie
plelectrik28 November 2019
Average is the word that describe this movie

Nothing new, classic horror movie with few jumps scare. All the story can be easily guessed even if there is a little twist but it kept me interest. I did not expected anything from it so I was satisfied.
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Disappointing Ending
lizhalexander18 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Whenever there is a clean-cut, cute, awesome guy in these things, you know he will end up being:

  • Killed.

  • The Killer (or one of)

It's never NOT either of those two. It's getting tiresome.

As an internet challenge, this seems like the stupidest idea. Videotaping yourself and your friends purposefully murdering someone for a "challenge"? Yep, good luck avoiding the police morons. -_-;;;

I didn't understand much about the girl's plight. She wanted to be an actress, but her family disapproved because...........why? But were fine with her sister being a fashion designer, which is at least as much work and chance of "making it"...? It didn't make a lot of sense.

They also didn't explain why she was moving in with her sister. To go to the drama high school? Was that all? What about the visions she kept having that had nothing to do with the folks doing "the challenge"? Are we to assume Charlie was just messing with her?

...Charlie. Dude. Give it a rest. You're creating more ghosts who will come after you in the nether realm. Sheesh.

I've honestly never understood this in horror. "The ghost wants revenge by MURDERING the people he doesn't like!" So.........he'll have to deal with them in the spirit realm instead..? How is this a solution? Most living murderers do so to get RID of someone they DON'T want to deal with....not keep them around!

Anyroad, it was pretty good for what it was, but I would have liked it better if it turned out the girl's family was protecting her from her own schizophrenia or some such. THAT would make sense why they wouldn't want her in drama. THAT would tie things up neatly, explain the visions....and not be nearly as stupid as a "challenge".

I get it; it's a commentary on the stupidity of meme culture, yadda yadda...but how hamfisted can you get? Sheesh. Terrible. Just terrible.

The acting was pretty good, though, and up until the end, I enjoyed the story! I just wish it could have been a bit more dynamic, and leaned into the family issues a bit more instead of being just "Hey spooky stuff! OOoooOOOoOoOOoOoo!"

Just so tired of that.
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Understated Horror Film
herbrarnold12 July 2020
The Gallows Act 2 is definitely an unstated horror film that isn't marketed well with its tired found footage trailer. In reality, its executed quite well as the found footage vibe of the 1st film transitions to a new story shot in the usual film manner, which was great. Anna, the main character, get caught up in the mystique of the old theater play The Gallows and the ghostly happenings that go with it. The film is eerie throughout with good performances and an unexpected ending. I actually thought it was a vast improvement on the original. Everything created by Blumhouse is awesome!
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Better Then The First One
FuriousFudanshi22 August 2020
While I don't think this is the best film of all time, I do think it is way better then the first one. I think that the best part of this movie is the acting. The main actress was hands down the best part and I enjoyed even the parts in between the scares.
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Bad until the ending and then terrible
jigae10 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie wasn't great but was fairly watchable until the last fifteen or twenty minutes when it went mostly off the rales. The last five minutes though were mind-blowingly nonsensical. Was there a Charlie cult? Was this an internet stunt by truly loathsome people. And finally: WHAT WAS THE DEAL WITH THE NEVERENDING STORY-esque VIDEO THE LEAD WAS OBSESSED WITH?

Avoid, avoid, avoid.
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Why? Just why?
Here we go again.. Take what could have been a effective found footage sequel and make it normal. I really will never understand the logic behind it. Take a film that's known for its effectiveness in found footage format and make a sequel that completely ignores that fact.

I was excited for this film. I saw the original in the theater the day it came out and I own it. This however I will not be adding to my collection. It's dull and not scary in the least. The jump scares aren't effective in my opinion. I didn't jump once and I was hoping to like I did with the first film.

The acting was one of the few redeeming qualities that It has and I give the actors two thumbs up. It wasn't an ugly or a cheap looking film. But as a sequel to the gallows this fails hard for me.

I was so excited when I saw this was coming out. And quite upset I wasn't able to see it in the theater like I did the first. And now that I've watched it I know why. Even tho the theater setting would've improved the quality of the scares very slightly I get why it didn't get a wide release. It's simply not effective.

Younger horror fans may enjoy this more than anybody else I think. It's just not scary or entertaining enough to enlighten an older audience in my option. If there is a gallows Act III I won't be excited for it like I was this one. I hoped for a sequel and I guess I got one...
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This movie makes time stand still
Kelly-13018 April 2020
Basically a young lady desperate for online "fame" gets it by performing a viral challenge and things go downhill from there. You'll want to kill yourself just to make it end. And how can every light be on in a house yet still be so dark?
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gabby-123424 October 2021
Congratulations, this one was the worst movie I ever saw in my live. Really ! It deserve an Award for the worst movie ever made.

A bunch of guys in their 30's playing teenagers.

The movie started really bad at the end it seems to be in the begging! Very predictable!

The main character was about a bad actress, but in real live she is also a bad actress!

