"Criminal Minds" Killer App (TV Episode 2017) Poster

(TV Series)


Paget Brewster: Emily Prentiss



  • Emily Prentiss : [closing quotation]  "The murderer survives the victim only to learn that it was himself that he longed to be rid of." - Thornton Wilder.

  • Dr. Spencer Reid : Guys, look, there's a trajectory directly from the broken window to the closest victim.

    Emily Prentiss : That spot was Aiden Ferguson's. Most of the shots were to his head and neck coming from a high angle.

    Dr. Spencer Reid : These bullets were coming from impossibly high trajectories. The unsub would have to had to have been crouched on the ceiling to take some of those shots.

    Agent Terry Richardson : That doesn't make sense.

    Dr. Spencer Reid : It does if there wasn't a gunman, which would also explain why the security guard never returned fire at the first scene.

    Agent Terry Richardson : Well, somebody shot all these people.

    Dr. Spencer Reid : No, not somebody, something. I think the shooter's a drone.

  • Luke Alvez : A lot of people think they saw a lot of things, not all of it accurate.

    Emily Prentiss : Eyewitnesses are notoriously unreliable, especially in a situation like this.

    Luke Alvez : Yeah, a very violent, chaotic scene.

    Emily Prentiss : Anxiety spikes, makes it difficult for people to observe and recreate events.

    Luke Alvez : Well, one thing everybody seems to agree on is that Abdella was killed first, and then there was a pause, followed by two bursts of gunfire that lasted a few seconds each. You know, the unsub must have used an automatic weapon. There's no need to reload.

    Emily Prentiss : Okay, so Devlin and the security guard, Bell, must have been killed in rapid succession. The bodies are several yards away from one another. Now, Devlin was hit with fourteen rounds, Bell with seventeen. The overkill could mean that the motive was personal.

    Luke Alvez : Well, even with that many rounds fired, there were only a handful of strays.

    Emily Prentiss : Right. And given the distance between the victims, either our unsub is one hell of a marksman or there were two shooters. Multiple shooters are rare, I know.

    Luke Alvez : But it does fit our crime scene. We can't rule it out.

    Emily Prentiss : Two gunmen would increase the level of planning and premeditation.

  • David Rossi : What are we getting from the scene, other than a bunch of unreliable witness statements?

    Emily Prentiss : The physical evidence is pretty straightforward. Multiple rounds went into each of the three victims, with very little indiscriminate spray of gunfire.

    Matt Simmons : If the unsub wanted to go out in a blaze of glory, he would have stayed on the scene and taken out as many people as possible in that building.

    Luke Alvez : One shooter or two shooters, it's looking more and more like at least two of the victims were targeted.

    Emily Prentiss : It could be personal. We're gonna have to deep-dive into the victimology to see how these three people overlap.

    Matt Simmons : And who they might have pissed off.

    Jennifer Jareau : Regardless of whether there's one or two unsubs, if there's a kill list, could be more names on it.

  • Emily Prentiss : I need your help with classified military information.

    Agent Terry Richardson : Intel like that is beyond my capability.

    Emily Prentiss : You're Homeland Security. You have military connections. I need the name of the civilian drone operator on the team. He's our unsub.

    Agent Terry Richardson : The military doesn't have his name.

    Emily Prentiss : So who has it?

    Agent Terry Richardson : Only the people that hired him.

    Emily Prentiss : Peakstone.

    Agent Terry Richardson : Yes. But the employment records are confidential. They're not even subject to subpoena.

    Emily Prentiss : This unsub has murdered seven people and is holding a hostage. You can help us save her life.

    Agent Terry Richardson : There's nothing I can do.

    Emily Prentiss : You know someone at Peakstone. I am asking you to reach out.

    Agent Terry Richardson : It doesn't matter. Peakstone won't release the name.

    Emily Prentiss : Then give me the name of your contact and I will try. I will take all the blowback. Please, I have to try. A woman's life depends on it. Look, you and me, we deal with bureaucratic red tape because we have to. But what we really do is save lives. Help me save her life.

  • Luke Alvez : I heard you were looking for me.

    Emily Prentiss : Yeah. Come on in, have a seat.

    Luke Alvez : Uh-oh. Am, uh... am I in trouble?

    Emily Prentiss : Well, we do have to talk about one of your FD-302s, your report about what happened on the roof with Scratch.

    Luke Alvez : Yeah, I was a... a little light on the details.