Lame , don't waste your time. The rate should be a minus 10 !
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Spoiler I wanted to like it.
julioevaldez4 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So I saw the first Gallows and I liked it that I even saw it twice. When I saw this in the DVD Redbox I felt compelled to rent and see what happens in the second part. However, I should have left it there LOL. The actors are really not good actors they are definitely first-time actors and there are a lot of loose ends in this movie. For instance, when Auna is doing her Charlie challenge YouTube videos who's moving the table and who is throwing the Vase across her bedroom? Is it Cada playing jokes on her or is it really the spirit of Charlie? At the end we realize the Cada betrayed her and so did everyone else in the movie. The Charlie cult is in full force, so do they have to lure an innocent person to hang themselves in order to keep Charlie content? I don't know why it is rated R there is nothing rated R about this movie. Jason Blum is definitely just producing Riff Raff in order to make some money and not quality movies as he used to. I will create my own scary movie production and create quality scary movies like in the 80s and 90s. Watch out! 😁
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Don't waste your time, here's the run down.
fluidanima28 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's terrible. Simply terrible.

The premise is sound, and it should be, it's over 100 years old, borrowing heavily from Robert W. Chambers 'The King in Yellow', wherein a Stage Play by the given name drives readers mad and sometimes has supernatural and dire consequences.

The Gallows Act II toys with the idea, using it to craft a relatively generic ghost story, where the readers of the so-named play are haunted and eventually killed by the ghost of Charlie, the specter of the play's author.

However, as one reaches the twist at the climax, the film unmakes itself. It turns out to be a conspiracy involving many of the victims of Charlie's curse, who have been perpetrating a ruse to convince our main character to take her own life. Of course, I suppose the audience is supposed to forget the telekinetic strangulations, the phantoms appearing and disappearing, and other supernatural phenomenon, as well as dismissing the capacity of the police to arrest the crew, who addresses the final hidden camera with faces uncovered, at the end of a young girl being hanged. It's a bafflingly stupid decision.
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Decent Sequel (Minor Spoilers in Review)
99brendanallen22 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
After a below-average first movie, The Gallows Act II took a different approach from the first movie. What started out as "found footage" within the first two minutes of the movie, it turned into a theatrical experience which I liked. Unfortunately, the movie did start out slow as it didn't get into the "plot" until 15-20 minutes into the movie, which they showed the clip from the beginning of the movie but in Auna's (the main actress's perspective). From here on out, it started to pick up a little bit. The old classic jumpscares, predictable things, etc. However, at the same time, the main actress starts to go crazy as this "Charlie Game" is not what she thinks it is. Now, the last 15-20 minutes of the movie, were honestly the best. To avoid spoilers, I won't mention anything, but it was honestly the best part of the movie.

Honestly, other than the suspense aspect of the movie, it was definitely better than the first one, except for the slow movie for the first 15-20 minutes, the old classic jumpscares and predictable things. Overall, it was a decent movie.
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better then first one
saqibcreate-196-12376112 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It was ok movie, Twist at the end of movie was predictable with bunch of editors and playing girls. this is little good as compared to first one there are better jump scenes and good sound effect used. However acting was not good at all.
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Unexpected Ending
ashleytite7 December 2019
I almost always know how movies are going to end long before the ending. Now in all fairness I was doing other things while I was watching this movie but I didn't see the end coming. Anytime that happens that movie deserves a real 10 from me. (Not the kind of 10 to make sure you are swaying your suggestions right. I'm not the only one that does that right? LOL) However, there is something about the lead actress I am not a fan of though I just can't quite put my finger on it.
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So did not see that plot twist coming
greenederrick24 October 2019
It was an average film Not to Scary some cheesy lines but I gotta admit the plot was so so but what kept me intrested in the film was Ema Horvath her performens was so good and her acting was on point she did an outstanding job
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Terrible act of actors in Gallows Act 2. Just avoid!
vmy2009-962-1841022 December 2019
This film is terrible. First one was still better but this one right from the introduction of the lead actors it was so annoying to see them on screen. Terrible acting by almost all of the actors. Lead actors are the most annoying part in this film which made to it more difficult to keep watching them till the very end. I had to give away watching this crap till end. Very few times I was bored to watch a horror film till end and Gallows 2 was one of them. Just few jumpscares and that's it. Could have been better but I give 2/10 only for the concept of Gallows and nothing else.
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It hurts to watch this... I'm serious, you will actually feel physical pain.
aloysius_predato15 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I can't decide if these 'Gallows' movies written by 7th graders or lonely, middle-aged housewives. This one is better than the first, pretty much only because of the poster actually makes you kinda wanna watch the movie.

It was utterly hilarious when the struggling actress that is portraying an even worse struggling actress gave a dramatic reading that sucked, but, within the realm of the story, was captivating.

Just don't watch either of these. They're a couple of run-of-the-mill Blumhouse turds.
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Boring, confusing, and just overall played out
psychicjay-7340525 October 2019
It's was so boring that I played on social media the entire time. The plot was confusing and just an overall forgettable film.
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Very disappointed.
jaydasites28 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm very disappointed that they killed the dog off. What did the dog do to Charlie!? Very disappointed/upset.
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