    Emily Prentiss : Here's the thing. The brass is gonna want a blow-by-blow. Scratch was a notorious enemy of the BAU. I just want to dot our I's and cross our T's.

  • Agent Terry Richardson : We've been getting statements from anyone who was anywhere inside the building at the time of the shootings. Glad to have your help with that.

    Emily Prentiss : Of course. Forming any theories?

    Agent Terry Richardson : Well, we're all over the map, because a lot of things don't seem to be adding up. That's why we need help from the BAU.

    Emily Prentiss : What's not adding up?

    Agent Terry Richardson : Different things. For instance, I took a statement from the receptionist. She said the security guard, Douglas Bell, came into the area. She saw his weapon drawn.

    Emily Prentiss : Makes sense. He was responding to shots fired.

    Agent Terry Richardson : The guy did two tours in Afghanistan and he was shot multiple times, mid range, in the head and torso.

    Emily Prentiss : How many shots did Bell fire?

    Agent Terry Richardson : None. His firearm was in his hand when we found the body, but it hadn't been fired.

    Emily Prentiss : He might have recognized the gunman. That could have made him hesitate. He was trained to return fire. You're right. It doesn't add up.

  • Mr. X : I don't often have the pleasure of hosting domestic law enforcement, given that our bailiwick is national security.

    Emily Prentiss : I only need one thing. The name of the drone pilot on the team that Tori Hoffstadt put together in 2016.

    Mr. X : That information is confidential.

    Emily Prentiss : I understand you administer pysch evaluations to your recruits.

    Mr. X : That's true.

    Emily Prentiss : The recruit I'm asking about would have tested as immature and unstable, with aggressive tendencies.

    Mr. X : We wouldn't employ such a person.

    Emily Prentiss : But if you did, that would make you liable for his actions.

    Mr. X : Let me be clear. We do not employ unstable individuals. However, even if we did, there's no liability that would attach to us. It's guaranteed by the government.

    Emily Prentiss : Have you ever pressed that guarantee when you've employed a serial killer?

  • Mr. X : If the pilot you're looking for became unstable, it most likely happened after he left Peakstone.

    Emily Prentiss : Why would that happen?

    Mr. X : Sometimes, like discharged military personnel, they have difficulty processing their experiences.

    Emily Prentiss : Why?

    Mr. X : A variety of reasons, I suppose. Some of them have trouble with the letter.

    Emily Prentiss : What letter?

    Mr. X : The one they get thanking them for their service and providing them with statisitical information on their missions.

    Emily Prentiss : Statistical information? You mean body counts?

    Mr. X : Yes. Among other things.

    Emily Prentiss : Why would you give them that letter?

    Mr. X : It's protocol, designed to protect them.

    Emily Prentiss : From what?

    Mr. X : False information. Many of their missions are reported on in the media. We want them to have accurate statistics, and we don't want them blindsided by any information.

    Emily Prentiss : That kind of letter, in my line of work, we call that a trigger.

    Mr. X : You make it sound so sinister. It's not that at all. They're aware from the beginning that they'll be given those statistics at the end of their service. Those who can't handle it don't open them.

    Emily Prentiss : Not everyone has the self-awareness to make that decision. Now, if you add that trigger to an unstable individual, you get...

    Mr. X : You get what, Agent Prentiss? A serial killer? I highly doubt that you could prove that.

  • Luke Alvez : Looks like your contact at Peakstone's being charged with conspiracy and murder. And Tori flipped. She cut a deal.

    Emily Prentiss : Surprise, surprise.

    Luke Alvez : Yeah. She got five years on a plea in exchange for her testimony. And, uh... and the government cut all contracts with Peakstone.

    Emily Prentiss : All in a day's work. Feels good.

  • Emily Prentiss : Just got a call from Homeland Security.

    Jennifer Jareau : Hey, what's going on?

    Penelope Garcia : Mayhem. There's an ongoing situation in Silicon Valley.

    Emily Prentiss : What we know for sure is there's a workplace shooting in the office compound of a video gaming company called Ori-Gamey.

    Luke Alvez : Yeah, they're... they're cutting-edge. They do a lot of virtual reality. I have a few of their flight simulator games.

    Jennifer Jareau : We're on the case?

    Emily Prentiss : Homeland Security asked for our help on the ground.

    Dr. Tara Lewis : What have we got?

    Penelope Garcia : That.

    Dr. Spencer Reid : Office shooting in California.

    Matt Simmons : Are they thinking terrorism?

    Penelope Garcia : They're thinking they don't know.

    Dr. Tara Lewis : Well, that's a high-profile tech target. We can't rule out a coordinated attack or a lone wolf.

    Emily Prentiss : The situation's still unfolding, so everything's still on the table.

    David Rossi : Do they know how many shooters they're dealing with?

    Emily Prentiss : Eyewitness accounts indicate a suspect was seen fleeing the building.

    Jennifer Jareau : Do we have a description?

    Emily Prentiss : No, not yet. No ID and no one in custody.

    David Rossi : Well, the sooner we get out there, the better.

    Emily Prentiss : We'll brief more on the jet. Wheels up in ten.

  • Emily Prentiss : The scene has been secured and there's no active shooter on site.

    Luke Alvez : Is there any security camera footage?

    Penelope Garcia : That was jammed. No footage. Initial reports say that there are three people dead. A security guard, Douglas Bell, and two other employees, Zach Devlin and Rafi Abdella.

    Dr. Tara Lewis : If this is terrorism, someone should be claiming responsibility.

    Penelope Garcia : So far there's radio silence on that, but it could take a while, especially if it's the work of a lone wolf, right?

    David Rossi : Three victims, three different races.

    Matt Simmons : Rafi Abdella was an Indian national, Muslim. He was working in the U.S. on an H1B visa.

    Dr. Tara Lewis : He also had a green card and was considering applying for citizenship.

    Dr. Spencer Reid : Well, that could have fueled xenohobic resentment on the part of the unsub. If Abdella was targeted, we could be looking at a hate crime.

    Jennifer Jareau : What are we hearing from the scene? Is the body count holding steady?

    Penelope Garcia : That is a bit of good news. There were eighty people in the building. There's no other reports of casualties. There were a few minor injuries when they were getting evacuated, but that's it.

    Luke Alvez : Sounds like an unsub with an agenda other than a high body count.

  • Penelope Garcia : And the crime scene photos just came in. I'm sending them. Brace yourselves. Each victim was hit with between ten and twenty round each.

    Matt Simmons : Given all these bullets, it's amazing that not more people were hit.

    Emily Prentiss : Garcia, we're going to need a complete list of this company's employees.

    Penelope Garcia : Yeah, I... I anticipated that. I've already been compiling. You'll have it when you land.

  • Dr. Spencer Reid : Garcia, other than the broken window, were there any other signs of a forced entry in the initial reports?

    Penelope Garcia : No, that's it.

    Dr. Spencer Reid : So they were all killed at their work stations, but it doesn't appear as though any of them reacted to the intrusion.

    Penelope Garcia : They may not have. They were all wearing noise-canceling headphones. According to first responders, music was still playing on them when they got there.

    Emily Prentiss : Okay, well, it's not like the unsub walked right through the front door, and that window's about, what, fifteen feet up off the ground? How did he get up there?

    Jennifer Jareau : Yeah, and the longer it took to break in, the greater the likelihood that one of the victims would see everything and would alert the others.

  • Emily Prentiss : We believe we're dealing with a lone unsub who's using a drone to kill multiple targets in each location.

    Jennifer Jareau : We're looking for a white male, probably mid to late twenties an extremely tech-astute.

    David Rossi : This unsub does not appear to be motivated by religious extremism or racial hatred. It's likely he's motivated by a personal vendetta.

    Dr. Tara Lewis : And the drone being used is not your run-of-the-mill hobbyist drone. It's custom-built to be a fully automatic remote weapon.

    Luke Alvez : We've obtained security camera footage of the device, and it shares features with certain military drones, although this one is much smaller.

    Emily Prentiss : As a result, we believe this unsub may be ex-military or military trained.

    Dr. Tara Lewis : Most importantly, this unsub seems to have a kill list.

    Dr. Spencer Reid : Rather than indiscriminately shooting as many people as possible at the first location, he specifically targeted his victims.

    Matt Simmons : At this point, he's murdered seven individuals, all of them employed in the tech industry.

    Jennifer Jareau : Aside from the shared industry of employment, we have not yet identified the specific connection between these seven victims.

    David Rossi : The connection between them will be the key to identifying the unsub.

    Dr. Spencer Reid : And until we make that connection, the unsub will continue to work his way down that list, perhaps targeting more tech companies.

  • Emily Prentiss : [phone rings]  Garcia, what have you got?

    Penelope Garcia : A name: Hugh Fitzgerald. You can thank me later, I accept kisses and cocktails

See also

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